October 26, 2004

National Treasure preview falls short?

I found a link (somewhere, so apologies to whoever drew my attention to it for the no mention) pointing to the National Treasure 10 minute snippet of the film.

I kept downloading it to watch and found I had to close it before watching for various real life reasons, but finally today I got round to watching it. Oh dear. I just wasted 10 minutes of my life...excluding download time.

I can't believe how contrived the script appears, even in the short space of 10 minutes. I pray that they edited lots of exciting bits together to make this short teaser, but I really don't think they did.

The most astounding moment is when Benjamin Franklin Gates (doh!) played by Nicolas Cage, delivers his breath free deduction of the next clue in the discovery of the treasure.

Why in the hell he didn't pick up on the last, and most obvious clue, first I didn't understand, and the leaps in logic were astounding. Plus it's just got such an overly fast pace, I felt the story was flying by and not giving me a chance to react.

Okay, 10 minutes isn't enough to go on, and it could be cut together for the teaser. Take a look at the 10 minute opener and see what you think. (Note that the link is direct to the streaming quicktime, and being 10 minutes is quite large.)

Posted by at October 26, 2004 01:50 AM


I saw it a week or so ago and my conclusion was: booooooring.


Posted by: Screen Rant at October 26, 2004 01:30 PM

I just watched the preview, and I agree. Not boring,really,just way too much action in the first ten minutes. Plus, the way that "Ben" Gates automatically jumped to the correct conclusion was a "little" too unrealistic. Also, the Knights Templar(I did a little research) were supposedly guarding over the Holy Grail, and I really don't think that the movie is talking about the Holy Grail treasure.

Posted by: Amy at November 17, 2004 05:48 PM

I loved National Treasure. Ben Franklin Gates, what a name. Still, I would have put a part in the movie where the declaration of independence is shredded by the pres to help stop Terrests.

He already shredded the constitution.

Posted by: CarlosX at November 22, 2004 10:28 AM

it is a very beautiful and wonderful film i have ever never seen a film like that .Really i was sooooooooooooooo happy for seeing that film in EGYPT with all my friends . Thanks for making that exciting film , byeeeeeee ....

Posted by: ALIA at December 26, 2004 03:12 PM