October 13, 2004

No Connery For Indiana Jones 4

The word has been going around that Sean Connery is getting ready to announce his retirement from acting. If this is indeed true, the biggest immediate impact would be felt by Indiana Jones fans who have been anxiously awaiting the next chapter with Connery on board as Dr. Jones Sr. Man, he and Harrison Ford worked great together in The Last Crusade! What a loss this will be.

But before any of us get to cross with Mr. Connery, keep in mind that the man is 74 years old, and has already done it all. To use a sports metaphor, he's got nothing left to prove and perhaps it's time to hang em' up. The interviews I've heard with him over the last couple of years always left me with the feeling that the man doesn't love his job anymore. And personally, I think the monumental failure of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (which he also acted as executive producer) really knocked the wind out of his sails and left a bad taste in his mouth that he hasn't been able to wash out. If this is the end of the road for Sean Connery, all I can say is: "Well done sir, well done".

Posted by John Campea at October 13, 2004 01:30 AM


I think it's a big shame because he is such a character. He's always playing himself but it's like "who cares?" he's just a great personality.

Mind you, if you want to talk politics on this one...oh lord I could lay in there!

Saw him at the opening of the Scottish Parliment and he really is looking older. Another actor that I wouldn't be sure could carry off a role. Mind you, at least the role is of a Father.

If it is about League (which I actually rather enjoyed for all its faults) perhaps he should do this one and go out with a nice curtain call.

Posted by: RichardB at October 13, 2004 03:45 AM

Maybe just a smaller role with a scene or two with Indy will be fine. No need to have him all throughout the picture. The focus should be on Indy anyway.

Actually, I think Connery should take a small role in a small indie-ish type of picture as his farewell performance. A project that he believes in and one that isn't a "big" film. Just something small, pleasant and intimate.

If you're an actor who has the chance to say good-bye, then make it count.

Posted by: Mark at October 13, 2004 05:48 AM

exactly Mark, an actor as great as Connery should go out with a bang.

has he ever won an acadamy award? someone should cast him as some dying old somehting or somehting. give him a shoe in for best actor role. none of this life time achievement award bullshit.

Posted by: miles at October 13, 2004 09:11 AM

Yeah he has - Supporting Actor in the Untouchables for his amazing portrayal of an Irishman. Old, and with a great death scene.

Posted by: RichardB at October 13, 2004 11:00 AM

He should got out with a bang...all he has to do to get and oscar nomination is to play a "Slow" person or put on a fake "big" nose....boom...out with a bang and ready to retire and live off social security...what is Canadian version of SSI? Just wondered!

Posted by: jason at October 13, 2004 01:54 PM

I agree that he doesn't need to have a lot of screen time in Indy 4 to be in it. I actually would prefer to have the movie focus solely on Indy.

It would also be cool if he could pull off a cameo in BIG movie, like he did in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Maybe even the next Bond flick! Whether surprise cameos can still be pulled off in the age of the Internet is open to debate, of course.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 13, 2004 02:03 PM

Here's a different thought though, if the next Indy is to focus on Indy, then what's after that?

The original idea was for River Pheonix to take over the role in the next series of films, remember him lion taming with the first introduction of the whip? That was the first step.

Life leapt up, and that was to be no more. Where could they go, apart from Indy handing over?

Posted by: RichardB at October 13, 2004 03:59 PM

I think all the principle characters are getting OLD FAST. Anyone seen Harrison Ford? He is getting Ripe FAST! If they dont get this movie made int eh next 18 months...I bet it would be too late. And you know they wont hand it over to anyone else.

Posted by: jay at October 13, 2004 04:23 PM

I thought that the Indy film was to be set a fair bit later than the previous films, so as to explain why the lead actor is so old, and allow him to do his Danny Glover Lethal Weapon impressions.

Posted by: Del at October 13, 2004 05:50 PM

Does Sean Connery really have to DO anything in order to retire from acting? His acting record speaks for itself. He's just the coolest specimen out there. And since Harrison Ford doesn't look as good at his age that Sean Connery does at his I think it would be a step down for him to be in Indy 4 anyway: why should Sean go out with someone who's already lost it?

Posted by: Crystal at October 13, 2004 11:29 PM