October 17, 2004

More On The new Superman

If, as rumours are beginning to abound, it's true that Superman has been cast as Brandon Routh then it wouldn't be too far fetched.

According to this update on the Superman V site Routh has previously auditioned for the role for McG and was asked back by Singer.

Another amazing coincidence is that as soon as I saw the announcement post I went a hunting, and I found the site of Mr Routh (see above), the more amazing thing is what I found in the photo gallery, pictures of him dressed as Kent\Superman!

Checking out those two photos, and the camera still at the bottom, you can actually see the resemblance. It really is there, especially in the bottom shot. This guy looks like the part, and if that's enough to go by, then he should get it.

That and the fact he's been in Will & Grace is enough for me! Still, is he the right choice? Is it right for a total unknown avoiding obvious big star power?

Posted by at October 17, 2004 07:22 AM


For some reason, the fact that any actor runs around dressed like Superman (even if it's just for fun) seems to put him out of the running automatically. With these superhero roles, it's like they're fond of casting actors who have never heard of these characters, nor ever thought of playing one. It's like there's something more "virginal" about an actor who's like that.

So if you're an actor and want to be the next Supes, don't be caught pictured wearing even a Superman logo T.

Posted by: Mark at October 17, 2004 10:08 AM

Ooopsie - that guy's bandwidth has been surpassed. Anyone know anywhere else to see the pics?

Posted by: Brad Pineau at October 17, 2004 11:57 AM

Not intending to be a link whore, but you can find that Brandon-as-Superman pic here: http://www.filmrot.com/articles/news/005112.php

Posted by: mediamelt at October 17, 2004 04:38 PM

The actor cast as the new Superman can definitely act, and will be as good as Reeves if not better in the role. I'm sure the new movie will take quite a different turn on the role than the kinda goofy original and it's sequels with Reeves (the slogan for the original was, "It will make you believe a man can fly..." or something like that---pretty cheesey in today's standards.

Posted by: astroguy at October 21, 2004 03:53 AM

I know Brandon and he is SUPER excited (obviously) to get this role. He will bust his butt to put a quality product on screen. His acting has progressively gotten better from MTV's undressed to One Life to Live and most recently Cold Case and Will and Grace. He totally deserves this!!

Posted by: Sir Charles IA at October 21, 2004 11:33 AM

I think Brandon Routh will make a great, convincing Man of Steel, and he will bring respectability back to the character, something which has been missing for the past decade or more. If this works as well as I think it will, then ten years from now we may very well look back at this film as a stroke of genius.

Posted by: Ace at October 23, 2004 09:33 PM

I hink he will be alright since he doent really look like he can act like the superman everybody knows but we will see...i actually think he might do ok but when wehn Tom Welling from " Smallville" gets older he weill be a better superman thaen Brandon but Christopher reeves will always be the real Superman

Posted by: Blade at January 10, 2005 09:38 PM

Blade: Tom Welling is two years older than Brandon. Christopher Reeve liked Tom Wellings and wanted him to be the next Superman. Tom has the heighth and build. Brandon looks similiar to Christopher Reeve but Tom Wellings is a perfect square jawed Superman with the gentleness yet strength needed to play the part. I was amazed the transformation of character when Tom put on the red kryptonite ring and changed characters, even playing an opposite evil self was even more convincing than Christopher Reeve. I think that since cable is not as wide spread as over the air channels that Tom Wellings would be a far more "unknown" than someone coming from a "soap".
Tom Wellings is the best looking guy that I have ever seen...Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, etc. don't hold a candle to him....this being said by a woman old enough to be his mother!..(blush!)

Posted by: Fayme at February 4, 2005 01:43 AM

tom should soo be the next supperman beacause is the hautest man on earth and i love him

Posted by: shelly at March 21, 2005 05:26 PM

Pics of people who auditioned for the role of Superman...


Posted by: Rusty More at April 12, 2005 10:14 PM

Tom Welling is te HOTTEST man of all! He is the greatest actor ever! I love Tom Welling and SMALLVILLE!!!!!!!!!!! I am Tom's biggest female fan besides his wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Jordan at October 25, 2005 08:31 PM