November 17, 2004

Ackroyd wants a Ghostbusters 3

ghostbusters.jpgUnfortunately for him he seems to be the only one who does want a third movie in the Ghostbusters series. Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Annie Potts and Ernie Hudson have all expressed their desire to leave it alone. However, Dan Akroyd really seems to want to do it.

The guys at Moviehole have it from Latino Review that he is really plugging the idea. It first started a few years back they report:

Aykroyd mentioned that he had an idea to bring in a new young cast of “Ghosbtusters” – Will Smith’s name was mentioned at one point, probably after the success of “Independence Day” and “ID4” – and he says that’s still one idea he could consider – if only the rights holders of “Ghostbusters” would let him. At the moment, he says those that would make such a call – and he’s not naming names – won’t let him.

Will Smith? Who else just spat their tea over the monitor in surprise? Thinking about that, if they bring Will Smith in, doesn't that just make Men in Black, I think that the movies would suddenly become very close to each other, and the beauty and fun of Ghostbusters would be lost in a sea of posturing and shouting. I really think that Smith lacks the comedic humility to star in a movie like this, although he could really cover that song well, "Busting makes me feel good...ahhh...yeah. I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!". Let's face it, the original cast were fantastic, I doubt there is an easy way to replace them.

Interestingly enough Ramis is quoted as saying that Columbia pictures would love to do it, he seemed quite keen and they were developing an idea for a third script. He didn't know if the deal could be made though, and apparently it can't.

In a way I'm sad. Ghostbusters was a way load of fun (I even have the soundtrack! Ahem...ermm...who said that?), and Ghostbusters II did a good job of following suit, but making it in today's film industry with modern actors? I find it hard to see who could replace those guys, and even if I would want them replaced.

Casting call people. Any thoughts on who would make this work?

Posted by at November 17, 2004 05:30 AM


Will Ferrell
Jason Alexander
Jack Black
Ving Rhames

Posted by: Nimrod at November 17, 2004 06:09 AM

The Wilson brothers, both of them. Hell, they could sleepwalk through it, replaying their character types from Bottle Rocket.

On another note, I can understand why Murray doesn't want to release the rights (he owns part of them). Ackroyd has been whoring and damaging other properties he's starred in -- remember Blues Brothers 2000? (Of course you don't.) For the past several years, Ackroyd has been behaving like a guy hurting for money, which has made me wonder if he has, in fact, been going through money challenges.

The Boz is now a licensed realtor, and David Lee Roth is training to be a paramedic. Fame (and fortune) is fleeting.

Posted by: Mark at November 17, 2004 08:28 AM

I would like to admit that I, too, have the soundtrack. First cassette I ever bought. Before I bought these things called "records."

Posted by: Woody! at November 17, 2004 10:48 PM

"The Wilson brothers, both of them. Hell, they could sleepwalk through it, replaying their character types from Bottle Rocket."

Isn't that what they do in every movie? Well, Owen at least. Always plays exactly the same character - himself.

Posted by: Nimrod at November 18, 2004 01:44 AM

I could see the Wilson brothers. Perhaps that would be the key to another sequel happening: If Owen Wilson wants to do it, then maybe he could convince Murray to let it happen, since the two of them have worked together and Murray seems to have a better relationship with him compared to Ackroyd these days.

Posted by: Franklin at November 18, 2004 03:04 AM

The team from "Old School" could do it. Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn...

Posted by: RPK at November 20, 2004 11:58 AM

Ok what would be more funnier than the original cast. To see overweight Spangler and Winston...grey haired Bill Murry. I feel if they picked it up in today's era it would be very funny. I would download it it

Posted by: Jesus at December 6, 2004 02:32 PM

i think that they should make the ghostbuster film a trilogy, i dont see why not. i'm left wondering what happens after the 2nd one but after the first we know what went on due to the 2nd. they are still bringing out items from the films, just recently brought out the ecto 1 car and on tv they are bringing out the real ghostbusters again. come on and make another. it will not be a waste coz we all want it. i agree on the idea of keeping the old characters in it, it would be cool. but even bringing in new ones would also be cool. as long as they dont destory the overall coolness of the film.

Posted by: icebergg at December 9, 2004 07:33 AM

Jim Carrey, Will Smith, Will Ferrell, Owen Wilson.

Jim Carrey is a comedic legend. He'd be great to get some Jim Carrey fans into the mix. Will Ferrell is laugh waiting to happen, Owen Wilson kind of reminds me of a younger Bill Murray, he isn't a crazy comedian with physical acts of comedy like actors such as Michael Richards (Kramer in Seinfeld), he's more of a laid back comedian. Will Smith would be a good addition in my opinion. He would more than likely make a song for Ghostbusters 3.

If you look at it, more and more movies from the '80s are being made again and have had good success doing so. I think Ghostbusters 3, with this cast, and a good storyline would do well.

Having just two movies in a movie series isn't good enough. There should be three movies to finish it off, or start a sequel trilogy??

Posted by: Dave at December 10, 2004 09:56 PM

I agree with RPK. I could definately see the cast of Old school as ghostbusters. I would also throw Dave Schappell or Jack Black in the mix. How 'bout a ghostbusters movie where these actors play different characters in a different city, like every city has a Ghostbusters (franchise). I say a big NO to Will Smith (he's already played the part in MIB & I don't want to see him play it again), Jim Carrey (i just don't see him being a good ghostbuster), . . .Jason Alexander and Ving Rhames - Hell NO. A big YES to either Will Farrell, Wilson Bros., Vince Vaughn, Jack Black or Dave Schappell.

Posted by: Rob at December 12, 2004 06:13 PM

Ben Stiller could probably get the job done as a Ghostbuster. Why not throw in Chris Tucker? (Rush Hour) He'd be pretty funny in it.

Posted by: Dave at December 12, 2004 10:17 PM

its never going to happen so why dont you sado's stop your wet dreamin about it ok!!!

Posted by: Sloppychop at December 13, 2004 10:00 AM

I think the world needs some of the older classic movies.Lets be honest about it most of todays films are pretty crap.Dunno about anyone else but back in the early 80's and early 90's when ghostbusters 1 and 2 were released they really made me proud to be american.They brought the best in everyone I think.As for a third installation I think it would be a good idea.With all the CGI thats available nowadays they could do some great sequences.As for the cast well if murray won't do it then I won't be watching it,simple as that.If they do make it I hope to god it won't be a new generation ghostbusters with all unknowns.Just my opinion.Thought I do think jack black or jim carey would be good in it and maybe chappelle.

Posted by: Joe at December 16, 2004 09:22 AM


Posted by: Joe at December 16, 2004 09:25 AM

I wouldn't want anybody to replace them, but I would defenately love to see the ghostbusters get back together. I think it would be a huge sucess, especially with todays CGI capabilities!

Posted by: Steve at December 23, 2004 04:22 AM

I like teh idea of ghostbusters fanchaises around the states. Each mjr city had their own ghostbusters but what if ppl thought of the ghostbusters as more of a joke now, it's been over 10 yrs of no HUGE ghost activity but enough to stay employed, have Jack Black and NONAME actors working. The Original Guys could still be in NY but now they sit in an office rather than go out and bust. Now here's when it gets fun.
Remember Oscar, Dana's baby from GB2, have him as sort of a protege, but dana doesnt want him part of it. Dana and Peter are now married.

Every few months the original guys give training seminars on how to catch ghosts, so we get the new rookie GBs. (i.e. Jack Blck)
Eigon makes Oscar take teh testing, Peter helps him cheat. yadda yadda yadda, something happens in the training semainar preventing teh newbies from helping it's up to teh Originals to save the day, but they need help so GB's froma cross teh states coem to teh aide.

Posted by: Rufus at December 28, 2004 04:45 PM

i hope to God someone makes a 3rd Ghostbusters movie...words can't describe how awesome that would be!

Posted by: fizzle at January 4, 2005 06:16 AM

just make the damn movie ghostbusters is my fav just ad new bad guys dont change the guys those guys make the movie NO new ghostbusters just make the movie

I still have all my toys some of them still not open plus i own ever toy of ghostbuster made

Posted by: pat at January 12, 2005 02:08 AM

all i want is a new ghostbusters movie!
its the only movie i realy like!
and it would be a real blockbuster movie!!!
just do it...

Posted by: bart subelack at January 18, 2005 05:55 PM

Jim Carrey? No way. He's too slapstick for Ghostbusters and isn't really that great of an actor. Will Smith would be perfect, but as people have said, he's already covered that role in MIB, plus any movie he's in he is the standout character (with the exception of Independance Day), therefor his character would dominate the story and not really give any screen time to the other Ghostbusters. Not only that but casting Will Smith would take up half the budget, leaving no room for any other established actors.

"Why not throw in Chris Tucker?" I'll tell you why not - he's annoying as hell and is a terrible actor. I'd cast Dave Chappelle over him any day of the week, in fact I think Chappelle would do a good job in a supporting role. I really would love to see all 4 original ghostbusters taking the lead roles, but its unlikely. If they can get Bill Murrey to do more than a cameo appearence, then it will be settled, but getting the original characters to do brief cameos, well its just going the same way as the Austin Powers sequels - too relient on celebrity appearences because of a generally weak production. I love Will Ferrell but everything he's done post-SNL has been sub-par, and taking that chance could potentially ruin the movie, however I think Owen Wilson would be an excellent addition. Having the "Old School" cast would be fine if you were making a stupid teen movie. As for the setting and the franchise idea... you can't not set it in New York, thats just wrong. Its such a big part of the movie and its feel.

Posted by: Chris at January 21, 2005 05:20 PM

Will Smith would ruin the franchise! Honestly, I don't think I'd see it at the theatre if Smith was in it - He plays the same loud, smart-ass character in every film he's in - it's annoying. Base it in New York & think sony/columbia pictures should get new actors to play the same characters if all the originals won't return. Dave Chappel as Zeddemore, Vince Vaughn as Venkman, Jack Black as Stantz, and . . . Luke or Owen wilson as Egon.
Let me know what ya think!

Posted by: ghosthunter at January 24, 2005 07:45 PM

*grammer error* - New York & I think Sony/

Posted by: ghosthunter at January 24, 2005 07:46 PM

they gotta do it GHOSTBUSTERS 3 all the way: cast should, will ferrel, sean william scott, johnny depp, and ryan reynolds would be cool as!!!! and cameos as fat ghosts for the original cast!!

Posted by: lee bateman at January 31, 2005 02:33 PM

noone could best the origional ghostbusters.actors like jim carrey are too slapsticky and although i think will ferrell would be a perfect replacement for murray, there is just no replacing any of them.if they were to make a g3 then get the origional cast and director ivan reitman or dont make it.
since murray is not interested then am guessing it wont be done.
just to let mark know that aykroyd aint going bust, he is just in love with his creation which is understanable.
ghostbusters is no1

Posted by: doyle at February 2, 2005 02:01 PM

i think that jimmy fallon or sean william scott (stiffler from american pie) could make a pretty good peter venkman, tracy morgan could make a good winston zedmore, jason schwartzman could make a good ray stanz, and that andy dick would be a comical egon spengler

Posted by: andrew at February 6, 2005 01:16 AM

i don't think we need another ghostbusters because the first two were great, and in todays age of lame-o cinema, we would likely get jar jar BS instead of great acting. (Thats not to say any current ones couldn't act, just not like a ghostbuster)... if they are going to do another one, wait 10 more years then do one. Current actors just won't cut it. (Fan of Will Smith) And, kudos on the idea of having it in a different city.. couldn't have said it better.

Posted by: Chris at February 6, 2005 05:59 PM

andy dick as spengler- genious!!!!!!!
ryan reynolds as venkman his charisma in blade trinty commends him
will ferrel a must for ray
and winston well there is a few candidates.

Posted by: lee at February 7, 2005 01:27 PM

come on people!!!ivan reitman as director and original cast, or NO ghostbusters 3.It would ruin things to do a new generation.anyone else think so?

Posted by: doyle at February 10, 2005 10:51 AM

I don't think the 2nd Ghostbusters is anything to shout about . . . okay, i think it sucks. It's too "kiddy". - The hero-theme music playing in the proton pack action-scenes is cheesy, the ghosts are too cartoony and not at all threatening, and the lame big guy at the end (the guy that came out of the painting) was way too easy to defeat. Oh, one more thing, "NO BABIES IN GB3"! The whole venkman/dana/oscar relationship really made the film drag. Focus more on the action (proton pack blast'n & ghost catching) scenes and less family b.s. --- I would reccomend bringing in some different/fresh talent to help write & direct. I could definately see the 3rd install ment be a disappointment if they stick with the same writers and director (ivan doesn't even want to make another installment, lucky me) Just my opinion . . . take it or leave it . . . God I need to get a life.

Posted by: GhostHunter at February 16, 2005 07:34 PM

Look, you have all gotta think about this realisticly... Jim Carry? C'mon, he wont be interested in a role like G3... and jack black, i seriously cant see him doing the role. If there cant be a third film made, get new rights to a film, and let it mention the original cast! If dan Akroyd wan'ts to be in, DONT LET HIM WRITE A THING (we all know he's not the funny one). Bill Murray is a stuburn one, huh... He wont give the rights away, but theres so much evidence that a G3 would take off like a frog in a sock! TRUST ME BILLY, HELP YA FRIEND OUT (AKROYD)... i really think that guys lost all of his money! haha...

Posted by: Shaun Oldfield at February 16, 2005 10:38 PM

As for Will Smith. no. To mainstream for a Movie that big! Jack Black, the Wilson Brothers? C'mon, you may as well cast David Spaide, Gary Olman, and the original cast from Family Matters, yeah, erkle commin to save the world from ghosts...

My oppinion, Rick moranis to return! (we all know he will, eg. honey i shunk the kids movies, he's got ALOT of spare time)
Mark Wahlberg (i think from I Heart Huckbees, we all know he's a serious funny actor)
Jake Gyllenhaal
maybe a woman to spice things up... like liv tyler... To make the fans wanna see it, have a cameo from Robin Williams... somewhere, as the new Mayor or NYC...

Posted by: Shaun Oldfield at February 16, 2005 10:39 PM

for a plot, maybe, have the Ghostbusters chain a flop, having gone under in the late 90's. But wierder and wierder things start to go wrong in NYC, so Akroyd and Moranis could assemble a new team. they search high and low, and find five of the best around the city... it has to be better then 2, but as witty as 1... No special effects (well, not much), and rely it all on humor!
No references to Dana, and Oscar... you dont want people to think they could have gone in another direction, people wont like it then!

If you do a thrid film... make it classy, and dont go for the quick fix humor!


Posted by: Shaun Oldfield at February 16, 2005 10:41 PM

all you need to make this film legendary is the man the phenom the greatest actor ever..............GENE WILDER!!!

Posted by: lee b at February 20, 2005 04:26 PM

Mark Walberg as a ghostbuster? Are you smoking crack? That's about as bad as Will Smith.

Posted by: GhostHunter at February 20, 2005 06:03 PM

i know that i cant spell that good but ever sence i saw ghostbusters 2 i have been making a scripet. And it has turned out to be a pretty good scripet but i know i will proabley never get it on screen i can still dream cant i?

Posted by: Danny at February 25, 2005 07:08 PM

I would just like to say that if they made a Ghostbusters 3, it should have the original actors. I think it would be a real flop with a
younger cast. (besides, hollywood can do amazing things)They could make them (originals)look as if only a few years passed. There are alot of big kids out there waiting for their heroes to return.They dont want the generic version. Oh ya....Harrison Ford is doing the new Indiana Jones!.....I think Dan Akroyd,Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson could easily throw on a proton pack.

Posted by: mike at February 26, 2005 01:58 PM

right there with you mike.
would be a big let down to not have the original cast.

Posted by: doyle at March 2, 2005 05:43 PM

i cant wait until the movie comes out

Posted by: russell_kiser at March 10, 2005 11:35 AM

i cant wait until the movie comes out

Posted by: russell_kiser at March 10, 2005 11:35 AM

I think it's only a matter of time before they all realise there is still a very good movie out there, unique towards all others....simply never matched. MIB got close, but a complete other kind of movie on very many points...

I would say.....Get in the original cast to train the new cast as the new ghostbusters....voilá...little bit cliché, but at least they can try to milk out a couple of movies...not very good I thnik, but it will happen sooner or later....

The new cast should be?....I think Johnny Depp, accoring to his role in Pirates of the Caribbean...Then we have Owen Wilson (as the inventor) words needed I guess...he's just great for a movie like this....then a 3rd, 4th and maybe 5th player...3rd Ben Stiller, from Starsky & Hutch (also with Owen Wilson)...he's a great actor for BG3, 4th...maybe Jackie Chan....good comedy player....and he played a lot with Owen Wilson.....the 5th player...maybe martin lawrence, from Bad Boys...He played great roles as a funny character....

Well, here's your GB3 movie.....when do we start at GB4 and 5?

Posted by: Unit 21 at March 13, 2005 03:30 PM

Okay, Keep the original cast, but I still think Ackroyd should get some fresh, outside help with writing the script -&- I think there should be a new director for GB3. I'm not a big fan of Ghostbusters 2 . . . I'd hate to see GB3 turn out the same way.

Posted by: ghosthunter at March 15, 2005 01:52 PM

I think ghostbusters 3 is such a good idea, I am a frantic fan who is obsessed with the movie, and I'm also writing a script because I am that sad.So far ive designed the car, half way through designing the logo and got loads of ideas for the script. How about seanne william scott, jamie foxx, britanny murphy as female gb, and jack black? story: the originals have bought the whole block (where the fire house is)and have made ghostbusters a world wide corperation.something huge is happening in nyc and they need the world's finest to help out.

Posted by: andrew pendleton at March 25, 2005 03:30 PM

I think they should do a 3rd in the series.... I grew up in the 80s, and there were some great movies during that time that many viewers of the 90 and 2000s have never heard of...

I have seen soem reall sh*t pots come from all the studios... and this is one that I think could actually make it because it would relate with those who grew up and who are now in the 30s would goto see it... just not make it "for kids".. and it would HAVE to have all the original players for me to go and see it.. I personally hate to see a movie sequel(s) without the original actors (or at the very least cameos of them).. I think it makes them hard to follow...but that is just my two cents worth...

Posted by: azpyroguy at March 28, 2005 05:33 PM

I can see Sean William Scott as Oscar from Ghostbusters 2 being all grown up... Him talkin to peter (Bill Murray) about him finding new Busters out in New York and Dan Ackroyd Can teach them and be a sort of mentor to these kids and the rest of the cast can make little appearances during the movie.
Don't Know any ideas on what there fighting for

Whats anyones take on this

Posted by: Mike at March 29, 2005 09:42 PM

I can see Sean William Scott as Oscar from Ghostbusters 2 being all grown up... Him talkin to peter (Bill Murray) about him finding new Busters out in New York and Dan Ackroyd Can teach them and be a sort of mentor to these kids and the rest of the cast can make little appearances during the movie.
Don't Know any ideas on what there fighting for

Whats anyones take on this

Posted by: Mike at March 29, 2005 09:43 PM

I can see Sean William Scott as Oscar from Ghostbusters 2 being all grown up... Him talkin to peter (Bill Murray) about him finding new Busters out in New York and Dan Ackroyd Can teach them and be a sort of mentor to these kids and the rest of the cast can make little appearances during the movie.
Don't Know any ideas on what there fighting for

Whats anyones take on this

Posted by: Mike at March 29, 2005 09:55 PM

I think making the third would be brilliant for everyone. Considering how great the fist and second one was, I don't see how number three could fail! Yes it is very true, hollywood has come with some crap. cough,(mask 2),cough.So why can't they at least give something that would appeal to all ages (5-100)a chance!? If (apperently) Dan Ackroyd and Harold Ramis cannot come up with a decent script, mabye they should go to the fans for ideas. And Ackroyd and Ramis can fill in the blanks.After all, they do say good things come in threes.

Posted by: andy at April 1, 2005 05:09 PM

it would be really weird to see another director doing ghostbusters 3. It may not be a bad change though. Y'know bill murray is 55...ish and harold ramis is 60..ish. where the hell did the time go?
younger actors is a definite yes. by the the way in my script of got a storyline of a huge building absolutly plagued with paranormal and psychic turbulance. so much in fact, the roof explodes open with ghosts and ghouls. amagine what that would look like on the big screen! with all CGI and technology we have got, we could really bust some heads! in a cinematic sense of course.Everybodies favorite ghost fighting team......back on the scene again....2006?2007? who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!

Posted by: andy at April 1, 2005 07:32 PM

sorry about that.

Posted by: andy at April 1, 2005 07:35 PM

There is no doubt that a gb 3 movie should be made. If the orginal cast cant do it then here is some ideas. Sean william scott as oscar would be good (that way murray can get a quick cameo), ice cube could be a winston like character,(he proved he can do action and comedy), owen wilson as a egon spangler charcter, brendan frasier(mummy movies) could be a ray stanz character(the mummy showed he could be funny in a action role) Just a thought, hopefully the orginal cast and columbia can get their shit together and get this thing rolling.

Posted by: Bill at April 1, 2005 09:21 PM

I am very sure there are loads of young willing actors who have worked in action/comedy roles to participate in the movie. Some of them maybe even be great fans of the series and would be greatful to do it. Did anyone who watched constatine remember that little spud who followed him around? His part got bigger nearer the end. He is about 17. I saw this other script where he was oscar and I didn't think it was a bad idea. he can act and I looked up his name on IMDb, its Shia LeBeouf. Jessica Alba wouldn't be bad either.

Posted by: andy at April 2, 2005 06:33 AM

DAN AKORYDS RIGHT ! There should be a ghostbusters 3 ! it would be so cool if there was cause i loved the original 2.

Posted by: Jay at April 2, 2005 08:51 AM

As it has been 16 years since ghostbusters 2, should there be newly designed equipment or suits?
I think they should definetly change the ECTO 1A because if the ECTO 1 was a rusty old banger in GB 2, the ECTO 1A should of been sold to a junkyard and been sold for parts by now.

Posted by: andy at April 8, 2005 02:40 PM

Do you think there be british cameos in the film?
I mean like british ghostbusters.maybe there is some'thin huge in NYC, and the New York ghostbusters need international help. As sad as I am, I'm making a script and its on the lines of: tallest building in the world gets built, huge spiritual turbulance and the whole of New York gets possessed by hell. THE NEWS HEADLINE:

Posted by: andy pendleton at April 9, 2005 09:05 AM

For some reason I always pictured GB3 more dark than funny. Take the original cast and show them later in life trying to cope with all the torment of fighting ghosts for the past 20yrs....I want to see something scary and twisted!

Posted by: aaron at April 9, 2005 10:16 AM

O.k here it is. As much as we would like a new Ghost Busters, it just won't be right with out the original cast. Let's take Star Wars for instance. Both the Phantom Menace and the Clone Wars suck beond all... all! expectations. Really I mean really you know it did. We don't want a new Ray, or Peter, or Egon doing back flips and karate crap just to reach the younger crowd. If they want to bring in another one or two newies thats fine as minor characters. What about another dimension that has people busters and they bust people that are thrown into their dimension. The Ghostbusters would have to team up with the alternate Peoplebusters to save the people. I like the Robin Williams as the new mayor even though I hate Robin Williams. The Wilson Brothers ... good. Jack Black ...good. As long as they don't over act. I like Jack Black in roles like Enemy Of The State, or the Jackyl. Just cut through the politics and bull and we all see it. It's not rocket science, just make the movie and we will support it. I used to write in chalk all over public roads Ghost Busters and went as one for Halloween four years in a row. duh.. how bout a back to the future 4 with out Michael J. Holly Wood can screw themselves, all they are any way are P.G.13 karate crap and pee pee jokes. Lets get back to basics and have a good movie that doesn't resemble a porno with no nudity. One last time Ghostbusters, One more time please.

Posted by: rich at April 12, 2005 07:16 PM

Oh well said Rich!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 13, 2005 07:44 AM

i know, i know, i know...the original cast was amazing but they're not all going to come back. so, if this 'ghostbusters 3' is ever made there will have to be new faces. the problem i have with everyone's list of hopeful potentials is that they include some a-list actors...actors!!! the originals (except for hudson) were not actors! they were writers and comedians. that is why the movie was so hilarious! thus, this new cast, if the movie is to come close to the original two, needs to be made up of people from shows like SNL and Mad TV. My all star line-up would be something like this:
horatio sanz (SNL)
david herman (mad tv, office space)
orlando jones (mad tv)
nick frost (shawn of the dead, he's huge in britain and he's hilarious)

plus, i would have to add that will ferrell would make for a rediculously funny bad guy...maybe the devil?

well, that's my take on it...

Posted by: richie cunningham at April 19, 2005 05:02 AM

Ghostbusters 1+2 were THE greatest films to ever hit the screen! to see a third one would be a dream come true for myself and many others. However seing it without the normal guys would be strange, but if the right actors were chosen then who knows. To replace Bill Murray (not possible but hey!) maybe Ryan Reynolds..and Will Smoth is too big of an actor to play Winstons backseat role, but who knows. Akroyd would still feature as he hasnt distanced himself in the way Murray has. But who would play Egon?? any ideas??

Posted by: Chris880 at April 21, 2005 05:35 PM

well .... i think thery should bring in some new ghostbusters lets say.... well call them the junior ghostbusters and let the older ghostbusters tech them the ways of the trade....

so by doing this you have the older ghostbusters to keep the 1980's fans happy and a new team to
set the craze of a again......... o'h and they could be a new cartoon......COOL

Posted by: Sam Harvey at April 24, 2005 03:21 AM

well .... i think thery should bring in some new ghostbusters lets say.... well call them the junior ghostbusters and let the older ghostbusters tech them the ways of the trade....

so by doing this you have the older ghostbusters to keep the 1980's fans happy and a new team to
set the craze off a again......... o'h and they could be a new cartoon......COOL

Posted by: Sam Harvey at April 24, 2005 03:22 AM

Iam 16 pages into my script, trying to get that 156 or some number ackroyd,s on. If this whole thing goes ahead, I very much dought it would flop. what with first two being very successful. i think simon pegg and nick frost would be brilliant as brit ghostbusters. maybe lee evans, jason strathum or orlando bloom would be great as ghostbusters.

Posted by: andy at April 26, 2005 07:28 AM

this film has to be made, gb1 and 2 are classics. a modern gb would be awsum

Posted by: harry at May 1, 2005 03:52 PM

I was thinking along the lines of Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Rob scheinder and Owen Wilson.

Not sure if it will work but I think the comedy value is there with Sandler and Rock. Add owen Wilson's sarcasm.

Posted by: Grant at May 2, 2005 07:43 PM

Seriously people need to wake up and see that ghostbusters 3 is dead. But Ghostbusters itself is not. I grew up on the whole franchise and had almost every peice of GB merchedise in existence, so blieve me when I say that im a hardcore fan. I came to accept that a third installment was dead and it hit me pretty bad. I dont think that if a new generation was to come to the big screen would be such a good idea, and not having the original cast would kill the franchise. So I think that Ackroyd should reinvent the franchise completely in order to recapture the magic. I mean all four members remade again for the old fans and a new generation. Ghostbusters should start out from scratch using mainly unknown actors and actors who are barely being noticed because i you use A-list actors the whole thing would just be too comercialized. A remake something for Ackroyd to really consider

Posted by: Ronan at May 2, 2005 11:38 PM

my hopes for ghostbusters 3 are still very much alive actually, "ronan". I hope to go through college and university so I can go to columbia pictures and slap them until they realise not only will they fill ghostbusters fans's hearts with relief and joy, but they can make a blockbusting profit. the fact that no one is still doing nothing about it only fuels my body and soul with determination to get this thing rolling. and a remake!? ghostbusters 2 was only sixteen years ago! all I can say is the longer they wait, the more older aykroyd, murray, ramis and reitman are gonna get.

Posted by: andy at May 3, 2005 07:10 AM

I don't think anyone else other than the origanal cast could do the movie. I mean they could find some people and movie might be good, but I don't want that. The movie was them. They made the movie. Murry, who could replace him. No one. And I think it would be even funnier to see them this old doing it. It could be the same deal as the last one. They get screwed by the town again. All ghostbusting could go down the tube. Then some shit could happen and they would have to pull the shit together and do it all for one last time. I would want to see that more than anything and I think it would be a block buster if they took thier time and did it right.

Posted by: Jeff at May 7, 2005 12:00 AM

I have a brilliant idea. How 'bout a weekly series - with live actors (not a cartoon). Same characters, different actors. New Ghostbusting action every week! Other Superhero series are doing very well right now; Such as Smallville; and remember the success of some supernatural series such as buffy the vampire slayer, angel, ghosthunters (still playing on the sci-fi channel), and charmed. I'd tune in for some Ghostbusting every week! I'd even buy the seasons on dvd. Let me know what you think.

Posted by: GhostHunter at May 8, 2005 06:41 PM

Another Idea:
How 'bout continuing the franchis in video games.? This way the characters could look and sound like the originals and the fans could actually be included in the ghostbusting action. Make it up to 4 player with cooperative story mode. Also inclued a 4-player multi-player vs. mode; the player could either pick to be a ghost or ghostbuster. You could even start with the original movie as the starting point for the gaming franchise (I'd probably combine gb1 & gb2 in one game, and then continue with original stories for games to follow). What do you all think?

Posted by: GhostHunter at May 8, 2005 07:04 PM

There is no dought the original cast should be in it, other wise it wouldnt be ghostbusters at all! I think they should maybe add some fresh, new, funny characters but they do anyway. the old proton packs should be used, after all.."they have a half-life of 5000 years."

Posted by: andy at May 12, 2005 09:03 AM

if i was to consider a different cast which would still be soooo difficult to cast in place of the greats of the origionals, i would pick older and younger actors to be cast members.
mabey steve buscemi, vince vaughn, if thats how you spell it, marlon wayans and mathew lillard.
they are all good actors at comedy and other genres which the origional cast brought to their roles.they arent too giant stars but are reconisable.they also play comedy in a serious manner which i think would work.

Posted by: doyle at May 13, 2005 02:02 PM

TO HELL WITH GB 3 - Ackroyd just cant write anymore. Manhattan in hell - how cheese is that? Sounds worse than the second film which lets be honest was pretty awful.


3 NEW GHOSTBUSTERS who go from down on their luck to big time heroes due to Supernatural Events. THAT is the genius of the first film. HEAVY on characterization and "this is life in all its oddity" type of humor. LIGHT on special effects but have them be spectacular.

There is a progressing pace, a nuance of action building in the first film which works because the characters are regular people.

WILL SMITH: NO! Too much MIB there.
WILL FERRELL: NO! He's just a little too silly.
SNL PLAYERS: NO! None of them are quite right, except maybe TINA FEY: YES! Her characters are realistic and she would fit. Imagine her in a sexy GB jumpsuit!
MARK WALBERG: YES! Or someone like that who can be intense without having to take themselves seriously.
JIM CARREY: NO! Too extremely goofy. Not believable as an average guy.
JACK BLACK: Little too overexposed in similar average guy roles.
OWEN WILSON: TOO Sarcasticly funny.

And then someone else or two others - actors who are regular guys but can be funny without being FUNNY! Peter Venkman/Bill Murray is the hardest component to recapture.

Bill's a serious actor now and we can respect that, but maybe he'd offer some suggestions about someone to fill that area.

And of course, I would write the script because no one writes like unproven, unknown first time writers. "Rewrites? What do you mean? This first draft is perfect, Mr. Reitman."

Peace out.

Posted by: GORGOB at May 16, 2005 10:40 PM

what would your ghostbusters 3 script be about GORGOB?

Posted by: andy at May 17, 2005 04:58 AM


Posted by: JESUS at May 29, 2005 10:26 PM

i got thinking last night that it would be fun to see an all black cast of something similar to ghostbusters but not the same movie.
i think that chris tucker, the wayens brothers and perhaps an older member of the cast like eddie murphy or danny glover.
but it would not be a ghostbusters movie.just a little bit similar.
whoppie goldberg could be the unlikely love interest to one of the guys.
bear in mind though that its not exactly a gb movie.

Posted by: doyle at May 30, 2005 12:33 PM

Ghostbusters 3
Love Dan A.'s idea for the movie. Hell is too crowded, souls walk around N.Y. Also,yeah, introduce a new group of Busters...nothing TOO typical(i.e. hilary duff cheerleader type who is the funniest because she is not the smartest in the group but the greatest in gymnastistics tumbler and you know hollywood would use that somewhere in the story). And we certainly do not want NEW young actors (Hayden Christensian-oh god no! VADER WITH BAD ACTING!).
This time i think gb should be a little darker...have you seen the most recent gb cartoon in the late 90's GHOSTBUSTER EXTREME the villians were more scarier!. GB fought the dead for cryin' out loud. I think GB needs a new spin (cast) with a little maturity(darker and more thrilling) with a dose of old school (ray, egon,winston, and peter gotta be in it with that old school humor).

Posted by: theghostbusterjson at May 30, 2005 11:51 PM

ok...I believe that Ghostbusters 3 can become a HUGE! blockbuster success. I fell in love with the story of Ghostbusters when i was 8, since then i begun to appreciate the art of movie making and cinematography....I have a very good idea to resurrect this once captivating and thrilling series. I have been working a script for Ghostbusters 3, i have drawn story boards, worked on computer graphic designs, and have a great!! story plot and side plots. As for the cast, times have changed, the ghostbusters we once knew and loved are now gone, they can't be replaced, a new, fresh young team of ghostbusters has to be compiled to recapture the essence and drama of the original cast-of course with a new array flavor and chemistry. It has come to my attention that the t.v.series , Extreme Ghostbusters, has already taken the task of creating a new cast of ghostbusters! To me this was a no brainer! After watching the entire series, i figured out that the chemistry and possibilites of the new cast ,was incredible!! The hardest part has already been completed! I took the cast from that series and applied them to my script...i'm very dedicated to this project and no i'm not trying to violate and copyrights, im just professionally brainstorming a possible idea to ressurect a once beloved franchise. On the down side, all i have are pieces of paper and drawings and computer animations, and great ideas. I guarntee, that if what i see in my head is brought out to the big screen it will be beyond amazing. Every expectation would be fufilled-the suspense of the ghost hunting-drama within the team- maybe a new love affair??-incredible special effects-great great story, a note on the story-honestly, it came to me in a dream, lol its so amazing it's scary!-i promise i will try and make this work.....Now i'm asking you people out there dedicated to see this work to help me- how do i go about making these pieces of paper a blockbuster movie? Who do i contact? who can help me? please e-mail me if you have anything to comment about this topic thank you

[email protected]

Posted by: JAMES at June 9, 2005 05:23 PM

have you ever thought about taking a college/university course in film production and media studies? oh, by the way, taking out the original ghostbusters was a big mistake, the fans would love to see them together again on-screen, even as grumpy old men.

Posted by: andy at June 14, 2005 10:24 AM

Imagine a crappy remake of ghostbusters, almost like a kiddy thing (your probably thinkin the will never turn ghostbusters into a softy kiddy toon but look at that garbage they call the mask 2.) if kids like it and it sells toys they will f**k it.

Posted by: snake at June 14, 2005 10:43 AM

at the hands of ivan reitman, ghostbusters 3 will NEVER turn into a kiddy film. ghostbusters 2 was a little more childish and softer than the original, but it was based around christmas time - y'know 'good feelings'. it was around x-mas, because they had to meet a deadline set by the studio (but it was still good wasn't it?). ivan reitman and dan aykroyd are post-poning ghostbusters 3 because they don't want to turn it into hollywood crap. that's why bill murray is locking up his peice of the movie rights, because he doesnt want to spoil such a franchise as ghostbusters.

Posted by: andy at June 21, 2005 09:42 AM

I think if it was the original cast, totally out of shape, as mentioned earlier, along with Sean william scott as the layabout trainee, who joined, not believing in ghosts and was just trying to avoid getting a job.

Its the enemy that would need the biggest amount of work.

Any ideas?

Posted by: Lickable at July 5, 2005 11:41 AM

This is the way i see it. The Ghostbusters francise was amazing. It could never work unless the original Ghostbusters were in it. theghostbusterjson had a good idea, and so did Rufus. The only way a 3rd movie would work is with the original cast. The only way the cast could do it is with new recruits. However, I dunno about these actors that I saw several times::
Will Smith - We don't need another cussing-less soundtrack with him all over it. The Ghostbusters are a team. He'd make his character cocky, as he does in all his films.
Jim Carrey - I'm sorry, but if you're going to have "newbies," he's too old.
Will Ferrell - He's funny as hell... but, like Jim Carrey, too old for the role.
Ben Stiller - I'm sorry, but I don't find him funny. Alright, he did good in dodgeball, but that's it.
Rob Schneider - Actually, now I think Rob would work.
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon - THEY SUCK!!!!!
Chris Rock - We had Winston's "I've seen shit that'll turn you white" comment... and that should be it with racism comments for the movies.

People I think would work (if they did it based on the GBX series)::
Jack Black - granted he's PUSHING that age border, he's still young enough to pull Garrett (it would suck limiting him to a wheelchair, but we know hollywood would get him out of it somehow).
Rob Schneider - He can pull off a role like Eduardo: Tries to be charming and charismatic, but in the end, a bit of a chicken shit.
Fairuza Balk - She's creepy looking... she's hot... she's perfect for Kylie. I'm sorry, someone mentioned hilary duff... are you KIDDING! we can't have "Walt Disney presents Ghostbusters III."
Alfonso Ribeiro - He'd be a great Roland... wait, he WAS Roland. hmm... more of a reason to make him Roland!

Now, I liked the idea of bringing Oscar in it. Someone to play oscar.... I think either Cole or Dylan Sprouse would work (by means of timeframe).
(before someone accuses me of being a hypocrite... i know those two are on 'The Suite Life of Zack & Cody... they started in 'Big Daddy' remember... "i can wipe my own ass!!")

Posted by: BrokenWire at July 13, 2005 04:05 PM

I've read all the posts here and had plenty of time to collect my thoughts. So get ready to hear a rant from the diehardest of Ghostheads!
First, regarding the script: I really really like the idea of Hell being overcrowded and Hades sending those lost souls back. Just as long as it didn't turn into a friggin zombie movie! (God knows we've had a few too many of those).
New Ghostbusters? It could potentially work. Not that I'd WANT to see it happen, but it might be our only option. So we might as well roll with it.
Here's the results of my contemplation regarding cast. Definitely a big exnay on Chris Rock, he's too loud and obnoxious, and Winston's character was the most laid back in the group. Therefore I'd have to go with Ice Cube. I'd love to see Vince Vaughn thrown in the mix as Venkman, he's just cool enough and sarcastic enough to fill the boots.
Now I say screw BOTH Wilson brothers being in it; just go with Luke. He can portray Stantz with that mix of child like wonder and professional stamina that we have come to know, love and expect from "Francine"! As a runner up - and don't curse me out too much - I'm thinking Kevin James. Believe me I thought long and hard about that before deciding to put it in here. That leaves us with Egon. Somebody suggested Owen Wilson, again nothing against him but we need the nerdiness! Too bad the dude from Napolean Dynamite is too young. And as for Andy Dick? If he could just talk for five minutes without sounding gay, and act like a braniac, it might just work. Better yet, have Johnny Depp play Spengler! (Come on, he does look pretty nerdy with those glasses, and he's one of today's best actors!) And ixnay on sean william scott, period.
Now if the movie IS about Hell, who better to play Lucifer than Al Pacino? He showed us he could be dark and humorous as the Devil in "The Devil's Advocate." Or better yet: Christopher Walken! He's the God of movies as it is so why not have him play the devil? I guess that's about it...though I seriously believe that Jon Voight could play the mayor, Catherine Bell could play Dana Barrett, Andy Dick as Louis Tully instead of Egon, and Jennifer Love Hewitt as Janine Melnitz. There.
And for all you who apologize for your loyalty to Ghostbusters? Nonsense, I say. I proudly admit I own both soundtracks, a crapload of the toys, and know the GB dance from Parker's music video. So let's stand up and say it load and clear: BUSTIN' MAKES ME FEEL GOOD!

Posted by: jackfrostscoleri at July 13, 2005 08:28 PM

Always the original cast........they're all alive still arnt they?

Posted by: Pyramidblaster at July 26, 2005 05:53 PM

O.K ghostbusters 3 : yes original cast, other wise it wouldn't be ghostbusters. but they train younger ghostbusters because.... well, who else is going to take over the business? its enevitable. New younger cast: jimmy fallon (as the screw up) brittany murphy (as a female ghostbuster) rob sneider( sorry if I miss pronounced his name -as a decent mad scientist with geeky glasses)And someone for oscar but dont know who ( shia LeBeof keeps springing to mind, but he's 19/20 now! Oscar would be around 16/17.please reply what you think.

Posted by: andy at July 30, 2005 10:59 AM

hmmmmm .... I think that a Ghostbusters 3 would be awsome ... I mean, it's sad that the rest of the first 2's cast aren’t interested, but with Dan in control, I think it could work. But I hope Slimer is done better. I loved Slimer in the original animated series!

A good cast hmmmm ... Jim Carey IS a good idea, I mean for Peter, or maybe Nicky Katt? nope ... yeah Jim Carey. Good idea. He is the only one I can think of. The idea of other Ghostbusters in other cities, awesome. And Oscar? wow, never would have thought. But if it was 10 years wouldn't he be like ... 11? kinda young for a Ghostbuster…. But still … truthfully, it’s for Dan to decide so … yeah. I give my thumbs up. And if I owned part of the Ghostbusters, I would give it to him.

Whoever said the Wilson brothers ... I am sorry, but I DESPISE them! *shudder*

... er ... I know this is corny, but if they do make a casting call, if you know the address, could you post it? For the ... aspiring actors :)?

Thank you ! :D

Posted by: Egonluver at August 1, 2005 12:26 AM

Most of the time I say, wait 20-25 years before remaking a movie. Ghostbusters might be better off wating a few more years. It was and still is very popular, any remake would be compared 10 fold to the original because of the popularity. If the original cast was involved it still would be a bad idea. How do you make up for the age? Plus would the on screen chemistry be there, because of the years they spend apart? Ivan Reitman had worked the some of them before a few years earlier, and the cast had worked with each other, SNL, Stripes, Meatballs, etc. in the few years before.

With than said, This movie should and will more than likely be remade in the coming years. When it's remade, the original cast especally Ackroyd should be involved. I would love to see small cameos in the movie for all of the actors.

I've heard at least 20 names discussed for roles in the movie on differnebt sites. Here are some of my choices, Will Ferrell, Jeff Goldblum, Owen Wilson, Jamie Foxx, Tracy Morgan, Steve Buscemi, and Vince Vaughn. Many of these actors have worked together before. Jay Chandrasekhar 'Super Troopers' would be a good director for this movie.

This movie needs to be done just right so it won't turn out to be a Bewitched, Brady Bunch, Starsky and Hutch, Stepford Wives piece of crap.

Posted by: lwmayberry at August 1, 2005 05:13 AM

The last entry was completely on the ball. A remake would suit the franchise best. Let's face the music the first go around is whjat i call the worst handled franchise in film history. How does Crap movies get seven or eight bull---- sequels done, the Gb's who made money both times can't finish with the trilogy.
I have four choices that make sure the franchise is around for a long time.
Adam Sandler- Peter Venkman
Everytime this funny man is on the camera he commands the viewers to watch him. Just like Murray did.
John Cusack- Ray Stantz
He has something smart about him as well as funny. Cusack has charmed people forever and would replace Akroyd well.
Johnny Depp- Egon Spengler
I know he's big now, but so What? He can play a great geek and can be funny if he puts his mind to it.
Will Smith- Winston Zeddemore
I know he's not an atypical choice but look at Hudson and Smith and just think that he's has almost the same persona. Except for the fact the Smith just got little bigger.
You may not like my choices, but Sony wouldn't be able to deny the possibilities of this cast. You have so many different fans of the four of them that would help the film top the original. And maybe i' thinkin sony should get copyrights from WB and use the ghost Beetlejuice in the remake. The Ghostbusters vs. the Ghost with the most. More and More fan groups will come to see this blockbuster.
And maybe ask the likes of Tim Burton, or Steven Spielberg, or Gore Verbinski to direct. I can also see this as a Bruckheimer extravganza.

Posted by: Jham at August 3, 2005 04:13 PM

I like the last entry of new names to the list of actors that could do this movie. At least three the said that I had not heard said before. Here are my choices.

Will Ferrell- Stantz
Vince Vaughn- Venkman
Owen Wilson,or Jeff Goldblum- Spengler
Tracy Morgan- Veddemore

but, I want a cast that can work together, not just big names. If 4 nobodys work together good, I'm all for it. A comedy director is a must, to preserve the feel of the movie. The movie needs to be paranormal, but funny at the same time. Ivan Reitman could even come back. Cecil B. DeMille did it. I know it's not the same, but still.

Feel free to argue my favorites

Posted by: lwmayberry at August 4, 2005 05:11 AM

Vince Vaughm would work perfectly. But Will Ferrel is just to silly to play anyone scientific. Owen Wilson doesn't remind me of anyone smart and Jeff Goldblum would have worked as Egon on the first go round.
And Tracy Morgan is also to silly for the no nonsense Winston.
I still believe Cusack and Depp are perfect castings for Stantz and Egon.

Even though Smith might not work as Winston for everybody, i believ e he embodies what Winston was All about. Besides Orlando Jones, Morris Chestnut, Tyrese Gibson, or even Andre 3000(him and Vaughn best part of Be Cool) even gives me the impression of Winston.

And i still think Gore Verbinski would work to direct. But we'll see how good the Weatherman is!!!

Posted by: Jham at August 4, 2005 02:32 PM

Will Smith would be good in the part, so would Orlando Jones. I don't think Johnny Depp could come of with the nerd that is Egon. Egon might be the hardest one to cast. I still think Will Ferrell could do a great version of Statnz. He would have to work on the nerd aspect. Tim Burton could give a whole new spin on the movie, now that I think about it. I'm going to throw out two smaller parts

Louis Tully- Steve Buscemi
Walter Peck- Kevin Spacey

When this movie is remade in the future, do you think the villans should stay the same? (Gozer & Staypuff) The movie should end different kinda like planet of the apes. I not a reasercher of Gods, and Goddesses, but I know that there are countless others. Staypuff is Ghostbusters, I see some sort of cameo, or part for him.

This movie needs to be different for the original, but it needs to preserve the Ghostbusters idea and feel. We don't need another 1998 Psycho, that copys frame by frame.

Posted by: lwmayberry at August 5, 2005 03:21 AM

I would be the first one to audition for a part in part 3 if they made one.

Posted by: Alan at August 10, 2005 02:02 AM

Everyone pay attention. The key to a great movie is, a plot, a real plot, great characters, and the best CGI money can buy. Keep the orginal guys and ladies and make this project happen. If you need help for a story line I've already have one written. With respect to Mr. Ackroyd and Mr. Ramis, don't feel pressured into the sequal band wagon just to makes big bucks. These are great characters,
and they deserve better, so keep your Ben Stiller's, Luke & Owen Wilson's, Vince Vaughn's, Will Smith's ha!, and your Jack Black's. I would take the old guys any day to star in this movie.

Posted by: Freelancer at August 10, 2005 11:10 PM

ok so we all no that the original cast wont return for ghost busters 3 and everyone seems to agree that there are no comedy actors with quite the same flair as the originals to carry it off.

So the only way i can see for a third movie to be made is to move away from the comedy aspect of the films.

If the film was made as a straight action - ghost flick, you could easily establish new actors in the roles of the ghost busters. Basically after batman and robin, i thought they had drove the series into the ground from which it could never return. It seems the guys with the money realised that too. They made a straight sequel no comedy just good acting and plenty of action in Batman Begins what a success that movie has been.

Yeah i'd love for he orginal cast to return but that just isnt going to happen, and i wouldn't want to see imatations of there performances by new actors. So a straight film with new actors and a bit more scare added in seems the best way to go to be honest.

Posted by: Way Out There at August 11, 2005 04:55 PM

My favorite movies of all time. I definatly agree with what another poster said. They're feel good movies. I dont care how old the original cast is. Most of them have aged well anyways besides Ramis and Murray could use some hair coloring. The best thing about the Ghostbusters is that they're not susposed to be beefed up healthy 100% great shape action heros. They're average Americans who sleep in, eat chinese take out and smoke cigarettes, and save the world. Age is not a factor as long as it has a decent plot, good soundtrack, and a threatening villian. I'd love to see a Ghostbusters 3 and would be there opening night. Unfortunatly Murray's too good for Ghostbusters now apparently and has bigger fish to fry like Garfield. :-/

Posted by: Randy at August 17, 2005 04:53 PM

Ghostbusters are my favorite movies of all time. I watch both of them at least once a week. Does anyone have the script for the third one that Ramis and Ackroyd have been working on? I would love to read it. If someone could get this for me, I have the script to Star Wars Episode 7 that I would be willing to trade. It will blow your mind. Let me know.

Posted by: Chris Bermingham at August 19, 2005 09:49 PM

There is no script yet

Posted by: lwmayberry at August 21, 2005 04:38 AM

I should have been more clear in my last post. Aykroyd has said he wrote a script, but I understand it is just a rough draft and not a final script. I've looked for it for a few months, but all I find is fan-based scripts nothing offical.

Posted by: lwmayberry at August 31, 2005 03:06 AM

they should totally almost re-do everything from ghostbusters and not even call it ghosbusters 3.along with a new theme song,modern techonology (make the pro-ton packs look futuristic and not soo home made..maybe instead of a white hurse,make ecto-1 a high tech looking black van.and as for a new cast,,im thinking adam sandler could replace peter (bill)-because he can be smart and witty. and maybe the guy from shallow hall,(whats his name?) he could replace Ray (dan)-because hes about his size and could play a similier charecter. and im still brainstroming on who could play winston and egon..what do you think?

Posted by: Mark at September 14, 2005 10:49 PM

the 'guy' from shallow hal is Jack Black and if it wasnt called ghostbusters 3 what would it be called?

Posted by: andy at September 16, 2005 05:33 PM

I think they should just start over with the original name agian "Ghostbusters" afterall, even the Ghostbusters 2 movie was 16 years ago.I think its safe to start over agian.

Posted by: Mark at September 18, 2005 01:26 PM

Like many of you, I too am waiting in much anticipation for GB3 to be made. I really don't see what some of the holdups are all about. Bill Murray has been more into the indy film thing these past few years, but he's had enough great movies to secure his future. Not saying they aren't wealthy anyway, but don't you think Harold Ramis and Dan Ackroyd could use at least one major blockbuster in their lifetime?

I say Sony offers each enough to secure a return, use Dan's New York in Hell script, (I really can envision that concept, particularly since Constantine came out), bring in some fresh blood that many of today's 25 and unders will know and remember. I love Will Smith but not for this movie. I think Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson would be good additions, and maybe the girl from Van Helsing (cant remember her name). With Van Helsing in mind, Hugh Jackman isn't all that bad of an idea either.

I like the idea of using the old Ecto in the movie, like #2 did, and give it a paint job after the boys in grey get back into the swing of things, after not NYC, but the Feds sue them for tampering with a national landmark. You know the lawsuit for MOVING the Statue of Liberty would be much higher than blowing up an apartment building.

I believe GB3 should use the ORIGINAL GB logo, not do what #2 had. That was cheezy to me.

Anyway, I've seen franchises reborn, and with Batman Begins I have hope that this can happen here. BB is one of my fav movies of all time now, it was just done right. It was scary to a point, like it was supposed to be.

I can't wait till I am sitting in a theater and a new trailer comes on, it's scary as you know what, just dark and creepy, and you hear people asking questions about the ghosts, and Bill Murray turns his head and has some slacker-funny comment about, then kick in the original GB soundtrack! Man, I'd rise and clap and yell for that one!

Posted by: Spengler at September 19, 2005 07:30 PM

If we can't have a GB3, can we have a digitally remastered GB1? Like they did with the Star Wars movies? I want my kids growing up knowing who and what the Ghostbusters were. As for a script for GB3, cast Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson as there original characters teaching a new Squad of Ghostbusters in NYC, and Bill Murray off in Los Angeles moving on with his life away from ghostbusting with Sigourny Weaver and Oscar. He can have his cameo appearance over the phone or something when word gets out that the team is back together without him. Lets see the new squad? HMMM Jennifer Garner putting on a proton pack? Will Smith definatly not, he would steal the screen. They would have to be no name stars, maybe Cooper from Eurotrip as Venckman's replacement, that dorky kid from Road Trip as Spengler's Replacement, as for the other two, I really dont know but they would definatly have to be no names

Posted by: Seth Bartmess at September 21, 2005 10:55 PM

Lets use the "Ben Stiller crew"

Ben Stiller
Owen Wilson
Luke Wilson
Vince Vaughn
Will Ferrell

Posted by: Clay at October 3, 2005 02:45 PM

I would however like to see the original cast. Ghostbusters is a classic. It would be great to see one more done to close it off with a trilogy. Plus with today's special effects it would be really cool. I think it would really do well at the box office. A lot of people fell in love with those movies. They are classics and anyone who saw the original 2 would definately buy a ticket to a third one

Possible storyline: (If origianl cast does not return)
A bunch of guys with nothing to lose and everything to prove Think they can be the next ghostbusters and they head out to prove they can. However it turns out they suck so they decide to find Egon, Ray, Winston and Peter to get advice and with their help (as cameo performances) they save the day. This way we introduce the next generation Ghostbusters plus the old generation but keeping the same (original) logo, same old car,

By the way this is my list of top 20 actor choices if the original cast does not return. (in alphabetical order)

Zach Braff
Adrien Brody
Steve Buscemi
Steve Carell
George Clooney
John Cusack
Johnny Depp
Will Ferrell
Jake Gyllenhal
Shia Lebouf
Mike Myers
Jeremy Piven
Chris Rock
Adam Sandler
Jason Schwartzman
Rob Shnieder
Ben Stiller
Vince Vaugh
Luke Wilson
Owen Wilson

Posted by: Clay at October 3, 2005 03:38 PM




Posted by: Donald Bradbury at October 3, 2005 09:33 PM