October 29, 2004

The Talisman - A decent Stephen King movie?

I used to be a big Stephen King fan, I mean huge. I read everything he did without fail and was never disappointed. That is, until he moved from his traditional horror and started down the road of psychological horror, and then beginning to write people stories, it stopped working for me, so I stopped reading his books. Sad, because some of them are actually quite good. Now and then though I would pop back and read the odd book, and some of them were okay, a few were astounding.

One I picked up was called The Talisman co-written with Peter Straub, it's an excellent story that really goes to the roots of storytelling, mixing a teenagers journey with fantasy and quite adult themes (not in that way!). It's the prequel to The Black House, written by the same authors, and a step towards the world of The Dark Tower, an awesome seven book story by King.

Anyway. It's enough to say that The Talisman is an excellent book, and now it looks like it's getting a movie treatment.

For some reason there are a number of King films in production at the moment:

Salem's Lot - Rob Lowe, Donald Sutherland, Rutger Hauer
Riding the Bullet - Ermmm...ermm...next.
Bag of Bones - No one on board.
Desperation - As above...well, no one well known!
Eyes of the Dragon - A french animation

Many have the usual TV movie plastered all over them, although I have heard interesting things about the Salems Lot remake - you guys can maybe put me right if you've already seen it.

This looks like it will be different though, Spielberg has become involved and Dreamworks are onboard, with Ehren Kruger (Arlington Road, Ring 1 and 2) writing the screenplay. It all sounds excellent, and on track to be another excellent King adaptation. I can only hope that The Dark Tower is next.

Posted by at October 29, 2004 04:24 AM


King is a classic to this guy, he just tells a wicked story.

as for The Dark Tower becoming movies, we can only hope. I doubt that any studio would be that kind to us.

Posted by: miles at October 29, 2004 08:32 AM

spielberg is still attached to this project. i remember him being on years ago; as a producing entity anyway.

Posted by: sam at October 29, 2004 09:19 AM

Salem's Lot w/ Lowe already came out as a two-part series on TNT. Other than maybe the first 20 minutes, it was awful. Plot and character were re-arranged (and not for the better), and the Callahan character was completely wrong (both for Salem's Lot and for the Dark Tower stories). Keep away!There was a rumor than Genndy Tartakovsky (sp?) of Samurai Jack and the SW: Clone Wars fame was interested in making an animated Dark Tower for an HBO-type audience, ie., an R-rated cartoon. I would love to see HBO do a Dark Tower series, live action or animated. Unless another "Peter Jackson-type miracle" could happen, I would keep Dark Tower away from Hollywood.

Posted by: wampachow at October 29, 2004 11:15 AM

dark tower as an R-cartoon....I think that could really work i am not sure if i like that animation comanies style, but theyare not bad.

i would rather see it animated then live action on HBO, just becasue mini series seem so..cheap and bad.

although, i am really liking that show on ABC Lost...does that qualify as a mini-series?

Posted by: miles at October 29, 2004 12:19 PM

Hasn't Frank Darabont mentioned that he's back to working on "The Mist"? Pterodactyls in supermarket aisles -- that would be awesome.

Posted by: Darren at October 29, 2004 12:56 PM

Speilberg has held the rights to "The Tailsman" since the book came out in the 80's.

Posted by: Robert - Moore,ok at November 15, 2005 06:34 PM