October 14, 2004

Movie Food: So Good, and yet so Very Bad

Have you ever heard the phrase "Ignorance is bliss"? Yeah, well that term really applies here. I like to consider myself a pretty healthy guy. I go to the gym almost 5 times a week, over the last year or so I've kept a closer eye on what I eat... just little things.

However, I'm also the kind of guy that has programed himself into NEEDING a big yummy delicious bag of buttery popcorn and a large 5 gallon bucket of Coke when I go into a movie theater. It's so weird... I could have just come from finishing a huge dinner, be really stuffed, but as soon as I sit in my seat in the theater my brain switches into another gear. Then the concession stand demons start whispering in my ear "MUST HAVE POPCORN... MUST HAVE COKE". So off I go to drop my $64 for all that buttery goodness and I enjoy every mouthful and every sip.

So last night I was zipping around the net and I came across a few sites that talked about the nutritional values (or lack thereof) of concession stand snacks in movie theaters. HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! I'm not going to depress you with the statistics or comparisons I read there... but WOW!!!! It would be healthier for me to eat an entire tub of Ice Cream and do 5 lines of cocaine! I might as well take up chain smoking while I'm at it. I can already tell there's going to be a huge battle in my head when I'm at the theater next... oh man... I don't know if I can resist all that sweet carbonated goodness. I could really use some Nicotrel!!!

Posted by John Campea at October 14, 2004 07:29 AM


John, do not post that link. I'm not as manic as you, I'm a 3 times a week man, no smoking, healthy ish with my only vices being pizza (oh lord), wine, and when I visit the cinema, HOT DOGS! Yes, large please, and spicy BBQ sauce and Chilli sauce too.

So, you be happier in that fact that the Popcorn is gonna be way healthier than a hot dog derived from animal by products. (That doesn't worry me so much, I eat haggis!!)

Posted by: RichardB at October 14, 2004 08:09 AM

Popcorn at home is a pretty healthy snack, but at the movies, they add way too much oil, etc. and it will kill you.


Posted by: Jane at October 14, 2004 08:33 AM

We call the concession-stands "The Trough" because those sizes are meant for livestock, not human beings. I just get a coffee. But then again I see over 70 movies theatrically over the year, and it would be economically unsound to slap down $8 for $0.25 worth of popcorn, edible oil product and sugar-syrup.

(Kudos to AMC and Cineplex for finally (around 2001 or so) serving coffee at the movie theatres.

Posted by: triflic at October 14, 2004 10:01 AM

Methinks the tub the popcorn is in and the wax-coated Coke cup has more nutritional value if consumed than the contents.

Posted by: Naladahc at October 14, 2004 10:11 AM

Actually, could you please post that link? I never buy food at the movies, but my friends do, and then wonder why they're poor.

Posted by: Arkany at October 14, 2004 02:43 PM

Yeah, sitting down to watch a movie with coffee in hand is stellar. I see a lot my movies at the Arclight in Hollywood and they have the best caramel popcorn (voted Best in L.A.) and gourmet food. It may be bad for you but sometimes you can't resist. It's the smell of the food that gets you.

Posted by: Crystal at October 14, 2004 03:46 PM

How can you guys afford the overpriced concessionaries? I never buy anything because I know that's how the theater gets ya.

Posted by: Mark at October 14, 2004 03:54 PM

Remember that Halloween is just around the corner and you can pilfer your children's candy stashes to bring to the movies with you. Not the same as salty popcorn, but a good Tootsie Roll can be a great substitute.

Posted by: Vanessa at October 14, 2004 05:36 PM

Icecream is hard to eat in the dark. Same with Cocaine.

Posted by: Cybermike at October 15, 2004 02:13 AM

Theater popcorn tasted better 10 years ago when they used to cook it in peanut oil. Until the health nuts jumped down the theaters' throats about it. Now movie popcorn is bland at best unless they paste it with butter.

Posted by: brad at October 15, 2004 09:18 AM

sometimes its not even butter, its some weird ish like soybean extract with butter flavor

Posted by: person mcdude at October 16, 2004 10:06 AM


Posted by: ILOVEASHTON!!! at October 20, 2004 01:26 AM