October 27, 2004

Ving Rhames is the new Kojak

Rhames3.jpgWho loves you baby? Well I do. I love Ving Rhames, I think he's an actor with more presence than Darth Vader dressed up as Santa, and Kojak just seems a perfect part for him, how did we never think of that before?

Okay, so it's a new television series produced by Bonnie Hammer of the Sci-Fi Channel and USA Network, but the production ended in August on a two hour movie to kick start the series when it begins to air in March 2005.

I realize that this might be a travesty to some, you might not think Kojak could ever be replaced, but I do believe that Mr Rhames is the one who could do it. The teaser of the movie in ComingSoon says:

The show was celebrated by police departments around the country for what was then considered a realistic portrayal of police work. In the pilot, Kojak hunts down a serial killer who continues to puzzle New York City detectives by targeting prostitutes with young children. After visiting a crime scene where he meets a victim's children left without their mother ? let alone a legal guardian ? he is overcome with anger and compassion, and vows to personally avenge the killings.

Now that's a blurb I like. Okay everyone, what do you think? Is Rhames a good choice?

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 27, 2004 03:47 AM



Sometimes, your gut instinct tells you a casting like this right on the money, but you have no other idea why it will work for you on a conscious level. I trust my gut instinct at all times. :-) I'm thrilled over this movie and casting choice.

Posted by: Lilly at October 27, 2004 09:58 AM

Oh yeah! Rhames should make a great Kojak! Do you think they're gonna keep the lollypops? Some parents group might suggest that the show is promoting tooth decay ;)

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 27, 2004 10:31 AM

I think he's a great choice as an actor but I'm unsure how it'll really turn out. I saw an interview about a month ago (sorry I can't remember which show it was) where he said he has never seen the original nor does he plan on watching it as he wants to give his own take on the character without trying to imitate Telly's version. So I guess this is one to watch without a scorecard comparing the two in minute detail.

Posted by: Jodi at October 28, 2004 10:15 AM

Let me start by saying as far as cop dramas's of telivision's past is concern,Kojak;the original series,was a finely written,produced, and directed uber-hotfudge sunday, with Telly as the proverbial cherry on top(ok, so I'm dieting right now!) When I heard the buzz about the possible remake of the show, I got a little anxious, like most I assumed the wise choice would be to go with an unknown actor,who may, or may not be able to pull off a duplicate portrayal of Savalas's role.Assuming this, there could be mediocre success or a shipwreck of failure. Hands down choosing Rhames is the wisest of possible choices.Theres no replacing an original, but with his training in classical theater/cinema, and his integrity within choosing his roles(Never once have I seen Ving play the stereotypical 'black guy' role; even his villainous charaters are portrayed profoundly),Rhames is no doubt an orginal himself. A guy who hands his Golden Globe to a more deserving actor, is bound to bring respect,discipline,heart and his own individual style to the 'Kojak' role.

Posted by: Ginger at December 12, 2004 06:50 PM

Kojak is on the top of my list of favorite TV shows of all time and Telly was one of the reasons. (I constantly look for reruns but have only found a few shows on the Hallmark channel of all places) I think Ving Rhames is an excellent choice for a remake, though to me noone can replace Telly.

Posted by: Lori at December 22, 2004 06:04 AM

As everyone has stated, noone can replace the kojak of history...Telly Savalas. But, from all that I have heard and read that will not be what is aimed for here. I guess a reinterpretation is the term that comes to mind.

For those of us who do remember the old show (the first season DVD in March I believe) I think we will probably have the hardest time accepting the new show because of how we remember things under the Greek cop, Kojak. I think it is a good thing for the new generation to see the new Kojak as a brand new show with no influences from the old series.

I cannot ever remember being disappointed with anything Mr. Rhames has ever done and am glad that our hero will be played by someone of such character. And, from the promos I have seen... the lollipops will be around too!! I cannot wait to see who is cast in the supporting roles.

Posted by: Mike Morris at January 2, 2005 02:27 AM

As Kojak was filmed partially in my apartment. I got to see some of the filming and from that know this will be a great movie. I was kinda shocked that a black actor was chosen as Kojak but after meeting him I knew that he was a great choice. I cant wait to see the entire movie.


Posted by: Diane at January 17, 2005 12:28 PM

I've been wanting to see more of Mr. Rhames's presence in television/movie productions. This talented actor with such a powerful stage/screen presence just seemed to me undercasts in most of the roles in which I've seen him. 'Kojak' is terrific for him, it matches him so very well and because its a series I'm thrilled that I'll be seeing and hearing him more. He certainly doesn't replace Mr. Savalas and no one ever really replaces another person---who wants that anyway. I suspect that would be boring for the actor and definitely for this viewer.

I look forward to quality entertainment following the legacy of the original Kojak; plus, everything that Mr. Rhames will bring to the role.

Posted by: Tina at February 3, 2005 03:55 AM

Rhames is an Excellent Choice as Kojak.

I hope they keep the Original Theme Song and keep the gritty look as the original.

It would be awesome if the show has a 70's type police backdrop ala Law and Order. I love the old phones and dangling water pipes off the walls and ceilings.

I just wish the Hallmark Channel kept its crime time line up on Sunday Afternoon where I could check out my Kojak and Hawaii 5-0 reruns, my two
favorite cop shows of all-time.

Posted by: Eric at February 5, 2005 11:56 PM

Just another example of producers/writers/directors not having any creativity and robbing the fond memories of past shows for the sake of $$

Just look at the poor reviews of the Charlie's Angels movie or the equally poor reviews of the Starsky and Hutch movie.
Viewers today are on to this scam concerning "lack of talent" remakes of classics.

Posted by: Rudy at February 28, 2005 03:27 PM

Hmm... Ving Rhames as "Kojak"... Isn't that a Polish name? Somehow I just dont see Ving as a Pole.

Why not rename the series and the main charachter while going for the same "style". I guess it's further proof of the lack of imagination in Hollywood. Remakes and ripoffs are all they can come up with out there these days.

Posted by: Scott at March 14, 2005 06:23 PM

im sad to see the new series of kojack,come back.
i dont believe mr. ving could ever make the part come alive ,like telly did.
telly was the type of actor that,could never be
replaced in any part.
im sorry to see the remake of one of the
best shows on tv.
i wish mr ving luck,
kay wilson

Posted by: kay wilson at March 16, 2005 12:16 AM

I'm happy that the series is coming back...and I'm absolutely thrilled that Ving is playing the part!!!

Like many others, I can't recall anything that I've seen of him that I didn't like. He is truly a fine and talented actor!!!

Hats off, Ving!!!

Posted by: Rocko at March 17, 2005 05:46 PM

Well, I'm truly disgusted. Not the choice of Vin Diesel or Ving Rhames. Thats not the problem. There is a thing called "RESPECT." And obviously the people behind this have none. You don't mess with this kind of thing. Telly was/is Kojak. New. Wet or otherwise. Will the new Kojak be making Black Velvet advertisments or dancing with Sarah Jessica Harlot in the next GAP add? I feel bad about this for Telly, his family and the rest of the world. A. Stanton. Disgusting.

Posted by: arch stanton at March 18, 2005 11:15 AM

Ving Rhames as Kojak will be a total success!! I am a huge Telly Savalas Fan and Ving will do him PROUD!

Posted by: Gina at March 22, 2005 09:26 AM

When I saw the commercial for Kojak with Ving Rhames, I flipped for the idea! I am truly looking forward to this version. I highly suspect that Mr. Savalas would not complain with the actor choice. No, Ving is not greek, or white, but he is the right age and exudes that same confidence and street-smart characterism that Mr. Savalas worked hard to portray in his own version. The original Kojak portrayed a story of a cop who was willing to push boundaries of the law to find answers to heinous crimes. I think Ving will work hard to keep this same theme in tact, while adding his own flare 'in character'.
Cop shows have done well over the years and continue to command high followings, this one should prove to be no different. thanks to USA for remembering the television series that Telly Savalas proved to be emmy award winning quality!

Posted by: Pamela at March 22, 2005 03:55 PM

I like Ving very much but . . . I'll reserve judgement until he says "who loves ya baby".

Posted by: Kerru at March 25, 2005 02:08 PM

Best possible choice.

Posted by: Gloria at March 26, 2005 10:09 PM

I am so pleased. Mr. Rhames sir, I could not think of a better person to portray the personality of KOJAK - lollipop & all. You are truly the "Right Choice".

May GOD continue to bless you along with your fellow actors & actresses. I believe you have a SUCCESS!!!

Can't wait till next week.

Posted by: Skyler at March 28, 2005 12:10 AM

I saw the show and i believe the show will continue to be a hit. Black Kojack, Ving Rhames never seen him act before, I like what i seen sofar, good choice,,,,,,,,,,, Bev

Posted by: Bev at March 28, 2005 11:22 AM

ving did a good job loved the show

Posted by: denisw at March 28, 2005 03:04 PM

Does anyone know the make and/or model of Ving Rhames, sunglasses that he wore in the 1st episode of The New Kojak movie.

Posted by: Kevin at March 29, 2005 02:20 PM

It's not that I don't like Ving Rhames, however he is not Greek, he is Black. It would be like Telly Savalas playing "Shaft". Why couldn't they just make another police show and call it something else. Not Kojak.
Hobe Sound, Fl. 33455

Posted by: Jessica at April 1, 2005 09:37 PM

I detect jealousy and prejudice in some of these comments. No one is saying Ving is trying to take Telly's place. These are two different people. GET OVER IT! Thanks for the other "GREAT" comments. Ving is doing a wonderful job playing his own role as the new KOJAK. To the people who aren't thrilled with the show, "GUESS WHAT" you don't have to watch it. Get over yourself. You are just jealous, mean, evil, and have no life. Misery loves company. What do you have going for yourself? Any acting skills. If not, please keep your selfish comments. Stop trying to spoil someone else's happiness. GREAT JOB, VING RHAMES. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL WITH PLENTY OF EXPERIENCE. I AM PROUD OF YOU.


Posted by: Mary Hall at April 2, 2005 08:32 AM


No need to shout, we can all hear you! As for the "get over it" comments, if we took that approach then there would be no MovieBlog or critique of movies at all. We would be served what the Studios made, we would pay, watch it, say such phrases and go home.

People have their opinion and both sides are right.

You are right in saying it's a new actor so give him a chance and see the role in the context of the new programme and treat it as such.

Others are right in saying the character and backstory of Kojak is set and defined in a certain way. To change a large amount of what that role is, turn it into a new programme and still retain the name of Kojak isn't right. Retaining the name suggests the same ethos, character and backstory.

So both camps are right. I think Jessica said it right when she suggested that it's just made as a new show. That would make both sides happy.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 2, 2005 09:01 AM

When I first saw the ads for the new "Kojak", I thought to myself, "Perfect choice." Now that I've seen the show, I think,"Well done!" You've got a regular series watcher in me.

Posted by: Sendee Smith at April 3, 2005 08:46 AM

I am in love all over again.
I fell in love with Telly. Now Ving has my heart!
I began to like the baldhead. Now Ving has my heart! What a terrific choice for Kojak!!!!

Posted by: Kay at April 3, 2005 10:56 PM

They should change the show's name to Ko-black haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Posted by: roger at April 3, 2005 11:52 PM

Another example of there just being too many channels on TV with nothing to fill them. So we get the ''new, original television series,'' Kojak, with Ving Rhames. Rhames did some sort of interview on a commercial for the show, stating the only things used from Telly Savalas's original Kojak were the ''lollipop and the name.'' Oh, well, and of course it's about a tough-guy police detective, in a big city, with a shaved head, and a snappy dresser...yeah, right, ''new, original series....''

Posted by: Craig at April 8, 2005 02:16 PM


Posted by: mary at April 12, 2005 07:35 PM

My father was a Kojak fan and thought Telly Savalas was a great actor. . .and definitely was the man KOJAK. Sometimes I watched it and thought okay, pretty good show. Then when I saw that Kojak was returning to the air,with Ving Rhames, I thought how is Hollywood going to make this work. Ving Rhames is an excellent actor, I have seen him in many roles, and I feel he does justice to this role. I absolutely love the show. I like his portrayal of the detective, both agressive and senstive simultaneously. I am a fan, and if my dad were still alive, I am sure he would be a fan too. Let's remember, these are roles. the characters of a show are just that characters, and if a person is a good actor, that person can give life and new life to a role in any television show or movie. Good luck to the new Kojak series, I truly enjoy each episode. Keep up the good work

Posted by: Madie at April 23, 2005 07:18 AM

i am so glad that more and more fans are seeing that this a great show a good cast and if tellywas living he would say who loves you baby i think in my heart he is proud that ving is doing a great job and the co- stars crocker, masina they are doing a great job i hope the shoe has a great seanson and many more i tape them and watch them about 2 or 3 times. way to ving u are great not to mention handsome as in wow

Posted by: mary at April 28, 2005 08:31 PM

Wow! I think Rhames makes an excellent Kojak! Definitely makes my list of favorite shows! I've seen him in just about all of his movies and think he is GREAT!

Ving, who loves you baby?... ME! :-) Keep up the GREAT work!

Posted by: Karen at May 3, 2005 08:39 PM

As a Black man, I don't remember seeing many Black people in principle roles on the original Kojak tv series. That did not prevent me from making Kojak one of my most-watched tv programs at that time, nor did it prevent Telly Savalas from becoming one of my favorite actors. He was very, very good.

I first became aware of Ving Rhames from a show on ABC that was simply called "Men." I have always enjoyed Mr. Rhames' acting. He brings to the small - and to the big screen - a strong presence that has not been seen on television in a very long time. Even though his portrayal of Kojak is different from that of Mr. Savalas, it is just as strong and just as deep. And I believe, juat as passionate.

The television critics have a reputation for being notoriously harsh on programs that feature strong Black people in serious dramatic roles. I hope that critics are not so fixated on Mr. Savalas that they overlook Mr. Rhames wide range of acting skills.

This show deserves to be more that just a one-season hit. I hope the critics give it that chance.

Posted by: L Smith at May 8, 2005 03:12 PM

Absolutely the best thing Ving Rhames has ever done! Very moving and emotional. The pilot made me cry... Good work!

Posted by: Christine at May 9, 2005 04:08 AM

All I had to do was see one banner ad on Yahoo, and I knew that this would be perfect. I agree with your statement "how did we never think of that before?" -- that's just a sign of a truly good idea, though.

Let's give some of the credit where it is due: to the casting geniuses. I remember May Jo Slater's name from Babylon 5, and no doubt she has been busy with many other series since then. There is more than a little art and skill wrapped up in the casting biz, and the task has been handled well all around with this show.

Finally, to those whining about how this is not Telly Savalas: I will be willing to listen to you if you swear that you did not spend any money at all to see either of Tom Cruise's "Mission: Impossible" movies, each of which completely wrecked the spirit of one of MY favorite shows of all time. (I think it's a fitting irony that Ving Rhames was in that movie...!)

Posted by: LS Allen at May 10, 2005 09:10 PM

Oops, I had the names of the casting geniuses wrong. It's Mary Jo Slater, and Steve Brooksbank. Thanks guys for great casting!

Posted by: LS Alen at May 10, 2005 09:27 PM


Posted by: jerry at May 16, 2005 05:20 PM

Will their be a second series in the fall of 2005?

Posted by: Micah at May 19, 2005 11:04 PM

were can ifind acopy or group tthat plays one of sound tracks from kojack; the DELPHI TREO

Posted by: t bailey at June 23, 2005 04:59 PM


Posted by: VIC at August 12, 2005 08:04 PM

Can anyone tell me if the fabulous new Kojak series is coming back this fall? It was great. Ving is not Telly but this is a whole new look at the character so not to compare.

I was always in front of the tv on Sunday evenings at 10pm so my vote is to bring it back.

Does anyone know!!!!

Posted by: Chenoa at August 17, 2005 02:40 PM

I can't wait for more shows. I love Vin and he and the cast do a tremendous job!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: stephanie j gerard at November 15, 2005 10:18 AM