October 15, 2004

Chris Rock to Host The Oscars

ChrisRock2.jpgWell, Chris Rock is hosting the Oscars this year. It was just announced yesterday. Personally (and I know I'll take heat for this), I think this is a HORRIBLE decision. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Chris Rock as a comedian... the guy can be pretty funny (and sometimes not). But I don't like his selection for the same reason I hate it when Whoopi Goldberg hosts... they both have no movie career!

The Oscars is the biggest day on my calendar and I look forward to it every year. To me, it should be hosted by someone with deep and successful roots in the movie business (and is funny at the same time). It should also be treated with a bit of a sense of class... something that pays homage to the tradition and legacy of the movie business. These are the qualities that made guys like Steve Martin and Billy Crystal perfect to host the Oscars. People like Rock, or David Letterman (as much as I like him), or Whoopi are just wrong for the event.

I don't know, maybe I'll feel differently about this in a month or so... but right now it just feels yucky. Chris Rock has had a terrible movie career for the most part... so why does he get to host the Oscars? Let him host some Comedy awards or something. Who knows, maybe I'll be proved wrong.

Posted by John Campea at October 15, 2004 07:26 AM


I agree with you, John. I have nothing against Chris Rock, but the Oscars is the film industry's night to shine. The host really needs to be a "movie star" first, and if they happen to be funny, then that's even better.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 15, 2004 08:15 AM

Well, it is pretty obvious they aren't worried about a sense of class they want to pull in the younger crowd and liven things up. That said I still enjoyed Matin as host. I was getting pretty tired of Crystal; although, he is pretty good with the ad hoc lines.

Posted by: Bombadil at October 15, 2004 09:03 AM

You guys may want a "movie star first" and all that as criteria to host the Oscars but the host of an awards show needs to have the finesse to move it along, deliver the jokes, cover their nervousness, etc. Most actors are just not adept with that particular skill which is why I think comics are chosen to the job. The show is 3 hours for chrissakes. I can think of a couple of TV actors who might fit the bill but a stone cold bona fide movie actor? Like Russell Crowe? Colin Farrell? Cameron Diaz? Julia Roberts? Nope.

Posted by: Crystal at October 15, 2004 12:49 PM

NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Chris rock sux! he's fine for mtv and crap like that but the oscars are classy and only classy people should host! i think billy crystal is the best and i hope they dont pick cris rock! ugh, his voice, i cant stand him!

Posted by: Marla Singer at October 15, 2004 02:46 PM

They should just get MTV to produce the whole thing now. The Oscars have been cribbing so many ideas from the MTV Movie Awards show for years that they might as well do this.

Imagine Rock being blended into the parody footage from various films from the year: Spider-Man 2, Shrek 2, Fahrenheit 911, The Passion of the Christ... and uncomfortable, jittery chuckles from the aged, conservative members of the Academy in the audience. Oh, fun.

Posted by: Mark at October 15, 2004 05:40 PM


That would be RIDICULOUSLY fun!

Posted by: Crystal at October 15, 2004 09:18 PM

if chris rock is going to host the oscars i at least hope he'll do that hilarious arsenio hall impression he used to do on snl!!!

Posted by: Gainer the Gopher at October 15, 2004 10:47 PM

Maybe we'll get EXTRA lucky and BOTH of them will host the show together!!! I can just see Sean Connery in the front row rolling his arm in the air making the "woo-woo-woo-woo" sound.

Posted by: John Campea at October 15, 2004 10:57 PM

Guys, come on... Be careful or you might all start sounding as pretentious and self indulgent as the Oscar ceremony itself.

If this doesn't work then they'll drop the idea. Who knows, Rock might surprise you. At least this proves the Academy has at least some sense of humour about itself...

Personally, I thought Conan did a brilliant job on the Emmy's and could be the perfect combination they're looking for. He's in with the MTV generation and he's got the class everyone wants the Oscar's to have. Sure he's got credits like Pootie Tang to his record, but remember the Emmy's... Won't somebody please remember the Emmy's... If anyone watched them last year, that is.

Posted by: Jeremy at October 16, 2004 09:42 AM

Hey Jeremy.

As yes... Pootie Tang!!! That's just fun to say. I don't think it's pretentios or self indulgent to recognize some legitimate concerns. Whenever the Oscars has been hosted by a non-movie person, it's flopped. Even Letterman (who is one of my all time favorite celebs) crashed and burned.

Yes, Rock did a really good job with the MTV Movie Awards (which are almost as big of a joke as the Grammys now).

How does it make sense to celebrate the achivement of film with a failed film guy steering the ship? Like I said, it COULD and MIGHT work. I hope I'm wrong about all this and Rock does a great job... I just doubt it.

Posted by: John Campea at October 16, 2004 10:04 AM

Yer, your concerns make sense John. I guess I'm just really hoping they're disproved! Otherwise it could be a very sad affair and spell the end of the Oscars as a televised event. I think if television were to be moved out of the equation nowadays to the point of the ceremony not being telecast, the Oscars from an actors perspective would lose a lot of importance. Studios are turning it into a publicity and marketing tool like the Golden Globes. If the public don't pay attention to the awards, the industry isn't going to.

I just hope Rock does a much better job than Whoopi. I mean Goldberg nearly flushed the Oscars down the toilet with her hosting effort. The only thing that has died worse than her performance on the stage that night has been her career over the last 10 years.

Posted by: Jeremy at October 16, 2004 08:53 PM

December 9, 2004

I believe Chris Rock, Billy Crystal, Robin Williams and Wanda Sykes are all candidates for taking the new job as host the late-night show called the Conan O'Brien Show. All that is needed is a name change for the show in five years because Conan O'Brien will be leaving to host "The Tonight Show."

This time slot on WNWO, Channel 24, in Toledo, Ohio at 12:30 until 1:30 could be "The Chris Rock Show." After viewing "Head of State," and "Down To Earth" with Chris Rock he became my favorite new hot comedienne. I am totally in love with him and his movies. Why? They all tell the truth about life, they keep it simple and his material relates to everyone no matter what age you are, by the way I am a 46-year old African-American Soul Sister and I will continue to look for Chris Rock's genius everywhere!

One of Chris Rock's Greatest Fans
Ms. Vanessa Neyland
Business and Computer Systems
Software Engineer
[email protected]

Posted by: Vanessa Neyland at December 9, 2004 03:02 PM

Cop: "Son, do you know why we pulled you over?"

Chris Rock: "Beacause I'm black!"

Cop: "Yeah, I know that. So how come you get to host the Oscars this year?"


Posted by: Cracky Cream at December 30, 2004 10:16 PM

You guys must really worship the event.

It's a bunch of overpayed, spoiled and snobbish creeps in designer attire stuffed in a dome for 3 hours, dammit! What are you all talking about? Why d'yall think the host should have a good movie career to be able to host the Oscars?
A great host needs to be a great host to be a great host! It's hosting dammit. Commanding stage presence is required here and not just the ability to cry fake tears.

What's next? Michael Jackson to host the Grammys because of HIS musical success?

Posted by: Say-ko at December 30, 2004 10:31 PM

who gives a damn. funny is funny.

Posted by: ? at January 12, 2005 10:38 PM

First of all everyone stop crying. Who cares who hosts this damn show. Why waste your time watching all of these mulit-millionares win awards and boring ass movies. Award shows are a bunch of crap. They are just trying to get all of these big actors in one room to make a ton of money for the netowrk that runs it. I am just getting to the point where I cant stand how much actors and athletes make. We need to start a nation wide ban on sports and entertainment. Let these people go in to the real world and get a 9-5 job and see how they like it. what do you think?

Posted by: Randy at January 13, 2005 11:48 AM

Hey, Randy, you wanna live in a socialistic society where everyone gets the equal amount of peanuts regardless of what they do, you better move to Cuba. Athletes and entertainers get mucho dineros because they are capable of doing something very few people can do. If it weren't for the truckloads of money they get, entertainment wouldn't be as entertaining and sports would not be as competitive. All I'm saying is that dogs do better tricks if you give it a biscuit.

And as far as Chris Rock hosting the Oscars, it's a smart decision of the Academy. They can't keep on ignoring the gen-X'ers forever.

Posted by: Chris Stone at January 17, 2005 06:38 AM

I remembered this topic after the Golden Globes had its awards handed out yesterday.

Boy, I can already imagine what the Academy will be like this year. Let's just hope Rock will not be offensive on live TV. why didnt they think of Jack Black instead, he's probably more funny and will fit the bill of having a "movie career"?

Oh well, I dont really care now, I'll just wait till they announce who wins the awards, if the Golden Globes has any indication as to who will be the winners then I am quite happy already!

Posted by: Simone at January 17, 2005 07:11 AM

The Oscars is a FORMAL event; classy is something else. Chris Rock is intelligent, funny and says it like it is; a rarity in today's society. That's class. "Formal" is a part you play, like the dark suit or dress and long face you wear to a funeral. Perhaps Rock's style isn't formal enough for the Oscars, but I say great! At least the event won't be boring, as any formal event usually is, especially a 3+ hour one. Boring, for me, is someone like Billy Crystal, and to this day I still don't know what people saw in him. It seems the academy loves hosts more interested in kissing their butts with lame, goody 2 shoes jokes than actually being entertaining to everyday people. I just hope Chris Rock doesn't fall into this, but knowing Chris, I doubt it. I hope he does what he does best, say it like it is, which probably means he won't be invited back, but who cares. People will remember that show more than all of Crystal's combined. A lot of actors are down-to-earth people who I admire, but On Oscar night there's always pretentiousness in the air, and I'll be looking for Chris Rock to bring the phoniness down a notch with his witty sarcasm and honesty. Remember Rock is smart, and can do this without being Rude, and even if the humor requires an "Oscarish" style, it'll still be his own. Go get em' Rock!

Posted by: Jorge at January 31, 2005 08:43 PM

Chris Rock is reason enough for me not to watch the Oscar presentations. Who is Chris Rock, and who cares what this no talent person thinks? Someone in the business is making a big mistake!!!!!

Posted by: Roger B..... at February 15, 2005 09:01 AM

I want someone to name another black person to host the oscars besides Bill Cosby? You guys don't like whoopi Goldberg either? Hmmmm, what does that say. Let me break it down. you people don't like Black comedy. Let me repeat it, You white people don't like Black comedy. Plain and simple. There is a difference in comedy, one is in your face tell it like it is, and the other goody two shoes let's have a gee wilikers good time.

This problem with Chris Rock hosting the oscars is only a screen for what the real problem is. If you are going to ask a black comedian to host the oscars then don't ask him to act white, he is going to tell it like it is, hence this is how blacks interact with peers, some one is always getting cracked on. But it's not a big deal.
Now If you look at Chris rock's life outside of comedy. I guarantee you a million dollars, he is squeaky clean to the other actors and actresses. On stage he is a different person.

If you are one of those people who say chris rock is unintelligent then you are mistaken and are likely a fool. He is highly intelligent, and socially aware, this is why white people like him above all the other black comedians. He is smart, funny and edgy at the same time which makes him deadly, and no other black comedian has these attributes.

Listen to when Chris rock talk in interviews, there is substance when he speaks. He is in your face but not obtrusive. If you ever watched the Chris rock shows and his guest you will see just how much knowledge this guy has. Plus Chris rock doesn't act overly black, look at the way he dresses, you really don't see him in throw backs, he is very clean and casual. You might think what I'm saying is stupid. But why is Colin powell more liked than AL Sharpton. It's simple. Colin Powell acts white, and is not too black.

Now lets sum up why the people from the oscars chose Chris Rock:
1. His tone of voice is not too black sounding
2. He is controversial but yet intelligent
3. He style of comedy is very smart and not the
average black person's style
4. He speaks with substance
5. He knows a lot about politcs
6. he is not a hip-hop type of comedian, he is
very diversified in all subjects
7. He is almost like a new age philospher,
Packaging different concepts that others might
not grasp
(Philosophy teachers do use Chris rock and
his concepts when talking about plato and
Socrates theories)
So there you have it. This is why steve harvey will never be chosen and Chris rock will.

Posted by: the gifted one at February 17, 2005 02:23 PM

I don't see this as a white or black thing, it's just people (whatever color) who are generally hypocrites, like the person here who said "Let's just hope Rock will not be offensive on live TV". That word offensive gets thrown around too loosely. If something offends you, let it offend you because its core message is offensive, not the few bad words or adult insinuations used to describe this message. If the message is clever, beautiful, smart, makes you think about real life and laugh at it, take that with you, don't remember a 4 letter word used to build it. I once saw a comedian on daytime TV make a joke which had to do with retarded children. He pretended to be one of the retarded kids, twisting his neck while making weird noises and faces. This guy used no bad words whatsoever, but he was indeed extremely offensive and cruel. Chris Rock's humor is all in good taste.

Posted by: underdog at February 22, 2005 05:05 AM

i think that it is great that chris rock is hosting the oscars this year. it will be better than watching that same old bullshit every year.and at least the audience won't have to fake laugh.

Posted by: paul at February 22, 2005 07:18 PM

Hey paul,

I am with you all the way. Chris Rock will be a great host for the Oscars and having him up on stage will be worth it because of his unforgetable style and Charisma, everyone would feel like they are on cloud nine. Besides, it would be so good that the actors/actresses that did not win wouldn't feel so bad because Rock will make them forget all about why they are there.

so there you have it; Chris Rock is the host and nothing is going to change that, so get use to good entertainment.... SUCKERS....

Posted by: paris g at February 24, 2005 02:00 PM

You guys are so dumb. RELAX. Chris Rock is the only.... only reason why I am watching the Oscars. He may finally speak the truth to these over payed dumb celebrities. Chris is awesome and has more talent than many of the people getting awards. I cant wait for Chris Rock to take on the Oscar's

Posted by: Travilla at February 25, 2005 04:48 PM

What was with that ridiculous & crude comment Chris Rock made about "The Passion of the Christ" not being a funny movie. Is he totally ignorant? It appears so. What people won't say for a cheap laugh. Very tasteless. Hopefully they'll get someone next year with some class.

Posted by: Cindy at February 28, 2005 10:37 AM

Like Chris Rock said the Oscars, is a "fashion show. As I look around online and on TV I see a great empahisis on this "red carpet" and what people are wearing. Since the Oscars hace very little to do with movies, these days, the host may as well be one of the "Fab Five."

Posted by: Jerry at February 28, 2005 01:59 PM

How about you just get a sense of humor. Everything he said last night was a joke. And last nights ratings were up just because of him.

Oh yeah Shon Penn is a loser.

Posted by: Parris at February 28, 2005 05:10 PM

For all the haters out there. The rating were up,and chris was funnier than Johnny Carson. THE guy basically lived up to his side of the bargin...he rocked the Oscars.

Posted by: Wendell at February 28, 2005 07:49 PM

Hey Cindy, if you're going to call him ignorant, at least make a less ignorant comment yourself. Obviously he was being SARCASTIC when he described Passion of the Christ as "not funny" since everyone knows this was a very intense movie. He was using sarcasm to insinuate how intense it was, just like someone saying in middle of a hurricane that it's not a great day for the beach. Either way, Passion of the Christ is just a Hollywood movie, not the Holy Bible.

Posted by: unabonger at March 1, 2005 06:33 AM

All I have to say is that Chris Rock has simply no class.

Posted by: Linda at March 1, 2005 01:38 PM

The choice of Chris Rock to host this year's Oscars was a big mistake. He was not entertaining at all. He was not even funny. I may never watch the Oscars again.

Posted by: Gail Martin at March 1, 2005 03:20 PM

I'm with you Gail. If they ever have him again on the Oscars I will not degrade myself to watch the Oscars next year. I have emailed Oscar.com and told them what I thought also. Maybe if they get enough comments they will get the message. Just like last years' Superbowl. They evidently got enough feedback and so this year the halftime events had a little class.

Posted by: Linda at March 1, 2005 04:20 PM

Sean Penn licks mucho dick!
Rock's a comedian. What he said was a joke. That's what comedians do!
Everyone keeps forgetting the kind of a-class a-hole Penn was during the 80's well into the 90's.

Rock did a great job at the oscars. Period.

The best parts I think was when he introduced Jeremy Irons as a "comedy superstar" and Prince as an "academy award winner".

Posted by: Chris Stone at March 2, 2005 07:21 PM

The question is, do you really think Chris Rock is not funny or are you just another yee haw redneck right winger upset that he bashed your beloved George Bush?

Posted by: Joe at March 3, 2005 05:07 AM

Oh yeah and about Sean Penn, this guy keeps making an ass of himself. Boo hoo don't call my buddy Jude Law a bad actor. It was a damn joke Sean, are you stupid? lol. I agree Rock did a great job. Too bad some people won't let their political or self-righteous attitudes allow them to appreciate his humor. The world is full of hypocrites.

Posted by: joe at March 3, 2005 05:16 AM

Chris Rock was ok.....I love people like Robin Williams..now he's great!

Posted by: Bridget at March 7, 2005 11:49 AM