October 23, 2004

Silent Hill The Movie - Games to Screen

silentHill.jpgNews came out last week on Roger Avery�s web journal that the draft script for the movie Silent Hill is almost complete, he addresses fans fears almost immediately about the speed of the script production saying�

�The reason we wrote this FAST is because it's a GO MOVIE�.They need to plan for the massive special effects�They need to begin all of the preproduction� they begin shooting in February, after all�. It's quite likely that writing will continue right up into shooting. So everybody relax. We're making a movie here, not just a script.�

�There�s interesting reading on his entire site, not just the journal itself, so take a look if you�re even vaguely interested.

For those of you who aren�t aware, the Silent Hill series of games is incredibly tense, atmospheric and downright scary. Each game revolves round a strange occurrence, originally the disappearance of pretty much everyone in the town of Silent Hill and the arrival of strange monsters and ghosts � odd, to say the least. It�s very similar to the style of the Resident Evil game, solve puzzles, get scared by what could be round the corner and kill everything. However, Silent Hill is more cinematic and has a slow, creeping death style. It�s very cleverly done with some shocking scenes and truly leap out of your chair moments.

The Resident Evil movies haven�t really been achieved that well to be honest, although the first was quite good fun. I just hope they can give a decent treatment to this movie, instead of trying to recreate the game rerun in live action, I hope they take the ideas, step back, and try and create a proper movie experience from it.

Games and movies really are close together, games developers have realised that the more involved the gamer is, the more likely they are to play and stay with the game and franchise. In the days when graphics and audio offer so much depth, they can�t afford to produce a simple flat gaming experience.

It's no small marketplace either, gaming is fast becoming one of the top leisure industries of our time, and the movie adaptations attract a lot of interest, look at the names involved in some of these to date: Angelina Jolie, Christopher Lambert, Milla Jovovich, Ben Kingsley, Michael Madsen, Meatloaf, Jean-Claude Van Damme (Oh dear) , Kylie Minogue (okay...stopping now!)...

Tomb Raider was probably the best reproduction of a games title yet, although the franchise has somewhat turned sour as they rely too much on the same stock experience, however the potential remains. Link the two audiences with products crossing both realms, and you can roll it in.

Look at what is being produced right now in the way of movie adaptations and movie-type games from the gaming industry. We have news of the Doom project finally moving forward, and let�s bear in mind why it was delayed, because of Id (the game series developers) understanding the potential and holding onto some very important rights, allowing them to keep hold of the project and make sure it�s produced properly.

Also in production are the movie adaptations of Bloodrayne and news just in of Hunter: The Reckoning under scripting. Bloodrayne is the story of Rayne a half-human half-vampire who joins the fight against vampires (oh my god, that just struck me!), while Hunter is about a group of people who discover humanity is being preyed upon by Supernatural creatures and after being bestowed with special abilities the begin to fight back.

Halo, now there is an entire movie with the sequel already made. Grand Theft Auto, another excellent series, and it really does give the gamer the feel of living a movie. Splinter Cell offers another game series that has developed a number of its own scripts ideal for a movie treatment, and what about Half Life?

So, why has it failed to date? Who knows really, but the attempts of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat suggest that the gaming scenarios were still too flat, too devoid of a plot and storyline to develop anything decent from, and although they contained some form of characterisation, it was still all�well�2D. These came from games that were simply mash all the buttons and kill the opposition, instead of the all immersive, media deep games we see today. When you can play a game like GTA or Halo, you experience the movie around you as you play. Perhaps there�s a concentration on the market of the players of the original game and being careful not to go trampling over what they love, attempting to faithfully recreate the game for them and ensure the following of that audience.

Perhaps it's also seen as a quick way to bypass the movie making process. When creating a movie you have an idea, develop the structure, the characters the plot and move from there, perhaps in relying too heavily on what has already been produced the Studios are making complete flops because they are missing out the essence of the movie making process, the story.

Let�s see some big budget, and hopefully cleverly written, games transferred to the movies. They can do it for comics, why not for games? Move on from where the first Tomb Raider took us, make Doom an excellent movie, have a look at GTA III\Vice City\San Andreas, Halo and Halo 2, Half Life and Half Life 2, and concentrate on the script and recreating the essence of the game, not recreating the moves and the costumes.

I do think that the gaming world has a lot to offer the movies and vice versa (see the plethora of Star Wars games as point), they just need a decent treatment, and some loving care, as has been done for some of the comic adaptations we�ve seen.

Posted by at October 23, 2004 08:10 AM


yes silent hill is a scary game, i hope Uwe Boll would be involved with this somehow.

the game horror is an effect of a hallucination caused by a drug-plant being grown in secret around silent hill. it causes the people to hallucinate.
it got into the water, air and the people are going mad because of this.

if you played the first silent hill, these clues are peppered around the places especially the police station. i think the drug was called the white dahlia, i cant remember the exact since i played this way back in 1999.

i hope Uwe Boll would do this.

Posted by: monk at October 25, 2004 01:40 AM

I think the drug was White Claudia. Dahlia was the Cult leader that was selling it.

It's not the cause of Silent hill being the way it is though. If it were, there would be no way for two different characters to have the same visions, unless of course, the characters in each game are hallucinations of one person.

Silent Hill CAN be a great film if Hollywood doesn't explain too much to the audience.

Why is it that Game-to-movies NEVER stick with continuity? Street fighter? Mario Brothers? Resident Evil? The only thing they have in common are the name and theme. If you're going to bring a Book the the big screen you don't just throw the pages out the door and keep the title and characters, you try to create as much of the book as you can. Why are games treated differently than books?

Posted by: cybermike at October 25, 2004 01:17 PM

Keepp It The Same As The Videos Games Please!!!! good luck with the movie

Posted by: Room of Angel at October 26, 2004 04:46 AM

Keep It The Same As The Videos Games Please!!!! good luck with the movie

Posted by: Room of Angel at October 26, 2004 04:47 AM

i think that david boreanez is playin the lead

Posted by: real_emotion at October 26, 2004 08:46 AM

Hollywood takes real historical events and changes them to suit them! An anyone who has read alot of books, which are now films will know that Hollywood doesn't always stick to the written storyline. So what is to stop them changing a computer game!? However, I do hope they keep Silent Hill as true as possible to the game. I remember when I played it thinking what a great game it would make! I wonder if they can make the Cinema Chair / DVD controller rumble in time to a heartbeat like the game did!? PS, did anyone ever complete the first game (without using cheats) because I couldn't get anywhere near it without a walk through?

Posted by: David Terry at October 26, 2004 11:43 AM

David, I agree, and I think my original point was that the Studios are failing because they are being too faithful to the game fans and leaping forward in the scripting process by just pulling the story straight from the game.

Step back, review and rewrite. As we've seen with Grudge, it doesn't have to be a major rewrite.

Just don't take the game, drop it on the screen and hope it works.

Posted by: Rich at October 26, 2004 03:37 PM

yes, i have completed the first of it by myself,not by any material written by anyone else

Posted by: donzip at October 27, 2004 06:49 AM

the movie of resident evil almost made me be sick.it seems that paul andersen is a little kid when flagship is his teacher

Posted by: donzip at October 27, 2004 06:58 AM

I only ever played the Silent Hill 4: The Room but i thought that was so awsome. I don't know how different that is from the others but i say as long as its no Resident Evil and they keep to the suspense side then its gonna be good :)

Posted by: Tombo at October 27, 2004 10:49 AM

I've played and finished all of the series except SH:4 which I'm working on now, it would be great to see them sucessfully recreate the creepiness on screen to have the audience pissing their pants, but it's gonna be tough. The experience you get from playing when you turn out the lights and crank up the volume is going to be hard to translate, only in the sense that when you are playing the games, you almost feel tied to the character on screen and all that happens to them. When you are sitting there watching a movie and have no control of the plot it tends to lose it's effect.

Posted by: SkAr at October 31, 2004 01:49 AM

P.S. Heard it was going to be David Hasselhoff for lead role.....

Posted by: SkAr at October 31, 2004 01:54 AM

Silent Hill is undoubtably the greatest horror experience ever created; game, movie, whatever. The underlying themes are not of this world. It has NOTHING to do with the struggles of flesh and blood, but with the present darkness of the demons that live in all of our lives. Silent Hill represents hell in a way that alomst seems more terrifying than that of which we imagine it to be in our minds. These games, being insanely scary and twisted as they are, succeed on such a dark, poetic level that it would be a TRAVESTY for anyone other than the creator, writer(s) to be in full creative control. The story is the gem of the series, even though it doesn't always seem to tie toegther. And that is the bastian of hope that I hold on to, that the ideas and story are represented on screen as wonderfully wicked as they are in the games.

Posted by: KC at November 15, 2004 04:00 PM

I have played and beaten every Silent Hill Game atleast twice, and I agree with KC, and also i believe the environments should be the same. for instance they should study the map of silent hill from the first game, and try and create those place, for instance, the town, the lake, the hotels... also one important environmental factor in the games is the fog, or mist, whatever you want to call it, it should be covering everywhere out side, as well as lack of color... everything has sort of a dark, faded look. and as for the story, it shouldn't be that hard... a guy is mysteriously "beckoned" to the town of silent hill in search of someone, he meets strange characters, including a female role in which he grows to care for... blah blah blah.... the point is.. just follow the game. because after all, it IS a Silent Hill Movie.

Posted by: rob at November 18, 2004 07:59 PM

Yes as many ppl have said i also think the movie should be like the game and i think that we should get the feelings we get from the game.They should also have the creepy sound effects and music like they have used before bucuz that is what has got me nervous about turning a corner or opening a door in Silent Hill.I want to go see that movie and have nightmares for a week(well actually about a few days).[oh and this is stepping apart fromt the movie now].i luv Silent Hill 4 but i dont like the ideas of having ghost becuz u have to run away from them and thats really not fun when u run away and thats how i died most times in my game is by them sucking the life out of me.I mean dont like it as much as having some static coming from my radio but i think it is kind of creep when ur thinking "oh my god they are coming i have to find a portal!"Out of all the Silent Hill games i think that number 2 was the best becuz it was good gameplay and had a great story line.if u thought the story line was confusing for Silent Hill2 then i have the link of a place where a guy explanes his point of view on the story and I thought that he was probably correct. Below is the link i was talking about for Silent Hill2. http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/silent_hill_2_plot_a.txt

Posted by: Josh at November 19, 2004 01:28 AM

if they ever launch Silent Hill the movie please announce it worldwide esp. in philippines, im so eager to see it into the wide screen not just in games. anyone kindly notify its showing in philippines? thank u

Posted by: GB Adrian Lee at December 11, 2004 06:55 AM

Personally I can't wait to see the movie. I am easily scared (You should have seen me play SH 3, I screamed so loud that my neighbors across the street heard me) I hope that they still leave some inside information secret, something special so that the gamers can have like an inside thing going on. I hope they keep true to the atmosphere, but without telling everyone everything. They never told you anytthing outright in the game anyway, so why should the movie goers have that privilidge?

Bottom line: If you're too lazy to play the game, then you don't deserve to understand the details in the movie.

It would be great publicity too, right? "Gee, golly, I don't understand. Who's this Alessa chick?" Then they would have to play the games to find out. Brilliant marketing, baby!

Posted by: rachael at December 16, 2004 06:26 PM

my one freand has a good theory about how all the wearid zombies get there, insted of everybody dieing and becomeing zombies. the main charicter (you) and select other people (like that creepy little girl) get droped into the lower plain of existence were jsut happens to be full of all that good creepy stuff and the cult is the cause of you geting droped, but once you beet the game is when you work yourself back into the real world.
ps. it wouldent even supprise me if the game writters havent evean thought up why all the things happen ;)

Posted by: lindan at December 24, 2004 01:17 AM

oh yea there HAST to be a hospital in the movie i mean a hospital was scary enough befor i played the games now... i rather bleed to death then be in one alone in the dark with the grid floors (ok that just makes it the worst) yea dont forget the grid floors too

Posted by: lindan at December 24, 2004 01:21 AM


Posted by: poopoo at January 2, 2005 03:23 PM

i went to that http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/silent_hill_2_plot_a.txt from josh and i think he was right i play Sh'2 lots of time and it's true all of it

Posted by: todd at January 7, 2005 05:05 AM

i can only wish they get a director with the same brain waves as the actuall game,someone who knows horror,knows how to keep it tense and knows when to scare and not scare all the time,so i voye clive barker =)

Posted by: Ben at January 23, 2005 11:57 AM

omg a silent hill movie.when it comes out im going to reserve the theater and watch it all alone. if they make it and it has all the dark blood red and gritty walls that you think is movie...that would just scare the crap out of you.i played silent hill 3 and 4. i play to the hospitol on 3 and my friend deleted the data.wah.i dint even want to get that far again. i cover up the cd and case when i go to sleep it scares me so bad.they need slurpers.god slurpers they were so scary just the way they moved.and the sound and they always shook.they were so repulsive.but if they make the movie they got to come out with a silent hill haunted house were you couyld walk through.thats what i want too. silent hill we love you and if they make you that would be awsome........but if they dont im going to make a worse nightmare for them then being in the game. so make it or else.

Posted by: andrew at January 29, 2005 04:16 AM

I'm just scared of the critics: There is bound to be thousands of watchers that don't have any idea what's going on in the movie and especially on games, so they might think it's just another horror movie like scream or Night of the living dead etc. Only fans & at least somewhat gameplayers will be the only one's that understand it (at least almost) 100% =(

Posted by: Jony_P at February 7, 2005 02:36 AM

i love silent hill, and i think that making a movie about silent hill is GREAT! and i think some fans agree because making this game a movie makes them feel as if it were real, as if what they played is just all true! i would like them to make a movie of silent hill....but i dont want them to change the storyline, its just the best part of everything...ive read some other things on-line about the plot to the movie and it said that instead of the main character Harry they are going to put this other girl named rose?! i dont want them to change this at all! if they are going to make a movie at least make it the same so the fans can get that fibe like i got when i saw resident evil 1 & 2 because they put facts from the game to the movie SOME of them but still i want Harry not rose to play the main character on silent hlll the movie!!! and i hope other fans agree about this..so please put the real story line...and please dont screw it up! Good Luck to all and i hope this movie will be a great hit that will scare us to death!!!

?WhY tHe EmO?

Posted by: cybil at February 20, 2005 01:34 PM


!!StOp ThE mAdNeSs!!

Posted by: GIVE ME LIFE!! at February 20, 2005 01:38 PM

Lets face it the idea of a haunted city or house has been tried and tested by so many indie directors, altho it stands out like a sore thumb in the series...Silent Hill 4 would blatently be the best for film lisence, it will not only make the crowd shit in pants but be scared shitless to look in their bath room again or lock the front doors of their apartments.
I also think that the film should simply be called 'The room' and not bare the title of a silent hill lisence yet through out makes the same referances to silent hill like the game did (after all the game was set in ashfeild not silent hill).

Clive Barker would be an excellent director provided he did his research and didnt simply hellraiser the story (altho fuck me would that be gory or what eh?)and maybe consult a similair approach to filming like that of 28 days later?the gritty digicam look about it looks so fucking menacing throughout
So I propse the following:
Call it 'the room' bsed around the fourth installment

Clive Barkers direction with a big research team backing any scripting ideas

Use a very basic filming technique (digi cam hand held possibly?)

Use an unheard of cast that can act? (possibly theatre actors etc?)

My veiws, probably get disagreed with majorly but hey

Posted by: tom at February 21, 2005 07:28 PM

Hire David Lynch as a consultant to the writer/director. If you've never heard of Lynch, you need to see "Twin Peaks" which has an atmosphere very similar to Silent Hill. Also you should watch "Lost Highway" and "Mulholland Drive". Those two movies are extremely confusing, but very awesome because of this.

P.S. There is actually meaning in these movies, just as in Silent Hill; it just requires intense analysis.

Posted by: pyro at February 21, 2005 08:08 PM

It would be great i hope.......

Posted by: J-VIRUS at February 25, 2005 03:22 AM

Every movie after a game sucked. One reason is the casting. Another reason is stupid script lines, little anecdotes that's ruin the whole horror essence of a movie. The director and the creator of the game need collaboration. The creator should have more directing rights than the director. The person who does the casting should not even consider hiring any old or new comedians, no action stars either. When casting they should look for fresh faces. Keep the sadistic gore, keep all the eerie camera angles, keep the fog, the dim lighting from the little flashlight on the chest pocket and keep the music. I played all the Silent Hill games and got every ending that was available, beat them all on hard. I hated the resident evil series because, first of all, we are in a 3D gameplay world and fixed screen positions don't scare as much as fully 3D rendered atmospheres. I'm sure that the movie will suck because what we need is also a new director, someone who will try their best to make something that the audience has never seen, you know, to make a name for himself. Like the Silent Hill games, there are scenes, themes and violent characters that have never been used in any other games prior to the SH series, the fog as well. The warning white noise is ok too, but like music it builds up tension that in some cases, ruins the scare factor. In conclusion make the movie with as little computer animation as possible, the technology today isn't good enough to be believable for impalements or decapitations, at least not yet anyway. Last but not least, don't rush the movie, work on making it last for a full 2 hours at least.

Posted by: another SH fan at February 27, 2005 06:09 AM

I work at radio shack in the city of south pasadena... damn when we stay late to take out the trash and its raining.. the streets are so quiet and creepy looking it makes me think, damn this city would be great to make a silent hill movie. all queit. running around in the streets wondering wht the f--k is going on. i hope who ever reads this can take that to consideration that south pasadena the way it is at nite would make a perfect movie set alone. old looking building and housing with the lil porch like they do at the homes on the streets.

Posted by: alexAKAspyder at March 5, 2005 07:02 PM

alexAKAspyder.... They are filming a couple scenes here in Brantford Ontario starting tomorrow. Our downtown is so crap that its makes an ideal place for this movie. They have made a couple sets alread and it looks pretty kewl. They said they will only start filming if its a cloudy and/or rainy day, which is most likely happening tomorrow. Well though Id just let ya guys know... Out

Posted by: Harry at April 19, 2005 09:08 PM

so harry... you'll know the latest news first cos you live there?? isnt that a bit lame cos you have seen those sets?? anyway give me your e-mail so we can chat later, ok?

Posted by: Viatel at April 21, 2005 04:48 AM

My email is [email protected] and I have some pix of the sets if anyone would like some. Just email me. =p

Posted by: Harry at April 21, 2005 10:10 PM

BTW they have bumbed the filming till next week.

Posted by: Harry at April 21, 2005 10:13 PM

File Size: (39.4 MB) File Length: (5:48 mins) & File Format: (WMV)
NOTE* Im using YouSendIt so its only up for 7 days! if ya need it and its not online then just email me [email protected]

Posted by: Harry at April 22, 2005 12:19 PM

i have set design picture. i live in brantford ontario and i have seen the sets they have set up downtown. the have a movie theatre, bowling alley, bank, and a news paper office

Posted by: jordan at April 23, 2005 04:16 PM

i heard filming starts on monday the 25th cause the conditions are right with the storm that we have here just thought u would like to know

Posted by: jordan at April 23, 2005 04:20 PM

I'm sorry, but I'm really pissed off as to why EVERY SINGLE game MUST be made into a movie. I'm rather dissappointed that Silent Hill is being made into a film. It's just not the same. And They're making the film DOOM!?!? wtf. Did you know that the lead in Doom is being played by The Rock? oh dear.... I don't see why games have to be made into movies. Why? I think it's just to drain money, productions know that it's a win-ff, they know that it's already a unique-selling point, people don't have to hear about it because it's already a game. I was hugely pi**ed off with resident evil movie, i'm telling you know, if silent hill the movie is a disappointment, i'm going to get f***ing pi**sed off.

Posted by: matt at April 25, 2005 10:44 AM

David Lynch needs to be the director for this. He's done stuff like Eraserhead, Twin Peaks, Mulholland Dr. you get the drift.

Posted by: Two-Ah at April 28, 2005 08:18 PM

im from brantford ontario where they're filming the movie and its kinda upsetting that they chose our town because the downtown is a hole but i dont care. I was checking out the movie being filmed and it was pretty awsome how they made it look so much different down there. They even had cranes with machines being hung off them that dropped water so it looked like rain.its awsome i cant wait for the movie.

Posted by: Sean at May 1, 2005 02:44 PM

wat the hell u mean looks different? maybe by the signs but the buildings always looked like that LMAO

Posted by: Harry at May 1, 2005 09:48 PM

i cant wait till silent hill the movie comes out..im just hoping they get everything right...i the only thing i really want them to change is that instead of the father looking for daughter like in the real game..they put that the mother is looking for her daughter..i'd rather have it exactly like the game if they are gonna make it ..they better make it the right.

Posted by: mayra at May 11, 2005 11:46 PM

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Posted by: blue deer at May 22, 2005 12:00 PM

its bout freakin time they came out with this!!! im excited...but...at the same time im worried about they way it will come out. hopefully i wont be disappointed like i was with resident evil the movie. these folk need to STICK TO THE DAMN GAME SCRIPT a nd quit swichin up. resident evil was a small disappontment because they added all these new folk in it and im like who the hell is that and what did they do? apocalypse was more to the game script cuz the brought in jill and the nemisis. love what they did with the dogs and the lickers. they are to their exact. but the whole storyline was baically changed and i hated that. even though it was a tad interesting. i hope they take silent hill and actually follow the videogame this time. im already a bit upset at the female taking harry's spot and they changed the little girl's name from cheryl to somethin else. PLEASE JESUS DONT CHANGE NOTHIN ELSE IN THE STORY. i been wanting to see this on screen for a long time and its finally gonna come to so im hoping to the high heavens they keep the story and town and events and characters to their exact and please lets not forget that horryfying music and sound effects that made the skin crawl!but ya can find a way to take the script as is and make it evenmor scary with no changes to the game script. FOR ONCE i would like to see a game to movie dopne exactly like the game instead of them changing it completely. thats why its gettin kinda boring for games to make it to the screen because they wont do none of the right. but i dont care what anyone says, its awsome they are doin this finally and i love it gonna be a HORROR movie, like the game is of horror genere and not a horror game genere changed to sci-fi like resident evil was. i look forward to this. now they need to take fatal frame and turnin it to a movie...another one i cant play at night, lol! LET HOPE THEY DO THIS ONE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Sugga at May 29, 2005 04:52 PM

Personoly i think they should base the game off sh4 i think that one is the most
sicologicel and it had the most impact on me.I wanted to write the silent hill movie
i would have based it off sh4 but now there making it thereselves.I hope they
make it off sh4 and i hope they do it right and not turn it into an action
movie like re.

Posted by: betsyhart at June 18, 2005 12:05 PM

Uwe Boll shouldn't be allowed anywhere near this movie. If he even looks at one of the caterers, we should have him shot. In fact, to let that man anywhere near a script should be considered a capital offense. I mean, look at House of the Dead, a movie that expresses his hatred for humanity, its so bad. And Alone in the Dark? Well, stuff was dark, occasionally.
And people were alone at times. But making it an action flick? Was he on DRUGS? I'm sorry, but he's like a fecal Midas. Anything he touches turns to crap. His films do terribly, I don't know anyone that likes his work... the man has no right getting the scripts and jobs he does. We should hand his projects to people with some modicum of skill.

If he got his hands on Silent Hill, it would become a crappy zombie movie, instead of a surreal hallucinagenic experience that keeps people guessing.

And as for the attestation that the whole thing is a hallucination caused by white claudia, its a neat idea, but it doesn't hold up. Email me if anyone's curious as to my viewpoints

Posted by: Harlequin at July 14, 2005 04:36 PM


The Silent Hill movie is going to be based on SH1. Rose takes place of Harry Mason and Cheryl's place is being taken by a girl named Sharon. Another thing is, I think Alessa is an evil demon girl instead of a little girl with a demon in her. This is because the script talks about an evil demon girl and I think it's Alessa they're talking about. The movie is different from the game, but it's still pretty close.

Basically, the movie is based on SH1 but its gonna have a similar feel to SH2. That's because Christopher Gans the director who played all the games said SH2 was his favorite and also said he wanted to give the movie the same feeling as part 2.

I don't know how its going to work- (A movie based on part 1 and with the feel of 2) but whatever, I heard he was a good director.

Posted by: Walter Sullivan at August 11, 2005 11:31 PM


Posted by: Walter Sullivan at August 11, 2005 11:35 PM


Posted by: Walter Sullivan at August 11, 2005 11:37 PM

Hey Walter...we would if there was more news!

Posted by: Richard Brunton at August 12, 2005 03:50 AM

They sould make a Silent Hill quadrilogy

-So far the movie they're making is based on SH1
-part two should be based on SH3
-Part three should be based on SH4 with the bad ending where Walter
should die but the god doesn't and then your left hanging
-Part four, Ashfield should be taken over by the darkness of the god
and then at the end the god dies and everything is fine

Posted by: Walter Sullivan at August 12, 2005 05:08 PM


A lot of people are angery at the fact that the Pyramid Head is going to be in the movie because it has nothing to do with anyone but James Sunderland and it is a creation from his mind. Let me clear this up. The Pyramid Head is a executioner not something James made up. During the time of the Civil War, there was a section of
"The Order" (a religious cult in Silent Hill) that worshiped an angel named Valtiel. There was a group of executioners that belonged to that section of the cult. They designed a pyramid shaped helmet to to in respect to, Valtiel.

So there you have it. The Pyramid Head is an executioner not James's creation. The reason he saw it a lot was because there was a picture hanging on the wall of a Pyramid Head in the Silent Hill Historical center. He must have seen it there when he was at Silent Hill with Mary and the strange picture stayed in the back of his head. That why he saw it alot.

Posted by: Walter Sullivan at August 15, 2005 07:57 PM

how du u kill walter sullivan when u hav entered the hole where his dead body used 2 b in the apartment? please HELP!!!

Posted by: karl at August 25, 2005 02:57 PM


There are 8 spears stuck into 8 hanging corpses cirling the giant room. There are four corpses on each side of the god. Us the umbilicle cord on the god like demon and then you'll be able to pull the 8 spears out of the 8 corpses. Stab the god with all 8 spears and Walter will go back to his normal human self. Now you can kill him with what ever weapon you'd like. NOTE:(try to do all this before Eileen walks into the divice with the blades if you want a good ending.)

Posted by: Walter Sullivan at August 29, 2005 12:23 PM

It's a shame that they're not going to stick with the plot of sh. They've changed it just like RE. GEEZ... WHY?!!!

Posted by: Squall at September 9, 2005 11:22 AM




Posted by: Walter Sullivan at September 18, 2005 12:30 AM


Posted by: Walter Sullivan at September 24, 2005 01:13 AM

Replacing Harry Mason with a chick and making the whole thing this mother/daughter thing constitutes "Just a few changes"? No, it changes the entire dynamic of the movie. Look, if they were going to change something, they should have started from scratch, and not made the decision to bastardize a beloved plot that was already in existence. I feel it's better to either choose a plot and be faithful to it, or create an entirely new one. As a result, I have a bad feeling about this movie. Also, what is this about Dr. Kauffman and Lisa not being important? Have you even played the game? Dr. Kauffman was the guy in charge of the hospital who kept Alessa in the basement, and Lisa was the nurse who made her time there halfway liveable. I'd say those two people are pretty important.

I also want to point out that Alessa was the entire point of the first game. Without her, Silent Hill wouldn't be what it is. Alessa's shoes can't just be filled by any little girl with a problem. Her scenario was very specific, and changing that destroys the context of the movie.

I'll withhold my final judgment before I actually see the movie, but my hopes are pretty much shot already. Here's to hoping it will be better than what I'm seeing currently.

Posted by: Skeptic at October 3, 2005 10:22 AM

What I meant was look, they're gonna change the movie from the game whether we like it or not, but they're being more faithful to the game than any game-based movie in the past has ever been like RESIDENT EVIL which kinda pissed me off. But after a while, I accepted it.

So compared to most game-based movies, SILENT HILL seems to be the most faithful one.

Now about what I said about Kaufman. Yes he is very important in the GAME because if it weren't for him Alessa wouldn't be locked up in the hospital basement, she'd be locked up some where else. But the movie is based on the "VERY BASIC" idea of the game:

-"A small peaceful little town called SILENT HILL is being devoured by a sick, twisted darkness and the source of this darkness is a demon in the form of a little girl(ALESSA). The protagonist finds himself(HERSELF in the movie) trapped in SILENT HILL looking for his lost daughter who is some how connected to the town."

Thats the very basic plot of SH1. The only thing that pisses me off is that Harry Mason is gone, but other that that, the movie's gonna be fine.

-Another thing is, the main character's daughter will survive at the end which will probably lead to another silent hill movie that will be based on SH3.

Posted by: Walter Sullivan at October 3, 2005 09:58 PM