October 23, 2004

Vantage Point: Intriguing one line hook

I like movies that take an unusual style of storytelling or film making, something that leans over to the audience, grabs them by the shoulders and shakes them awake. Things like Nick of Time with Johnny Depp filmed in real time, or Mike Figgis movie Timecode filmed using multiple screen techniques, even The Last Broadcast or BlairWitch using those hand held digicam techniques.

I get excited with the promise of something fresh or just not the norm, and I especially get excited by the multiple view of a single story. I just think it's such a clever plot device and unrolls a story particularly well. So here comes this news story from ComingSoon which simply says that Columbia Pictures as bought the script for the film Vantage Point which...

"...depicts the attempted assassination of the president told from five different points of view."

See, that gets my juices flowing. Now just wait for them to totally cock it up, throw subtlety out the window and make it glaringly obvious who dunnit with over egged camera shots and hookey lines. Sigh...maybe it's not so good after all!

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 23, 2004 08:26 AM
