October 27, 2004

Great pitch for Snakes

I laughed out loud at work (yes don't tell anyone I write some of these at work) when I read this story from ComingSoon. The plot outline is fantastic, and I wonder what the hell the production team were on when they thought this one up.

"Snakes centers on a ruthless assassin who unleashes a crate full of lethal snakes aboard a packed passenger jet over the Pacific Ocean in order to eliminate a witness in protective custody. The rookie pilot and frightened passengers must band together to survive."

"Hey dude..." [drag] "...I hate flying."
[drag] "Yeah, I hate snakes"
"Woooah. How about a movie where a snake hijacks a plane?"
"How about a whole family of snakes going on holiday?"

Surely this is Airplane III?

Posted by Richard Brunton at October 27, 2004 03:47 AM


Don't calll me Shirley.

Oh---and this plot reminds me of a 70s budget flick called "Fer-de-lance."

Posted by: david at October 29, 2004 12:34 AM