November 13, 2004

Battlestar Galactica The Movie

galactica4.jpgI know what you're thinking right now. "John, you must mean the new Battlestar Galactica TV show right?" Nope. If any of you haven't seen the Battlestar Galactica mini series used to launch the new show, you REALLY should. I think it's just fantastic. However, word is that Glen Larson hold the rights to any theatrical version of the series and is thinking about doing a movie with the original cast. The folks over at IESB give us this:

Last night at the Buck Rogers DVD release event Larson told the IESB that there is quite a bit of interest in making a new film featuring the original cast. He knows that both Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch are willing participants in the venture. He does not know what storyline they will follow but that they plan to be faithful to the original series and to the fans. "We have some pretty good ideas and it will be a great journey to bring BSG back," Larson said.
Honestly, I don't know about this. The new show is great. Maybe they should just leave well enough alone. Not to mention, an "original cast" movie without Lorne Green would be hollow. Besides, if you're going to do an "original Cast" movie, I'd rather see Dirk Benedict back as Face in the A-Team! Da da-da-da Da Da Duh! Thanks to Howard for the tip.

Posted by John Campea at November 13, 2004 09:39 AM

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Surprisingly, I actually liked the Sci-Fi mini-series and am looking forward to the regular series to see if it turns out well or becomes episodic lame tv sci-fi a la the Star Trek franchise.

You are right about the original cast of the 70s version though. Lorne Green was the focal point.

The only reason I would want them to do it was to invalidate the godawful Galactica 1980.

Any series (serious literature or otherwise) that involves the archtypal "quest" has to end when the quest is resolved. Galactica 1980 just sucked more because of breaking that rule.

Posted by: Nala at November 13, 2004 10:10 AM

This is only going to create confusion in the marketplace. Besides, like the Starsky & Hutch revival starring the original leads, I doubt this will go anywhere. Glen A. "Larceny" has a rep for talking lots and producing little nowadays, more so than your typical Burbank producer. He'll have better luck getting an A-Team feature together, seriously.

As for BG2.0, the series: It's pretty good, though I wish they would ease up on the shaky-cam cinematography. No, I'm not a Brit (the series is airing now in the UK on SkyOne)... I'll let you figure it out how I've been seeing the episodes.

Battlestar Galactica trivia: The new mini-series, and series, did not originally invent the concept of human looking Cylons. It was Larson himself who did! In a two-part episode of Galactica 1980, the Cylons created a human looking Cylon -- to infiltrate Earth and to save on production costs. The climatic second part guest-starred legendary 1970s radio deejay icon Wolfman Jack.

Posted by: Mark at November 13, 2004 06:55 PM

A few years ago Larson was saying he was developing a "Battlestar Pegasus" movie. Has he ever produced a motion picture AT ALL? Since his heyday in TV during the 1980s, he's been all talk.

Posted by: Franklin at November 13, 2004 09:27 PM

And here's another thing: Larsen does not own the rights to the familiar costumes, and other production design elements from the original Galactica shows. Universal does.

That means if he really managed to make a money, he would either have to license these elements from Universal or create completely new designs. If Universal refuses, feeling his movie jeopardizes the new series, then how would the continuity make any sense if the original cast stars in the movie but everything else looks different?

Posted by: Franklin at November 14, 2004 03:04 AM

The new show is an insult to men as it obviously protrays all the men as stupid and impulsive(Edward James Olmos), drunk and angry(Colonel Tigh), conniving cowards(Baltar)and the OVERDONE-who-the-hell-hasn't-had enough-of-it case of SON hates dad cuz he's obviously an immature twerp who can't let go of the past(Apollo).

Then review the FEMALE pathetically OBVIOUS that these new studio heads wanted to appeal to women(just like every other lame show on television now)instead of having the decency to consider FAN loyalty. Yeah, as if Apollo would really be attracted to someone as bitchy and ugly as STARBUCK. More proof of the STUPIDITY factor running rampant in the MALE cast.

What's next.....a Dr. Phil character on the Galactica getting fighter pilots to divulge their true feelings? How 'bout a Mary Kay Latourneau, or an Amy Fisher character? How 'bout smearing Adama's good name with a Galactica intern scandal.
How 'bout Colonel Tigh attending AA meetings on board the Celestra? How 'bout Baltar getting bound hand and foot and used and abused by a host female Cylons?

Puh LEEZ! What the show brings as far as DEPTH of plot is LOST on an obvious and old and frackin' lame theme of "I-AM-WOMAN-HEAR-ME-ROAR" crap.

Dirk Benedict's idea of showing Starbuck years later contemplating the nature of his loneliness and isolation at being a "has-been" gives us fans a sense of resolution and a sense of hope as we see the original cast work through issues of the past and finally resolving them- gerians are people too, ya know?

Once you get the fans on board on THAT theme....THEN you hit them with the NEXT generation and the issues THEY face in the MODERN world. Benedict's mention of the two bastard sons of which one of the story ideas contained, would have made for a complex and deep plot as young warriors work through the "dysfunctional" family woes while struggling to maintain their objectivity in the face of a new and sinister Cylon threat.

I could go on and on but you get the picture.

Obviously the studio heads didn't have enough faith in the fan if they even TRIED to bring attention back to the original series. I don't recall seeing or hearing ANYthing in the papers or on television as far as a revival was concerned. We fans discovered it all AFTER the fact, AFTER the newer and lamer series came out.

Posted by: Ray at November 18, 2004 06:09 AM

i think the series shows a lot of potential, unlike voyager with it's unlimited supply of shuttles etc the producers have obviously made a point of trying to focus on things like food reserves, pilots, ships, fuel, combat fatigue, despair etc. as for rays comments about the females, try watching the show from an objective point of view and not from the point of view of most BSG Original fans who seem to hate it without reservation just because it doesn't follow on from a really poor excuse for a sci fi programme has been, in addition losing a love one can bring out feelings of hate which can take decades to resolve so i think that the actors playing adama, starbuck and apollo have played it just right coming to terms with putting their hate and resentment aside and working together to help protect what is left of humanity

Posted by: Phil at November 19, 2004 12:07 AM

Hey, Phil...BOTTOM line...the men are STUPID. While WOMEN may find a sense of HUMOR in that, I find it insulting. Their laughter at such a theme would only last 2 or 3 episodes. What are you going to do then? Give the male characters a BRAIN? And turn off the women?

There is no room in the FANTASY genre for POLITICAL correctness. No true fan of sci-fi gives a rat's ass about true-to-life gender roles either(something which ruined James Bond for many). Only a CRITIC gives a rat's ass about such things. Not the fans. a give a flying fig whether James Bond's boss is a woman just as the PRESIDENT of the colonies is played by Mary McDonald, a woman who points out how Adama's "fight back" attitude a word...JUVENILE. Yeah, that's what the male audience needs to see...a woman telling the man who was SUPPOSED to be the LEAD character of the story, that he's an immature twit.

POLITICAL correctness necessary? BULL Shi'ite!

Case in point...THE FAILURE of Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space Nine. Being a NON-white immigrant myself, who cares not for the COLOR of a person's SKIN or being POLITICALLY correct, it's PATHETIC that the producers chose to listen to idiot CRITICS who felt Star Trek needed to "catch up" on modern sex roles AND putting someone other than your typical WHITE male in the lead role(and yes, that WAS written in all the publications critiquing both series).

The shows FAILURE proved creating a show that paid heed to POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is a sure formula for FAILURE.

Even some BLACK groups complained about LORD OF THE RINGS not having any blacks and asked the idiotic question "Why couldn't they write one in?"! Puh...LEEZ!

Refresh my memory...weren't the characters of BOOMER and COLONEL TIGH originally BLACK?

All politically correct CRAP and RACIAL complaining aside....

The CORE of BSG fans long for something GOOD in sci-fi OTHER THAN another lame STAR TREK production, whose writers have about as much imagination as a retarded lemming. But even we MUST realize that all stories and series must come to a graceful end. Through it all, it's an effective STORYLINE that keeps a show going. But create CHARACTERS as flat a shallow as many of the new characters are does not inspire FAN loyalty. A BOND with the characters IS necessary, despite the idiot CRITICS belief that the STORYLINE is first and foremost in hooking an audience.

Why people like you refuse to acknowledge fans LOYALTY to the old cast is beyond me. It would have made easing the transition of a NEW and more ENERGETIC cast more interesting had they been there if but for a SHORT time in the beginning.

You obviously mistook my feelings to mean that I longed to see Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch as the two hotshots of the fleet return to the TV set. You're wrong. The FORMULA of those two is a classic and a tried-and-true formula of "Tom and Huck" which in turn was inspired by "The Iliad". But what's wrong with two YOUNGER actors being brought in whether related to them or not, and carrying on the legacy? And if they happened to be their sons and daughters...what's wrong with that?


TELL me! IS THERE???!!

Would I have found it insulting to have this new OBNOXIOUS blonde pilot play Starbuck's daughter? No! But it would have been a nice tie-in!

And if you think I'm a chauvanist pig, read THIS: MY favorite female from the original BSG was SHEBA, played by Anne Lockhart, an ace pilot herself with a tough as nails attitude who didn't give a flip about her apparent beauty. And ohhh how was she a beauty. And unlike the SHALLOW character of Athena, she wasn't just WINDOW dressing.

A younger cast, with sons and daughters of the original cast going forth and discovering a NEW Cylon threat such as the one the new writers pencilled in? What's wrong with that? After all...the ORIGINAL series never even MENTIONED the fact that the CYLONS were an alien race who CREATED the machines which plagued them. Bringing that ALIEN race to the table in a slow and insidious manner is the stuff of GREAT story telling and a storyline I have no doubt that the new writers will incorporate it into the new thread.

And THAT, UNFORTUNATELY, is the only thing which draws me to the new series. Sheer CURIOSITY. Not the stuff memories are made of.

Posted by: Ray at November 19, 2004 11:14 AM

Oh, and by the way Phil....

I TOO thought the old series turned AS LAME AS A QUADRAPLEGIC floatin' in the ocean during a hurricane after the "Living Legend" episodes.

THAT, was not the fault of the CAST, pal.

That was the result of POOR writing.

Remember THAT in your next post.

Posted by: Ray at November 19, 2004 11:27 AM

Hello everybody, I just wanted to say that I agree with Ray. I loved the original, everything about it and I do not remember ever thinking it was at all bad. I hate the new show, what an insult and a bore. Political correctness always ruins everything. The mere fact that Starbuck is a female was enough to turn me off! For the record, I am a female. This new mini series, which I could not even get all of the way through, was very bad and horribly written, it was boring! I do not know if I can even give the new television show a chance, and if I do I do not think I will make it all of the way through, based on the mini series. I had high hopes, but what a disappointment. It would be very difficult to find people to measure up to the original cast that is for sure, but please at least try. And make them true to the original, that is a large part of the reason we watched in the first place. Oh well, I should have known, most of what is on television anymore is just plain crap! This one is no different. I am looking forward to a new movie with the original cast though. I agree, it will not be quite the same without Lorne Greene and I hope they do not try to bring somebody else in to take his place, as if anybody could. Still, the others with Glen Larson sounds pretty good to me. Also, I do not like the new one having a woman as the new president. I do not feel threatened by men and rather like to see them in certain roles, especially when they originated them and did it so well, why mess with something that works and so well at that? The sexual overtones do not fit, the sexual undertones of the original, with Starbuck mostly were at least comical. Sex does not go with science fiction, sorry if you want that go rent a porn movie or something. Geez we get that in everything now, please not science fiction too, just stick to good stories. Okay, so that is what I, as a female think. I WILL be looking forward to a new Battlestar Galactica with all of the originals, if it comes.

Posted by: S. at January 14, 2005 12:45 PM

I must admit, I was skeptical about the female characters in lieu of the original male characters. Growing up to a male version of Starbuck and Boomer made my acceptance of this change in the new series quite difficult.

I, Like Mark who posted also, am not a Brit but I have seen all but two of the series episodes right now. You figure that one out. The series has really surprised me. It is actually done quite well.

As for the 1980 version, that was really good, until the got to Earth and it didn't stop... Watching it on Sci-Fi right now, I realize why I grew out of it.

Just my two cents.


Posted by: M.G. at January 14, 2005 01:12 PM

I think it's main failure is the fact that if you begin watching the series AFTER it has begun, you can pretty much follow the story. BUT (*here's where it fails*), YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND/FOLLOW THE STORYLINE OF #6/BALTAR.

I understand the plot of them (ceylons) appearing as humans, but am completely lost on #6.

The Boomer character is working for me even though I was skeptical of it being a woman.

STARBUCK NEEDS TO DIE!!! Aside from the character being a COMPLETELY UNNATTRACTIVE woman, the smoking and gambling does not work. Perhaps they should have gone for the tramping and whoring angle.

Oh, and her attitude... perhaps the Galactica should have stocked up on PMS meds b4 leaving in search of Earth.

(more to come later)

Posted by: Brian at January 26, 2005 05:52 PM