October 26, 2004

Pee-Wee Herman Returns?

I still remember how much of a kick I got out of Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. Man that guy is nutty. Not to mention that besides Batman it's the only Tim Burton film that I enjoyed. The only negative thing about Pee-Wee seems to be that it pretty much limited the career of Paul Reubens, who when given the chance has shown that he can be a fairly serviceable actor (for example Blow, or one of my favorite comedies Mystery Men).

Well fear not boys and girls, cause it looks like there is a solid chance that Pee-Wee could be back on the big screen yet again. The titans over at AICN give us this:

In an interview airing at seemingly random times on TVGuide Channel, Paul Reubens is asked about doing a Pee-Wee skit at the recent Groundlings celebration. He says that Pee-Wee won't be seen again until the new Pee-Wee movie is released, which he has been in talks for and is getting close.
It's hard to believe that it's been almost 20 YEARS since Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (I suddenly feel a little old). It would be neat to see the character again.

Posted by John Campea at October 26, 2004 07:12 AM

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Hell yeah! I've been waiting for this for YEARS!!!

Posted by: Bizz at December 12, 2004 04:12 PM

Pee Wee is so tight, just a while ago i watched a movie of his and all this shit bout him and the pornography with the kid is fake.

Posted by: jack mehoff at February 15, 2005 06:18 PM

i watched pee wees big adventure on skymovies when i was 12, and it was crap. On the good side that was 4 years ago and i still remember it, god knows why. He will have to make it good coz there are way better films, but i guess Im just a little too old for that kind of thing. lol x

Posted by: saz at February 27, 2005 11:11 AM

Paul Reubens, please come back.... I LOVE you.

Posted by: Elaine at August 15, 2005 12:19 PM