October 10, 2004

Spider-Man 3 could be the Last

Apparently Sam Raimi recently told reporters that Columbia Pictures may direct Raimi to make Spider-Man 3 the final chapter in the series. This absolutely SHOCKS me for a couple of reasons. First of all, the fans WANT more Spider-Man. This isn't a series that has run it's course and lost audience interest. Spider-Man is as hot as it's ever been and to stop it after #3 would be a disservice to the fans. Secondly, the Spider-Man series is making a mind boggling amount of money. Why on earth would any studio want to turn off the taps of a sink that's pouring out free money???

In the interview, Raimi also suggested that my assumption that Harry Osborn was going to be the villain in the next film may be wrong. Raimi suggested that he may break with the comic books and have it turn out that Harry does NOT become the Hobgoblin.

"And so he thought that Spider-Man killed this good man and was shocked to learn that his own best friend had betrayed him, never revealing that he was Spider-Man. So you think that would be the case, but when he comes upon the lair of his father and realizes that his father was actually this mass murderer, the whole truth is revealed to him and he may come to the conclusion, he may come to the realization that his father was an evil man and finally had to be destroyed. I'm not sure what's in Harry's mind. I'm trying to figure that out right now. It's like if you blamed someone for the death of your father all these years and someone who was supposedly this hero, vigilante, and then you realized that your father was a mass murderer, it might change things."
This actually makes sense to me. Back to the original topic, I think this would just be one of the most ridiculous decisions I've heard of a studio making in a long time if they actually shut the door on Spider-Man when it's still going so strong. At least wait to see how a Spider-Man 3 works out before closing the door so prematurely. What are your thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at October 10, 2004 11:40 PM


I could definately see the Spider-Man film franchise going on for years, (a la James Bond), but there is something to be said about going out on top instead of running a franchise into the ground, (Superman 4: The Quest for Peace and Batman & Robin, for example). But, I'm with you, John. I really can't see Columbia pulling the plug on such a cash cow. Oh well, time will tell.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices

Posted by: Marc at October 11, 2004 08:11 AM

Well if you look at the Batman franchise, they kept that going through bad and worse, the good was gone well early in that franchise, and it's still getting light in Batman Begins.

Considering Batman is still going and it hasn't really been good since the first (okay second at a stretch) how come they won't give Spiderman a chance?

Spiderman has had two successful outings, why call it a day now, and they've been faithful adaptations too.

Can't believe it either. (gotta rush back to work...lunch over!)

Posted by: RichardB at October 11, 2004 08:26 AM

While I've never really cared for either the Spiderman comics or movies, I've always been a huge fan of both the Venom and Carnage (!!!) character universes.

I've always felt that either of these characters, realized in the cinematic medium, had the potential to blow away any and all other comic book live-action adaptations.

Now that I think about it, there's always the possiblity of Spiderman spin-offs. I would begrudgingly sit through a spiderman film for an appearance by either Venom or Carnage, but I would pay royally for a film dedicated to either of those characters.


Posted by: iamNataku at October 11, 2004 09:16 AM

i am not a huge fan of the movies, but I demand they be alowed to run until Venom and Carnage put in an apperance, because man oh man, would they be sweet on the big screen.

Posted by: miles at October 11, 2004 02:42 PM

Maybe the studio wants to let the franchise get a chance to breathe and then recast and develop another trilogy. Maybe they see this as a long-term plan to keep profits and movie quality high. The actors are going to keep wanting more money and points with each picture, this way the studio can recast with cheaper actors. Of course, this way they run the risk of not developing the same synergy of story, actors, and director.

But, that's just my guess.

Posted by: David at October 11, 2004 03:55 PM

Sounds like studio antics to me: tell'em we're pullin' the plug on Spiderman and let's see how much everyone cries about it. A few whimpers means we'll make #3. Mass hysterics means we're good for another #3,#4 and @5.

Posted by: Crystal at October 11, 2004 08:25 PM

It would be amazing to see the series end with Rami and then be restarted in five or six years with fresh ideas and new intrest.
The comic series has endless stories to mine from.
I could see the dark McFarlane influenced Spiderman tales well received but only after some time has passed.
The first two have been great and I bet the third will ultimately have a similar feel.
When you oversaturate Spidermans mug on cereal boxes and the like no matter how good the third movie will be,the public wants something fresh.
Going out on top could be the best thing to happen for Spiderman and the Fans and the general audience.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at October 12, 2004 05:44 AM

OK first things first (and I know I'm going to let my Spider-Man geekdom show here). Harry never ever ever was the Hobgoblin in the comics. That is a completely different character. He took up his father's mantle and became the second Green Goblin. So you (hopefully) meant to say, "Raimi suggested that he may break with the comic books and have it turn out that Harry does NOT become the Green Goblin."

Secondly. Venom and/or Carnage are never going to be in the Spider-Man movies because the movies are focusing on the original Spider-Man villains. I know everyone would like to see a Venom or Carnage villain, but it isn't going to happen. Personally I think it would be way too difficult to tell that story in one movie anyway. The story up to the discovery of the symbiote would take a whole movie in itself.

Thirdly. I highly doubt the fact that any more than 3 movies are going to be made. Mostly for the fact that Tobey and Kirstin probably won't come back for a fourth one. The story can progress without Dunst but not without Mcguire. They could cast a completely different Spider-Man (hey, look at the Batman franchise, and 007?) but I really hope they don't.

This is one of those things where stopping at a trilogy would seem like madness. But take Stars Wars for example (leaving out the recent additions). Stop at the trilogy at the peak of demand and it will become a classic. Keep making more until the whole idea becomes stagnant and the franchise will fizzle out.

But, whether Harry becomes the Goblin or not, this will still be a really good movie. And there are enough quality bad guys that they have to choose from that I'm not too worried.

Posted by: Jonstafa at October 13, 2004 03:27 PM

Sam Raimi got a lot more potential than just making Spider flicks, no matter how succesfull they are in generating revenue for their producers.

Move along Sam! I'd rather see him use Bruce Campbell in another Army of Darkness thing. Black, humorous, scary.

Posted by: Flemming at October 13, 2004 07:06 PM

We will have venom in #3...John Jameson went to the moon and has a lot - i mean - a lot of unfinished bussiness with Peter Parker and his runaway bride...So there you go...Venom is a go...

Posted by: Peter the great at October 26, 2004 03:20 PM


Posted by: Mongo at November 2, 2004 01:43 PM

Loco...nadie escribe una mierda en este post?

Posted by: Gran porongo at November 25, 2004 10:44 AM

Pulling the plug on Spiderman would be ridiculous, there are way too many fans and way too many stories to choose from to end it all. Besides, look at how many other of these type of flicks were a flop (Batman, after the first of course, Daredevil, the Punisher). Stick with what works and keep the movies coming, everyone loves them and they are cash cow. We should start a petition now and send it over to Columbia to tell them to keep making em.

Posted by: Pumble at December 5, 2004 05:03 PM

I''m with you man i dont get why they want to close the door already i love spiderman 2 and i want to see more movies later.I just hope they dont stop at spiderman 3.

Posted by: spiderkid at December 8, 2004 05:36 PM

First of all i totally agree with jonstafa harry never was the hobgoblin in the commics and never will be. Second i think that it's pretty clear that harry will become the either the new green goblin or the hobgoblin. It's because of all his anger. Remember back in the first movie at thanks giving when he yelled at maryjane and in the second movie at the planatarium party. Even though he finds out the secret about his father and about peter and why peter had to do what he did to harry's father and that he shouldn't blame him, maybe all that anger built up inside and drove him nuts and turned him into one of the goblins.

Posted by: R2-D2 at May 2, 2005 07:01 PM

when they make them, six will have come!!!

Posted by: Twisty Yayo at May 2, 2005 11:28 PM

It will be stupid if the third movie contains a Green Goblin guy.It will not be interesting.I thinck that the Lizard ot Venom will do the trick.:P
And nomber 3 the finale?
Come onn They have to be unless 6 to finish the story normally right?

Posted by: SpIdEr at May 9, 2005 04:41 PM

I think it would be great just to go as far as a Spidey 4. It needs to cover the main villans, you've already got the Greengoblin, you sure as heck dont need anything LIKE that again, you've gotten Doc Oc, from the looks of things you're going to get Venom, and I think a great close to the series would be to have Carnage come in. I've never been into comics all that much, but anything with him in it and I'll take notice. If you look at it, he has to be, by far, the most deadly of any villan that has come through. I also think it would be kind of interesting to see an ending where about 5min till credits Spidey gets killed and right before credits roll, you see him swinging in the shadows, just to depart from the comic universe. Anyways, I would just love to see Carnage cause he could take the both of them without really breaking a sweat.


Posted by: Papi at May 20, 2005 04:13 AM