October 05, 2004

War of the Worlds Adding an Oscar Winner

TimRobbinsBW.jpgAs if having Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg wasn't enough, now War of the Worlds looks like it's added Oscar winner (and all round killer actor) Tim Robbins (who I STILL say was robbed of the Best Actor Oscar for Shawshank Redemption) to the cast. This movie doesn't even start filming until next month and it's already starting to reek of awsomeness. Throw in Miranda Otta (Eowyn in the last 2 Lord of the Rings Flicks) and the cast is rounding out quite nicely. Now, as long as they don't give into that stupid recent casting trend and hire Eminem to play the hip-hop leader of the alien invaders who just want to come to earth to show us how to "keep it real" then everything should be fine. The good folks over at Cinescape give us this:

Otto would play the wife of Cruise's character while Robbins would play an astronomer named Ogilvy. The David Koepp script is a modern day translation of the H.G. Wells science fiction novel, just as the George Pal movie set the action in that era's present day (the 1950s).
Coming off the really disappointing "The Terminal", I hope Spielberg gets himself back on track. It's nice to see the man get behind the camera on a Sci-Fi flick again.

Posted by John Campea at October 5, 2004 06:59 AM


I really hope that Spielberg hits the mark on this one. He seems to have become a little too PC for my taste in recent years, (walkie talkies instead of guns in ET ring any bells?), but, in his prime, no one could do a good popcorn movie like him. Next summer is shaping up to be pretty exciting for movie fans!

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices

Posted by: Marc at October 5, 2004 08:41 AM

The George Pal version set in the 1950s! What kind of crap are they pulling. That version is set pretty much in the time that the novella was if I remember rightly and that's how the dressmakers window is so important as it shows women's fashion through the ages to represent the passing of years. You'd think the movie makers would get their press release details right... However, I'm looking forward to this like an ill dog looks forward to getting his big cone shaped collar off.

Posted by: Justin at October 5, 2004 01:35 PM

They're probably going to take religion completely out of the film. I have heard there will be bizarre nudity and extreme gore in it. What a load.

Posted by: Sam at October 6, 2004 04:02 PM

It will suck. Mark my words.

Posted by: cal godot at October 7, 2004 11:13 AM