November 25, 2004

Carry on films to continue?

CarryOnLondon.jpgThank you, thank you, thank you oh lord of the movies. It's a good day when news comes in from the Guardian that the ideas to revive the Carry on franchise are failing. It is truly a good day for fans of decent cinema and humour everywhere.

Heartbreaking news for those awaiting the first Carry On movie in 12 years. Carry On London was originally set for a Christmas release, but has yet to actually start shooting. This week its makers confirmed that its main stars - former EastEnders stalwarts Shaun Williamson and Daniella Westbrook - have now bailed out of the project.

"Shaun was keen and ready to take part," Williamson's agent Melanie Sacre told the BBC. "But the project was delayed for so long that he is now busy with other work."

The delays have been caused in part by the unexplained departure of the film's producer, James Black.

Assuming it is ever made, Carry On London will recount the hilarious misadventures of a band of limousine chauffeurs ferrying celebrities to the "Herbert" awards - which is like the Baftas or the Oscars, only much funnier.

Much funnier? Oh if only! For those of you who don't know, Eastenders is one of the worst pieces of television to hit our screens and is another in the long line of security blanket soap series, and those two actors left the show ages ago with Williamson now doing Pantomime. That bodes well then.

Quite frankly the Carry on films are embarrassing, not for their supposedly rude innuendo content, but just because they are the biggest example of British cinema and British people that non-British citizens see, and that embarrasses me! Never mind that, they're not even funny!

If the thought wasn't enough, read this and try and lift your head as it thumps to the desk as the will to survive bleeds out of you:

It will be the 32nd official Carry On outing, although the franchise ran out of steam following its 1960s heyday. The soft-core Carry On Emmanuelle appeared to herald the series' demise in 1977 - although the format was resuscitated, with a new generation of British comics, for Carry On Columbus in 1992.

That's Carry On Columbus receiving 264 votes on IMDB for a rating of 3.2 out of 10. Please lord of movies, let this one die a horrible and long death off screen.

Posted by at November 25, 2004 03:37 PM


Oh dear god, there gonna spoil it :(

Posted by: Andy at November 29, 2004 02:00 PM

I have read your article on the 'Carry on London'
but in between all that, there is quite a few nitches that people don't know or understand about the true british comedy classics.Here goes.
As an avid fan of the carry on film series, I admit that the recent carry on's such as 'Columbus' did not raise too much of an eye brow. This is simply because most of the original carry on gang are no longer with us on the screen.
It is clear however, that since the first carry on made 'Carry on Sergeant'was released back in 1958, I have arrived at the conclusion that true british comedy will never be replaced by any modern film made today.
Films today has no secret formula to them. They are of no significance, a waste of time and utterly boring.
To anyone out there who is of today's film generation, I feel extremely sorry for. I can understand that film today holds no understanding or intelligence when it comes to comedy film making, especially our so called american comedies. No one in their right mind can compare comedy film today with the great,great Carry on Films or any other.

Posted by: Richardson V. at May 11, 2005 05:23 PM

"Films today has no secret formula to them. They are of no significance, a waste of time and utterly boring."

I'm sure you didn't actually mean to say that. I hope you didn't anyway!

You haven't convinced me that the Carry on films were any good. I'll agree (and have posted) that current American comedy isn't that great, but there are some good ones out there, even in America.

I turn immediately to As Good as it Gets for something that's non-formulaic and very funny.

Anyway that's not the issue, just that Carry on movies are a poor representation of British comedy.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at May 12, 2005 01:21 PM