October 03, 2004

Anyone Want An Oscar? Angelina Jolie is Selling Hers

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's a grab for some attention. Maybe it's her way of trying to get Billy Bob Thornton back. Perhaps it's all legit. Digital Spy is reporting that Angelina Jolie is looking to get rid of her Oscar Statue and give the money for it (which would probably be a lot) to children's charities. Sounds like a good idea to me... after all it's just a trophy... isn't it?

Posted by John Campea at October 3, 2004 06:28 PM


I love Angelina Jolie but why doesn't she just give away her net salary from her next film to certain children's charities? Or simply start a children's charity of her own that MILLIONS OF PEOPLE could contribute to. Because of what she's done so far with her United Nations work and the exposure it's created she could easily get a couple of million peolple to contribute a mere $5 and she'd have so much more money for needy kids than selling a trophy.


Posted by: Crystal at October 9, 2004 09:41 PM

Hi, I was looking for a blog that speaks about Angelina Jolie and I found Yours ! Wow !
I am an Brazilian ( I live in Brazil, Latin American) and I don´t know speak english very well, because my lenguage is the portuguese.
I looooooooooove Angelina Jolie. I´m her fan !!!
Look my blog, maybe you won´t understand my blog, because it is in portuguese...



Posted by: Giselle at October 25, 2004 09:51 PM

OK, let's remember one thing. The statue belongs to Angie. If she wants to sell it, or bury it in her backyard, or sleep with it - it's HER award. She already gives a third of her income to help people in need, which is more than any of us can say, I guarantee. If she thinks someone would get a kick out of owning her Oscar (I sure would) AND she can help people at the same time, then more power to her. What a great example to us and to the rest of the Hollywood world, the greedy grasping ass pads who only think of themselves! 'Nuff said.

Posted by: Elysia Fionn at November 11, 2004 10:31 AM

Hey Angelina Jolie iz Hot but yea she addopted a cambodian son yea im cambodian too so yea holla

Posted by: Sokhavy Nhim at December 14, 2004 03:52 PM

I think the academy forbids the sale of oscars

Posted by: cruiser at March 18, 2005 12:21 AM

Hello i have been angelina jolies biggest fan since the first time i saw her in foxfire. She is so awesome and the most beautiful women i have ever seen. And i have every pic there is of here covering my walls and every movie and artical. Well she has given to many charitys everywhere she goes. The hiv/ aids foundation here in america and africa and for disabled children and adults. Just read into it more she is awesome.

Posted by: bridget at May 7, 2005 09:45 AM

I almost wonder if her relationship with Thornton hasn't scared her into the Mother Tereasa-esque that we know her as now...

Anyhoo, I think of it as a fond idea. She's transformed into the type of personality that we all should aspire to be. I'm very proud of her for this... this act of hers is a model for the very classy, elite stars who are smacking themselves in the forheads right now going, "Dammit...I should have thought of that one!!"

In response to Elysia's blog: eh, she still has to make a living and help pay for her own travels about the world. The UN -- as united and national as they are -- can't comp every one's travel to do good. But I think your idea is a noble one.

Posted by: SuperGrover at May 7, 2005 12:20 PM

yes i think she should be proud of herself and so should everyone else. She is a verry classy women I love her. Yes it is a big change for her she is acting different since the breakup with thorton. Ahh screw him lol

Posted by: bridget at May 7, 2005 05:19 PM

i agree she earned it it`s hers what do we care what she is doing with it she is a good lady that helps alot of people

Posted by: bridget at May 7, 2005 05:22 PM

For Angelina,
She is so disgusting. How can she steal the husband of the other. she had just said that wil never get the married man. She 's two faces. I think Pitt falled for her with her sucking lips that's all. their relationship will last soon. cos she's not real... all in here are fake. take off your mask. show it to Pitt. h

Posted by: ple2020 at August 2, 2005 11:00 AM

Love Angelina Jolie. She actually does give her money to charity. I read in an interview that she gives around half of her paycheck.

Posted by: david at August 4, 2005 12:51 AM

A must see:


Posted by: mailman at September 1, 2005 10:26 AM

yeh i love angelina joelie and she adopted a cambodian son! hey im cambodian! haha khavy already said that but yeh im more cambodian than he is! and im going to become an actor soon so yeh

Posted by: Somaly Son at September 8, 2005 07:20 PM

I for one like the idea of her income from her next film going to charity instead. Or even better do a movie for free and make a deal with whoever produces it to give 20 percent or something like to charity. That way when we see the movie we can feel good knowing that some of our price for admission is going to feed starving kids in Cleveland or something. She should be able to keep her statue, its hers. I would rather just give money to charity than buy her statue, she earned it. It would be a shame to give it up. I know material things and all that but it's something she was voted to have, she earned it.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 8, 2005 08:02 PM