October 17, 2004

Superman Has Been Cast!

The new Man of Steel has been chosen! Big thanks out to FilmRot.Com for notifying me of the following:

Less than a week from Christopher Reeves tragic death word has come down that the new Bryan Singer helmed Superman film has been cast. Quoting an "anonymous" source that also supplied accurate casting rumors for Fantastic Four and Batman Begins, Latino Review is officially naming the new Supes as....

Brandon Routh!!!

Er... If you are like me, you have no idea who Brandon is or why Singer thinks he might make a good man of steel. Singer told The Site That Shall No Longer Be Mentioned last week that he was commited to casting an unknown, and boy, he wasn't kidding! Brandon's IMDB resume doesn't reveal any immediate insight. Obviously Singer sees something more in Routh than his filmography.

Well, what can be said? The kid has the look for Superman... and I love the idea of going with an unknown actor... so I'll just put faith in Singer and trust this is the right guy. Man, you just KNOW that this movie (with Singer at the helm) is gonna blow the roof off! I can't wait. Read the whole articel here.

Posted by John Campea at October 17, 2004 06:05 AM


Is he the right choice? How can you tell, who's never even SEEN this guy?! He looks like your standard WB TV-boy wanker to me.

Superman is not just a super hero he's part of the our mental zeigeist, our cultural mythology. Why? Quentin Tarantino's "Bill" character explains it in a nutshell in Kill Bill Vol II. And after Christopher Reeves it's going to be difficult for any actor to fill those shoes.

Maybe the producers should just leave casting the whole Superman thing alone entirely for a minute and let the public get their bearings so that we can be open to even considering a new Superman.

Posted by: Crystal at October 17, 2004 12:34 PM

Can't tell a whole lot about this guy from the photo, but at least he's not Nick Cage :)

After Singer's excellent work on X-Men and X2, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and have faith.

Posted by: Marc at October 18, 2004 01:30 PM

Can't tell a whole lot about this guy from the photo, but at least he's not Nick Cage :)

After Singer's excellent work on X-Men and X2, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and have faith.

Marc BowkerAlter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 18, 2004 01:31 PM

He looks like a Clark Kent kinda guy

Posted by: Marla Singer at October 19, 2004 02:25 AM

Well, I can tell you this, I know Brandon pretty well from here in Des Moines and from when we went to IMTA in New York City a few years back. He's a great choice for Superman and I can totally see him playing the part.

Trust me, you won't be disappointed :)

Posted by: Kelly Still at October 19, 2004 10:40 AM

Going with an Unknown actor is the ONLY way to go with the role of Superman. The actor playing Superman MUST NOT have any other recognizable roles attatched to him or this role won't work right at all. And to think ASHTON KUTCHER was even CONSIDERED as the role of superman... OMG. THANK GOD they went with an unknown actor. This should work out MUCH better. ... I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE!

Posted by: Lance Waldrop at October 19, 2004 10:49 AM

I remeber him from One Life to Live and he cannot act. Now, his stink on OLTL was awhile ago, so maybe he had some acting lessons since then. At the very least, he will look good in tights.

Posted by: gina at October 19, 2004 11:25 AM

My bad, I meant stint not stink. Hee hee, that was a really freudian slip.

Posted by: gina at October 19, 2004 11:27 AM

I think Tom Welling from Smallville should have gotten the job. He would have been perfect for the roll. Since when was superman ever a Latino? Thats like casting Eddie murphy as JFK in the JFK movie. Geeeeze. Oh please.

Posted by: Moviegoer at October 19, 2004 11:47 AM

The problem with Wellington is that he really is too young for the part (Since this is a Superman RETURNS flick). I like Wellington too... but I think even Brandon is too young for the part... and he's like 5 or 6 years older than Wellington.

Apparently the movie will be about Superman returning after being gone for 6 years. So who knows how old he really should be in the movie. I think this kid will work out ok.

Posted by: John Campea at October 19, 2004 12:37 PM

Well, that's not even close to true. In fact Welling is 2+ years older than this guy.

The point, however, is that he's too young. Even if he "looks" older, wouldn't you prefer a more experienced actor in this role? Tobey Mcguire does so well as Peter Parker because he's a pro. Of course, Christopher Reeve was a pretty lousy actor as well. Whatever the case, I'm still looking forward to this film.

Posted by: Ace_Mclean at October 19, 2004 01:23 PM

heard disturbing news on MTV that they are considering Mischa Barton as Lois Lane. with all these too young castings they may as well have just made a smallville movie. Tom Welling really is the better choice, although even he probably wouldn't want to become the next Mark Hamill. they really should have gone for an early 30's unknown actor.

Posted by: charlie at October 20, 2004 12:15 AM

I hope there's another company that competes for doing a Superman movie and it's directed by, say, Tim Burton because with the current casting this film will be FAR from epic.

Mischa Barton? Young! Why didn't they just get Dean Cain and the chick who played Lois Lane from the TV show? They at least had a successful show and they were ADULTS.

Posted by: Crystal at October 20, 2004 08:07 PM

From what I'm reading, it sounds like another Teen Flick. Which is disappointing seeing as though Superman has been around for so long. They SHOULD get an older cast.

Posted by: Gee at October 21, 2004 01:08 AM

I think it's good to go with an unknown and set a new direction.

People need to try and detach themselves from those who have gone before, and not harshly judge this guy before he's been given a chance to prove his acting abilities.

Nobody knew who Christopher Reeves was either, and yet he set the standard by which Superman became internationally recognised on the bigscreen.

In fact I thought Chris who came out of obscurity did very well in the part. I am looking forward to seeing the story "live again" after the sad news of Christopher's passing.

Bring it on!

Posted by: John at October 21, 2004 05:21 AM

I think he is not a Superman style guide. He is too latin. The idea that he is an unknown actor is great, but his looking is not good for a Superman role. I think Jim Caviezel would�ve been a great Superman. Hope Brandon results a good actor and a good Superman.

Posted by: Christine at October 21, 2004 11:08 AM

I was a freshman in Norwalk High School when BJ Routh was a senior. He played a role in our choir's musical production of "South Pacific". I thought he did well. I also played trumpet with him in the band. I'm excited to know he will play Superman in the new movie.

Posted by: Lois at October 21, 2004 10:43 PM

There seems to be some concern about the age of the new "Superman".

George Reeves was 39 when the show started in 1953.

Christopher Reeve was 26 when he starred in role in 1978.

Routh will be 26 when the new movie is scheduled for release.

Posted by: Sherryl at October 22, 2004 12:51 PM

I really feel Superman should be older, like a man. He should be 30-40 years old. That really not too old, thats how old Superman looks in the comics. Reeve was only 26 but he looked much older. Routh is 26 and he looks younger. Superman is going to feel like a freaking teenager. I love DC comics but they are not making a good casting choice and when the movie flops they are going to be like,"Hmm, I wonder why people didn't like the movie." And its going to be because we'll be watching Superboy: The Return. This is supposed to be a sequel that takes place 6 years later and Superman will have appeared to grow younger.

Posted by: Luke at October 24, 2004 02:21 AM

Moviegoer: I didn't know being from Iowa made you a latino . . . little far north don't ya think? John Campea: Brandon Routh is recently 25, Tom Welling (not Wellington) is 27, not 19-20. You probably thought the people on 90210 were really in their teens too. Crystal: Uh, there is kind of a thing called rights . . . which WB owns for Superman so nobody else can make a Superman movie. Also, Dean Cain was a horrible superman and too old and although Teri Hatcher is hot, she is also too old. Christine: Again, Brandon is not latin! Jim Caviezel . . . I disagree, but his co-star in Count of Monte Cristo Henry Cavill would have been excellent. Luke: I see your point about growing younger, but 40! . . . Superman would be about 30 in this movie, but he should look young and healthy, he is Superman! Superman in the comics looks like an early 20's model in the face with an impossibly proportioned muscular body which equals not gonna find it. Other tidbits: If Nic Cage had been Superman (as he was going to be in the scrapped 1995 movie), I estimate total gross of the film at about $35 from Nic Cage's own family going as nobody else would go to see the worst choice for Superman ever. Johnny Knoxville would make a better Superman. I mean, Air Bud would make a better Superman . . . don't get me started on this. Going on . . . an unknown is necessary for this part. People should say, "There is Superman, played by Brandon Routh," not "There is Jim Caviezel as Superman, he was JC too." I would have loved to see Tom Welling as Supes; he has the height that I think is so crucial and just feels like Superman the same way Chris Reeves (My Superman forever) did. Mischa Barton as Lois?!?! Maybe on a job-shadow day from school. She is like 18! Why would they pick Mischa ever for this part? What, wasn't Nic Cage available for screening? HAHA Anyways, Brandon would not have been my first choice, but get some blue contacts, some muscle, the right hairdo . . . and with a little acting he could just pull it off. I think I would have made a decent Superman, maybe a little skinny, but I am 6'3", check it out at: www. geocities. com/ r_riggs21/ trevor .html Hey, at least I would be better than Nic Cage.

Posted by: Kal-El at October 24, 2004 05:06 AM

take out those spaces

Posted by: Kal-El at October 24, 2004 05:13 AM

Just because Brandon Routh is from Iowa doesnt mean he isnt latino. Fact of the matter is that he IS spanish, and MANY latino entertainment websites are praising Singer's choice of a LATIN ACTOR!

That being said, there are some interesting paralells to the supermen "no one could replace". Brandon �B.J.� Routh stands at 6� 2� and celebrated his 25th Birthday on October 9th. (Reeve was 26 in the first Superman film) And Routh was born in Iowa, which is the same state that George Reeves was born, one of the original silver screen Superman stars.

Both Routh and Reeve had their start on Soaps, and even Reeve admitted to having to pack on the serious muscles in preparation fot the role.

Plase stop crying about Tom Welling. He does a fine job as a young Supes, but this is not a Smallville movie, so you KNOW they wont use him.

Besides, have you seen this kid? He has the jaw, and the look to pull it off. He is 6'2" and probably beating the hell out of his Bowflex as we speak. He isn't Christopher Reeve, but Chris wasnt George Reeves either.

Give the guy a chance. Who cares if he is a latin actor! Technically speaking Kal-El is a landed immigrant anyways.

Singer likes him, then I like him. Get over it.

Posted by: Rodney at October 24, 2004 01:24 PM

good thing they didn't cast tom welling...
B.R and T.W seems to be more of a Clark Kent than a Superman
Dean Caine should be Superman again

Posted by: (\/)averick at October 24, 2004 08:11 PM

I think that Tom Welling will make a perfect superman. Besides, he already is the superman in smallville!!! Everyone knows that he is so what's the point in having this new guy play the role. Another thing, we all have this image of superman in ours minds. Don't you think that Tom Welling looks a lot perfect for superman thatn Brandon Routh?! I think Tom will be perfect for Superman.

Posted by: a_silverstone at October 24, 2004 09:13 PM


Posted by: a_silverstone at October 24, 2004 09:14 PM

Dean Cain did a great job in "L&C;". I think he's the only one who could fill Chris's shoes at this point, as if it's possible for anyone to do so but he would be the best bet to do it if anyone could. Think about it, He was excellent as both Clark and Superman, very beleivable in the part. So he would be recognizable as Superman and therefore would be more beleivable to play the part than some unknown. Heck, anytime I see him in a new movie or show, I still think back to the good old days of Lois and Clark. Not to mention the age thing, he's about the right age for pulling this thing off since it is supposed to be six years after the fact. He looks more like a Superman than that Brandon guy does. Plus the guy just has the shape and charisma needed to play the role. Brandan Routh looks too much like a child more suitable to playing the teen Superman. While I think that T.W. would be great in the role, at this time he looks too young for the part, no matter what is age currently is. I say put Dean Cain back into the role, after all there are worst things than being type cast as the "Man of Steel". I also think that they should put Terri Hatcher back into the role of Lois, She's perfect for the role for the same reasons plus she and Dean had chemistry. After all who wouldn't want a beautiful, intelligent woman playing the role, I say she did it beforehand and she could do it again. Also, the proper age for the role since this movie is supposed to be six years later on down the road, then they should at least put the people playing roles in the movie at a set age limit. It will make it that much more beleivable, period.

Posted by: Daniel at October 25, 2004 04:53 PM

first off Tom Welling who already is Clark Kent should be Superman. I mean everyone knows him as the kid who is goin to be superman...heck they could even play off of smallville if they want since the WB owns rights to both. Everyone already sees Tom as Clark Kent & personally, & im sure many feel the same... i cant see anyone else playing the role... as a matter of fact all the characters from smallville should be put onto the big silver screen, like Michael Rosenbaum, seriously the man is LEX LUTHOR... he plays the role just as it seems Lex should be, anyways i know this post wont make much difference to the people that are making this movie, but hell making the movie a carry-over of SMALLVILLE whould be much better than casting people that make no sense for the part & that no one knows as the characters... if Tom is superman, and the rest of the cast is put on the movie too... trust me the movie will be much more popular not to mention convincing since the people we know as Clark, Lex, Lana, Lois and even the Kents just fit the part. id even go as far as to suggest that the movie be SMALLVILLE and the story is say, right after Lex finds out Clark's secret and the begining of their battle begins... cuz none of the movies really show why they are enemies, and thats just something that NEEDS to be shown...please...just make a SMALLVILLE movie, MiLLions already watch it regularly, just imagine how many more people would see a movie that they know is actually a Superman movie + smallville fans = BIG BOX OFFICE

Posted by: Nolan at October 26, 2004 03:32 AM

Rodney, Rodney, Rodney *shakes head* Brandon was BORN in IOWA. I have a German background, but I was born in the U.S. and have lived here my entire life just like Brandon and therefore don't consider myself German. Spanish means from Spain and first language Spanish, Dipwad. You are really going to believe stupid latino websites? They just know he looks sorta latino, like he has dark hair and . . . well that is about it. C'mon . . . Dean Cain!? He is 38! He would be better as Perry White than Superman, ahah. I never liked him in Lois and Clark. He absolutely does not look like Superman to me and that is why I got frustrated and quit watching that show. One last thing: if they cast Mischa Barton as Lois, I am boycotting this movie, anyone else with me? Kate Beckinsale for Lois! Just because she is so HOT!

Posted by: Kal-El at October 27, 2004 05:05 PM

i cant belive they didnt use T.W. anyone that say's this new guy is right, is wrong. Yes he might do a good job, great one even. But how dose this work smallville will be on in 2006 most likely. So you have Tom and B. playing the same role at the same time looking basicly the same age.Its crazy im with nolan that they could make it so much bigger including the smallville cast.they could of made the franchise even stronger .plus Tom looks much more like Superman and thats not even in the suit. also they should make it a more smallville like movie and wait a few more years with tom and make another one about his return. but in the end this kid aint no superman.i think reeves would want tom more then this unknown.
Also no one can replace the real Superman.RIP CHRIS.

Posted by: the metropolis Kid at October 28, 2004 02:48 AM

Didnt Terri Hatcher end up turning into a drunk, going a wee bit mad and leaving on the streets!? I also thought she lived on the streets and had lost teeth (Or am I being confused?!)

Posted by: David Terry at October 28, 2004 03:33 AM

i am a talended,creative and researched movie script writer.
i am looking for a sponsor to enable me produce good number of educative movies that i've written.
actually, an interesting sponsor will enjoy reasonable persentage that will base on our terms of agreement.
as a matter of fact, the movie in question, is an international best saler tadded "bloody chase"
i'll be glad if my request is granted.

Posted by: harry christopher at October 30, 2004 10:05 AM

Re: David Terry "Didnt Terri Hatcher end up turning into a drunk, going a wee bit mad and leaving on the streets!? I also thought she lived on the streets and had lost teeth (Or am I being confused?!)"

You have the wrong Lois. Margot Kidder (Lois Lane from the movies with Christopher Reeve), did have a period of mental illness during which she ended up living on the streets and lost her dental plate in 1996.
Just so you know.

Posted by: superman movie trivia at November 20, 2004 12:25 PM

Dean cain or Tom Welling have already been accepcted by the public. Dean cain is older but Superman is like 35 in the comics. Anyone here who reads the comic knows that after leaving smallville then spending time in Europe helping people then going to collage knows that at the begining of the comic he was in his late 20s so big deal.

Posted by: Jim at November 21, 2004 08:51 AM

I think that superman should look a bit older.
IMO, Superman should inspire self-confidence, experience, security
and wisdom, but still be humane. Like a father. Christopher Reeves
really fitted to the role because he looked like a man. Not the new
"modern" kind of man who doesn't care crying in front of his
girl-friend cause his favorite character in his favorite soap died
of cancer. I'm talking about the vision of what a man had to look
like in the 80's to be considered a MAN. You remember when mens
would hide their vulnerabilities and wouldn't talk that much about
their emotions, the kind of man a family could count on to protect
them ? Not those sissies in those new soaps who probably shave their
chest and put cream on their face to look hot with the girls. They
look 10 years younger then their real age (maybe those creams really
work after all ?! :-) ) and are only good to play teens. Would you trust
him with your life if he looked like an 18 year old who doesn't know
yet how to handle things too well ? So we need someone at least 10
years older to fit in the same role... Or a lot of make-up... Now,
as for Lois Lane. I think Terri Hatcher looks super hot. And it's
probably why, in my opinion, she didn't fit the role well (as Lois Lane).
She has the word "sex" written on her forehead... but Lois Lane doesn't
and shouldn't. In a way, Lois Lane is the Achille's heel of Superman
(because of her vulnerability) but at the same time his reason to BE
Superman. Superman needs someone to protect. Lois Lane is joyfull
and intelligent, but clumsy. She suffers from a lack of self-confidence
and her look is one of an average girl neither hot nor ugly, she is the
opposite as well as the complement to Superman and she's a woman, not
a young girl. Who should play these roles ? Sorry... I have no idea.
Maybe that Brandon will do the job if he's really talented and well
makeupped. I have no choice but to trust Bryan Singer.

Posted by: SomeGuy at November 22, 2004 01:35 PM

Trevor, Trevor, Trevor. Although a dude born in the US is American (duh), if he has Latino blood in him, he can still refer to himself as Latino. Just like Benjamin Bratt, Benicio Del Toro, Mario Lopez, Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estefan and Jimmy Smits (or Latinas like Lynda Carter, Gloria Estefan, Jennifer Lopez, and Rosie Perez). And for those who think that Latinos all look the same, they come in all colors (as dark as Grace Jones or as pale as Calista Flockhart), in all shades of eye color (brown, blue, green, gray, etc.), and in levels of beauty (from George Lopez to Salma Hayek). I don't know for sure if Brandon is of Latin descent, but he's still hotter than summertime on the sun (my pants are tight just thinking about him, and I'm not even gay!). One thing's for sure: he's going to blow us away when the movie is released, and his image will be plastered on every magazine all over the world. Just you wait and see...

Posted by: Man of Steel at December 3, 2004 02:42 PM

This guy looks like an abercrombie model, not anything like superman/clark kent from any model of superman we've ever seen. Not like the comics, not like the first superman, not like chris reeve, not like tom welling. They have all had some qualities about them that make them perfect for their roles.

I don't know why singer is trying to revolutionize the world's perspective of Superman. I guess he's probably gonna be up for the 25 sexiest boys under 25 in teen girl magazine. Why didn't Mr. Singer just pick Justin Timberlake to play Superman. Hopefully Hollywood won't buy this movie so we can get someone to make this movie who can do a satisfactory job.

Posted by: brandon at January 11, 2005 11:05 PM

Umm... I'm sorry Brandon, but to suggest that a master filmmaker like Bryan Singer isn't going to do a great job on this film becuse you don't think Routh LOOKS right is just ridiculous.

There is no filmmaker out there who could do a better job with a project like this than Singer. So if he says Routh is the right guy... then he's the right guy. Who cares if he doesn't look like the comic book?!?! It's about talent and fitting the role that the director sets out. That's what makes memorable performances... not if his jaw was square enough... good grief.

Posted by: John Campea at January 11, 2005 11:31 PM

Doesn't matter where you're from or what your birth certificate says, matters whether you look the part or not. Frankly I think Brandon looks fine...as SuperBOY. And the girl (and I do mean GIRL) they got to play Lois Lane??? Here's my point: I'm absolutely, positively fed to the teeth with Hollywood's obsession with youth and the "Dawson's Creek" casting mentality. Casting Directors and Producers alike all obsessed with cashing on on the next pre-teen heartthrob at the expense of the artform. (Even in the area of screenwriting sales, youth is currently worshipped over talent.)

Sueprman is an american archetype; everything should be done with excellence with no portion of the work "sold out."

I boycotted King Arthur from the poster alone.

Guinevere looked twelve.


Studio Execs, wake up and smell the money. Kids aren't the only ones who go to the movies.

Posted by: Bill at January 19, 2005 09:52 PM

Bryan Singer, who is directing the upcoming new Superman movie, told Los Angeles radio station KROQ that the movie will center more on a Superman "several years after he's arrived and done many heroic deeds," with only a vague history sketched out in flashbacks, according to a report on Zap2it.com. Production is scheduled to begin in February, with a summer 2006 release planned, the site reported.

Singer added that he settled on unknown actor Brandon Routh to play the Man of Steel to introduce an actor whose acting history wouldn't interfere with creating an indelible Superman image. Singer said he considered Tom Welling, who plays Clark Kent on The WB's Smallville, but said that the budget and the direction of the film weren't right to make what would seem like a Smallville feature.

That was all quoted from Bryan Singer himself.
I previously thought that maybe this guy Routh would suck as Superman and still not 100% sold on it but if you check out his site there are a few pics where he looks like superman.

However I do agree that he is to young to be the new Superman. Considering CR was 26 on his first film. The new superman should be at least 32. Thats given that all of the previouse Superman movies took place within a single year.

Posted by: Live Action at March 1, 2005 08:46 PM

It should be cast by the series man of steel. He is good and the series is good and it would be for many sequels, He is Superman..
Yeah Smallville

Posted by: Jim Shrewsbury at March 3, 2005 04:06 AM

WOW!! Brandon Routh's mom was my second grade teacher, and we still keep in touch. BRANDON ROUTH IS NOT LATINO! Just because he has dark hair does not mean a thing. And there are latinos in Iowa, just not BJ. I knew him when he was just 13 years old and he is still as nice now as he was then. I believe that BJ will do a wonderful job playing Superman, he is not too young at all. I can't wait for everyone to eat their words Summer 2006!!

Posted by: Meghan at March 5, 2005 12:21 AM

Nothing against BJ, but I think the superman montage would be better served by Tom Welling playing the role in a movie. He has the features, height, eye color and attitude. If anyone has seen this guy play Clark Kent over the last few years, knows that he has matured as an actor and into the role of Clark Kent. I'd like to see the role go to Welling in a few more years or be given to an older mature unknown, that posess the features of superman.

Posted by: tony at March 24, 2005 08:12 PM

i do agree with some of your worries about this film especially youthinising all the characters, but i think everyone should loosen there cracks a little and trust singer a she was the one that made superhero films respectable once again, but no matter how good this film is there is only one definitive superman film and one definitive superman' christopher reeve' i'm more surprised that knowone has noticed another actor that has been right under everyones noses as a perfect choice as the man of steel 'Gordon Eads' of C.S.I. HOW COOL WOULD HE BE HUH?

Posted by: ricky jones at April 9, 2005 04:07 PM

I don't know why you're all thinking he looks too young. There are lots of pictures of him looking young, yes, but there are a couple who show him looking no younger than Christian Bale, and he seems to be doing fine as Batman...

people whinge far too much in this world, about anything...

Posted by: supernym at April 13, 2005 02:05 PM

I don't know why you're all thinking he looks too young. There are lots of pictures of him looking young, yes, but there are a couple which show him looking no younger than Christian Bale, and he seems to be doing fine as Batman...

people whinge far too much in this world, about anything...

Posted by: supernym at April 13, 2005 02:06 PM

Ok. Here is my prediction. The new Superman movie will flop BIG TIME! Here's why. Yes, Bryan Singer did a good job with X-Men BUT this is SUPERMAN! The whole premise of Superman going into self-exile for 6yrs in order to TRY to pick up where the last movie franchise left off is ludicrous! Superman would NOT do that and I know I'm not going to watch any Superman that would shirk his responsibility as protector of planet earth for that long because he got his feelings hurt! SHEESH! They just want to make this movie NOW because SPIDERMAN has blown them all away at the box office. WHY? Mainly because Spidey had never been done before and now the technology was there to make it great. Superman is different! Christopher Reeve was the quintessential Superman "brought to life" for the ages! It was his look and feel as corny Clark Kent yet coupled with his regally honest and caring portrayal as Superman. The dark hair, blue eyes, the chiseled nose and jaw. You just can't bring in an unknown to "pick up where we left off"...OH PLEASE!! I say again the premise is ALL WRONG! Now, what the WB does have is SMALLVILLE. I've asked myself OVER & OVER, "Why produce a Superman series, see it succeed tremendously, and then abandon it for some half baked movie plot?" Answer=money. They think that they must hit this "band-wagon" of Superhero movies before it's too late. Well they're DEAD WRONG! Superman is timeless! YES, the technology to make a great Superman movie is now available. NO, the right script has NOT presented itself....but the right storyline has been presented! By WB's own SMALLVILLE! It has done what no SUPERMAN movie ever did and that was explore the young Clark Kent. They already have CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!! That is SO critically HUGE! HELLO! They have in Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum a dynamically developed Superman vs. Lex relationship! Everyone else are merely side notes. Tom Welling was an unknown before SMALLVILLE! He is still an unknown to most anyone who is not already a fan. He has the look, the build (WAY better than BJ), the acting experience and let's not forget.."The TORCH!" Who in their right mind did not sense the torch being passed from tragically crippled Christoper Reeve to perfectly cast Tom Welling? SMALLVILLE has the potential to become "the" new SUPERMAN movie franchise precisely because of the "character development" aspect. Here is a quick taste....we know Clark does not yet know how to fly but know's he has the ability. What better way to launch a SUPERMAN movie! They will never be able to pick up where Christopher Reeve left off...so DON'T TRY! Sheesh! They aren't even trying to pick up where the last Superman movie left off. They went back to Superman 2, why? Because they thought the later Superman movies sucked. OK! Yes, the movie scripts sucked! But not Christopher Reeve! Besides the whole "I'm not going to be Superman anymore" storyline WAS ALEADY DONE! By Christopher Reeve!! He already came back! Re-watch the FREAKIN movies! Make it so Clark has a "save the earth" crisis that he can only accomplish by flying! Then he would "will" himself into the air! Maybe an ELE (extinction level event) potentially caused by a new meteor? He'd have to get off the ground for that one! Simple yet effective! Have a new super villain come out of the destroyed meteor! SOMETHING! but not picking up an old story line. Well...I say it again. It will FLOP! They had it-they've already blown it! SMALLVILLE is the new SUPERMAN!

Posted by: Bruce at April 16, 2005 11:53 AM

Hey there Bruce.

That was spoken with a lot of passion. That's the kind of stuff I like to see here on The Movie Blog. Very well put.

However, I must disagree with you. Smallville is NOT the new Superman... Smallville is Smallville. It's a neat little show that I enjoy watching... but no one will ever convince me it's Superman... not a chance.

Secondly... and I can not emphasise this enough... YOU HAVE NOT READ THE SCRIPT, so I don't think you should be making jugdments about it

Thirdly... and most importantly... if Bryan Singer says this will work... then this will work. End of story. He made the 2 X-Men films total materpieces (You said if it wasn't for Spiderman there would be no Superman Movie... well Sam Raimi said if there was no X-Men movie there woulnd't have been a Spiderman)

And it's not just X-Men. Bryan is a BRILLIANT storyteller. Apt Pupil and Usual Suspect are other examples of his genius.

Bottom line for me... Smallville is a good to very good tv Teenie Bopper version of the young Superman Story and I like it very much... but it is in NO WAY Superman.

If Bryan Singer says it will work... then by god it will work.


Posted by: John Campea at April 16, 2005 01:56 PM

Well thank you, John. Again, it is my "prediction" eventhough I have not read the script. The basic premise of "after 6yrs" is already off IMHO. Yes, Bryan Singer did a great job with X-Men (although I had a BIG problem with IceMan sitting in the plane IN THE ARCTIC while Wolverine played the hero--SHEESH! He could have helped a little u think!?) But remember this is not X-Men or Spiderman which no one had ever done and could be cast into their own molds. Hollywood can make something "seem" grand by throwing a ton of money into the mix w/ promotions and advertisements. Look at some of the other MARVEL movies that have flopped. DC Comics has not had a good track record yet. (maybe this one will do alright) I just happen to think the timing is wrong given the fact that SMALLVILLE is still on the air! SMALLVILLE will run it's course in the matter of a year or two - THEN - it would be time for a SUPERMAN movie! As for the timing...due to CGI advancements its the right time for SUPERPOWER movies period! (e.g. The Matrix..etc.) If Bryan Singer is such a great storyteller then he could have made the SMALLVILLE>>SUPERMAN transformation work. Bryan Singer could have put his talents to work helping the SMALLVILLE TV caterpillar shed its small screen cocoon and emerge a flamboyant monarch of a butterfly movie franchise..but Nooooooo. I think he could have done it..don't you? Well...IMHO Smallville=Superman because Tom has shown such great development of the character and he (again IMHO) could have easily made the transition to SUPERMAN! Did you see s04e01 Crusade when they had him take off and fly as Kal-El? THE LOOK ON HIS FACE..OMG..THAT WAS SUPERMAN! Please someone hand him the tights! And if you are a avid viewer then you know how awesome Michael Rosenbaum had done portraying Lex Luthor!Heck! they could have taken the whole story arch they're running with now (the 3 stones=Krypton knowledge archives) and made it into an awesome movie that brought it all together in a way that those unfamiliar would still enjoy it but also make them curious enough to buy the DVD sets of SMALLVILLE. AGAIN...Bryan could have made something like that happen too. It's just a crying shame that all that character development will be lost. We'll wait and see I guess. PEACE!

Posted by: Bruce at April 16, 2005 04:08 PM

I'm a big superman fan and I think if they were going to go with a younger guy they should of gave the role to welling.I do like the idea of a unknown cause I'm sick of these studios giving roles like this to people just because of their names.This "kid" should not of got the role,he's some scrawny 90210 looking kid who doesn't look the role at all,we can all hope the script and cgi makes up for the casting cause it sucks.

Posted by: joel at April 24, 2005 12:09 PM

Hey Joel.

How can you say that??? You've never seen Brandon act?!?! So how can you say this is bad casting?!?!

It's funny... I've never heard one single person who is NOT a fan of Smallville say that Weling should get the role... why? Because hes not right for it. He is a good young Clark Kent (I actually really like him).. but he is NOT Superman.

I'll trust Bryan Singer's judgment. If he says this is the right guy... then he's the right guy... period.

Posted by: John Campea at April 24, 2005 12:23 PM

I don´t believe that Brandon Routh has been cast to Superman returns!!!He is handsome, but he is not appears to superman!!!Cristopher Reeve was a handsome guy that blue eyes...this man is latino!
I´m a latino girl, but I desapproved this guy, because in my head, and on the all people,the superman is light eyes and strong personallity, and this actor do not appear this!
If better was Tom Welling to Superman:he´s perfect for all!I love the superman film´s,but The next with Brandon as superman will be very very hard to see!
Tom welling is perfect!!!He has a personalitty and appearance of Clark Kent and/or superman!!! So, this guy...
I dessaproved this choice!And all my friends too. All of them will recognize by Christopher Reeve and do not identificated him on this nest film!As this,Tom Welling remember to much our Christopher...
We,girls of the Brazil, are too much desappointed to this choice...

Posted by: Ana at April 24, 2005 02:58 PM

I don´t believe that Brandon Routh has been cast to Superman returns!!!He is handsome, but he is not appears to superman!!!Cristopher Reeve was a handsome guy that blue eyes...this man is latino!
I´m a latino girl, but I desapproved this guy, because in my head, and on the all people,the superman is light eyes and strong personallity, and this actor do not appear this!
If better was Tom Welling to Superman:he´s perfect for all!I love the superman film´s,but The next with Brandon as superman will be very very hard to see!
Tom welling is perfect!!!He has a personalitty and appearance of Clark Kent and/or superman!!! So, this guy...
I dessaproved this choice!And all my friends too. All of them will recognize by Christopher Reeve and do not identificated him on this nest film!As this,Tom Welling remember to much our Christopher...
We,girls from Brazil, are too much desappointed to this choice...

Posted by: Ana at April 24, 2005 02:59 PM

Seriously, Ana, you'd think that if you were latino...you'd be able to recognize if a guy was or was not. Brandon Routh is not latino. I knew him when I was little and he is definately not latino. I think everyone is a little judgmental because no one knows how this movie will do. So why don't you all go turn on your TV's to Smallville since you love it so much, and let Brandon Routh do his job. I can't wait until you all have to EAT YOUR WORDS come Summer 2006!

Posted by: Meghan at April 29, 2005 12:09 AM

i,m very disapointed with the custom superman 2006
not like in the comic and i will not see the the movie with superidiot custom, why why and why superman custom 2006 is very bad with little s superman custom and red brown, batman the movie custom is more better than in the comic but why superman custom 2006 is very very bad, like super idiot i,m streeees if my hero like super idiot
why not just like in the comic, or like the flash custom in tv series, ehhh

Posted by: dion at May 11, 2005 03:51 AM

i,m very disapointed with the custom superman 2006
not like in the comic and i will not see the the movie with superidiot custom, why why and why superman custom 2006 is very bad with little s in superman custom and red brown, batman the movie custom is more better than in the comic but why superman custom 2006 is very very bad, like super idiot i,m streeees if my hero like super idiot
why not just like in the comic, or like the flash custom in tv series, ehhh

Posted by: dion at May 11, 2005 03:52 AM

Who said that BJ was Spanish? And why does this matter....? I have known him and his family since he was 6 years old and I don't know why anyone would consider him latin. He and his entire family are Caucasian and ...Ron is dark skinned, thought because he worked outside though....

Posted by: Jamie at May 14, 2005 05:32 PM

Superman is such a crappy superhero, why would they even consider giving this movie another try is beyond any explanation!

Look at it this way, superman a hero whose only mask is a pair of eye glasses and ppl can't still differentiate between him and clark kent!

How moronic can you get?

Posted by: supermansux at July 26, 2005 02:35 AM

Superman is such a crappy superhero, why would they even consider giving this movie another try is beyond any explanation!

Look at it this way, superman a hero whose only mask is a pair of eye glasses and ppl can't still differentiate between him and Clark Kent!

How moronic can you get?

Posted by: supermansux at July 26, 2005 02:36 AM

Well I just have to say I have seen behind the scenes footage of Brandon as Superman and he has the physique..the powerful look and all.His acting skill we have yet to see but from the footage i saw his movements were very Chris Reeve like which is a very good sign.I am a fan of smallville and I can say that Tom is a good clark kent but he does not have the mature experienced look of Superman.Besides i saw welling in a suit online and he looked funny.His face did not suit the costume as well as I had thought it would.On ther other hand this new guy shows a lot of promise.So until you ppl see the footage and and the fact that Tom is Young Clark and cannot move on to being Superman because he has had such a long stint as Young Clark you just might agree with me.

Posted by: Cody at August 1, 2005 05:17 AM

Brandon Routh was a terrible choice for superman. Here is why:
HE DOES NOT HAVE COLORED EYES!!!! HIS EYES ARE BROWN!!!! And I know what you might be thinking...he'll have contacts on. Do you know how FAKE contacts Look??? the pupils DO NOT change size when you wear contacts!!!! Pupil Dialation is critical to show awareness and great acting. ALL I WILL BE THINKING WHEN I WATCH THIS MOVIE IS ABOUT HOW FAKE THIS GUYS EYES LOOK. IF YOU ARE READING THIS SINGER YOU ARE STUPID!!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER CHOSEN ANYONE THAT HAS BROWN EYES!!!
Tom Welling would have been the best choice. Even Christopher Reeve thought so, and if he thought so then thats all the proof needed!!!

Posted by: david at September 2, 2005 08:27 PM

Hi David.

I have to TOTALLY DISAGREE with your comments. Here's why.

1) It's a sad sad sad day when someone thinks the most important thing in casting the right actor to portray a character in a film is not their acting ability... but their EYE COLOR.

2) I have seen footage of the new SUperman film... and Routh looks FANTASTIC! and yes... the eyes do too.

3) Bryan Singer is known as one of the BEST casting directors in the entire film industry (I remember how much people complained when he cast Hugh Jackman as Wolverine... hehe... and look how good THAT turned out. Now no one can imagine anyone other than Jackman. If Singer says Routh is the right guy... then Routh is the right guy. Periord.

3) Welling (as much as I like him and think he will have a great career)would have been a terrible Superman. This is SUPERMAN, not SMALLVILLE the MOVIE. They really are two totally different things.

4) Who cares if Christopher Reeve thought Welling would have made a good Superman?!?! Reeve was not Superman. Reeve (as much as I loved him) was JUST AN ACTOR. He was hired and paid to play a role. Reeve didn'e own the character... Reeves didn't write the lines. Reeves never did any casting for a film in his life. So what makes you think Reeve had any idea at all on who would make a good Superman? The guy was an actor... that's it.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I just haven't heard a good argument yet on why Routh is a bad choice. None at all.


Posted by: John Campea at September 3, 2005 09:15 AM

all of you are freaks

Posted by: big load at September 12, 2005 01:21 PM