October 21, 2004

New film portrays Satan as the Creator?!

saatan3.jpgAccording to the BBC Film update, Lars Von Trier is to make a new horror film called Antichrist. The way the BBC describe it is very intruiging...

"It's an audience friendly, English-language outing that imagines it was Satan, not God, who created the world."

Now, tell me that doesn't sound interesting. I'm definitely intruiged as to how that treatment is going to come out. However, we will have to wait as shooting is expected to begin in 2006.

Posted by at October 21, 2004 03:41 AM


mmmm, interesting idea, but it still has me worried

and this is why:

in the last couple of years, it has become very socially acceptable to mock christianity, and it is done in very poor taste, (take for instance, the last 2 seasons of The Simpsons, every episode has some lame christian joke). Well...not so much in poor taste, just not funny, and i will laugh at anything as long as it is funny.

I think the mentality of alot of the jokes is along these lines:

people feel secure rebeling against christianity, becasue it is sort of an authority figure, it is your parent's religion, which make you comfortable with calling it down. but it is kind of new, and novel, like when you were three and first started saying poop, or making ridiculous joke about the toilet, the jokes were lame, but becasue they involved that new dirty little concept, you found them hilarious.

meh, whatever.

this could be really interesting, and it could also be some childish liberal arts major being an idiot.

//sick of intolerence to people's religion

Posted by: miles at October 21, 2004 07:41 AM

I'm with you on that one Miles.

When are people going to figure out that intollerance and bigotry is intolerance and bigotry no matter if it's targeted against Jewish people, Muslims, the gay community, christians, or whoever.

It's ok to disagree and debate and even say why... but to just mock (unless it's clearly in good fun) or hammer is stupid.

But still, a movie like this strikes me as just an exploration of a neat idea for a movie. It could be interesting... I doubt it'll feel religious at all.

Posted by: John Campea at October 21, 2004 07:51 AM

yeah, looking at his filmography, it probably will be somehting very neat.

but i can't help tha little alarmy-dealy form going off in my head anytime i hear something liek this.....it is a real pet peve of mine.

Posted by: miles at October 21, 2004 08:23 AM

I'm not with you on this at all Miles. The Simpsons is one of the most pro-Christian shows on television, and if you can't see through the teasing to realize that then you're not paying attention.

Posted by: rob at October 21, 2004 08:58 AM

Absolutely hating to get into a debate about one of the hottest topics on Earth, ever, but...

For me there's something different between John's quotes...

"targeted against Jewish people, Muslims, the gay community, christians, or whoever"

...and Miles quotes...

"sick of intolerence to people's religion"

Here there's a very clear distinction between organised religions (that includes Christianity) and people who follow a faith and\or their beliefs.

For example, many people do not agree with the ideas of organised religions, but not against religious beliefs of people. It's a very small grammatical point, but a very huge difference in the actual issue.

They believe that organised religion is not for the benefit of individuals or their beliefs. Especially after reading such books as The Pope and the Papacy. However, they have nothing against, not hatred for, any person who has beliefs of a religious nature or practices those beliefs.

Damn straight on the bigotry comments thought, doesn't matter which type of person or what their beliefs are, it's still the same thing just wrapped in the bigots own justifications.

Right...better stop before I start a huge debate and start getting hounded out of town!

Posted by: Rich at October 21, 2004 09:55 AM

Well said, Rich.

Posted by: Crystal at October 21, 2004 11:18 AM

The concept of satan as creator has been along as long as organized christianity. It's one of the key tenets of the christianized strand of gnosticism, which goes a step farther and equates satan with god. In that scheme or spirits are trapped in this world and Jesus is an enlightened master who can show us the path to freedom from physicality and a way to escaped the created world. The canonized new testament was created purely to combat this idea after Marcion created a gnostic canon.

As far as Von Trier being non-religious ... you haven't been paying attention. Go rent Breaking the Waves and The Kingdom right now. All of his stuff from Breaking the Waves on is littered with religious and ethical concepts ... this is right up his alley ...

Posted by: Bubba at October 21, 2004 11:58 AM


I feel compelled to say I disagree with the distinction you refer to in your well-articulated comment. I can explain myself further if you want, but I don't want to enter into the debate you want to avoid (that, and I accidentally deleted the lengthy response I was going to post), so I won't right now. Suffice to say that it is an important enough issue for me to object.

Right, back to the movie.

Posted by: Brandon at October 21, 2004 06:15 PM

This seems interesting. Satan as the creator. Sometimes with what goes on in this world, I've had my suspisions of that. Probably because I'm a pastor's kid and I've been rebelling against Christianity since I reached the age of reason. I mean, at church, we were all instructed not to see Dogma when it came out, but I did anyway. I don't know, I guess when something's been shoved down your throat for so long, like in my case, christianity you tend to want to rebel.

Posted by: JediLeprecaun at October 24, 2004 05:12 PM

There is only one creater of the earth---and that's God.
I mean,whoever had the gull to write and direct this demonic film, was obviously brainwashed by satan himself.
I pity you people for even WANTING to rate this satanic garbage.

Posted by: Servant at October 25, 2004 01:10 PM