October 26, 2004

The Bad News Bears Land Greg Kinnear

kinnear4.jpgOk, I know the man has made some real stinkers along the way, but I just love Greg Kinnear as an actor. I have always thought he deserved an Oscar for As Good As It Gets, and the man was just AWSOME as Captain Amazing in Mystery Men. Having said that, I'm not so sure about this decision to appear in the remake of the classic "The Bad News Bears". If you've never seen the original, you really should rent it sometime... but i just don't know if a remake will fly in todays market. Meh, I guess we'll wait and see. Having Kinnear and Billy Bob Thornton on board won't hurt the cause.

Posted by John Campea at October 26, 2004 07:10 AM


Great maker! No more remakes, please! At the very least, only remake films that can be improved upon, but the Bad News Bears isn't one of those films, in my opinion.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 26, 2004 08:06 AM

Hey john,

you should take this guys post off because it has nothing to do with the subject. I find this ridiculous.

March Madness,

go scam someone else's site this is a MOVIE blog.
who cares about march madness. Its a bunch of ingrates playing with a ball

Posted by: Oskeeno at March 10, 2005 01:32 PM