October 11, 2004

Christopher Reeve Dies at 52

There isn't much for me to say that isn't being said elsewhere. You will be missed Mr. Reeve.

Go rent Noises Off, my favorite Reeve movie of all time.

Posted by John Campea at October 11, 2004 07:44 AM


Huge loss, he is and always will be Superman. The biggest regret is that he didn't live long enough to see his work for his cause come to life so that he, and others, could walk again. A tireless campaigner and a role model to us all.

Posted by: RichardB at October 11, 2004 08:05 AM

I still remember where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news about Christopher Reeve's accident. His courage and strength were truly admirable. As many have already said, he will always be Superman to a generation of fans.

Rest in peace, Mr. Reeve.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices

Posted by: Marc at October 11, 2004 08:15 AM

Surely a true super hero, who should be remembered not only for his roles but as a genuinly great human being. His speech at the Oscars will always be one of the most touching moments I have ever seen.

Posted by: David Terry at October 11, 2004 08:31 AM

Yes it is a great lose, I woke up this morning to my roommmate yelling supermans dead....I couldnt believe it. He will always be Supes.

Posted by: Blue at October 11, 2004 10:46 AM

Agreed! It's a loss and a shame, Nothing more to say but wanted to say it anyway.

Posted by: bryden42 at October 11, 2004 10:56 AM

I didn't know about this. Wow. I guess I can't say anything except that it breaks my heart.

Posted by: Jenny at October 11, 2004 05:42 PM

He couldn't walk but, man, there was someone who was always "putting one foot in front of the other" in the most basic way: reaching out to others because of his disability and doing so because he always thought he would walk again! Superman, indeed.

Posted by: Crystal at October 11, 2004 08:13 PM

Sorry not to bash anybodys feelings, but I found this comic rather amusing http://www.little-gamers.com/index.php?strip_id=950

Posted by: Slowjoe at October 15, 2004 12:18 PM