October 26, 2004

The Phantom of the Opera

I always get excited when I hear a really solid story is getting made into a film. Hence my giddiness over The Phantom of the Opera! With all the garbage that gets turn into films these days it's nice to see a classic. Don't know what Phantom is about?:

The movie tells the story of a disfigured musical genius (Butler) who haunts the catacombs beneath the Paris Opera, waging a reign of terror over its occupants. When he falls fatally in love with the lovely Christine (Rossum), the Phantom devotes himself to creating a new star for the Opera, exerting a strange sense of control over the young soprano as he nurtures her extraordinary talents.
How cool. I can't wait for this one to hit theaters. As an added bonus, if you want to hear a clip of music from the upcoming film, the good folks over at Coming Soon have provied us all with it. You can go hear it here.

Posted by John Campea at October 26, 2004 07:11 AM


i know this is going to cost me a lot of respect, but....

i love andrew lloyd webber's work, form phantom to jesus christ superstar he makes musicals un-gay....or at least a just un-gay enough for me to watch them and love them.

i am wildly excited about this, i just hope they don't cast some garbage big star who can't hit half the big notes and gets electronic "help" to do so.

give me some no name from broadway or give me death!!

Posted by: miles at October 26, 2004 08:51 AM

Can't wait for this film either. It looks visually stunning and how can you not love the music?

Posted by: Crystal at October 26, 2004 11:25 AM

Um, I hate to break it to Miles, but Minnie Driver has been cast as the diva soprano, Carlotta. A very hard part of cast in my eyes, so I'm still on the fence about this remake. I can't find any clip of her singing before I decided whether or not she will ruin the whole experience for me.

After watching this amazing play opening night in Toronto almost 15 years ago, let me tell you, Minnie had better deliver the goods. Carlotta has always been my favourite character from that play after the Phantom, played by the brilliant Colm Wilkinson. He should have gotten the lead for this film, not some soft-voiced wannabe. *steps off soapbox*

Posted by: Lilly at October 26, 2004 04:33 PM

What an excellent song! I don't mean this particular version. Nightwish does this song great.

Posted by: rvnlrd at October 26, 2004 04:41 PM

Can't wait for da film, it's hopefully gonna be wicked and i pray dat the story won't get ruined by the cast. PLEASE!!!

Posted by: Emmie at November 16, 2004 06:47 AM

Well after being a fan of the musical for many years and a film addict, the thought of them making the movie; made me feel like a kid the night before xmas. I first heard they were doing a movie when a guy on a radio quiz show was asked what he did for a living, and he said he works as a dolly grip or something, and asked for what movie; well the rest was history.

Anyway Last Friday Xmas came early, I actually ran to the cinema as if running down stairs to find the present's under the tree. Managed to get really goods seats, because to my amazement the cinema was almost empty(bare in mind I live in Devon). Anyway the normal trailers seem to delay Santa coming down the chimney, then; the lights darken for the second time.

Then the overture burst into life.......OMG, a shiver actual went through me. Finally I was there under the tree unwrapping my Presents. First impressions where WOW, how good does this look.

I did like the build up, I don't want to give to much away, which is difficult. But the start laid down the foundations, gently easing you into the world of the Phantom. When The Monkey appeared, the eerie sound echo in me even before it actually made a sound.

Then the Chandelier appeared, and then I felt as if the Present that I so wanted all year and which was top of my Xmas list was there in my hands, even though I had only unwrapped a small part of the wrapping I knew what it was.
And then they unwrapped the magic and splendor of the story, well I was smiling like a 4 year old with my new favorite toy.

The way in which they transported you, from the dreary winter of the Theatre back to flamboyant grandeur of its summer. Was like remembering back from the gloom of old age back to the memories of your youth.

The actual words of Music of the Night best describe this.

"Night time sharpens
Heightens each sensation
Darkness wakes
And stirs imagination
Silently the senses
Abandon their defenses
Helpless to resist the notes I write
For I compose the music of the night

Slowly, gently
Night unfurls its splendor
Grasp it, sense it
Tremulous and tender
Turn your face away
From the garish light of day
Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light And listen to the music of the night"

Then the story unfolded, and to my surprise and delight; it felt familiar. It was if I had seen the film before ages ago and had forgotten parts as you do, and little things where jogging my memory. But in fact it was that it is very similar to the stage show, but on a grander scale. The Phantom was starting to posses me once again; to be truthful I don't think he ever left.

Now My opinion as a whole, rather than take you through the whole movie scene by scene. The music was; well you know if you ever heard it; say no more. To those that haven't where have you been? and it is something that you must hear as words fall short.

Related to this was the singing, as a whole I enjoyed it and Christine was incredible, better than I expected and so was Raoul. So the Ghost him self, I actual thought he was ok-ish. I suppose being spoilt with Mr Crawfords voice for so many years it would be hard to beat, but unfortunately it didn't come close. I actually thought it was really obvious that a few of the cast were dubbed, if they weren't then its really bad I felt that.

The Costume's and scenery was amazing, and capture the spirit 110% in fact 200% really!. The dancing was brill, and the best part for me was Masquerade. Watch for the gent in the black and white;50/50 mask. wow. But when the whole troop start to perform this breathtaking number, and well; they do leave you breathless in MY opinion.

All in all apart from some of the singing, which is a shame as it is a musical after all. 8/10. But I know for a fact I am going to watch it again at the cinema at least ten times, as it is something that really needs to be seen on a large scale.

It has also inspired me to watch the show again with out a doubt. If you haven't seen the show, what are you mad!! You must see it, I would suggest seeing the show first, in MY opinion.

Anyway I will end this now as I will go on and on.lol

Take care

and in those immortal words "Savor each sensation
Let the dream begin"


Posted by: Cameron at December 14, 2004 05:26 AM

I can't wait until I see the movie (tonight)... 4 more hours.... *shivers with anticipation*...

Posted by: Joyce at December 25, 2004 10:12 PM

I would just like to say that I saw the stage production over 10 yrs ago and I always wanted to see it again but it never came back to town. When i heard that there was a movie the first thing that popped into my head was they better not have ruined it! I just saw it and if i could afford to see it many more times in the theater i would but i will just have to wait for the DVD. It was just spetacular I Love Every Minute Of The Movie I love all the actors who where in it and just like to say bravo to all who made it possible

Posted by: Sheri at December 26, 2004 03:02 AM

Omg I just saw the Phantom of the Opera. I am very young and have not yet seen the live musical but want to VERY badly. The movie was INCRIDIBLE. Do you know if there are any books written about the Phantom and if there are please list them. One part I found disturbing was when the Phantom was young and was in the cage and the man was beating him.

Well overall I LOVED the movie and can't wait until it comes out on video. It would be like Xmas to me. Enjoy!

Posted by: Lynn at January 8, 2005 11:04 AM

I saw the movie tonight and was impressed, it was a visual delight and the music/singing pulled me into the story. My wife loved it, wants to see it again. The theatre was quiet through the entire movie. a 3.5 out of 5.

Posted by: zeke at January 9, 2005 02:26 AM

This was seriously one of my most favorite movies I have seen. I will definitely be buying it as soon as it comes out. Gerard Butler is absolutely gorgeous in this film. I saw it with my best friend and we were both stunned.

I highly recommend this film for anyone who is interested in theater, musicals, or just music in general. :)

Posted by: Kristen at February 9, 2005 04:50 PM

Join us in the other topics about the Phantom and Gerard Butler Kristen!

Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 05:11 PM

Several years ago i watched a POTO movie and I loved it but have no idea which version it was. I remember it as being long and not so much music. I love the music but this movie was more of the story. Which one was I watching...do you know?

Posted by: linda at February 28, 2005 12:37 PM

Phantom of the Opera is such an awesome movie. I've seen it twice off my T.V. and rented it 3 times. I can't stop watching it b/c it's really amazing and incredibly awesome. I write short stories and I might do one off this movie. I did my own version of A Cinderella Story- really similar, but different names. I also did one on the Phelp Twins(Weasley Twins in Harry Potter). Anyway the songs are incredible- I like almost of the songs since I have 2 songs missing on my IPOD MP3 player from the soundtrack. I mostly like Think of Me, Little Lottie, Phantom of the Opera, Music of the Night, Journey to the Cemetery, Wishing you were somehow here again, Wandering Child, We have all been blind, Don Juan, The point of no return, Down once more/Track down this murderer- that's it. It's pretty much all the songs except the prologue, overture-hannibal, and learn to be lonely. Going to ask for the English & French versions of the Phantom of the Opera book, soundtrack(2004 version), and the DVD(2 disc special edition)- gotta have the whole collection of something like that. I got the book, soundtrack and dvd for A Cinderella Story. You gotta collect all3 or dvd/soundtrack if you collect stuff like that. I kinda do, but it depends on how much I liked the movvie. Phantom of the Opera is my 1st favorite movie of all time- absolutely love it.

In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me and speaks my name
And do I dream again for now I find
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my mind

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me to glance behind
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your mind

Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear

It's me they hear ...

Your/My spirit and your/my voice in one combined
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your/my mind

He's there, the Phantom of the Opera

Sing, my Angel of Music
Sing, my Angel
Sing for me
Sing, my Angel
Sing for me

I have brought you
to the seat of sweet music's throne
to this kingdom where all must pay homage to music

You have come here,
for one purpose, and one alone

I first heard you sing,
I have needed you with me,
to serve me, to sing,
for my music ...
my music ...

Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation.
Darkness stirs and wakes imagination.
Silently the senses abandon their defences

Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendour.
Grasp it, sense it tremulous and tender.
Turn your face away from the garish light of day,
Turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light -
and listen to the music of the night ...

Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams!
Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before!
Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar!
And you'll live as you've never lived before

Softly, deftly, music shall caress you
Hear it, feel it, secretly possess you
Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind,
in this darkness that you know you cannot fight
the darkness of the music of the night.

Let your mind start a journey through a strange, new world!
Leave all thoughts of the life you knew before!
Let your soul take you where you long to be!
Only then can you belong to me

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication!
Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in
To the power of the music that I write
The power of the music of the night

You alone can make my song take flight
Help me make the music of the night

Posted by: Lawra Meeyoun-Damon-Phelps at July 11, 2005 02:04 AM


Posted by: chelsea at July 17, 2005 01:18 PM