October 14, 2004

The Ring 2 is Coming and the trailer is here to prove it

ringu2.jpgThere's no denying that The Ring was a pretty scary flick, but I'm still amazed by how many people don't realize that it's a re-make of a much better Japanese film called Ringu (The Ring). Well, The Ring 2 is on it's way to us in all it's horror, and they've already done one thing right... they got Hideo Nakata (the director of the Japanese versions) to direct. I must admit that I never saw Ringu 2. I am a little curious about where the movie can go from where the last one left off. The creepiness factor from not knowing what's going on could be way down. But I'm told that Ringu 2 was quite freaky in it's own right... so I guess it could work. To see the trailer go here.

Posted by John Campea at October 14, 2004 07:28 AM


Big Asian movie fan, and I have the series on DVD.

Ringu 2 was disappointing and really didn't meet the level set by Ringu, it really lost track of the idea and moved onto other areas which just clouded the original premise.

Ringu 0 or Birthday was much closer to the mark, but the creepiness factor was still low.

The much better Dark Water really hit the nail on the head, and although nothing to do with the Ringu tale, shares a lot of the same ideas and visuals.

If Nakata does direct the Hollywood version (yeah to them for finally realising that they should honour the remakes and not destroy them) then he should really try and pull those stories together.

Oh, and just to give the credit, the Hollywood Ring was a very good remake.

Posted by: RichardB at October 14, 2004 08:02 AM

Just a thought, but from the trailers doesn't it seem to be the same idea as White Noise. Somebody trying to communicate from the other side and somebody did something to let the dead come through. Might the two be confused or if The Ring 2 comes out after, people give it a been there done that look to it.

Posted by: Bombadil at October 14, 2004 08:36 AM

I'm one of the worlds biggest opponents of remaking foreign films for domestic audiences, but I will be the first to admit that the American Remake was superior to the Japanese one in every respect except for the big boo moment at the very end which 10 times creeper and 'organic', than the american "Ring"). But the addition of the horse sequence on the boat was inspired and the best thing about both films.

Posted by: triflic at October 14, 2004 09:48 AM

Oh triflic, I can't agree with you there. For sheer creepiness and unerving the audience, Ringu wins over The Ring. However it was a lot closer than it has been in the Hollywood - Foreign cinema realm before.

I agree with your remake comments though. Vanilla Sky and Vanishing to name but two ruined films.

Go see the originals or just original foreign movies. Obre los ojos, Tesis, Devils Backbone, The Eye, Audition...etc.

Posted by: RichardB at October 14, 2004 11:05 AM

I am no longer afraid of Asian female child ghosts with long black straight hair and tattered clothing who hang upside down from the ceiling.

Posted by: Crystal at October 14, 2004 01:51 PM

the first ring was scary
i remember when i saw it i was afraid some scay little girl was gonna crawl out of the TV
(^^)V peace

Posted by: prcker at October 23, 2004 09:53 PM

I think that you should make the ring 3 or you sould make a short film that just as scary as the ring and make it 3D

Posted by: stacey at November 3, 2004 11:56 PM

im not chinese so u dont have scary movie WE WON!!

Posted by: tanner at November 6, 2004 09:34 AM


Posted by: Prevacid at December 26, 2004 09:49 PM