October 19, 2004

Mobile phones banned and blocked in cinemas?!

CellPhone.jpgI don't know what happens in cinemas from where you are, but in the UK we have quite a few pre-film adverts to remind you all to switch off your mobile phones.

In fact the mobile phone company Orange have gone so far as to sponsor these adverts and produce some of the funniest trailers there are. I've just tried a quick search and I haven't found them, shame as they are fantastic and with some big name stars. Even though they've been playing a while the audience is still guaranteed a laugh.

Anyway, I digress. So here it's quite frowned upon to leave your phone on, and I've only ever heard one go off once. In France, however, it seems to be a different story. The Guardian Film site reported that the French Government has just legalised the use of mobile phone jammers in cinemas, theatres and concert halls. No choice in the matter, your phone will not work apart from emergency calls.

This is all thanks to a small blocker gizmo (from a UK company!) that blocks signals in a 30 metre radius.

Apparently the ticket sales were being so negatively affected that the Government decided to deal with things directly and force the patron to not use their phones. You won't believe this quote...very PC of the French.

Patrick Devedjian, the French industry minister, said: "It's the same for concerts. You know how it is when thugs let their phones ring during a concert." He added: "But that's all over now."

Go get 'em! Previously you could have been fined for using one of these boxes, up to €30,000. I did read somewhere that an Irish cinema had tried this, but a mobile phone company had threatened legal action and they had to back down - I'll try and find that story.

I'm not sure how I feel about this, to be honest I don't think it really affects me. The phone is off anyway, and I'm a big hater of anything interrupting my movie experience (post will follow regarding this very subject). However...

Prison officials and school governors are also campaigning to be allowed to install similar devices, and some restaurant owners are doing the same.

Now that does start to concern me. Prisons and schools fine (same thing?!), but restaurants? I could rapidly see this start to get a bit out of hand, and the "bleed" out into the streets around the premises from the device could cause a nuisance. What do you think about the move?

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 19, 2004 06:56 AM


I do agree with installation of jammers in cinemas, schools and prisons. Restaurants are way out of hand though.

Regarding adverts about switching mobiles off before the movie, we have one here (Cyprus) too. I don't know if you've seen it - its the Brother Bear theme with those two elks. This is the only clip we have and while it makes everyone smile, it doesn't make everyone into switching their mobile off.

Plenty of phones go off during the movie. Cinema staff tries to fight with the problem by escorting abusers out. It became better, but there is always room for improvement.

Posted by: Leonid at October 19, 2004 09:39 AM

Yeah, restaurants? Ooooo not good, not good.

Funny about France though. You can smoke in a restaurant but they don't want you to talk on a cell phone? HUH? I wish we could smoke in restaurants here in the states but restaurants would lose SO MUCH business if people couldn't talk on their cell phones OR smoke.

Posted by: Crystal at October 19, 2004 01:37 PM

Now if they can only come up with a way to get people to SHUT UP during the movie.

Maybe a shock collar similar to that used to keep dogs from barking...


Posted by: Screen Rant at October 19, 2004 03:14 PM