October 20, 2004

Jackie Chan's New Police Story Review

I've been waiting for a good Jackie Chan movie for a few years now. I haven't really liked anything he's been in since the first Shanghai Noon (even though the second one stunk). There's been a bunch of buzz about New Police Story for a little while now, and I came across this synopsis and early review of the film at the Mecca known as AICN:

Basic plot involves a group of game loving, extreme sport, rich kids lead by Daniel Wu who rob banks for kicks and declare an all out war on the Hong Kong Police. Jackie plays a highly decorated and respected Police Officer and leader of an elite task force assigned on stopping the spate of robberies and bringing the ruthless gang to justice.

The opening half of the movie mainly focuses on Jackie’s fall from grace, with him losing many of his men (including Super Kicker Ken Lo - main bad guy from Drunken Master 2) and turning to drink, becoming an alcoholic to get rid of the pain and loss he feels for his dead brothers in arms. With the latter half concentrating on Jackie getting back to what he once was (with the aid of Nicholas Tse), rekindling his romance with Charlie Yeung and bringing the gang to justice, once and for all.

Yeah, sign me up. If you want to read the whole review you can see it here.

Posted by John Campea at October 20, 2004 02:12 AM


You mean that you've been waiting for a decent Chan movie since he left the far east of course. His movies back there rocked, although you had to be into their cinema to really enjoy them. The original Police Storys are a lot of fun with some truly amazing stunts.

Ain't it cool give a good insight into it and it does look good. I'm really interested in seeing this now, especially since Hollywood has "tainted" Chan.

Posted by: Rich at October 21, 2004 04:03 AM

With this film Jackie demonstrates two main things; the first one,he is able to make even better stuff than before, and the second and most important,here he demonstrates that at the age of 50 he can move and perform his gung fu even better and faster than in some of his 80s films like Police Story II or Miracles,LET ALONE IF WE TALK ABOUT THE STUNTS,they´re simply awesome, in many senses this film is very similar to Police Story,part one action,rythm,stunts, and even better acting,simply GREAT!!
Action you see in this movie is not only unbelievable for any aged 50 years old but men of all ages.Again Jackie demonstrates that he can always surprise us,and even when he is 60 he will be doing thigs he did before,because he is different to any man of the world, he has had a very different formation.
Finally this film is also the answer to USA previous Jackie´s movies, that have treated him like a clown without any respect to him.Now he returns to his roots and again demonstrates that he is still the number one action star of the planet!

Posted by: Eiji at January 2, 2005 03:02 PM

I Think This film is the holy return of many forgotten Jackie´s vitues, because USA movies, the return to his HK. Roots, THE REAL AND AUTHENTIC Jackie Chan: breathtaking fights ,stunts, choreography, and non stop action, that rely on the performers' athleticism instead of CGI frenzy, that is no wires ,no doubles, no tricks, no special effects, because Jackie is the special effect!!

Posted by: eiji at January 4, 2005 04:58 PM

yeh i think the whole world must be thinkingn the same, about time he went back to the east to rekindle the old magic that hollywood could not provide.

decent film, not as good as police story 1 and 2.
as for eiji's comments no doubles, no tricks, thats wrong, cuz chan does use a double on occasions, and there are wires being used.
i suppose in this day and age wires are becoming expected because of the safety and insurance ascpect, its not like back in the 80's were u could just go crazy with the stunts.

good film , if u like jackie films, its a must.

Posted by: ric at January 9, 2005 08:10 PM

well, I have to agree with you,except for the fact that Chan uses doubles on occasions,that´s not true.Apart from US movies in which insurance risks companies have obliged him in some movies, in Hk only have been used a doubled for him when he has been heavily injured because of his insane stunts, so it is reason enough to forgive him; he is hard worker professional, and instead to wait and recover himself from injury, he go on making another film, as happened in Thunderbolt,he made this one wholly injured and damaged, because of Rumble in the Bronx injury, as you will already know.As far as wirework is concerned , Jackie just uses them sometimes to enhance the action, but obviously he needn´t them to perform his movements, acrobatics and action even nowadays, the same applies to new police story ;if you see some wirework in the outtakes it is coz he always rehearses one first stunt perhaps wired to try out the stunt,and finally he executes the neat stunt wireless.This is his way of making films and in general the way of making films in Hon Kong action cinema.

Posted by: eiji at January 10, 2005 12:00 AM

eiji man, im not saying that chan uses them all the time, he just uses them on occasions, so that the double can make a little name for himself and get more experiance.

i am not an anti-chan fan.
he did use a double in the old school film 'young master' - in the end fight. it wasnt a complete fight scene, was just s quick segment of it, it isnt even noticiable.

there was a double used in 'city hunter' if u look at the bloopers he there was a guy dressed exactly like him.

from what i know of chan, he himself insist on doing the dangerous stunts cuz i wouldnt want it on his head that next person went and injured them selves, filling his role.

but as for your last posting i agree with you about the doubles, cuz it was wat i was trying to say too.

Posted by: ric at January 10, 2005 08:05 AM

taking more about the film now, i found it much along the sides of crime story, had that darker side to it.

it didnt have that feel good comic feel as his others.

Posted by: ric at January 10, 2005 08:08 AM

That is ok,we both agree nearly totally,I hope you understand, it is only that in my opinion (and many others opinion)I really consider a double as "action performance as a stunt or physical movement", you shouldn´t consider double the called body doubles,they are used coz Chan is doing another things at the same time as directing the action or saving time, because like in City Hunter it was made in a hurry.All those minor things are actions that he has been doing during more than 30 years,and obviously we all know he can do that,as a jump , a fall or a body double, but again Jackie does not consider that as double.

Posted by: eiji at January 10, 2005 04:01 PM

Chan has said a lot of times, he cannot allow himself using doubles, because he was a stuntman and he is a stuntman;If Schwarzenegger, Van damme or Seagal uses doubles audience will forgive them , if Jackie would do that he would not be forgiven.

Posted by: eiji at January 10, 2005 04:09 PM

Commenting more on the film,yes i agree with you ric that this film has a lot to do with Crime story,coz its darkness, also if u ask me with Heart of Dragon, in fact both are one of my favourites of Jackie.Another curious story about new police story; in the sequence where Jackie had to jump about 20 feet towards a manhole with a grenade in his hand. His agility at performing the scene was compared to hurdler Liu Xiang (Chinese gold medallist at the Athens Olympics). Because the scene was shot without any special effects or wires, Jackie could have fallen into the manhole or even broken his rib cage. Thankfully he didn’t.

Posted by: eiji at January 10, 2005 04:16 PM

yeh the guy still good.
yeh they were both good films.

with jackie and his movies, u just cnt beat the eastern flicks he did.

hollywood movies never did cut it for as much as the eastern ones.

i tell you what would be good, if the trio (jackie, sammo, yuen) reunite and make another blockbuster movie.

Posted by: ric at January 10, 2005 07:07 PM

Yeah, Hk films has always been a little cut, for instance crime story hk film is not complete, for this film the complete version would be the malaysian version(in these cuts there are even a bit of comedy scenes),the same happens with heart of dragon and a lot of them, so you can always get those versions if you want to see everything.On the other hand im glad that Jackie is not going to sell new police story to USA,because as you will already know it could be badly cut and edited as happened with drunken master II or twin dragons

Posted by: eiji at January 10, 2005 08:35 PM

oh yeh, it would be great the three brothers made another movie together,but i think Biao is about to retirement and Sammo does not seem to be good to do again a film like Dragons Forever.
Anyway I wish they reunite again!

Posted by: eiji at January 10, 2005 08:43 PM

dnt get me started on drunken master 2 - western release, lol

yeh even if its just comedy, with little action, im sure the 3 of them would still pull it off.

Posted by: ric at January 11, 2005 10:10 AM

Right now, what Iwould like most to know is what is the next film after The Myth, Jackie is thinking to make, because it is not clear;
Rumors about Drunken Master III,Rush Hour3,however,lately he has expressed his wish on focusing more in looking after his 90 years old father and dedicate him more time...

Posted by: eiji at January 11, 2005 04:01 PM

I would have to admit. I liked the movie but would have preffered it if it was a follow on from Police Story 3, It would have been nice to have Maggie Cheung init. (I never know First Strike was supposed to be Police Story 4 where did that come from??!!). I agree the American movies Jackie has done have not got the same spark as his Hong Kong movies. Rush Hours were terrible I found Chris Tucker was annoying in the film. It will be cool to see Yuen, Sammo & Jackie reunite again. But a Hong Kong production please!! If American pictures did it they would ruin the picture. I still think Jackie will still be the centre of attention.

Posted by: Derek Buick at March 13, 2005 09:51 PM

What I would like to see is this: Jackie kicking Jet's ass totally!!!

Jet is unquestionably good in martial arts, but he is nothing without those special effects stuff. Jackie, on the other hand, does not need those stuffs. Remember him saying: "I am my own special effects."

Jackie versus Jet in a movie: the coolest thing on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: ade at May 18, 2005 04:04 AM

I hope Jackie pulls off a great action movie this year!

The greatest fights of Jackie to me were mostly old ones like the Orignal Police Story, Wheeels on Meals, Dragons forever, and Heart of Dragon.

Recently, his movies were only average. But Gorgeous was amazing! So i still have hope for a good one.

Posted by: Francis Leong at May 23, 2005 09:54 PM

ade you can be very happy I think. I heard something about a movie with Jet Li and Jackie Chan but unfortunately not before 2006.
But don't ask me what kind of movie this could be, cause I have no idea. I only heard about it and I hope that this is true.

Posted by: Bender2k5 at July 6, 2005 08:16 AM