October 27, 2004

Cruise - No Top Gun 2

Cruise4.jpgI really am liking Tom Cruise again. There was a time when his fame and press persona was starting to really irk me, but suddenly he started being nice, following the golden rule of celebrity. When you get so big, bring yourself back to the audience, and he did, very successfully.

He's got the fans hooked, not only is he producing some really good performances, he's also picking some excellent scripts (or is that being offered). I really do like the persona of Cruise. I like his style in interviews, I like his onscreen characters and I love the fact he walks the crowd for so long and even leaves messages on their mobiles for them. Nice.

Anyway, this story talks about Cruise discussing a War of the Worlds scene, but for me the killer line comes later, after this.

"Cruise also said that he was offered "a ton of money" for Top Gun 2 and strung the studio on a bit with no intention of ever doing it."

That would be so cool if it's true, and shows that either Cruise has a huge grasp of his image and press persona, engineering all of this for the ability to release it to the press, or he just really does have fun with the whole movie-stardom thing. I hope it's the latter and I will hang onto it.

What's the feeling of Cruise out there? Meglomaniac with a clever understanding of manipulating the press, or just a great actor having great fun?

Posted by at October 27, 2004 05:01 AM


The first and second choices are my opinion of him. Never really liked him much, but he has had a few shining moments that I won't begrudge him.

Posted by: Lilly at October 27, 2004 10:04 AM

I'm not a die hard Cruise fan, but I really do enjoy most of the movies that he's in. I think that he's another "everyman" actor, as in he can play a variety of roles and be believable in them.

He also seems to be very grounded in reality, despite his fame. As you mentioned, Rich, he appears very sincere and human when giving interviews.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 27, 2004 10:36 AM

I'm with you. I liked him, then I didn't, and now I kinda do again. I'm always surprised by the number of Tom Cruise performances I have in my personal collection, considering that I've never been a huge fan. But I do like some of his movies. I own Vanilla Sky, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, Interview with a Vampire, Mission: Impossible, A Few Good Men, Cocktail, Color of Money, Top Gun. ... Whoa, looking at that list, I must like him more than I realize. But there are just as many of his movies that I can't stand: Far & Away, MI2, Days of Thunder. OK, not as many.
I'm stopping this comment now because it's going nowhere.

Posted by: C at October 27, 2004 11:49 AM

I never really liked him as a person much. But I really can't say as I have much to go on as far as reasons go. Maybe it's just because he kind of looks like an @$$hole to me. So I'm probably not being fair to him as a person. But I do like his work professionally. So it's always a strange time for me when a new Cruise flick comes out. I always go "bah. Tom Cruise? I'm not going to go see that." But then I think about Magnolia, and MI (the first), and Top Gun, and Rain Man, and A Few Good men....and I go "Oh yeah. I like his movies" and I end up seeing whatever it is. And I'm glad I eventually talk myself into going, or I would've missed Collateral.

Still haven't seen Last Samurai, but it's on my "to rent" list.

Posted by: Skane at October 27, 2004 11:50 AM

It's the Laugh.. I don't like him because of the way he laughs... Is that wrong? j/k

I just get tired of seeing his face plastered on every magazine. I'm really glad he's fallen out of the spotlight recently. I wish the media would leave ben affleck alone, but I know if they do they'll just ruin the career of another actor that I like, I'm willing to sacrifice affleck to save other good actors from becoming bait for the wolves.

Posted by: Cybermike at November 2, 2004 06:51 AM

is there going to be a top gun 2 soon or is it just things going around

Posted by: Chris at November 7, 2004 11:37 AM

There certainly not only could be but I wrote a script for it five years ago, also i have tried diligently to get it to the powers that be with no sucess yet. Many Top Gunner's have read it and commented youve actually nailed the sequel perfectly. The market value alone would be unbelieveable and I know it would pay for itself in the first two weeks. I guaruntee I have the story.


Duke Mitchell is very much alive............!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Glen at December 4, 2004 11:54 AM


Posted by: tess at January 1, 2005 01:21 AM

I have a question for Richard..Where did you see/hear Tom cruise remark ""Cruise also said that he was offered "a ton of money" for Top Gun 2 and strung the studio on a bit with no intention of ever doing it."?? I really would like to know.Did You see it on a interview?etc? thx T.

Posted by: T at March 10, 2005 03:54 AM

Hi there T, Simone here.

Click on the link that Richard has highlighted in this post, the source was quoted there.

Posted by: Simone at March 10, 2005 06:39 AM

Beat me to it Simone. Spot on, it's quoted from the article mentioned in the link.

Posted by: Richard at March 10, 2005 01:58 PM

Well, just a keen eye here sometimes mate! *laughs*

Posted by: Simone at March 10, 2005 04:49 PM

........So is there gonna be a Top Gun 2 - ive herd that there is.

Posted by: Rick at April 27, 2005 10:59 AM

Tom cruise is great in every way. how dare any of you say one bad comment about him. PFFFTT TOM FTW

Posted by: Joe at July 5, 2005 03:32 PM

I would love for there to be a top gun 2 but i dont see how Tom Cruise could play the part because hes changed so much that its just not believable for a 40-something man to play a hot-shot pilot. Unless the next Tom Cruise comes along soon I`m willing to bet anything that there isnt going to be a sequel.

Posted by: Ryan at July 22, 2005 09:51 PM

No way, really? How interesting. Did you ask him? How much money is in it for him. Really, interesting topic, yet not enough money in the world? I highly doubt it.

Posted by: Givast at September 18, 2005 04:35 AM

you are realy good hero i think that you born only for top gun
i am thankful for all the acters of thise movie

Posted by: dpshekhawat pushker india at September 27, 2005 07:55 AM