October 12, 2004

Nintendo Getting Into The Movie Business

No, we're not just talking about another Pokemon movie (which is coming out next year by the way) or Mario Brothers flick. Nintendo is heading towards forming it's own Computer Generated film production department. In other words, Nintendo is going to have it's very own little film studio. Hey look, I have no problems with the idea of another quality CG studio being in existence, but you just know all this means that we're going to get Mario Bros. 3D and Yoshi's Adventures in 3D and Pokemon 3D and a whole bunch of other brutal video-game-to-movie films. So no, I'm not excited about this.

Posted by John Campea at October 12, 2004 06:05 AM


Does anybody else wonder if the movie biz is about to experience a glut of CG animated films -- more product than there is demand for it? I have to admit to becoming tired of these films. They all look very pretty to the eye, and the scripts are often so carefully put together -- hitting the right emotional cues within every act break -- that they are beginning to feel so... calculated. CG animated films have taken on this vibe of a very well-designed product but which feels rather impersonal. And, yes, I am including Pixar's last couple of releases in this observation.

Posted by: Mark at October 12, 2004 08:37 AM

With you on that point, Mark. Now that "Shark Tale" has made dough, in the Autumn season no less, I think the deluge is coming. Hopefully the stories get better.

Posted by: Crystal at October 13, 2004 11:56 PM

there should be a pokemon film called pokemon 3d where you put on 3d glasses to see it

Posted by: Daniel at January 4, 2005 02:49 PM