October 10, 2004

Fat Albert Trailer

You ever hear about a movie that's coming out and you REALLY REALLY REALLY want it to be good but you've got a sinking feeling in your stomach that it's just going to be horrible? Well, Fat Albert is one of those movies for me. Now the trailer has come out and my hopes aren't soaring here folks. This thing is looking worse by the minute. Oh well, might as well go and see for yourselves. You can check the trailer out here.

Posted by John Campea at October 10, 2004 11:38 PM


All I've got to say to this is, although I've actually never seen an episode of Fat Albert in my life, I have confidence in this movie based on one important thing: Bill Cosby is writing it. Few people know that Fat Albert is a character based on a friend Bill had as a child. If anyone knows how the character should be handled, it's him. Mind you, this doesn't neccessarily mean a good audience response or box office returns, but in my mind, that's not important.

As for the whole travelling in time deal, it worked for The Brady Bunch. By not taking the premise of a Brady Bunch movie seriously, it allowed for an accurate recreation of the Brady Bunch television show, while poking fun at its place in modern day society and just how hokey the show really was.

Anyhoo, I'd hold my breath for the public response, not the quality of the film. As with Star Wars, this is a situation of a creator being in charge of his creation. Let's just hope it's not another Leonard Part 6!

Posted by: Justin at October 11, 2004 09:02 AM

Although this movie does look similar to what I deposited in the commode this morning, it might actually make money because of the market it is after (just look at Scooby Doo). The real question is what Mushmouth is going to sound like?

"I like pudding and Ghost Dad was the best movie I've seen since Leonard part 6." -Stewie Griffin

Posted by: Tanner at October 11, 2004 01:25 PM

There are rare instances when a trailer does not do a film justice, and the final product turns out to be well done.

I *have* seen the original cartoon, and the snippets in the trailer didn't seem to capture the spirit of the original.

I'll wait to see what Rotten Tomatoes gives it.


Posted by: Screen Rant at October 11, 2004 02:04 PM

Hey! Don't think I'm not ashamed of the sheltered life I have lived by having never seen a Fat Albert cartoon ever! All I'm saying is I am huge fan of Bill Cosby, and I think some credit should be given to the fact that he wrote it. As for the quality of the movie is concerned, does it really matter? There are tons of crappy movies, particularly TV adaptations, that become hugely successful simply because of marketing (I.E. Charlie's Angels, Scooby-Doo). I'm not saying it's right, but it seems as though the movie-going audience doesn't care how accurate a film is to its television roots, as long as there are boobs and gross-out humor. God bless America. :-P

Posted by: Justin at October 13, 2004 10:38 AM

I used to watch Fat Albert and loved the cartoon. It'll be interesting to see some of those characters come to life. It'll probably be a silly movie but it's based on a CARTOON. Of course they do it to merchandise stuff. I'm not adverse to owning a Fat Albert T-shirt and a mug. You should see all of the Superman and Lord of the Rings merchandise I have. Scary.

Posted by: Crystal at October 14, 2004 05:46 PM

I Know that the New Fat Albert movie will really be a big success in thearters this christmas because I have seen the trailer and the movie will be very hot and off the chain the cast will be slammin because the cast that was picked will be very good and the cast will play their parts and play them very greatly I will go seen the Fat Albert Movie if I can if it is here in Wilkes County or I will try to go to Jonesville to see it .

Posted by: Monique Becknell at October 20, 2004 11:40 AM

Keenan and Kel are in it. They have a tremendous fan base because of their show on Nickelodeon and are genius comedians. The flick should do really well. Fingers crossed anyway...

Posted by: Crystal at October 30, 2004 11:42 PM

I heard joel Madden from Good Charlotte is going playing in the movie please send me more info about this. Thank you.

Posted by: Anna at November 20, 2004 05:16 PM

all i know is my man joel plays even the littlest part in the movie then i'm cin it

Posted by: identity theft at December 4, 2004 04:06 PM

they needed to make fat albert 5x's bigger, he is quite small looking in the movie. he needs to be alot bigger.

Posted by: keis at December 4, 2004 10:34 PM

Yeah Joel's in the movie he only has like five lines though I think his characters name is Spike.

Posted by: Kristy at December 5, 2004 06:11 PM

I heard that Aaron Carter is going to be in the movie.If u know more about it please e-mail me but please not junk mail.

Posted by: Abbey at December 6, 2004 06:49 PM

I hope that Joel is in the movie then ill see it even if he only says one thing!

Posted by: Meg at December 11, 2004 11:29 AM

I saw the previews to that movie and JOEL was there!!!! he's like "whats that on your head" thats all I know but he's in it so im sooooo seeing it!! i don't care it thats all he says in the whole movie!!!

Posted by: Stephanie at December 11, 2004 07:22 PM

I went and saw it and thought it went along the same lines as the show would have done. There is a modern spin on it but it was in a good way. This imovie in no way like the Brady Bunch. this movie has leggs and character and was actually original compared to other spin-offs of television shows. if you do not think so apparently you probably think the Dukes of Hazzard should be nominated for an oscar then.

Posted by: Will at December 12, 2004 04:57 PM

I saw Aaron Carter in the previews AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Who else is in the movie?

Posted by: Dayna at December 14, 2004 10:55 PM

Joel Madden is in this movie all the more reason to see it then!!!!

Posted by: heather at December 22, 2004 09:24 AM

I saw previews for the Fat Albert movie. Joel Madden from Good Charlotte is in the movie. He only says like 6 lines but I dont care if thats all he says, i am so at the movies after Christmas!

Posted by: Lindsay at December 22, 2004 10:15 AM

My son and I saw this Movie last night at the premiere. He is 9 and never heard of Fat Albert but he enjoyed it very much. There is something for everyone in this movie and it does have a certain amount of nostalgia for us old timiers. The plot of the movie goes almost exactly how it would if it were animated but not quite as corny. there were also instances were the characters had got to update themselves but not making them the butt of the joke. I recommend it for anyone who was a fan of the show, even if you dont have chldren. on a scale of 1-10 i give it an 8. It was good but dont look for any oscar nods.

Posted by: jeff at December 22, 2004 12:54 PM


Posted by: Rachel Meyer at December 22, 2004 05:01 PM

As mentioned b4.. by other people. If joel madden has a past (even if its like 1 sentance) im hitting the movies. Fat albert here i come!
~~~Can you tell im a good charlotte fan?~~~~

Posted by: Sandra at December 23, 2004 08:25 PM

I heard Joel Madden is in the movie, i dont care if he says 1 line, hes in it, so im seeing it!!!!! I Love Joel!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Krysten at December 24, 2004 12:40 AM

I'm going to see the movie on Christmas Day with my younger brother who was not old enough to remember the cartoon. I'm going to see it mostly for the sake of nostalgia.

I got the feeling from the trailer that the movie wasn't going to be all that great. But then I saw clips of the movie that was not featured in the trailers and I thought it was going to be funny as hell.

So I'm back in the middle again...is it going to be good or is it going to be bad? Either way, I'm probably going to be the only one who will come out of this movie (between me and the rest of my friends) actually enjoying it.

But the one thing that upsets me most is the animation of Albert that they have before he jumps through that TV/warp hole. Albert in the old cartoons (from what I remember and from the pictures I saw on the TV commercials for the DVD releases of the cartoon) depict Albert as being much larger. Even the animation is different from the animation they had back then. Sure it's 25-30 years later, but you'd think that even new animators would have tried to make the characters more what they looked like 30 years ago. It's like taking Beavis and Butt-head and making them look like real people.

Call me a stickler, but I think continuity is very important in movie adaptions of TV shows (like the Brady Bunch movies did), sequels and remakes.

Posted by: Bill at December 25, 2004 02:36 AM

OMG I love Joel Madden and as soon as i found out he was in the movie I knew i HAD to see it! I don't care how many lines he has I HAVE to see the movie!

Posted by: Taylor at December 25, 2004 03:16 PM

My friend and I only saw the movie to see Joel Madden, we bought tickets to see the 1:00 showing, and when we saw Joel we flipped out and went to the bathroom. When we were about to go back in the movie we noticed there was a 2:00 showing. It was fifteen min. to two so we decided sneak in that movie to see Joel again!!! It ROCKED only because of Joel. I got to see Joel on a BIG screen!! EEKKKK AAAAAKKKK EEEKKK!!

Posted by: Danielle at December 26, 2004 09:05 PM

I really wanna see Joel. I was double checking to see if it was him. I was like omg Joel is in it. I have to go!

Posted by: Lauren at December 27, 2004 08:56 PM

OMG I know. The only reason Im seeing it is because of Joel! I luv him and GC. Member, "Keep representing GC cuz u know were representing you." (Benji) I

Posted by: Bree at December 28, 2004 10:06 PM

I'd see the movie even if it was only a picture of joels in it. thats the only reason om going to watch the movie--to see joel!!

peace out,
#1 Good Charlotte fan

Posted by: Brittany at December 30, 2004 01:33 PM

Yeah everyone...Joel is in it. Best part of the movie I must admit. The guy with the pink hat sits beside him in class and he goes "What's with the hat" and he gets freaked out by the guys answer and moves a seat back beside the guy who mumbles incoherantly and asks "What's with him?" Guy mumbles- Joel gives odd look- Guy holds hand out and shakes it himself- Joel gives another odd look. And a little later you can see the back of Joel's head as he walks away, (by the track). Have fun searching kiddies!

Posted by: Brit at December 31, 2004 10:55 PM

Nothing bad should be said about this movie. once i saw that there was a real person that it was based upon it made me see things in a different light. it is so sad to see that all of the cosby kids are still living except Albert ( FAT ALBERT ) Robinson.at the end of the movie i cried because i saw that fat albert really existed at one time. nothing bad should be said about this movie. it is a family movie. one that the whole family can and will enjoy. you can only do but so much especially since it came from a cartoon. Bill Cosby kudos to you and so very sorry to see that you lost such a good friend like Fat Albert. HEY HEY HEY I DID HAVE A GOOD TIME.

Posted by: riley white at January 12, 2005 05:54 PM

alexis grandberry!

Posted by: alexis grandberry at February 13, 2005 11:08 PM

dude omg when me n my best friend heard joel sexy madden was gunna be in fat albert we waited in line on the first day fora little bit then we went into the theater and hour early so we could get front row and when he was on we were like screaming SO LOUD the people behind us told us to leave

Posted by: ashlie madden at March 5, 2005 04:04 AM

Holy crap....you little teeny boppers and your obsession with "Joel" is so immature. Get over him. He is some dude...who is in a suck ass 'band' and had 2 seconds in a B class movie. You act like he is a God. I hope someday you realize how pathetic you are for going to see a movie just because some lame ass punk wanna-be has a 5 second cameo. Get a life you losers.

Posted by: Jessica at April 18, 2005 02:36 AM

hey jessica ur the one hoo needs to get a life!! joel madden is the most gorguz guy in da world and u take that back about good charlotte being a suck ass band ..they r more lyk a kick ass band!! so dont call us fans the lossers..ur the loser!!

Posted by: JOELFAN at April 19, 2005 12:54 AM

I think fat Albert id going to be so funny, it will probably do well in the movies because of all the celebrities in it such as Aaron Carter and best of all....JOEL MADDEN

Posted by: anna at April 22, 2005 05:33 AM

i love joel madden. bye

Posted by: Golden at April 26, 2005 11:42 AM

I Love Joel Madden. I wish the movie came to the UK :(

Posted by: Joanna at April 28, 2005 12:10 PM

i think this movie is awesome. i used to watch this show when i was in elemenatary school. it is very sweet.

Posted by: debora at May 26, 2005 10:02 PM

omg.. joel was is fat albert.. when i saw that i literally SCREAMED.. i love joel madden soo much.. he is soo hot.. i swear i am Good Charlottes number one fan.. even check out all my joel stuff on my nexopia page... **gcLOVER** thanks.. byes!!

Posted by: Kirsten at June 18, 2005 06:25 PM

For all yall out there OMARION IS MINE!SO YALL NEED TO BACK OF MY MAN!YOU HER!Cuz n e one try 2 get w/ my man and you no longer be liven!I know yall herd THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Cara grandberry at June 20, 2005 08:05 PM

i love Good Charlotte especiually benji and billy ther sooooooo awsome and hott!!!! oh and joel looks so hott in Fat Albert! thats the only reason i watche the movie ! LoL thanx-Andie B aka Mz Benji

Posted by: Andrea Benavides at July 4, 2005 08:48 PM


Posted by: Andrea at August 2, 2005 03:09 PM

I hav alot of friends who are obsessed with joel, and i dun see it. hes not that good and neither is GC

Posted by: Jeff at October 17, 2005 02:58 PM