November 25, 2004

Charlize Theron As Aeon Flux Pictures

Flux.jpgAs my old friend Curt used to say, "Giddy Up". I stand before you as a film pundit who really doesn't know all that much about Aeon Flux, the background story, the history of the character and how it came about to hitting the big screen. Off the top of my head I don't know the release date, and I can't recite from memory without looking it up the name of the director and some of the supporting cast. However, I CAN say beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am most definitely looking forward to seeing this clevag... ummm... motion picture. Hell, I'll give it the Oscar right now. As long as I get to present to Ms. Theron.

Posted by John Campea at November 25, 2004 09:49 PM


John, Jennifer Garner just called, she said something about it being over and she wants the video camera back...with the videos.

Posted by: Rich at November 26, 2004 03:59 AM

What a miscast actress!
The very fabric of the Aeon Flux cartoons was the very thin and tall yet shapelyness of the lead female character.
Furthermore,it was this extreme slenderness that lent itself to the twirling,jumping and leaping that the Aeon Flux heroin used to escape her pursuers.
Well,Charlize Theron is a VERY beautiful actress and very capable in the movies she has been in,I doubt her physiology will let her accurately tell the story.
Hate to say it but imagine one of the Hilton sisters with about thirty more pounds of muscles on their bodies and black hair and that's what the lead character should have looked like.
Obviously,THEY cannot act.
The entire Aeon Flux cartoon series features thin and tall characters that are primarily inside and that suffer in drab interior areas.
It will be interesting to see if Miss Theron has what it takes to flesh out some life into this character as well as Angela Joula(I know it's misspelled) did with Tomb Raider.

Posted by: Phillip at November 26, 2004 06:04 PM

whats up with this photo? whats up with all those clothes? i dont remeber the character wearing any clothes!! whats up with that? is this movie aeon flux or aeon flux the clothed movie? who is gonna see it if shes gonna wear clothes?? she cant do aeon flux leaping splits and stuff with clothes on!!
i like charlize as an actor alot,... well, ok.- couldn't care less if she can act. but she's 140 pounds too heavy for this role.

Posted by: skeletor at November 26, 2004 06:27 PM

Guys, I understand your concern but I must point something out which reality has made apparent to me. Absolutely nobody's physiology would lend themselves to a cartoon character so wildly out of proportion that her waist is two sizes smaller than her neck. The entire cast was tall and thin for a very good reason. It's called stylized art. The only thing an actress the size of a Hilton could accomplish in a role like this is the ability to vomit on cue.

Posted by: Mantiss at November 27, 2004 12:56 PM

As the only non-salivating female posting so far, I'd like to steer away from Ms. Theron's assets and point out some other issues from the picture.

1. What's up with the field? Aeon Flux (if I can think back to those late-nights when I turned on MTV with nothing else to do) takes place in a post-apocalyptic world and I don't remember there being much fields. Just run-down buildings.

2. Her hair is hideous.

3. The outfit looks like something I put together during my "let's sew!" phase.

Already I'm worried for this movie. I see Catwoman. Halle Berry-Oscar win-Catwoman. It's a pattern. Learn from Halle, Charlize.

Posted by: nikki at November 29, 2004 03:32 AM

I really like aeon, is increible...

Posted by: Eliz at December 3, 2004 06:16 PM

I can't look at that picture and see Aeon anywhere. the fabric looks like a washed out black cotton(I know that may be nitpicking, but a costume can help make or break a character). also-despite being female and not caring nearly as much as the male population-it does appear shes wearing too much and her body style just isnt right for this role. There are plenty of accomplished actresses out there that are skinnier and more lanky. Plus Charlize is a bit too pretty and doesnt look like a fighter of any sort
Im worried about this movie as well

Posted by: Kayla at December 5, 2004 12:10 AM

A) She's simply beautiful;
B) Her hair looks great:
C) The director of this movie is cool. She comes from indipendent cinemas, and she dirctd a very good movie called Girlfight that was about female boxers. The movie won an Award at the Sundance film festival, and it has an almost documentary-like style that it's simply great;
D) Charlize is a great actress with great range and she's very dedicated;
E) If they would have copied the anime's costume, the movie would have gotten an R-rating only for that; for the rest it would have got a NC-17:
F) Charlize is a former ballet dancer who's phisically perfect to take on such a role;
G) Go to It's an interview about the movie with both Charlize and Karyn Kusama. It shds some light on the movie. It seems they're going for a more plot and character-driven film that deals with serious topics, rather than a mindless action flick.
Oh, and they will be doing the scene in which Aeon/Charlize catches a fly with her eye-lashes.

G) I love Charlize, and this movie sounds and look amazing.
H) I've finished. Bye.

Posted by: vince at December 6, 2004 10:47 PM

I love Charlize, but she isn't Aeon Flux. Now, the gal who was in Kalifornia and played Ensign Ro on Star Trek: THe Next Generation, she could have been Aeon Flux. Her current age could even factor in since Aeon looked pretty haggard.

Posted by: scott at December 8, 2004 07:29 PM

I have this theory that all the characters in the Aeon Flux cartoons are between nine and twelve feet tall, seeing as this is the far flung future and we've all evolved, but since everyone is super tall we don't realise it because we have no frame of reference. I don't think any living actress would have wound up filling AF's S&M; outfit, I would much rather have watched a big budget manga version like Ghost In The Shell or Akira - Charlize's outfit is all wrong - but apart from that (And let's face it, it's a purist's point and shouldn't detract from the eventual product) let's give her a chance and see what the movie's about. I have my doubts - but I'm still going to watch it.

Posted by: George at December 9, 2004 02:15 AM

As the owner of one of the larger Aeon Flux fansites, I godda say I'm REALLY worried about the film but I'm basing all my concerns on one picture which I think you'd all agree doesn't do Aeon Flux or Charlize any justice at all.

Sure, Charlize Theron is a beutiful and very talented big star and even if she looks nothing like Peter Chungs vision, I'm sure she'll be great.

But, as one of the other posters pointed out, what's with the feild! Bregna and Monica look nothing like that, and lets face it - if it were, the field would be stained with the blood of a few thousand soldiers.

Nevertheless, getting a 'fringe play' like Aeon Flux onto the big screen is a major achievement and I for one, dispite my reservations, can't wait to see it.

Posted by: SadGeezer at December 15, 2004 02:15 PM

Don't worry about these first photos, the film just started production. Everything will change, its due out in July, but im sure it will get pushed back further. And lets pray and trust in computer animation to fix the terrible outfit, and build some amazing sci-fi looking sets

Posted by: Teg at December 15, 2004 05:36 PM

very depressing (for all the reasons outlined above + then sum). seriously.

Posted by: jonCates at December 18, 2004 08:43 PM

This is typical for Hollywood nowadays. Its a bunch of producers looking to make money from something they have no idea about. Kind of like when you were a kid and you wanted a certain pair of Nikes for example, and your parents skimped and got you the 'other' brand the 'kind of' looked like the Nikes. To them it does'nt matter, to you it just sucks!!!! So in saving money and being 'more practical', the producers in this film have taken liberties with the main things we love about Aeon Flux and watered them down. They NEVER understand that an established design aesthetic on a successful show CANNOT be changed. And, Therons Oscar is'nt going to help her on this show, no-one cares that she is in it, they just want AEON FLUX!!!!!!

Posted by: sprog at December 20, 2004 07:39 PM

They've slaughtered it! The beautiful concept that was Aeon Flux. I am trying not to jump to conclusions, I WANT to give the movie a chance! But, c'on! This is the miscast of the millenium!

Sure, as stated before, no one person could look like the Aeon we know and love... But there were definitively better choices than Theron! A few names come to mind: Lara Flynn Boyle, Angelina Jolie (who would have filled in the catsuit, MUCH, MUCH better. Sure, she is curvy, but as shown in her performance in Gina, she can also manage a futuristic famished look if she wants), Cate Blanchett, Gwyneth Paltrow! Gyneth has not only the body but also a much more Aeon-esque face than theron, and finally Milla Jojovich! I must say that, to me, it seems they've only taken the name of Aeon Flux, but the movie looks like its going to be a bastardized Tombraider/ResidentEvil/Catwoman debacle. I hope time proves me wrong. I really do.
But I doubt it.

Posted by: Chibicat at December 22, 2004 08:32 AM

For years I've been looking forward to a movie about Aeon Flux. But I have to say, that I strongly believe, that this is going to be the next in a series of bad comic/video game based movies: i.e. Laura Croft. Which are usually made by those who have no actual concept or appreciation for the actual stories. I'll keep my fingers crossed, although this one is made by the people that brought us great hits like The Hulk, Armageddon, Underworld, The Tuxedo, and Crazy/Beautiful. Eeeh. Again, I'll keep my figers crossed, but I won't hold my breath.

Okay so the director did a good job on Girlfight but to have her direct Aeon Flux? I wish her the best of luck. I really hope she can pull this off. Charlize Theron is an interesting pick, she's extremely beautiful and talented but hasn't Hollywood learned that money doesn't buy everything?

And one more thing, I have to agree, what is up with the photo of her in a wheat field?

Posted by: racso7 at December 23, 2004 02:21 PM

Excuse me, but Charflize Theron doesn't fill a catsuit well? Your taste in women is very, very peculiar.......
About the field: the film taks plac entirely inside the City of Bregna. Thre are portals to other dimensions mentioned in th interview, and that field can be explained with that.
About the costume: first, the original Aeon Flux suit would have given the film a NC-17 ratings just for itself; second, it's not believable in a live action film. I mean, nobody would or could do what Aeon does, wearing knee-high, high-heled boots, and S/M outfit. A tight black lycra costume is much more believable, it is something a real life Aeon would use.
About Catwoman; from the interviews I read, and browsing some message boards, Aeon Flux plot will tackle things like the finality of death, the relationship between humanity and technology, and probably cloning; Catwoman was about a killer cosmetic cream. I think the difference is clear. I think Aeon Flkux has all the potential and the talents involved to be a good pic.
I'll keep my fingers crossed. But I'm already happy that it won't be another Resident Evil-type of film with bad acting and only babes striking cool poses while killing the baddies.

Posted by: vince at December 24, 2004 10:47 AM

Actually, I have my hopes up for the movie.
I liked the articles about it where both Charlize Theron and the director talked in terms of characters and plots.
I like the promotional pics as well to tell you the truth. Especially the one where Charlize/Aeon is ready to shoot a couple of big guns (it's not on this site, but you can find it around on the web). I always liked her, but I thought she was an odd choice for Aeon. That pic convinced me, though: she's beautiful, sexy and tough. She's a wonderful actress, so I really think she will be great.
Yes, the costume is different, but it was clear that they would have changed it, and I agree with what Vince wrote about that.
Same thing with the hair: the hair Aeon has in the cartoon are stylish, but on a real human being they would definetely be laughable.

On another note, I've read about that clone thing, on another Aeon Flux message board. A poster wrote that he thought that one of the secrets Aeon discovers in the movies is that she's a clone, and Trevor created her. That's why he knows so much about her, and that's why they have such a complex relationship (both Charlize and Marton Csokas refer to that, in their interviews).
It could be, it would make sense, but I guess we'll have to wait before knowing something more about it, or if it's actually true.

Posted by: trevor flux at December 24, 2004 12:34 PM

Theron is perfect for this role and maybe she'll bring some kind of interest in this move to others who've never seen the pathetic cartoon. It's much better as a film and fans of this 'Aeon Flux' should be so fucking lucky as to be able to have an actress of her excellence to play this character. Charlize, as a personal friend of mine is a great actress and suits Aeon Flux down to the ground, she's prettier and she can play any one she wants. Get a life.

Posted by: F.U.ALL at December 29, 2004 08:12 PM

You all are taking this a little too personal. All I'm saying is Hollywood tends to screw up all these types of stories and adaptations. I can't think of many movies that have really pulled it off. They usually suck due to the concern of making the next blockbuster, not a good movie. Peter Jackson did an amazing job on Lord Of The Rings, but I credit him and his crew for that.

Nothing against Charlize Theron, like I said, she's extremely beautiful and talented. You can tell her I said that next time you have lunch with her FUALL, or that blow up doll you named after her. Go sober up and get over yourself. And as for calling this a pathetic cartoon, you shouldn't even be involved is this conversation.

I'm definetly watching the movie when it comes out. I'm just hoping they do a good job and they don't get too "Hollywood" with it. Aeon Flux is a very cool animation series and it deserves it.

Posted by: rasco7 at December 29, 2004 11:07 PM

I personally admire Charlize Theron...she's beautiful, stylish, not slutty-looking at all. Not only is she a pretty girl, she can act too! She's one of the few Hollywood actresses today that I admire. I happen to be a heterosexual woman but if you ask me, she does have an extremely beautiful shape, very rounded & feminine. My hubby says she's the only woman he would ever cheat on me with! *smile* She is a natural beauty, something that's rarely seen today, with all these fake wannabes running around. She reminds me of those sophisticated but sweet actresses that were popular back in the 60's.

Her acting skills are not the problem...some people are simply miscast in certain roles. Angelina Jolie would probably have been better suited because she seems more masculine somehow. She mostly plays very tough, strong, butch characters. I also think Jolie would've made a better Catwoman than Halle. Not merely because of the role itself, but because Jolie looks more like a cat physically too.

Posted by: purplesugar80 at January 18, 2005 02:23 PM

Too late now. Juliet Lewis would have been a great Aeon.

Posted by: tooty at January 19, 2005 01:13 AM

A relative unknown actress who would have the serious chops to do this role is Danielle Burgio. Check her out on imdb. She has been a stunt double for Jennifer Garner in Daredevil, Carrie Ann Moss in the Matrix sequels, etc. I met her the other night up at Sundance, and seeing her in real life left quite an impression. She could totally pull off the kind of moves that Aeon Flux would, and with the right makeup and hair, could be a pretty good fit.

Here is a little interview from that day:
Scroll down below the interview of the director of 'All Souls Day', a movie she has a starring role in.

I would be interested to hear anyone's response to this. Besides, don't you think an unknown would be much better in this role?


Posted by: feitmaster at January 25, 2005 09:12 PM

response to feitmaster:

I never heard of Danielle Burgio before you mentioned her, and yes, after vising Danielle's web site, she would fit it much better than the other actress, and yes, an unknown face would do much better than a face that is too pretty for the job.

My sense of the 'aura', or 'essence' of the Aeon we know is that she is not only beautiful, but cold blooded, silent, a bit barbaric,... in short, very diametrically opposed to anything that comes out of Hollywood. This should have been a project done out of the creative talents of artists and creators, independently,... but perhaps I ask too much of the independent artists of our day and age. This Aeon must be Fluxed.

Posted by: Cynic at January 28, 2005 01:18 AM

I admire Charlize for taking this role, as it's steering away from her recent genres and to be honest I can't remember her being in a Sci-fi/Action film (well at least for a while). I'm sure she will be great and I'm looking forward to this film, for the mere fact that Charlize is in it. And nobody is perfect, so let her take in new challenges and let's see what she does with this one.

Posted by: Dwayne at January 28, 2005 11:25 AM

I think everyone is exagerrating on this. First, ppl comment about how her hair and how it does not look like it, and then how her clothes look like crap. Geez ppl give it a break. Aeon Flux if i may remember correctly was a CARTOON CHARACTER! does anyone know what that F*****g mean. that character never existed in real life. Just leave both the movie and Charlize alone. I dont' see any of you doing the movie or winning freaking oscars. ALl you do is say.."omg her hair doesn't look the same...omg" like seriously shut up! and enjoy the movie!

Posted by: MJ at February 26, 2005 01:03 AM

this movie WILL SUCK balls. charlize theron as Aeon ??? no freakin way.

1 and foremost the BOOBS need to be biger.

2. the OUTFITS are horrible. we need more flesh. and more thongs.

3 in an interview she said she was interested in this film because it was a DIFFERENT ROLE for her. whatever happened to doing a film because you are at least interested in the story. the woman is an IDIOT.

4 and the body type is all wrong. she's fat.

5 she is too well known for this role. an unknown actress was needed. to me she is always going to be the girl that was raped by the devil in the devils advocate.

in conclusion this movie WILL suck big time. you can just tell.

THE SOLUTION: just download it from Kazza or piratebay

Show the movie studios that they can't make crap and sell it like its gold.

Posted by: gabino vega at March 21, 2005 05:47 AM

Wasn't Aeon a black woman? Why must they always take the jobs from the black actresses? Why?

Posted by: Pescado at March 21, 2005 08:03 AM

I must admit, at first I too was a little skeptical about this film being brought to life. I was a HUGE fan of the tv serious when I was younger. Yet, if Charlize can pull of Monster, then she should have enough power to at least do a little something with this one. It is true, the outfit is a little out of wack. Yet, whenever they try to adapt a tv show or comic to a movie they never get it exactly right. So, lets look to the positive. It might kick some serious... butt.

Posted by: Foxdelay at April 24, 2005 12:59 AM

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Posted by: recipes at June 6, 2005 06:36 AM

Wow. You all need to get a grip a bit.. what ever happened to enjoying movies for what they are? Entertainment. It's like this discussion I had about StarWars. Someone griped about who ever heard of a queen being elected. C'mon folks, we're talking about light sabres, using The Force, a city in the Sky, a being like Jabba, & Chewy, & Watto & Darth Maul, intergalactic travel, and this dude was griping about an ELECTED queen? Enjoy the movie if you want to watch it, and don't watch it if you think it'll suck.
NO ONE can look just like a cartoon character. That's what makes cartoons great! It's an escape. Personally, I think Charlize is much prettier than Aeon the toon... albeit, I do love Aeon. Know the difference folks.. and love them both -- or hate them.. whatever.. Enjoy entertainment.. it's what it's there for. And I agree with the person who stated that the costume is more believable.. if they decked her out in thongs and she's jumping all over Creation, c'mon.. then you all would think she's a slut this and that.. Personally, I wouldn't try to assassinate s*** in a freaking thong.. and for the guys, how 'bout you try one on first before demanding it of us. I bet the thong gets lost in your arses!

Posted by: nikita at September 6, 2005 09:42 PM

do not care about shit....
the angel "charlize" is there-->the movie is worth seeing

Posted by: guest at October 2, 2005 02:14 PM

I've never heard of Aeon Flux, but I've just seen a trailor for this movie and it looks F*****g fantastic. Action girls wear skin tight black, ala Emma Peel, Modesty Blaise, not f*****g thigh boots and bikinis (even in comic book transfers you have to have some credibility for the big screen). If anyone to do with the production of this movie happens to be reading this forum, well done fellas (or ladies of course)ignore the tripe of these earlier posts (well most of them)you got it right.

Posted by: jack black at October 15, 2005 04:57 AM