October 14, 2004

The A-Team gets a writer

Oh I'm so pleased to make this my opening post. Deep breaths, calm fingers...

Details are sketchy just now, but according to Empire it does look like the premise of the show is the same, just a little updated for our more current wars. What is news is that they've bagged a screenwriter, Bruce Feirstein responsible for penning four Bond films (all during Pierce Brosnan's reign) and not much else. Apparently, the plan is to make it less cartoony and more in the style of a Lethal Weapon or Die Hard movie, more serious. Ahem. That's the earlier films in both series folks.

Oh lord...and this is where I get worried. Wasn't the counterpin of the whole plot that the team were locked in some farm shed surrounded by some baddies carrying rocket launchers and sub machine guns, while they were armed only with a welding torch, some straw bales, and an old tractor tyre, only to successfully create a large armoured personnel carrier which shot every one (but never killed nor drew blood) on their way to freedom and liberating the homeless children?

That was the fun, that was the best bit. That and "I ain't getting on no plane...fool" (Who used the voice? Come on!) So to make it serious, doesn't that take away everything from it?

Saving grace here though, Stephen J. Cannell is the original series creator and is back on board as the Producer. Oh, and that word is, Mr T will be making a cameo. Is there any way this can work? Hope...hope.

Posted by at October 14, 2004 07:25 PM


I love the idea of this movie... except one thing... who on earth could really play B.A.? No one! I mean seriously. I can picture a couple of guys for Hannibal, Face and Murdock... but who on this planet has a hope of filling Mr. T's shoes?

Posted by: John Campea at October 15, 2004 07:41 PM

"murdock fly, we all die"

Posted by: Gainer the Gopher at October 15, 2004 10:50 PM

How about Rock in body paint? Good question...Carl Weathers (Dillon from Predator) if he was younger, or maybe Danny Glover. Yet who is the right age? Perhaps an unknown?

Posted by: RichardB at October 16, 2004 05:56 AM

free galleries

Posted by: galleries-free at October 27, 2004 12:24 PM

this is who they shud get to play:
hannibal smith.....george clooney
face....brad pitt
howling mad murdock....jim carrey
BA Baracus....ving rhamyes or micheal clarke duncan(the big guy in the green mile)
but i havent got a clue who they can get to play amy?????

Posted by: mason at October 20, 2005 09:34 PM

I think that Robert Deniro as Hannible,or George Harrison.
And i think that they coould change Face's character to a female and make it Angelina Jolie and for B.A Micheal Clark Duncan and for Murdock Jim Carrey. As for the part of Amy change that part to a boy and let it be some one just out of high school.

Posted by: David Cook at October 24, 2005 04:09 PM

Oh no, not an A-Team movie too!

I am really getting tired of this TV to Film trend.

What next Cagney and Lacey the Movie?

Posted by: Morbius at October 24, 2005 05:29 PM