October 27, 2004

First Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka Picture

WillieWonka.jpgOk, It's not exactly an official promotional release or anything, but apparently the UK paper "The Sun" got their dirty little hands on this snapshot taken of Johnny Depp from the set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I dig the top hat... I think I'll start wearing one. Just to the gym at first until I get more comfortable with it and move on to wearing it on dates an such. Anyway... despite the fact that I am a Johnny Depp fan and really enjoyed the original, I really have my doubts about this flick. The biggest (and probably the only) reason for my reservations is Tim Burton. It has been well documented on The Movie Blog that I do not like Burton's work (aside from Pee-Wee's and the first Batman). I've never liked his treatment of style or the way he tells a story... so I'm really nervous about this one. Who knows... maybe he'll prove me wrong... but I doubt it.

Posted by John Campea at October 27, 2004 06:30 AM


My gut instinct is that Johnny Depp will go out on a limb to reign Tim back in so everyone can be truer to the original as they can be while making a totally fresh copy. I really hope it happens that way. I didn't chose Lilly Wonka as my alias for nothing, people!

Posted by: Lilly at October 27, 2004 10:07 AM

I think this is exactly the type of movie that Burton and Depp are in their element in. I love Burton's "oddball" movies like Edward Scissorhands (another awesome Burton/Depp pairing) and Beetlejuice, and Pee Wee's Big Adventure and Mars Attacks. And I really liked Big Fish and Batman. Oh, and Nightmare Before Christmas (even though he didn't direct it).

I think, overall, Burton and Depp have had alot more movies that I like than ones I dislike, so I'm really looking forward to this one. And I generally LOATHE remakes of movies. Especially ones that were already perfect like the original Charlie.

Posted by: Skane at October 27, 2004 11:42 AM

I've really got high hopes for this movie and I'm a big fan of Burton's previous work. I mean, sure Planet of the Apes was far from perfect, but I don't think there is any other director around at the moment who could handle and do justice to such bizarre subject matter as Willy Wonka.

Posted by: Jeremy at October 27, 2004 08:42 PM

Will Wonka is one of my favorite movies. Tim Burton and Johhny Depp are two of my most disliked people in the business. I think we are in for much suckage

Posted by: Rob Merritt at October 28, 2004 10:37 AM

i love tim burton

johnny depp even more so

but this smells sooo....unnescessary

then again, i will love, but it just dosn't seme like anytign that should be remade.

man, i can't wait to see it.

Posted by: miles at October 28, 2004 11:52 AM

This is NOT a remake people, jesus. Its an adaptation of the BOOK Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Posted by: TheMightyAlbatross at November 9, 2004 05:10 PM

Omg this movie is nothing but brillant...come on johnyy depp as willie wonka...how hott is that...he is so mysterious and strange it matches perfectly...tim burton directing it will make it bizarre and brillant all in one shot :-)

Posted by: Brandy at November 12, 2004 03:36 PM

I just wanted to say that how could you have your doubts on this movie? The original movie didn't even follow the book that well and this one is supposed to be much more precise. Wasn't the first movie a little too light and cherry when Wonka is supposed to be almost a dark, mysterious character? Burton is going to do a fantastic job, no doubt about it.

Posted by: Lauren at November 18, 2004 01:07 PM

Johnny Depp is the best. Soo hot.

Posted by: Kelly at November 24, 2004 04:17 PM

This is going to be tres sexay!

Posted by: Leah at November 24, 2004 04:19 PM

Johnny Depp is my favourite actor, and this movie will kick ass!

Posted by: Caitlin at November 24, 2004 04:20 PM

Hot doesn't even begin to describe Johnny Depp!

Posted by: Steph at November 24, 2004 04:21 PM

This movie will be really different to see. I think Johnny Depp suits the part of Willy Wonka. Tim Burton is the perfect director for this movie. Oh yea, total hottie!

Posted by: Mel at November 24, 2004 04:23 PM

I can't wait to see this movie. I don't know what it will be like, but I LoVee Johnny!

Posted by: Amy at November 24, 2004 04:24 PM

well you guys i think that TIM is so kick ass and anything he makes is bitchin' and TIM was goin to have Marylin Manson be WILLY WONKA! Depp was a good choice instead!

Posted by: Squee at November 27, 2004 09:29 PM

I totally agree with MightyAlbatross - it's an adaption of the book, not the well-loved movie we saw as kids (which gets it so wrong in parts).

Johnny Depp - bless his soul - is perfect!!!

And Tim Burton's work is brilliant. Can't wait to see this movie.


Posted by: digable at December 3, 2004 08:11 AM

Hello, Johnny Depp is 41 years old little girls!!
Arent there any young stars the young girls like besides Johnny, Brad, Tom, Keanu and Matthew McConaughey??? These men are old enough to be their dads!!
When I was 20 I liked stars my OWN age, such as Johnny, Tom, Brad,etc........

Posted by: cindy at December 5, 2004 11:26 PM

This movie will rock...I can't wait! Aother perfect chance for a classic Burton and Depp reunion!!!

Posted by: Marc at December 6, 2004 09:58 AM

ok the one reason we like the older guys, cindy is because 1.)there is definetly a limited resource of hot guys our own age and 2.) theyre just wayyy hotter i mean hey u think theyre hot right? so why cant we?

Posted by: Alyssa at December 8, 2004 03:42 PM

This will be more like the first book. Roald Daul's family was never happy with the original, and as a movie it was great... but as a movie BASED on the BOOK...Not so much. Tim Burton has gone back into the original story and studied in the process of creating even the begining ideas for this film. Those of you who don't like Johnny Depp or Tim Burton- at least know they are going to try their hardest to create a work of art that is a real tribute to Daul.

Posted by: Rowyn at December 11, 2004 06:11 PM

I hear they are actually adhering more to the Roald Dahl book than the first movie. Also, Roald Dahl, even though a childrens' author, is very dark and gruesome. I personally expect something more like the Ocean's Eleven remake: Nothing like the original, but a fabulous movie in it's own right. I don't think they are really trying to 'remake' the movie. I think it is more of Tim Burton's 'tribute album' to a classic.

Posted by: Karissa at December 18, 2004 07:22 PM

a few times i've been nervous, thinking, "this time johnny has bitten off more than he can chew." and i'm always wrong. previous depp/burton films are nothing short of amazing. so this time i am putting my faith in the depp/burton team. they've never given me reason not to.

Posted by: meghan at December 29, 2004 01:31 PM

Johnny Depp will definetly kick ass in this movie, if not at least I can stare at his lovely face for the movie;)

Posted by: Lee at December 31, 2004 01:31 PM

I can't wait for this movie. Have you all seen the trailer yet??? It's so wacky and out there and perfect. "Chewing gum is really gross, Chewing gum I hate the most" LOL. I'm probably like on of the biggest Johnny Depp fan,(honestly scary) and I will support him through good times and bad, Though i believe this movie will blow everyone else's out. I love Johnny!!

Posted by: Mrs. Depp at January 4, 2005 04:42 PM

johnny were do i start he is just amazing every role he takes on is just fabulous and he is so perfect for this role in charlie and the chocolate factory you are so damm attractive

p.s luv ya johnny

Posted by: stefania at January 19, 2005 05:22 AM

damm he is hot and a fab actor

Posted by: stefania at January 19, 2005 05:23 AM

cok entersan adam ve karizması basına bela

Posted by: erhan at February 14, 2005 04:43 AM

I love the trailor and I am sssoooo excited about the movie October is a long time to wait!!!
I think this movie will be a big hit!!

Posted by: randi at March 5, 2005 02:58 PM

hey i was wondering if you could maybe get sum more pics of jd b-cuz he is so fine and i love to look at him thanx smooches mauh XoXo love always
princess kassie

Posted by: kassie at March 21, 2005 03:25 PM

OMG "Mrs. Depp" YOU ARE SOO WRONG!! I AM JOHNNY DEPP"S NUMBER ONE FAN!!! I AM HIS BIGGEST FAN AND IF YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE MY TITLE KEEP 'TRYING' TO USE THAT SMALL LITTLE BRAIN OF YORUS! HES MINE!!!!!!!! GET OVER HIM CUZ YOULL NEVER GET HIM! EVER! and a note to all the people who said bad things baout johnny and tim burton and this movie...lets just say...YOU SHOULD DIE! ok i feel better now....get out you movie passes cuz were going to see WILLY!!!

Posted by: S-MISTER!: JOHNNY DEPP'S NUMBER ONE FAN!!!!! at March 29, 2005 01:01 PM

Hey this is Johnny Depp's number one fan again...since i was really busy telling that person that i really am Johnny Depp's number one fan i wasnt able to say anything about the movie which i think will be awsome on so many levels!! but those levels have allready been stated in all the other comments but i jsut wanted to say something to support johnny and timmy! i love you both!!! (johnny more! sorry timmy) take care everyone and keep your eyes peeled cuz youll see more of me soon!!!!!

Posted by: S-MISTER!:JOHNNY DEPP'S NUMBER ONE FAN!!!!! at March 29, 2005 01:16 PM

Oh my gosh Johnny Depp is so cute is the one of the cutest men in this world I have about thirteen of his movies and he is just a great actor, he's just the best. I just wanna say "Johhny u keep doing these great films"

Posted by: Ciara at April 12, 2005 07:26 PM

Tim Burton is both great and horrible in many ways. This movie will either prove him to be a great filmmaker/horrible and cheesy/too kiddy/ or a one hit wonder (Beetlejuice). And if this movie does flop, which it probably will,Tim has more movies coming out to fall back on. SO who fucking knows what will happen. LEt's hope for the best, the movie indusrty has sucked latley and I am losing faith.

Posted by: lizardfreak at April 19, 2005 06:09 PM

hey johnny you are so fine and i luv it how when your acting your so in to the part that your playing you could play a horses a** well im very happy that i get to watch your movies keep up wat you do youv got alot of talent for it

Posted by: sarah at April 22, 2005 04:17 PM

hey i agree jd could play a horses a** well i luv johnny he is so good thx for everything xoxo luv bye

Posted by: sara at April 22, 2005 04:21 PM

johnny depp is the hottet man alive & the greatest actor ever! tim burton makes amazing movies & them 2 working together again is awesome.. every movie they make 2gether is amazing and tim is a movie genius i just luv all his movies.. willy wonka is goin to b the geatest move of the summmer i cant wait for july 15.. jd is the perfect actor to play this role & im sure its gona b awesome

Posted by: Amira at April 22, 2005 07:21 PM

O K you guys are trippin first of all Johnny Depp is my husband( he just doesnt know it yet) but any ways he is my man and his movie will go really well, specially as Willy Wonka because Johnny Depp Is weird like that so it comes natural.As for the person who said they dont like the producer, skip the producer this is J.D's movie.............But if the movie sucks I ask Of one thing to you all dont say I told you so, but I am not worried becuse even if it does suck it really wont becuse thats one more movie I see my husband in LUV YA

Posted by: Johnny Depps Wife at April 25, 2005 12:04 PM

JOHNNY DEPP!!!!!!!! i just love to say his name he is and terrific actor and he is bangable goodness he is GOOD LOOKIN!!!!!!!

Posted by: Gabrielle at April 30, 2005 06:57 PM

JOHNNY DEPP!!!!!!!! i just love to say his name he is a terrific actor and he is bangable goodness he is GOOD LOOKIN!!!!!!!

Posted by: Gabrielle at April 30, 2005 06:58 PM

i must agree with what John said back in october, that Burton's work is not the greatest times, but at the same time he can produce masterpieces like Batman. it will be unfortunate if the only reason why this movie does well at the box office is because of single women getting their J.D. fix.
i was mush more excited to see where the story would have gone had Marilyn Manson played W.W., but if JD doesnt ham it up, it will still be just as good.

Posted by: Rich at May 1, 2005 11:58 PM

OH MY FREEEKIN GOD!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN NOT BELIVE THAT 'RICH' JUST SAID THAT!!! HOW COULD YOU SPEAK ABOUT JOHNNY DEPP IN AN ILMANNERED WAY?!?!?!?!? YOUR A FREEK IF YOU SAY HES NOT A GOOD ACTOR!! AND I WOULD SAY TAHT BECAUSE OF YORU STUPID COMMENT I HATE YOU!! we dont just go see johnny's movies for his looks! we go to see them for his actor integrety! becasue he is one of the best actors in teh wrold! he knows what hes doing on stage and just has so much poise and charisma! I go to an arts school for drama and Johnny Depp is my role modle and when you make stupid comments liek that saying that he is a bad actor and that women only go to get their JD fix well yoru just wrong and you seriously need a reality check! Id like to see you going up on stage and acting to entertain millions and billions of people around the world! i really would! and Tim burton Knows exactly what hes doing BEHIND the camera just as much as johnny know what he is doing infront of it! Just seriously rethink your statements before you let them out for all the internet surfers to see... thanks you guys... feel better now. I juts love Johnny Depp so much! yay! ok ttyl in geo right now! ttylmwa!

Posted by: S-MISTER!: JOHNNY DEPP"S NUMBER ONE FAN!!!!! at May 5, 2005 12:48 PM

i think of both tim burton and johnny depp as hit-or-miss semi-geniuses. this movie could either way. but i question both men's wisdom in remaking this movie. gene wilder's willie wonka is already iconic. i don't know what the best actor award is for, if not to reward performances like his.

Posted by: max at May 21, 2005 06:31 AM

Well, S-mister. I'm glad your a drama major and not an english major. It suits you well. Since you seem to have issues expressing yourself I'm going to try to explain what you mean more eloquently. Johnny Depp is a great actor, he is very versatile; eccentric pirate to brilliant misunderstood writer to dark and disturbed operator of a chocolate factory. I like to think only he oculd pull it off. He is also undoubtedly incredibly attractive. He always looks the part no matter what because he is such a talented actor.

As for Cindy back in December. Who are we "little" girls supposed to be attracted to? Aaron Carter and the like? Wouldn't you rather we looked to better performers like Johnny Depp for entertainment? Besides, adoring older actors is harmless.

My thoughts on the movie in general. I probably won't like it because I'm not a big fan of dark movies like this one. They irreparably creep me out. Although for fans and indifferents alike it will undoubtedly be a hit. It looks well made and well written thus far and could very well be the makings of a classic.

Posted by: Aubrey at June 13, 2005 03:54 AM

I am so happy for johnny d over the years i mean as an actor and all and with a nice wife and kids, but he needs to be treeted with respect with out all those news reporters breathing down his neck. i think everyone needs a break every once and a wile, so good luck to him and his family

your biggest fan,
Michelle age 11

Posted by: michelle at July 17, 2005 03:23 PM

i think jhonny is so cool willy wonka he plays him so well i would love to meet him hey a lad can dream lol

Posted by: mathew at July 28, 2005 02:12 PM

Oh wow... I'm not going to discourage anyone from liking Johhny Depp but could we all for one second concentrate on his amazing acting skills rather then how "hott" he may or may not be. Average actors make one genre of movie such as action and have to stick with it for the remainder of their career. Johhny Depp covers a wide range of genres and has very few, if any, bad movies. Another fact I may point out to everyone is that does anyone really think Johhny Depp came to this specific website and read all the comments? I don't think so. For those of you on this board argueing over who Depp's number one fan is it might help your case a little to actually comment on his acting skills and not pointlessly say you hate everyone else on here that you don't know for expressing themselves. If they don't like Johhny Depp then it's their own opinion and if you think you are his number one fan then you need to step back and figure out why you think you're so high and mighty. I personally didn't want to see Willy Wonka but it turned out to be amazing and a great adaptation of Roald Dahl's novel. Tim Burton and Johhny Depp make a great team and I personally don't think they've made a bad movie together.

Posted by: Kat at July 30, 2005 06:06 PM

hi my name is tori and i think johnny depp is so so cool i love his movies like secret window and edward sissor hands i like u so much i am doing my speech on you well thats it p.s i think your so cool
love tori

Posted by: tori lee at August 17, 2005 02:37 AM


Posted by: NESLÄ°HAN KANDEYER at August 20, 2005 09:48 AM

i soooooooooo love Johnny depp, i love all his movies, i've seen charlie and the chocolate factory in the cinema and it's so cool,I so love johnny depp, i've got johnny depp fever. If he read's this IIII LLLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEE YYYYYOOOOUUUUU!!!!! He's hotter that the most hottest peppers in the universe!

Posted by: alex at August 24, 2005 10:54 AM

i just read a comment about someone saying that they will marry
johnny depp! I read it and blew up, i started hitting myself over the head with my really thick harry potter book! Belive me it waz sssooo sore. But i would hit my self over the head with a fridge,horse,lorry,big ben (it's a really big clock in london,the iffel tower. Watever!! I love him!!!!!!!
I hate vanessa (his partner)!!!!!! By the way, he doesn't like snobby people! So shut up, the person who calles them self mrs Depp!

Posted by: alex again at August 24, 2005 11:04 AM

God,I can't wait to see this film,I love Tim Burton's work(exept Planet of the Apes) and Johnny is a fab actor,I saw him the very first time in Edward Scissorhands and...can't explain it,is just Johnny,isn't it enough? :))
He will rock as he always does!!!!

Posted by: Axel at September 9, 2005 09:25 AM

PS I definitely agree with Kat,Johnny is an actor,one of the greater I think.As an actor,I belive,he should be considered for his talent.
e.g. I really love him as an actor,but,sorry gals,I don't think he's so hot as other said(still he's fascinating,so don't kill me pliz!).

Posted by: Axel at September 9, 2005 09:40 AM