October 03, 2004

Miami Vice The Movie

miamivice2.jpgNuts. Just after I throw out my white cotton pants, pink t-shirt and white jacket, word hits the street that there is going to be a Miami Vice movie. I'm giddy about this idea... mainly because the rumour is that Michael Mann will be heading up the project and Jamie Foxx, who I am suddenly a fan of, is going to be taking the role of Tubbs. I haven't heard anything yet about who may play Crockett. Coming Soon gives us this:

Foxx says that Universal Pictures is moving forward with its big screen adaptation of hit '80s cop drama Miami Vice, which starred Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas. Previously it was reported that Mann would write, direct, and produce the film. Now Foxx adds that he's attached to star as Detective Ricardo Tubbs, played by Michael Thomas in the series. "Yeah man, it's happening," he told the site. He was also asked if Mann was still doing the project and he replied, "hopefully he will."
Ummm... off the top of my head i can't think of any other 80's shows that have been turned into films. Any come to mind (Besides The Transformers)?

Posted by John Campea at October 3, 2004 05:55 PM


...off the top of my head i can't think of any other 80's shows that have been turned into films. Any come to mind?

That's because Hollywood is moving forward from the past. They started with the 60's (Lost in Space), then the 70's (Starsky & Hutch), so of course they're moving into the 80's now. :-)


Posted by: Screen Rant at October 3, 2004 09:45 PM

It will be really interesting to see what Michael Mann does with this. He himself is the creator of the show, and he's produced some really solid films that stand on their own. I get the feeling this will look and sound nothing like the original series, but will instead be Mann's own re-interpretation/update on his Miami Vice. Version 2.0 if you will. Maybe Paul Walker could be Crockett?

Posted by: Mark at October 3, 2004 10:00 PM

Yeah, I have to agree with you Mark. Yeah... I could see Paul Walker at Crockett.

Posted by: John Campea at October 3, 2004 10:07 PM

True, Mann might do a decent job of it. Taken on it's own, if I can disconnect from "God, please, not ANOTHER remake" mode I might be able to enjoy it.



Posted by: Screen Rant at October 4, 2004 12:17 AM

While not a big fan of Jamie Foxx, I must say that I'm intrigued with the project. Michael Mann has directed some top notch films and his influence on the cop shows of today is undeniable.

IMHO, Paul Walker is one of the worst actors in Hollywood today, so I hope he's not involved.

Marc Bowker
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 4, 2004 04:28 PM

Miami Vice movie with out Don Johnson and PM Thomas is a joke! I hope Mann is joking....

Posted by: Baldur at October 11, 2004 06:58 AM

I hope Michael Mann does recapture the spirit of the series. My thinking is that it might be a bit more like the video game Grand Theft Auto : Vice City which ripped off Miami Vice blatantly.

Paul Walker as Crockett ? you have to be kidding me man. Val Kilmer maybe. He's got the looks and could prob pull it off. He'd be deadpan to Foxx's humour. Straight cop, funny cop ?

Posted by: Justin at October 14, 2004 07:34 PM

Jan Hammer's instrumental score played a great part in the atmosphere of the TV series. I have heard that Jan has attempted to contact Michael Mann about scoring the movie, but Mann has not (yet?) responded. I think the movie will not be as authentic without Jan's music and I hope he and Mann work together on the movie.

Posted by: David Allen at October 29, 2004 07:58 AM

I heard on www.imdb.com that Crockett was to be played by Colin Ferril.

Posted by: Tatiana at November 15, 2004 11:48 AM

i think that it is a great concept as long as micheal mann stays with the feeling he gave us all every friday night at 9 pm

Posted by: steve at November 16, 2004 09:27 PM

I have also heard that Colin Farrell will be playing Sonny Crockett. Can anyone verify this for sure?

Posted by: Gloria at December 1, 2004 12:41 PM

Why not just have the original cast instead of having everyone try to imitate them?

Posted by: Kevin at December 3, 2004 11:03 PM

mr mann please dont have acheesy cameo by don johnson

Posted by: daryl at January 17, 2005 08:03 PM

Ricardo Tubbs was handsome, not while I like Jaime Foxx as an actor HANDSOME he is not. Why couldn't it be Boris Kojoe or Henry Simmons or Gary Dourdan----handsome men, come on people work with me. Poor Philip Michael Thomas; Don Johnson gets hottie Colin Farrell and he gets Jaime Foxx. Jeez!

Posted by: ame at January 25, 2005 01:36 PM

Friends of mine work for MTI(Marine Tech Inc)who make some of the Best Offshore Powerboats in the industry, told me Producers for the movie are in negotiated two or more Rockets for boats to be used in the film staring Colin Ferrell and Jamie Foxx...

Posted by: JJ at February 4, 2005 10:51 AM

Cant wait for the new film but being a miami vice fanatic i hope they dont spoil it with too many special effects and not enough action. Miami Vice wont be the same without the neon lights, 80's clothes and excellent music.

Posted by: serge at February 6, 2005 03:39 PM

i heard from a tv guide that colin farrel has got the role to be sonny, and the movie may come next year.

Posted by: kamran101010 at February 14, 2005 10:00 AM

I think that Jamie Foxx would be a good Tubbs, he obviously can display humor or a dramatic character as shown in Collateral. I just feel like Colin Farrell is all wrong for the role of Crockett. Not anywhere as cool as Don Johnson, not even a great actor. Not to mention Crockett had blonde hair, green eyes. Heck why don't we just get somebody Latin to play Rico? Farrell going to need some Cool Classes and a makeover. Good luck Film!

Posted by: Justin at February 19, 2005 08:29 AM

It would be a mistake for Michael Mann to lose the feel of the original by not involving Jan Hammer in the music somehow as this was so intrinsic to how the drama of Miami Vice was staged. How do you replace TV scoring like that? With orchestral music? Let's hope not- the music will have to be at least influenced by JHMs orignal score. A lot of contemporary rock music has the wrong mood too so this could be a potential pitfall as far as an update is concerned. This project could look very bland and cop-movie-by-numbers if the style of the original isn't adapted very carefully. I'm all in favour of updating something but it's a tricky thing to do when something almost defines an era- if there isn't some eighties style to it somewhere along the line, it won't be Miami Vice it'll just be a cop movie with that title.
Colin Farrel is a terrible choice as he simply can't radiate wamth and humour while being gritty at the same time like Don Johnson could.

Posted by: cwh at February 26, 2005 11:05 AM

I am OK with the choices for Crockett and Tubbs, but who is playing Gina & Trudy...any word on storyline?

Posted by: nichol at March 2, 2005 01:44 PM

This is a pretty stupid idea you will never be able to replace the original cast the movie will just end up a flop

Posted by: Scott at March 31, 2005 12:23 AM

This is a pretty stupid idea you will never be able to replace the original cast the movie will just end up a flop

Posted by: Scott at March 31, 2005 12:24 AM

I think that Colin Farrel would make a great Sonny!!! I used to clear away my weeknight when this was on just to watch from beginning to end with no interuptions. Don johnson was just scrumptious!!

Posted by: Bee at April 8, 2005 04:59 PM

I want to know when filming will begin

Posted by: David at April 12, 2005 09:53 PM

It already has David.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 13, 2005 07:47 AM

Gina and Trudy could be played by Eva Mendes and Gabrielle Union. That would be a nice pairing for both Farrell and Foxx.

Any bets of John Malkovich making an appearance?

Posted by: Tim at April 26, 2005 11:01 AM

I am a fan of Michael Mann and respect his work. He was ahead of its time with Miami Vice and I am sure his fan base would agree.

One thing though, Don Johnson was sir cool and I am extremely disappointed that Crockett's role in the movie adaptation will be played by Ferril. We will see if Collin's casting equates to him pulling another Alexander with this movie.

As you can tell, I am not a big fan of Collin and I personally subscribe to the notion that he's all wrong for the roll. We will have to see what happens and see if the audience embraces the film.

Posted by: vicefan at April 27, 2005 07:40 AM

Brad Pitt as Crockett. Warrick Brown from CSI as Tubbs. Uneven in popularity, perhaps, but definitely Pitt as Crockett. He can do the slight southern twang, and he looks right for the part.

Posted by: cw at May 6, 2005 11:16 AM

I was a huge Vice fan back in the 80's, every Friday in the dorm at Univ. of Florida we'd gather round and watch. That being said, I must agree with some of u about Colin Ferrell, terrible choice, he can't act very well and he doesn't come close to the look. No amount of bleached hair and eyebrows will give him the look of Crockett. Brad Pitt or McConaughey would be perfect (blonde, light eyes, slight southern twang). Of course, they can't afford Pitt and who knows about Mc.
As for Foxx they probably signed him a year or two ago for it before he got too expensive. Foxx can act, no doubt, and will probably make a good Tubbs, but not quite the right look. Mann is great with action-packed, glossy sexy movies so we'll just have to wait and see.

Posted by: vik at May 29, 2005 02:03 PM

nope your wrong... foxx will out cool thomas with new look and attitude. farrell hasn't signed on yet but is bulking up, sporting a tan, and pony tail, and has taken up chain smoking. he is really cooling up for the part. he hates the name "miami vice"... duh! its the name of the genre...

Posted by: spooky at June 6, 2005 02:29 AM

Colin is a bad choice I must say, although all the teenage girls will appreciate the choice, guys and older viewes (alongside with my mother) will be disapointed when they see a black haired guy with tatoos and one eyebrow playng mr cool in a pink t shirt.
I personaly pray for a cheesy cameo by Don Johnson, and Crockett's theme won't be the same without him standing on the beach all alone while the choper is rising... :-)

Posted by: Johnny at June 6, 2005 04:57 PM

They should cast Nia Long as "Big Booty Trudy"

Posted by: Noogie at June 7, 2005 06:48 PM

Casting Colin Farell for the part of Sonny Crockett? I guess I can live with it, but Jamie Foxx as Tubbs? No way! Has Michael Mann never heard of "Shemar Moore"?!

Bill Faulkner
Superior Health - Serious Fitness

Posted by: Bill Faulkner at July 30, 2005 11:36 PM

Mike Gould is training all the actors for the 'action' on this movie, so watch out! Mike has been involved in several MM films, watch 'Heat' all Mike's work. So should be good.

Peter Franks
Accuratus Ballistics International.

Posted by: Peter Franks at August 8, 2005 07:28 AM

I'm a big fan of Michael Mann's work in general, and I liked Miami Vice a lot. I'm hoping the film works out well for every one, especially me since I'll be watching it. Miami is a very photogenic city, watch Bad Boys II and that will give you an idea of what Mann has to work with.

I hope they use a convertible Ferrari Maranello as Crockets new ride, it's the nicest looking car Ferrari makes, and it's similar to the Daytona used on the show. For Tubbs I don't know what he should be driving, on the show it was an classic Cadi convertible. I don't know if you'd want some sort of classic muscle car, or that new Cadi roadster.

High end guns were a staple of Miami Vice, new, high tech flashy gear is a must. My vote for Crocket is the Para Ordinance P14, it's a high capacity stainless 1911 style .45. Para makes the P10, a cut down 1911 that would make a natural back up piece since it takes the same magazines.

For tubs I'd stick with the 5 shot S&W; revolvers, but update it from the .38 special to the .357 in stainless. For the trademark sawed off shot gun I'd go with the Serbu Super shorty. It's a 12 gauge but cut down to three shot capacity, it would fit nice under a blazer. With either one, you have to be all man to pull the triger on that much power in such a small package. With the shot gun especially I'd be happy to cuff my self and go sit in the cruiser with out any fuss if an aresting officer were pointing one at me. Scarry stuff.

With the high end clothes, cars, and gear I think they need to drive home the point that the cops don't own any of it. I'd shoot a scene at a seized property warehouse showing Sonny looking at every thing in wonder, like Eddie Murphy in Trading places. Then have him pushing a shopping cariage through grabbing expensive suits, watches, and at the end pull the car cover off the Ferrari, with that found the holy grail look Bruce Willis had when he found the kantana hanging on the wall of the pawn shop in Pulp Fiction.

Posted by: Michael McCarthy at August 10, 2005 02:23 AM

Will be great

Posted by: Chris at August 28, 2005 09:17 AM

The choice of Farell for Crockett is the right one. I thought about a Miami Vice movie quite a few years ago, and my choice would have been the same. Why? Because you should not look at it as a typical remake. Michael Mann maybe did once direct in the serie but hey, nobody will make a better Miami Vice movie than himself. Don't forget, he has the full freedom there: as a director, writer and producer.

Mann never made a wrong choice with the actors, and even if they wouldn't be good actors, Mann would MAKE them good ones - no doubt. He knows exactly what he's doing!

I'm confident with this project - hoping it gets a 2 1/2 hours movie with great music and cool atmosphere. I'm glad it's not set in the 80'. Sorry but this time is over - we have the serie for that. The movie just must have the todays feeling.

Posted by: Creasy at August 28, 2005 09:26 AM