October 29, 2004

V is coming back

V4.jpgI really am getting bored of this, another remake. What the hell is going on. Since I started writing here most of my stories have been about remakes, there seems to be nothing but remakes. You're saying it in your comments, and we're saying it in the posts, where has the originality gone? Why is Hollywood regurgitating stories like mad? What is the reasoning behind it all?

I just considered listing all the remakes that are noted throughout the blog, but you know what, I can't be bothered. There are loads, believe me, and it looks like there's just more and more coming. Now we're looking at the mini-series V. Yes, V. With the hamster eating lizards (awww, Diane was hot. Come on...didn't you think she was hot? No...ahem...okay...move on.)

What is just as amazing is the return of some of the original cast, Just take a look at those credits confirmed. Jane Badler as Diana, Faye Grant as Dr. Juliet Parrish, Marc Singer as Mike Donovan and Robert Englund as Willie! It's now so bad that they not only are making remakes by the bucket load, but they are going to start using the old casts as well as the scripts. Perhaps they are on the old contracts and at a fraction of the cost or something?!

Ah...hold the press. Not strictly a remake, it's actually a sequel. Phew, well that makes all the difference. Perhaps I am being too harsh, maybe they are going to give it a good crack and it might be a really good sequel...what's the feeling out there?

Posted by at October 29, 2004 05:52 AM


I liked V but you know what, the DVD set released a while ago was perfect. I could sit down, watch the good parts and move on. I really didn't want to see where it was going. After the alien babies were born, I pretty much lost interest.

Posted by: Rob Merritt at October 29, 2004 07:51 AM

Yes, Diane WAS hot, as was Dr. Parrish.

Now, about most of the cast actually returning: it wasn't like they've had a lot of work as of late. I saw Singer at the Wizard World Chicago convention and he was looking his age, though he could probably still kick my ass.

Still, I'll check the sequel out.

Posted by: Diaz at October 29, 2004 08:11 AM

Hollywood is broken and cannot produce original or creative movies -- action-adventures included. With the exception of video games that will be turned into movies, all you are going to see from here on is remakes. The brainless scum -- agents and executives -- that run the town are only interested in "pre-sold" marketing concepts which these parasites think already have a 'brand name'. Short of Stephen Spielberg or an insider of that caliber wanting to do something new [and unfortunately he's decided to do the king of all remakes instead], there will be no original ideas coming out of Hollywood. Period.

Luckily, the Internet is the ultimate counter-weight to Hollywood. With newer and cheaper tools of production and the broadband revolution, independent moviemakers will make their movies and place them on the Internet. There will be a ton of crap, but also some great new stuff that Hollywood would have never made.

Ultimately, the model is not yet worked out and independent internet movies are in their infancy. But one thing is for sure -- the next generation of great movies WILL NOT COME FROM HOLLYWOOD, and they will not come from bloated, industry-infested, and snooty film festivals either. They will come from the most democratic and meritocratic medium of all -- the Internet.

In the meantime, you and other blogs that raise these kinds of issues and ask the honest questions are to be commended.

Down With Bad Movies!

Posted by: Hollywood Liberation Army at October 29, 2004 04:06 PM

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The biggest roadblock encountered with people from the Hollywood community is a lack of respect. Happily this problem has been decreasing over the years, but it is still a frequent impediment to the best efforts of movie studios to incorporate computer game groups. Often it takes the form of hubris, where the writer (or director or studio exec or? you name it) says something like, "Maybe this game stuff you?ve been doing is fun for kids, but we deal in the big leagues. Just do what we say and you?ll learn something about real entertainment and storytelling." Unfortunately, I have never found an effective counter to this attitude. Some people simply don?t believe that interactive entertainment is now or will ever be in the same class as movies and television. If your work brings you in contact with people like this, the best thing to do is to try to minimize interaction with them as much as possible. The relationship is doomed to failure.

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