October 22, 2004

Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor?!

Spacey_cool.jpgFile this one under the "Too Good To Be True" category, but apparently rumors are floating around that Bryan Singer is thinking about casting Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. If this was true, I'd need to go spend some time by myself I'd be so happy. Now, before you start thinking this is too far fetched, keep in mind that Spacey and Singer have worked together before in The Usual Suspects, and Spacey has said how much he liked working with Singer. This would just be amazing if this were true. We'll find out.

On the Lois Lane front, Comic Book movie is reporting via Cinescape that the list has been narrowed to 6 contenders:

"the following six actresses are being considered for the role of Lois Lane: Mischa Barton from "The O.C.", Charisma Charpenter from "Angel," Mia Kirshner from "The Crow: City of Angels," Evangeline Lilly from "Lost," Natalie Portman from the "Star Wars" prequels, and Keri Russell from "Felicity"
Not a bad list. Personally I think I'd go with Keri Russell. Not that I think she's the best actress on that list... but I think she'd play the role well. And before you start thinking she's way too young... remember that this isn't 1995 anymore... she's 28 now. Damn, this movie is shaping up so nicely!!!

Posted by John Campea at October 22, 2004 07:13 AM


Can I be a little controversial and ask a few questions about the whole live action superhero genre and where it's heading?
ok so its 2004 and they've got computer animation down to a T. Manga is huge, and started life in comics and then tranfered fantastically to animated film. Ghost in the shell, Akira etc.,
So then you've got all these fantastic comics for generations, beautifully drawn etc., and then at this stage (2004) have a generation of 10-60 yr olds who grew up with the media, and the general agreement is, yea, it's not just for kids.
Then we have actors who love doing voices in animated films. Big Budget, make lots of money. everyone's happy.

Now can someone explain to why then they keep pushing live action superhero films, and all the visual limitations/men in tights oddness that that entails?
Is is not possible to make, for example, the Fantastic Four or dare I say it, Superman, as a successful animated film?
likewise Batman, etc., etc.,
Juat curious as to why they repackage the same basic 'story' via live action features and are forced to re-imagine the visuals to suit live action (which are still proposterous anyway) as opposed to going for an animated 99% more believable experience and visual ?

Posted by: dave at October 22, 2004 10:16

all of those choices for lois would suck. especially mischa. have you heard her speak . i like OC alot, but damn her voice is as annoying as her acting.

Posted by: jason at October 22, 2004 14:07

Dave raises a good point. 15 years ago, I would have killed for a well-done animated X-Men feature. Have the advances in live-action visual effect negated the option of big-budget animated superhero movies?

As for the possible casting of Spacey as Luthor, that would friggin' rock! I'm also pleased with the six finalists for the part of Lois Lane, but I think that Keri Russell is the weakest contender. I just don't think that she can act all that well.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 22, 2004 16:04

I agree with you on your pick for Lois Lane. I see Kerri as the best fit. And Spacey would be awesome as Lex. I am so looking forward to this movie!

Posted by: Angela at October 23, 2004 01:05

I'm leaning toward Charisma Carpenter as the best Candidate for Lois but I've heard rumors that she was going to be Wonderwoman. I'd much rather see her as Wonderwoman :)

Posted by: Cybermike at October 23, 2004 20:58

I so wanted this movie to be good.
But with the recent casting mistakes of Routh, and Ashmore i have lost all faith in this movie.
its become clear that the WB only cares about making a buck then doing the movie right.
This idea to re-has Superman 2, and remake the sequel to it shows complete lack of imagination by Singer, and the WB.
There pretty much telling you that all the great work done by Chris Reeve in Superman 3, 4 are now in the trash.
Burn your dvds folks they dont count!
They should just call this Superman 2.5!
Those movies were good at the time, and shouldnt be messed with.
Leave that alone, and expand on the current SUPERMAN theme, and give the rightfull person the Superman Torch!
Chris Reeve passed it to Tom Welling!
To not cast the ESTABLISHED new SUPERMAN, and go out, and get a younger guy who looks less like the role shows me that Singer just wants to advance that gay agenda of his thats been floating around the net.
First Routh gets the job (rumores he's gay)
then Ashmore gets the job (also rumores that hes gay)
Now Spacey (his own brother outted him!)

now i got nothing against gay people but i dont want these characters which appeal to kids having anything to do with gay people.
meaning its a big enough risk that singer himself is gay!
but to have a whole gay cast!?
get yourself Elton John as Perry White, and Ellen as Lois Lane, and you got yourseld SuperhomoMAN!
This movie is a tragedy waiting to happen!
its a total dissrespect to everything Chris Reeve worked for.
I for one am not going to bother to see this crap!
Count me out!
ill be home watching Smallville or the REAL SUPERMAN 3!

Posted by: ThaJackaL at October 29, 2004 05:47

Wow. yikes. I just wanted to mention a casting rumour you might be interested in, but after reading the last post, I feel I need to comment. Mind you, I'm gonna keep it short and precise, otherwise I could go on for pages.

1. You OBVIOUSLY have some serious issues with homosexuality. Thinking that having homosexuals involved in a film has a negative influence on children is the worst type of bigotry and outright nonsense. There is absolutely no rationale to your arguement, and you would have a hard time proving otherwise. Have your kids seen X-Men and X2? Are they gay because of Singer's involvement in that? Oh no!! It's a gay conspiracy!!

I cannot BELIEVE that in this day and age people are still having these arguements about other people. These are the same type of discussions that people had about blacks 50 years ago and women 75 years ago. These are the types of things Nazi's said about jews. People like you are what will always be wrong with this world. I hope you're chemically castrated and if you have any children that they be taken away from you before you can do them any real harm. But I digress.

2. Waitamminnit - You actually like Superman III and IV? Wow. There's a bigger issue than your inexplicable contempt for homosexuals.


Just wanted to let everyone know of the rumour that Steve Martin is in line for Perry White. Not sure how I feel about that myself. Not too sure where I read it eaither. It was a while ago. I believe it was on comicbookresources.com not too long ago. Apparently he had to cut a theatre run in LA short to meet with Singer's people according to someone was in the LA theatre production.

Also - I know a few months before Singer came in there was a very real possibility of Natalie Portman playing Lois. I would've LOVED to have seen that.

Posted by: Jim at October 29, 2004 07:41

im not a biggot, and i got nothing against homosexuals ok dumbass!
but theres certain lines one doesnt cross.
if it involves something kids are going to watch then i dont want any homosexual content in that at all!
it was bad enough Singer ruined the xmen movies with bad directing!
he also had to go, and put alot of gay undertones in both movies!
i mean this is the kind of crap that doesnt belong in a kids movie like superman...
Sorry if you dont feel that way thats cool with me i dont care what you think its your opinion.
Me im a responsible adult, and i wont allow my kids or nephews, and neices to go see these type of movies!
with an almost all gay cast theres to much at stake for them.
i dont want one of them to become major fans of say the new superman, and then when those same kids start going thru puberty, and they find out that the new supes is a homosexual then they start to question there own sexuality because they think well "superman is gay i might be also!".
listen im pro gay getting married, pro gays in the army.
im against this!
no gays allowed on a project which is ment for kids!
sorry its to much of a risk for alot of kids.
be a responsible parent before you talk with such ignorance ok there buddy...

Posted by: ThaJackaL at October 29, 2004 14:03

by the way regardless of the bad plot Sueprman 3 was still a pretty good flick.
Chris Reeve was brilliant in the movie as the evil superman, and the good clark fight scene!

So yea i liked it...
it wasnt the greatest ever but his work alone makes the movie good.
just like his work made the 2 first subpar superman movies good, and worth watching!

Posted by: ThaJackaL at October 29, 2004 14:05

singer has landed in sydney to start shooting "superman retunrs" and last night guest judged the local film festival , tropfest. look for phots and leaks coming outof fox studios!

Posted by: jb at February 28, 2005 06:02

Hmmm, I agree with some of these comments. I sat up and took notice of Zahn in Out of Sight too. And I have to say I really liked Happy, Texas (anything with William H Macey has to be good, right?) Some actors just don't fit or are unfairly not considered for the mainstream, for example Benicio Del Toro who I've worshipped since Excess Baggage, years before the blockbuster viewing sheep got into him after Traffic. The moral....don't let a poor film deprive you of a good actor.

Posted by: ClaireSquareEyes at April 22, 2005 16:41

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