October 27, 2004

First Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Review

Well it had to happen sooner or later, and quite frankly I'm surprised it's taken this long... but the first little "review" of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith has made it's way online... and apparently it's very good. Keen in mind this isn't coming from any sort of "official" source, but the good folks over at TheForce.Net (The guy who once ran it is actually a good friend of mine) are rarely misleading. The happy dwellers at Empire Online give us this little rundown:

It rocks, apparently, ranking second only to The Empire Strikes Back in the overall saga. High praise indeed. The full force.net review, by Josh Griffin, won't be up on the site until November 1 (provided Lucasfilm's cease and desist stormtroopers don't pay him a visit first). Meanwhile, though, if you want to know more, first-hand info from the screening has been posted on one of the site's message boards. And when we say spoiler heavy, we mean spoiler heavy.

We obviously won't go into great detail, but with reports of some serious Darth Sidious-Yoda action, mind-blowing effects and action (for those sequences already complete, that is), more new planets than you can shake a Star Destroyer at, and new creatures (Yoda at one point rides a dragonfly-esque creature called a Can-Cell), we're more excited than Jabba the Hutt at an all you can eat buffet.

Oh man! Yoda fighting Sidious?!?! I am beside myself with joyful glee! You have to understand, even if I KNEW the new film was going to suck I'd still be excited about seeing it... and I think it'll be good. And after reading this review, I'm even more pumped. So, you wanna read that spoiler heavy review? Are you SURE? Cause if YOU do... then you can go here. Holy crap it looks really good.

Posted by John Campea at October 27, 2004 06:55 AM


Must resist the temptation to read the full review. Can't...give in...to the dark side.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 27, 2004 10:27 AM

After the MASSIVE disappointment that was Episode I and the not much better Episode II (Obi-Wan is holding me BACK!!!), I refuse to get excited about this movie.

Of course I want it to be good, but the previous two do not bode well for this one as far as I'm concerned. Put Anakin in the helmet ASAP once the movie starts and MAYBE it will be decent.


Posted by: Screen Rant at October 27, 2004 09:00 PM

apparently the trailer is exactly 107 seconds (1 min 47 secs) long : no major trailer like LOTR films... probably "dramatic" and "teasing" more than lots of stuff being revealed... and people will pay money to see this trailer and walk out (of the incredibles?!?!).

Posted by: logboy at October 28, 2004 05:38 AM

I saw no mention at all in the spoilers of Jar Jar. Is he not even in a cameo in this?

Posted by: Mark at October 28, 2004 12:36 PM

Well, I'm guessing this movie should be good, becuase after all, we do get to see Skywalker turn bad. And I think its gonna be much darker than the first 2, and I like that.

Posted by: Salem at October 29, 2004 10:53 PM

Wait i read it only as glances nothing major. Jesus H Christ it sounds awesome. Seconded to Empire my Ass hole. Part 5 sucked shit. Infact as much as i love the old ones , believe me i really do, they look really cheesy and camp nowadays. I think it's good that Lucas changed them. This WILL be the best of them all no doubt about it.
(Alright i admit it i really don't like Mark Hamill much at all........Very gay originals, oh no bad Lewis, what are you saying!!!!!!!!)

Posted by: LEWIS at April 27, 2005 04:59 AM

When are you people going to learn?
A long tim ago in a galaxy far, far away, George Lucas led a rebellion against Hollywood. Today, he rules an empire! What could be darker than the truth; certainly not another mind numingly dull and deeply disappointing prequel. Grow up, people! George has; unfortunately. P.S. I'm guessing Darth sideous is Palpetine's father. It's all in the last name. I'm also guessing that Senator Palpetine is killed in this prequal...enter the real EMPEROR...or perhaps even George

Posted by: Dominic at April 29, 2005 07:56 AM

[i]When are you people going to learn?
A long tim ago in a galaxy far, far away, George Lucas led a rebellion against Hollywood. Today, he rules an empire! What could be darker than the truth; certainly not another mind numingly dull and deeply disappointing prequel. Grow up, people! George has; unfortunately. P.S. I'm guessing Darth sideous is Palpetine's father. It's all in the last name. I'm also guessing that Senator Palpetine is killed in this prequal...enter the real EMPEROR...or perhaps even George[/i]

Ummm, I should remind you that Darth Sidious is NOT Palpatine's father. Darth Sidious is someone who used Palpatine as a host and is a totally different person. Palpatine just uses his word manipulating ways to talk Anakin into going to the dark side.

Posted by: Dark Prince at May 2, 2005 10:28 PM

Indeed but THX 1138 was a little on the poor side. It's good review and I am glad nothing was given away.

Posted by: Johan De Silva at May 7, 2005 01:58 PM