October 07, 2004

Five Fingers

So what do you do when the biggest success of your career, The Matrix, is now over? Produce your own movie I guess. That's exactly what Laurence Fishburne has decided to do. He's going to produce and star along side of Mr. Reese Witherspoon (aka Ryan Phillippe) in Five Fingers. Cinema Confidential describes the project as:

the film "centers on an idealistic Dutchman (Phillippe) who travels to Morocco to start a food charity. Upon arrival, he's kidnapped by a terrorist (Fishburne)."
Oh those whacky terrorists. I've always liked Fishburne in just about every role he's played. But somehow since The Matrix I've got the feeling that he actually thinks he IS Morpheus. Does anyone else notice that or is it just me?

Posted by John Campea at October 7, 2004 06:50 AM


No, you're absolutely right. He does think he's Morpheus. In his recent interviews & award shows, it's like he's still in character. But he showed me he was still Larry Fishburne in Mystic River.

Posted by: Rawhead at October 7, 2004 10:54 AM

He'll always be Cowboy Curtis to me.

Posted by: smoogren at October 7, 2004 10:48 PM

How hard must it be to walk out from the shadow of such a big part as Morpheus?

Three movies, all huge earners and a real moment in movie history (at least from the first anyway) and such a cool part too.

I think sometimes it's difficult enough for actors to move away from a single successful role and be recognised for something else.

Still. Maybe he's hoping for more from the franchise? Or just plain mad!

Posted by: RichardB at October 8, 2004 05:41 AM

why not?
if you got a role that managed to enrich your life with its ideas and philosophies, why not adapt it?
i know it does not sound very healthy but who cares.
mr fishbourne is cool and will always be cool.

i however do not like the matrix reloaded nor revolutions very much.
for me, it stopped at just the first one.

Posted by: monk at October 10, 2004 03:16 AM

i'd luv to help Ryan on his dutch accent *grin* ...

Posted by: SnakeY at October 14, 2004 07:59 AM

I think he was hired for The Matrix because he has that Morpheous vibe going on naturally so the role fit him perfectly.

Posted by: Crystal at October 30, 2004 11:47 PM

hey snakey,

funny you mentioned this, I just returned from the states where I did indeed help him wih his accent!

Posted by: jeroen at December 10, 2004 04:15 AM

Fishburne has a great theater background. He puts it across in all of his movies. He knows how to take a roll and make it his own. I just saw School Daze and he did quite well.

He was also a quest start in my favorite movie "Searching for Bobby Fischer".

Posted by: myown at January 8, 2005 06:06 PM