October 22, 2004

Godzilla Final Wars - On the Walk of Fame!?!?

godzilla5.jpgI'm as excited as the next movie geek about the upcoming Godzilla Final Wars. Now it's been announced that just before the release date, Godzilla is getting a star on the Hollywood walk of fame. At first, this sounded kinda cool... but it's really quite stupid. Since when did stars on the Walk of Fame get given out to CHARACTERS? I thought they were for real people? Wow... what a coincidence that this is happening RIGHT AT THE SAME TIME that Final Wars is getting released. If you don't think some studio marketing department bribed this star on the walk... then you're more naive than me... and that's saying something cause I'm pretty darn naive.

Posted by John Campea at October 22, 2004 07:26 AM


Like a real sad geek (you talk about wrestling) I've just been looking up the Hollywood walk of fame directory.

Big Bird, Bugs Bunny, Celine Dion, Lassie...okay bored now.

Ermm, won't Godzilla's be absolutely huge compared to all the others?

Posted by: Rich at October 22, 2004 11:27 AM

Godzilla has been given the whole street round the corner! How the hell did Celion "voice what could sink a ship" Dion get on their! Wish they had buried her in concrete not just put her hand in it! Jesus H Christ

Posted by: David Terry at October 22, 2004 11:31 AM

From the Walk of Fame's site:

Deadline for submission of applications is May 31, 2005. The sponsorship fee is $15,000 and is subject to change.

Just in case you were thinking of submiting your own fave character.

/wondering if He-Man has a star yet

Posted by: Chadsworth McBillingsly at October 22, 2004 12:49 PM

The Walk of Fame is Hollywood whoredom at its worst (best?) but its most honest. Virtually anybody who is at least marginally famous can have one. All you need is $$$.

Posted by: Mark at October 22, 2004 02:34 PM

The stars aren't awarded, they're purchased. You think John Tesh and Leeza Gibbons earned their way on? Errr ... nope ...

Posted by: Bubba at October 22, 2004 11:31 PM

Gosh, and people wonder why I booted Bubba's ass off The Movie Blog. It's not just because he's twice as smart as me... but because of all his NEGATIVE JOHN TESH TALK!!! I just wouldn't stand for it anymore.

He's always talking smack about the Tesh-inator. Do you people not realize that John Tesh is the entertainment Icon of our genteration?!?!?! What is wrong with you all????

All hail Tesh!
All Hail Tesh!
May Tesh have mercy on your souls for your ignorance!!!!


Posted by: John Campea at October 23, 2004 09:01 AM

and on the same day as godzilla gets his hollywood star, tom cruise becomes the first person on the new japan walk of fame...!

Posted by: logboy at October 23, 2004 12:42 PM

Three words: Kermit the Frog...

Posted by: Justin at October 26, 2004 09:02 AM

the movie is awesome! i saw a sneak preview in Tokyo.

Posted by: kaiju man at November 2, 2004 08:04 AM

I want yall to make godzill the begening or the

Posted by: eric tutton at January 15, 2005 01:55 PM

Godzilla ruules

Posted by: Koni Heinrich at January 29, 2005 11:02 PM

This is for the onewho thnik godzilla sucks more then king kong every one has there own way of think but I realy disagree godzilla films give more action cause of the monther they create it is one of the best monster movie the monster they create for the movie godzilla always rise over them all like king kong , mothra , rodan ,anguris and king ghidoroh plus gamera .When it come to making a gaint monster movie godzilla give you more then king kong films does the only movies that I injoy from king kong is kingkong escape , now thats was the hottest for kong and king kong vs godzilla but big -g always come back on top .what I like the most about godzilla it teeches you to never run go head to head if you win or lose thats what I see in his films just think of all the one's he had to deel with king kong do the same but he only does it for some one who doesnt want him but I think he 's cool but not better

Posted by: derrick buford at May 19, 2005 12:52 PM

Well I checked out the Hollywood Walk of Fame offical Website and what the criteria is for getting a Star on the Holywood Walk of Fame. The criteria is 1 you have to have a large number of movies you have been in. 2 you have to have an international fan base. 3 You have to have been around for a long time. 4 You have to have other depend on you for their livleyhood. 5 You must contribute to the comunuty and give to others for chairity raising money etc. 6 only real actors and no fictional characters can get Stars. Godzilla meets all the criteria however even though Godzilla is a fictional movie character the Holywood Chamber of Commerce who ellects who does and does not get Stars gave Godzilla a star for the same reason they gave MickeyMouse a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Both have been around for a long time in both cases others depend on thei jobs because of who they are. Godzilla has the longest running movie series in the world and legions of fans world wide. The Holywood comitee made Godzilla an exception to the rule. Once an actor is nominated for a star it can take years until they get one. The Hollywoos chamber of commerce comitee frouns on those who try and offer money to get a Star its simply not done that way if it was everyone would have a star. Godzilla earned his Star and was nominated back in 1995 and got a star on november 29th 2004 its star # 2270 the same day Godzilla Final Wars movie premierd in the USa at Gruamans Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. The Hollywood comittee also grants stars for those in the music business and those in TV. The movie Godzilla Final Wars was the 50th Anniversary Godzilla movie and the 28th Godzilla movie made.One of my fave parts of Godzilla Final Wars is when Godzilla kills the Tristar 1998 so called Godzilla Godzilla kills the USA Zilla in 5 secends its a quick kill. The best part of Godzilla Final Wars is when Godzilla is fighting Monster X who then transforms himself into a more powerful monster.
David Nunez Gojira11354

Posted by: David Nunez at September 15, 2005 05:01 PM