October 04, 2004

I will never under estimate William Shatner again

willshatner_bostonlegal.jpgOk, I know this is a little off topic because it revolves around a TV show, but William Shatner is a Movie Star too so it counts. I caught an episode of "The Practice" spin off show called "Boston Legal" last night. One of the stars of the show is William Shatner. I've always thought Shatner was a useless actor. I've developed a mild appreciations for him over the last couple of years because of his comedy work and ability to poke fun at himself (something I wish more Hollywood folks were able to do). BUT WOW! No seriously folks... WOW!!!! Shatner was BRILLIANT in this show. Yes he was funny, but he also pulled off a couple of very challenging scenes with a range of emotion and strength that I NEVER DREAMED he was capable of. Oh yeah, Shatner also just won the Emmy award for Best Guest Appearance in a Drama (for playing the same charatcer on The Practice). I'm impressed. I'll have to add Boston Legal to my Sunday night view list after Alias.

Posted by John Campea at October 4, 2004 07:21 AM


He is brilliant as Denny Crane. I think he won and Emmy this year. I hated the practice after the first season, but I started watching again last season, the last, because David Kelly was writing again and I love James Spader. He appeared in about 4 episodes last season and stole the show.

Posted by: Jennifer Giordano at October 4, 2004 07:47 AM

my turing point for shatner was when he was on conan o'brian last year (or maybe the year before).

it was one of the fuuniest interviews i have ever seen, it looked like he was a genuinly nice guy, with a great sense of humor.

Posted by: miles at October 4, 2004 08:06 AM

Spader completely stoled and revitalized The Practice. I just wish that Rebecca DeMourney stayed with the show. Denny Crane.

Posted by: G at October 4, 2004 05:54 PM

Actually, Shatner's best role was in Roger Corman's movie THE INTRUDER, where he plays a slick racist demagogue who exploits tensions between blacks and whites.

Also look for him in the curious little film THE OUTRAGE, an American remake of RASHOMON.


Posted by: A.R.Yngve at October 4, 2004 06:34 PM

Really if you look at Shatner's overall resume of acting work, he hasn't been that bad of an actor. The two that stand out the most, Star Trek and TJ Hooker, are his worst acting performances. I don't entirely fault him for ST -- that entire series featured ham-fisted characterizations and performances from most of the actors. Shatner, playing the captain, got the brunt of criticism since Kirk was often the center of attention on the show.

Posted by: Mark at October 4, 2004 09:42 PM

Shatner is a living legend. No, really. And his performance as Denny Crane is the perfect role for him. He and Spader are great together.

/Denny Crane

Posted by: david at October 5, 2004 07:54 AM

Shatner's surely impressing me. The guy not only won an emmy, but he's also receiving good critics from his new album "Has been". Check it out. It's produced by Ben Folds, and features artists such as Aimee Mann and Henry Rollins. Yeah. Captain Kirk is back with a vengeance!

Posted by: Bondwalker at October 7, 2004 03:24 PM

Another AMAZING William Shatner role is in an old episode of "The Ray Bradbury Theatre" circa 1985. I still remember it to this day. He plays a man who's able to return to his childhood and who then gets caught between being an adult and a boy and having to deal with bullies in both spheres. The pathos he expresses is brilliant.

Yeah, it's easy to dismiss him because of the proliferation of Star Trek where he's was a tad dramatic but even that worked. He's a better actor than he's given credit for. And very good at poking fun at himself and the whole Star Trek legacy without disparaging it or himself.


Posted by: Crystal at October 9, 2004 11:30 PM