October 29, 2004

A Remake of The Fog.

I think John Carpenter himself says it best in the story at BBC's Film news:

"...now is the season of the remake."

It appears so John, whether we like it or not, and while you're on the subject, why not have a crack at remaking The Fog?...Oh, they are. He goes on to say:

"I have done it once, and I don't want to do it again," Carpenter said. "I did my Fog, and now it's someone else's time. It's very flattering. It's terrific that they want to make it. We have been thinking of doing The Fog over for some time, maybe as a sequel. But now is the season of the remake."

Well I would say it's good that he is on board as the Producer at least. However, is that a good thing or might it hinder a new Director with a new take on it? From the quote above it does sound as though he's been asked, since he thinks it's flattering. Someone obviously wants to make it rather than him just fishing for a remake.

Oh dear god. Did anyone else see that on Mr Carpenters IMDB resume? Halloween 9? ARRGHHHHHH!

Posted by at October 29, 2004 03:37 AM