October 14, 2004

New Superman Plot Slightly Revealed

It almost doesn't feel right talking about the new Superman project this close to the far too early death of Christopher Reeve, but I don't think he'd mind that we're all pretty excited about it. The good folks over at AICN just interviewed director Bryan Singer about the movie and got this out of him:

AICN: Where do you stand right with casting SUPERMAN? Is it really going to be called SUPERMAN RETURNS?

B.S.: That's strictly a working title. But it is a return story. It puts the first films in a kind of vague history. So what it doesn't do is tread over the 1978 Richard Donner film, it doesn't tread over "Smallville." It elaborates on the existence of Superman in the world in a history. He's out of the culture and then he returns.

AICN: Will you be using footage from the other films?

B.S.:: (Long pause) It's possible. There's an introduction sequence that may or may not involve something like that, but not in the way you might be thinking.

AICN:: Is there any truth to the reports that you have a deadline to lock in the main cast or Warner Bros. will step in a do it for you?

B.S.: No, that's absurd. I read that too and think it's just bizarre about James Caviezel, who's a wonderful actor. But, no, I'm committed to casting an unknown.

The whole interview is pretty cool. He talks a bit about Logan's Run, writing for the X-Men comics, and a little bit more about NOT being involved in the new X-Men movie. I LOVE the idea of a "Returns" concept. We don't need another origins story about the Man of Steel. We already know how he got here. You can read the whole article here.

Posted by John Campea at October 14, 2004 07:28 AM


Great news! First, Christopher Nolan brings the untold story of how Bruce Wayne evolves into Batman to the screen in the new Batman movie and now Singer takes a step in the right direction with the new Superman movie. Being the fanboy that I am, I would love to see some footage from Donner's Superman in the new movie.

I really hope that we see some sort of dedication to Christopher Reeve attached to the new Superman movie too.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 14, 2004 09:00 AM

That's always my big beef with comic movies. They always have to go back and do an origin story. And what happens is, someone will do the story, and they'll do a few movies (or TV shows). Then it'll get dropped for a while. And then someone else will come along and pick up the franchies, and they'll have to re-tell the origin. There are much more interesting stories to tell for these characters.

Posted by: Skane at October 14, 2004 12:37 PM