October 12, 2004

King Conan: Crown of Iron Almost Ready to Roll

conanArnold.jpgThe intention has always been for there to be a third Conan movie, but along the way one thing after another prevented it from getting into gear. Now it looks like King Conan: Crown of Iron may actually be almost ready to swing into production. A script is ready and the money for the project seems to be in place as well. Oh yeah, Arnold may still very well be in the mix too. According to FilmForce:

Arnold Schwarzenegger may still be involved with the project. Everything depends, however, on whether the Governator runs for re-election but the door for his return is apparently still open.
The one good thing about this movie being done so many years after the last Conan flick is that it wouldn't be as much of a stretch to get another actor to wear the crown if Arnold can't do it. Although, it would still rule to see the big man back in the leather loin cloth wielding the big steel (none of that was a porn reference).

Posted by John Campea at October 12, 2004 06:58 AM


I have to say I have a lot of time for Arnie as he's dedicated his life to one cause, bodybuilding, and at the height of his success he then turned his dedication to the movies and he's made it there too.

He strode in and just did it. Despite such Studio pressure as being told he had to change his name and his bodybuilding image, he just stuck it out and made the crossover. Then starred in such movies as Predator and Terminator (I'll avoid the stinkers deliberately since I like him so).

Still, for me having grown up in awe of him and his early achievements, it was a scare to see him in the trailer for "Around the world in 80 days", he raises his arm to put round someone and I just saw his age, and his loss of size.

Bodybuilding stuff aside, there's no way he could even think about reprising that role and it would have to be a walk-on part, much as I'd like to believe he could come back and do it.

Mind you, I could be wrong, and I'd love it if he came back and proved it. Anyway�enough of this obvious fan gushing. Also, let me say it has nothing to do with Politics - I'm not in the US, it's all about what he's managed to achieve and put his mind too. Plus his bodybuilding achievements with similar health issues, he's just spurred me on.

Okay�totally off the topic there! I'll shut up now and go back to work!

Posted by: RichardB at October 12, 2004 07:42 AM

Talking to myself here, but...

If I remember rightly during "Welcome to the Jungle" aka "Rundown", didn't Arnie talk about the Rock taking over his mantle as *the* action star? Could it be a possibility for this?

Posted by: RichardB at October 13, 2004 07:32 AM

Yes. I could totally see The Rock taking over as Conan. Hmmm... I should post about that.

Posted by: John Campea at October 13, 2004 07:40 AM

I heard the Rock is considering the Conan project too. That'd be a YUMMY film.

Posted by: Crystal at October 13, 2004 11:32 PM

I would just like to say that i've been a true conan and an arnold fan ever since seeing Conan the Barbarian. And in my personal opinion Arnold is the reason for such success behind the "Conan" name. He is the perfect specimen for the role of this character, and the plot for the 3rd movie suggests that Conan has gotten older just like the Californian Govenor...and there is no reason to think that Arnold is not capable of bulking up again(he's done it before)! And if anybody but Schwarzennegger or "The Rock" has the lead role, I won't be buying a ticket!!!

Posted by: Ricky Ward at December 6, 2004 02:28 AM

Conan - only with Arnie... Ralph Mueller was visually not bad in the role, but the Conan series was a great mistake. But Ralph is like a Howard?s or Frazetta?s Conan.

Arnie is too old for this, but it wil be maybe a miracle.

The Rock? Not a bad guy but a Cimmerian. From North? He! ... but a great Scorpion King.

Conan forever.

Posted by: YMIR at January 12, 2005 10:21 AM

There can be only one true CONAN and that is Arnold.He is the perfect actor to do this film, If he going to retire let this be his last movie, the one that made him famous.It wouold be the greatest action,epic,legendary film ever made. LONG LIVE THE KING BABY!!!!

Posted by: DAve at October 12, 2005 05:48 PM