October 26, 2004

Remake of Last Holiday - Another Guinness film

lastholiday.jpgI can't believe it. Call me Rich the Remake Writer, 'cause here comes another one. Oh, and it's gonna be bad.

Sites are reporting a remake of another Alec Guinness movie, however Empire, are saying it like it is. Another fantastic British film from yesteryear, Last Holiday, starring the amazing talents of Guinness is going to be remade.

Well, okay, maybe they could have learned from the Coen remake of The Ladykillers and understood the small quirks of what makes those comedies great. One of the biggest things they missed was the fact that the lady in question was supposed to be extremely meek and timid, a creature that could in no way cause them harm, and yet accidentally despatch them all. A small difference, but quite imperative to the charm of the story.

So, do you think they've realised their mistakes and attempted to pay homage and remake it well?

Now I may be wrong, but adding Queen Latifah and LL Cool J to the main roles, reversing the male and female leads, doesn't bode well already. I mean they have turned out some good performances, and I think LL is a bit of a dude, but I just can't see it working myself.

Empire hold slightly more hope than I do...

...both Ms. Latifah and, erm, Mr. Ladies Love Cool James have easy charm in buckets and, provided that the script is better than some of Latifah’s recent star vehicles, this could be a surprise hit. And no, for once there's no silent S there...

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 26, 2004 01:41 AM
