October 07, 2004

Blasphemy!!! New Toy Story Projects to be done Without Pixar

woodyBuzz.jpgIt was like the tolling of the bell. When word came down the pipe that Pixar was ditching Disney, everyone knew that the Empire of the Mouse was going to be in big trouble. These days Disney is reeling in their own ineptitude. Their projects have been horrible, their own house is in total disarray, and hopes for future improvement are bleak at best. What better way to turn things around then to make another huge mistake: Trying to continue the "Toy Story" series without Pixar. The good folks at Cinema Blend give us this:

Disney’s animation department is fading and desperate. Their partnership with Pixar is ending. Without Pixar they are now in the unenviable position of coming late to the CGI movie game. Their traditional animation department all but abandoned, they’re scrabbling to grab anything they can in the way of CGI movie making. To date, they’ve only unveiled a horrible looking CGI Mickey Mouse character, which was soundly booed by just about everyone. So they’re stealing Pixar’s baby and trying to make it without them.
Ok, I know I can be given to exaggeration from time to time... but THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! Yes, technically Disney holds to rights to the characters and can legally do this. But just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right. Having Disney as the creative force behind the new Toy Stories instead of Pixar is like having Pauly Shore as Captain Jack Sparrow in the new Pirates of the Caribbean instead of Johnny Depp. What a joke. I will not spend one dime to see ANYTHING Toy Story related without Pixar. I'm warning you Disney... you are going to alienate the few of us out here who still want to give you a shot if you try to pull this stunt. Jerks.

Posted by John Campea at October 7, 2004 06:51 AM



I'm speechless, but not surprised by this. Unfortunately, I have a 3-year-old and a 5-year-old that love the Toy Story movies. So, despite my personal feelings on this, I may have to actually see this debacle of a movie.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices

Posted by: Marc at October 7, 2004 08:30 AM

When I first heard of this ... my question was what will the actors (specifically Hanks and Allen) do? Let's hope they side with Pixar, but true to Disney form I am sure they will just hire someone else :(

Posted by: Mercer at October 7, 2004 09:05 AM

What, you mean like the (non CGI) Buzz Lightyear stuff? You'll note that the source and this are both thin on details.

Posted by: mikelietz at October 7, 2004 11:47 AM

Hopefully Disney will be able to recover after that moron Eisner "retires". The man has single handedly destroyed the soul of a company that was built on the dreams and passion of a man who loved to entertain. The company became so tageted on earning billions that they lost site of what it's really all a bout... Story telling, Creativity and most importantly Heart!

Don't get me wrong I understand that if there is no cash coming in then there will be no company to tell the stoy. My beef is that the world of animation (esp. Disney) has begun to slide into this Test group, behvorial research, target market, merchandising, high volume pit.They think you can flash some pretty colors on the screen, write a tagline and throw a big name actor in as a voice and delight children everywhere... I have news for all of you executives out there.


They know crap when they are fed it! And believe me cinderella 2 was CRAP! Along with the extended, new crappy song included, remaseterd so we can squeeze another $15 bucks out of you version of Beauty and the beast DVD. They can even screw up an wonderful animation made years before they trashed the company... that's impressive!

Think back (no matter what age you are) what are the best cartoons you can remember? I bet you don't say Tarzan, or the snorks or maybe even one of the many Scooby clones (sorry Jabber jaw) I would bet most of you thought of things like Alice in Wonderland or Snow White or for the funny stuff the old Warner Bros. toons, I laugh everytime I see daffy swinging from the tree "yikes and awaaaaaaay!"

Do you know the main thing that seperates these from todays Sat. morning cartoons? The people writing the scripts were the people drawing it and the people doing the voices... NOT EXECUTIVES!

It's not ALL about money!

Rant Done

Posted by: Boone at October 7, 2004 10:46 PM

I believe/hope that Disney will come to their senses once Eisner has retired. To think they could do a better job than Pixar when they have proven repeatedly they have lost the vision Mr. Disney obviouly had is remarkable beyond belief.

I refuse to support them by spending my hard earned money on an inferior product. It will hurt my children to not see the new movies. I'll just have to explain to them the truth of the situation.

Posted by: Jax at October 7, 2004 11:35 PM

Actually Pixar own the digital files, so disney would have to make everything from scratch. Also Pixar own direct-to-video sequels aswell.

Posted by: M at October 11, 2004 08:02 PM

xflt ouvvsie.

Posted by: Alveredus at October 23, 2004 07:32 AM

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Posted by: Family Movie at November 1, 2004 05:33 PM

Pixar is truly brilliant . . . why else would it still be successful to this day? Disney had no help with it -- All they do is distribute and they get HALF the profit. If Disney (under Eisner) make one Pixar film WITHOUT PIXAR, then I pray for the day for the company to go SO UNBELIEVABLY UNDER, that they actually listen to the viewers for once!!

Oh, And in that same prayer, I pray (and Know) that Pixar will continue to rise, and be the future leader of animation. This isn't that hard to beleive. 6 out 7 (and the seventh film hasn't been released yet) films are world-breaking Blockbusters! Daggum! That's one heck of a record!!

Posted by: Phoenician at January 30, 2005 10:26 AM



Posted by: Agent george at July 25, 2005 11:52 PM

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Posted by: dinesh at November 16, 2005 12:51 PM