October 19, 2004

Aliens 6 - Please Just Let it Go

Ok look, I was one of the few people who actually thought AVP was pretty fun... horrible in MANY ways... but fun nonetheless. But folks, IT'S TIME TO LET IT GO! According to Dark Horizons:

British director Paul W. S. Anderson ("Alien vs. Predator", "Resident Evil") is to write the sixth movie in the "Alien" franchise, according to sources close to the film maker. Newcastle-born Anderson, 39, has apparently been asked by Twentieth Century Fox to pen a new script featuring the creatures on their own (ie. no Predators). Whether that includes the return of Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) however is unknown.
Why!?!?! What on earth (pardon the pun) is there left to do? Ooooo... that Alien has acid for blood! Yeah we know that already!!! Ooooo... the Alien busts out of a guys chest! Yeah we know that already!!!! This is such a stupid idea. And yet I'm such a hypocrite... here I am complainig that they're wasting their time making another Aliens movie, but who am I kidding... I'll go see it like the stupid little drone I am. I disgust myself sometimes. Someone help me.

Posted by John Campea at October 19, 2004 07:54 AM


There is only 1 plotline possible as I see it- aliens reach Earth - as A. Resurrection showed (ripley/alien). unfortunately AVP has probaly ruined this idea a bit.
Paul W. S. Anderson will make a bags of it anyway. The guy just doesn't know the meaning of the word 'suspense'.

As the studio sees it, it keeps the merchandise bandwagon rolling on I suppose, even if it is crud...

Posted by: dave at October 19, 2004 08:46 AM

I, for one, don't care how many Alien movies they do, I'll go see all of them. With a premise like that there can always be new storylines. For that matter, they can go redo old storylines with new characters and it would still be interesting to me. I guess I'm just a mark for the series, but I can't imagine ever having a problem with them doing more movies. I mean really, if people can get excited about movie remakes of old TV shows, why not more Alien movies? If TV shows haven't exhausted their storylines and characters, I don't see how a movie franchise with 5 little installments could have.

Posted by: Mojo at October 19, 2004 10:08 AM

The Alien comic series did pretty much that Dave, the Aliens came to earth and "managed" the harvesting of humans, they didn't really wipe them out in one swoop. It had groups worshipping the Aliens and all storts, excellent twist on the idea and I actually thought that was the way it was going after that ship crashed on Earth. No such luck.

Posted by: Rich at October 19, 2004 10:46 AM

The 5. movie...THE FIFTH MOVIE!!! Don't thrash our intelligence by stating AvP was an Alien movie. It was an ALIENATED movie!

I hope this movie will bring Fox down as Titan A.E. brought their animation department down (though the movie in fact was good!). Just a pity it won't happen before the election, so that we don't have to hear some fake Fox news about Bush winning Florida once again.

Posted by: Flemming at October 19, 2004 11:49 AM

I'm still waiting for General Mills to make Aliens: The Cereal.

Posted by: Nala at October 19, 2004 12:00 PM

John, it's OK to go see a film that simply entertains you for whatever reason it entertains you. I think people can get so caught up sometimes in trying to appear as if they can only enjoy Oscar-potential type films and anything else they give themselves 40 stripes for. I mean, say what you want about Gone in 60 Seconds I enjoy watching that flick. Why? Dunno. Could be one reason, could be a dozen. I don't try and break it down. I just enjoy it. So ROCK ON with your AVP addiction.

Posted by: Crystal at October 19, 2004 12:27 PM

I have to question why Paul W.S. Anderson continues to be given high profile properties to develop, when his track record is less than stellar. I haven't enjoyed any of his films and when I saw that he was directing AvP, my heart just sank.

Marc Bowker
Alter Ego Comics
New action figures and collectibles at fair prices.

Posted by: Marc at October 19, 2004 02:32 PM

Nala, I almost fell off my chair with your cereal comment. :-)

My thoughts on this topic are here:

Paul W.S. Anderson writing Alien 6

BTW, I think I've heard mentioned that what Sigourney has in mind is to go back to the Alien's home world and toast that puppy.


Posted by: Screen Rant at October 19, 2004 03:11 PM

These franchise movies always start well and then decend into more and more smoke and mirrors with each release.

If they were serious they should get that guy who directed SAW, donnie darko or some obscure horror filmmaker and get back to brass tacks and scary as hell. But they won't cos they want to get the 10yr old in and McDonalds.

I'd like to see them take a sledgehammer to all the cgi equipment in hollwood, just as an experiment to see how film get made afterwards. These guys need to focus on story more. If lucas, scott, kubrick, and all the rest could do it with pipe cleaners and masking tape so should the new generation, for a while at least.

Concider it a Reality TV Show for film effects people...

Posted by: dave at October 19, 2004 03:24 PM

YES! A new aline would be GREAT!! But please nooo more baby clone aliens that looks like crap! I wan't to see one or more King Aliens, gigantic monsters bigger than the queen... (yea, some queens would do fine also) And more alien soldiers than all movies together. And yes, Riply must be back! I hope Alien 5 will be into a mega city on earth, and in the end they hopefuly use a atomic bomb to destroy the city to survive... Ultra violiens for 18 and over, not a kid movie!

And yes, Alien 6 must also be made! When they find the homeworld / the origin of the alien rase! ALIEN HARMAGEDDON!!!!

Posted by: Dr. Latex at October 19, 2004 09:23 PM

If the movie returns to it horror, mystery, Giger-esque roots, it could be good. But, I fear they'll probably make it some lame comic book type action movie given the industry climate. Here's an idea ... "Rambo vs. Alien: Sequel Armageddon" ... produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Sly Stallone. Rated N>13 -- no one over 13 admitted without a failed IQ test.

Posted by: Midgard at October 20, 2004 12:52 AM

Well Weaver hated the idea of AvP back in 1997 and I can't imagine the film changed her mind. I don't see her on board for this.

Seriously, can we just assassinate this prick?

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at October 20, 2004 05:20 AM

I think that there should be another aliens movies... but todays directors fucking suck there has not been a movie this year that I like.

the only reason why the directors back in the old days did so well was b/c they smoke to many drugs. The Director from AvP need a good floging for make a movie that was in the pipe for so long,and doing crap job of it.

my bloody sex dreams can make a better movie then that toss a.

but any ways I would like to see an other 3 part AvP movie made

movie 1. seeing earth getting taken over
movie 2. seeing the sureving people getting there ass kicked. then the Predators showing up and kicking some ass.
movie 3. sureving people Leaving Home earth and the predators capture the queen and take a human with them to become one of them.

just like in the books if they can follow that they won't go wrong.

and to the guy that said there should be king aliens there are and they are called gguardians and they are the only ones that mate with the queen.

Posted by: Revan at October 31, 2004 11:41 PM

You have to understand that this shitty director keeps getting these movie contracts because we all keep seeing them. If a movie comes out (i.e. AvP) and we all go see it hoping for the best and bringing our spouses, siblings, friends, parents, in laws, pets, butlers, maids, doctors, lawyers, and paperpeople to see it too, Anderson looks like a good director. Not because the movie was good, but because the company made a fat heap of money.

I love the aliens series, but I am not going to pay for a movie that I don't trust. I will bootleg it and watch it. If I like it, I will wait until the DVD with all the bells and whistles comes out and buy that. Fox doesn't deserve any more money, and neither do those fucking low life movie theatres that charge you $4 for a bottle of water.

P.s. James Cameron should direct the band of brothers equivilent to the Aliens series.

Posted by: Pvt Wierzbaski at November 23, 2004 10:25 PM

I have a certain issue... As a big Alien fan, I have noticed some things since Alien Vs Predator was realeased, at the end of Alien vs predator, it shows what appears to be some form of pred alien.

This means the Host has an large influence on the appearence of the alien as it grow inside them, and then finally bursts out.

This implies that since all other "Aliens" have looked the same, they call came from a Human host???

And if alien Vs predator was to tie Alien and Predator movies together, this would imply that both storylines work together, and if i remember correctly from the predator movies, they had skulls of aliens ... am i correct? and those skulls are identicle to the aliens in all the alien movies, this would imply that those came from human hosts ... could it be that there is more then one homeplace for the human race in the Alien/Predator universe? each not knowing of the other ... as only this would explain the fact that all the "Aliens" look the same!!!

Confused As Always Me!

Posted by: David at January 14, 2005 08:32 AM

I am a fan of the Alein movies amd would like to see a sixth movie or fifth, caring on from Alien resurrection nad not AVP. I think if they made Alien 6/5, they should make it by going back to LV426 to the space craft that was found in Alien by Riply and her crew, Riply said that there were thousands of eggs in the ship in the second movie(Aiens)and that there were 157 people in the colney. they should make it that people go back to the planet to find the craft, they find it and something gos wrong and someone gets infected by a facehuger and so Aliens are back.

Posted by: Alan at January 28, 2005 05:04 PM

AvP was ok. One of the things I hated was that in the beginning, when the first 3 people had the face-huggers on their heads, they came out whithin hours. This is a big mistake. In all the other Alien movies it took almost 24 hours for the chest-bursters to burst out.

I am a big Alien fan and thought that AvP was fairly accurate. I have watched the original four, directors cuts, over and over. I think it is cool that they included the Weyland company in AvP. I think it is pretty obvious that this is a prequel to the Alien movies. Obviously this insident is put into the Weyland-Yutani logs. Then, the heir to the company begins hears about these powerful creatures and begins to look to space travel. Meanwhile, the Predator ship is taken over by Xenomorphs (That is the technical term for the aliens). The one that came out of the preditor hero was a queen. Soon the ship is taken over and it slowly drifts through space until it floats into the atmosphere of LV-426. (The name of the planet that Ripley's crew lands on in Alien). Back on Earth, half of a century has passed the space exploration has begun. (If you pay very close attention to Alien, you see that it mentions the year on the motherboard computer screen) Soon Ripley's crew is sent out to retrieve natural resources and bring them to Earth. On their way home they pick up a strange signal coming from an unsurveyed planet...

You know the rest of the story. Well, that is my theory of what happens between AvP and Alien. Although this would mean that the main character in AvP, forgot her name, would have to die before she reaches civilisation and the remnants of the pyramid were completely destroyed.

If they were to make a 5th Alien movie, it would have to have a damn good story line to be successful. It couldn't be just a war movie or it would be too repetitive. I would suggest doing something to Ripley like they did with Taylor in "Beneath the Planet of the Apes". Make her disappear in the beginning and kill her off at the end. The series has to end sometime to keep it from dying from people not being interested. For me, "Alien Ressurection" was borderline too repetitive for me and a fifth would have to be really good and outside the box in order to keep the series alive. In my opinion, if a movie is good enough to have a sequel, it is a damn good movie. But that doesn't mean it should have a sequel.

Also, david, you had mentioned that in the predetor, the alien skull was there. It showed that in the AvP dvd. But it is possible that it wasn't a human skull. In Alien 3, the alien had come out of a cow. It looked similar to the human alien, but it had more of an animal-shaped bone structure. It ran on all fours. But it still had a very similar head. So it is possible that the xenomorph skull was of an animal-based xenomorph.

Posted by: EB at April 2, 2005 07:27 PM

i think for an alien 6 would b great but theres a few problems i mean you have a look at the first alien i mean what year are they trying to make it? i mean avp was 2004 and like we still dont have big ass ships n stuff and in ressurection its like 250 yrs on. i mean like what the fuck!!!. but if alien 6 came out it would have to be set on earth.If alien 6 is a success then why not have predator 4??. if they can get them 2 to be a success y i mean why the hell not get avp2 thats what everyone want. This time with alot more aliens and predator it should be a full blowen war.100's of each. Not 3 predator and like 10 aliens its like kinda boring. Well thats my say.

Posted by: jason at April 7, 2005 01:47 AM

They should bloody well amke a decent alien movie that invloves some histroy and predators and humans (as we seem to be stuck in middle of it).
Predators you may ask, in my oppinion film series both have been linked if not from the start then very early on. In Alien the ship where ripley and her little buddies find the eggs on is clearly reminiscent of the Predator ships, look closly at the start of the 1st pred movie there is a distinct similarity between that ship and the one on LV426.
The one at the end of AVP looks different this may be because of technological advances; but at the start they look the same implying that they are so advanced that they have no need to advance, maybe or the film makers just didnt notice.
In the second Pred movie near the end you can clearly see that the ship again looks a bit like the one on LV426 but the ships in Pred 1 & 2 are military ships not transport so they should be differences. Also there is diffinetly a Alien skull in the trophy rack proving that there are Alien's in the Pred universe, but it could have put there by the producers trying to put foward the idea of Pred invicibility, we'll nver know.
It seems that in making AVP the producers didn't realise that the two franchises were already linked, and failed to incorperate the respective history accordingly.
There should definetly be more Pred/Alien movies that into the history of the aliens, their relationship with the predater's and the odd "space jockey" race and humans.
An bloody great big good idea idea would be to carry on the Pred theme of periodically goin to Earth for a hunt. Some probs may be that in AVP pred arrive once every 100yrs but in the Pred films it is in the space of 25yrs or so but it may be the 100 year hunt is a ritual wereas the 25yrs hunt is merely a training session organised on a clan basis (assuming they opperate in clan - which has been proposed), that would smooth over the kinks, but what every forgets is that the producers of a film which is part of a storyline can create whatever they want, the dif between a good sequel and a bad sequel is that if they back up their new plot/character/race/policY with "proven" and accepted facts.
Lost topic there, but was goin to say that from there the producers could say carry on from end of Alien Reserection, !!Plot idea!! one or more of non egineered human alien surive after a short bloody slaughter detect another queen in a similar temple to the one in AVP, they then free the queen and start to fight a war with the rest of the human military which arrived to investigate the crashed special ops reaseach vessel, they get there ases whopped then low and behold the predator arrive and on the basis of past bealings with hummanity form a loose pact (after some killing) with the humans and alien skull crushing happen on a global scale.

Posted by: AVP nuthead at May 11, 2005 04:23 PM

To 'EB' who posted a comment in april 2, 2005! It wasn't a cow in Alien 3, it was a dog!!!

And to all who don't know it yet; All so called Aliens (xenomorphs) takes shape of it's host, it takes it's DNA. So if an Alien grows inside a bird it will fly like a bird! And the word Morph is taken from metamorphos wish means 'change to someting else'.

Posted by: Dr.Latex at July 6, 2005 06:40 PM

All I have to say is that I love the alien movies I was happy when I found out that there was a fifth movie alien vs preditor. I was deeply unhappy though that the director totally went of track from Alien Reserection and did not have any of the surviving actors in the movie AVP. I believe he did totally mess up the whole Sequel situation but after watching the AVP I thought it was pretty good I was happy to find out that there is going to be another aliens the sixth one, I hope the director does bring back Sigourney Weaver and some of the remaining survial crew but how he's going to do that I have no clue he has a big challenge ahead of him.

Posted by: Jennifer at July 20, 2005 04:10 AM

I think the cow alien was an early draft idea for Alien 3.

Did anyone else have all those gorilla alien, bull alien, mantis alien figures that were made in the early to mid nineties. I dont know how a face hugger fits on a mantis but I would like to see a film where the facehuggers attack various earth species and create hybrid aliens just like my action figure collection. Of course it would be arse royale in real life unless they did a very good job.

Posted by: Gordon Shumway at July 20, 2005 06:58 AM

To start off i am going to say Paul dick head ws Anderson is an alien fan. He couldn’t help killing off the predators even though if this were real life the predators would have killed all the aliens (maybe if a lot of aliens came together they could take out a predator) and the pyramid would have had some mechanism to stop the face huggers coming in to the sacrificial chamber so the aliens don’t get out of control. You can probably tell I am a huge predator fan Paul dick head completely destroyed both franchises. In predator 1 when the predator takes off its mask it is an ugly evil horrible being but when the predator at the end of avp takes of its mask it looks all nice and kind its sooooo stupid looking!! Also the elder looks completely stupid too. if you look at the elder at the end of predator 2 it looks evil and actually looks like a predator should look. the elder in avp has a stupid cape and big long fangs it looks like Dracula for fucks sake!!!!!!!!!!. And by the way for all the people saying alien 6 and predator 4. It will be alien 5 and predator3!!!!!!!!!!!!! avp is not an alien or a predator movie it is a separate franchise. i enjoyed the alien movies except resurrection but avp was a piece of shit even the aliens looked stupid. The queen looked like a tyrannosaurus rex chasing that actor who was shit by the way. And the fact that 1 alien killed 2 predators that’s bullshit. If they are going to make predator 3 they should get john mctiernan the guy hat directed the 1st predator (at least he new the meaning of the word suspense) and please dont make alien 6 it has been dragged out to much already and if they do make it for fuck sake don’t let paul ws dick head make it. get the director from 1 of the 1st three alien movies. ps every1watch predator 1 and 2 then watch avp. You will see how much better the predators are in the 1st movies that’s what I want the predator in predator 3 to look like (hopefully). avp sucked

Posted by: Karl at July 20, 2005 07:47 AM

Hey Revan, what the hell are gguardians?

And Im prety sure they wernt in any Alien movie

And dose anyone know what runner aliens are?


Posted by: Agent george at July 25, 2005 11:43 PM

There will be two more Alien movie, two more Predator movies and two more Alien Vs Predator movies...

Next Alien (the 5th) will be on earth! It will be "Alien Revelation" The Alien Queen from Alien Vs Predator will rise up from the sea (it didn't die), it have been frozen for some hundreds of years in the ice cold water but the global greenhouse effect will change that. The Alien Queen will rise up from the sea as the dragon known in the new testament. Then all hells breaking lose when this queen takes over a gigantic mega city.

The 6th Alien movie will be the last, it will be called "Alien Harmageddon" and will be about the origin and the home world of the Alien race and also the end of Ripley, the company and the story it self. This will be the grand climax, the biggest and most expensive movie in history, it will be ten times Starship Troopers and five times Aliens (the 2nd movie). This movie will also have one Predator soldier and another Predator reace not yet seen. There will also be Alien Kings and hundreds of Queens and millions of solder aliens.
Many big actors will be in this movie and all of them will be slaughterad!

The 3rd Predator movie will be a step back in time, it will be about the columbus era. They who remember the pistol in the end of Predator 2 will know the year this movie will be about. It will be a kind of pirate movie and a crew who encounters with an Predator on an tropical island. (It maybe sounds bad, but in fact this will be a fantastic movie)

The 4th Predator will be set inte the future when the human race finds the home world of the Predator race and soldiers and other experts is sent down to investigate the planet. This will be a very expensive movie and full of action.

Aliens Vs Predator 2 will be set direcly after the first, when the Predator ship chrash back on earth and some Predator-Aliens starts to rampage on earth.

The 3rd Aliens Vs Predator will how stoopid it may sound be set in the same era as Terminator 4, it will be Called "Aliens Vs Predator vs Terminator" exactly as the comics.

Now it's up to you to believe this or not... Ert it or spit it out!

Posted by: He who knows the truth! at September 26, 2005 11:26 PM

I personally don't forsee any good to come out of future movies in this franchise. I am a huge Alien and Predator fan, but Alien Res killed it for me. Ripleys story should have ended in A3...then the story could of continued down a different track and the far, far future setting that was portrayed in AR would have been more believable. Unless the story goes back to the original horror/scary environments...this story is doomed. I actually thought the 2nd predator movie was pretty cheesy. In the first movie, the woman said that the Predators only came once every hundred years...well that didnt happen now did it. AVP was just an insult...there was so much story to pull from and that dumb ass destroyed the movie with his own rendition of how things should happen. Come on...the girl was the only survivor? Like that hasnt been done before...and she was a sorry ass actress and completely unconvincing in the first place. If the movies didnt contradict themselves so much then they might be good...but apart from the first 3 Alien movies and the first Predator...they all sucked completely. The only way to recharge this franchise is to get some up and coming horror/sci-fi director and sign him on for 3 movies...write the entire script for all three movies at once and then have it approved by the creator of Aliens and Predator and then make the movies...does it sound like a lot...yeah...but then the movies would revitalize themselves and we would be back for the good ol scare you to death movies that made the series popular.

Posted by: MechoPower at September 27, 2005 08:57 AM