September 28, 2004

X-Men 3 - Dark Pheonix?

darkphoenix.jpgI just loved X-Men 2. For my money (which isn't a lot) it's the best superhero genre flick of all time. Yeah I know most of you disagree, but I liked it more than either of the Spider-Man offerings or even Superman.

Now for those of you in "the know", at the end of X-Men 2 (and throughout the film really) we get glimpses of Jean Grey evolving or changing into Dark Phoenix (a character she becomes in the X-Men comics). And it looks like X3 could revolves around this character. Comic Book Movie gives us this:

Regarding casting, Halle Berry as Storm is still uncertain, the source said. "They're working on that." However, Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) is reportedly back on board as is Famke Janssen (Jean Grey) who has much more to do this time around, the insider said.
Now, we all knew that we'd see Dark Phoenix enter the scene at some point, but to be honest I was really hoping that they'd leave that for a while and move on to Apocalypse as the next major baddie! For those of you who don't read the comics, The Age of Apocalypse is one of the greatest comic stories ever told and would make a KILLER chapter in the X-Men film series.

But I'm not trying to complain. Any X3 movie is fine with me. I'm just glad they're moving ahead with it. I thought it might be finished when Singer jumped ship to direct Superman.

Posted by John Campea at September 28, 2004 07:16 AM


For what it's worth, I too think that X2 is the best superhero genre flick, though it is close to Batman.

Posted by: Diaz at September 28, 2004 09:04 AM

I agree that it would have been nice to have 1 movie without Jean Grey and then bring her back as Phoenix/Dark Phoenix, but as long as it's a quality flick, then I'm there.

I also read a report yesterday that Patrick Stewart stated that filming would begin in June, but that there was no director and no script yet.


Posted by: Marc at September 28, 2004 02:20 PM

Can we really expect this to go futher than a trilogy? You say skip a movie and then bring in the Dark Pheonix in number 4? I heard that Hugh Jackman had misgivings about doing X3 because he thought there was nothing left to do with Wolverine's character (they did kind of reveal in less than 2 hours what took me 4(?) years of comics to find out). Plus the fact that it will be hard to keep big name actors like Halle Berry in smaller roles.

I really hope to see Gambit, though. He's so kickass. I was so pissed that he wasn't in X2. Even Colossus had a couple lines in X2! Try and dig something up to see if anyone is being casted for that part for me would ya?

Posted by: Jonstafa at September 28, 2004 02:32 PM

yah yah AOA! i totally agree! best storyline ever!

Posted by: virgil at October 1, 2004 09:10 AM

I take credit for making John read the Age of Apocolypse series, as it was my copies he was reading.

As much as I would like to see the best story arc in X-History put to film, there is a lot that would have to lead up to it to make the alternate reality have so much impact. Unfortunately this is not likely to happen within 3 or even 6 movies.

That being said, the Apocolypse/En Saban Nuhr and Sinister/Dr. Essex plot would be a good step up to prove they plan on making more. Make the story deeper.

and Jonstrafa, if you go to you will see IMDB's entry for XMen3, which lists on its first line that Colossus, played by Daniel Cudmore, is the first actor mentioned.

They cut the idea of Gambit because he is too much like Wolverine. (Mysterious past, cocky attitude, sarcastic banter) and this is likely to keep him out of the XFilms for a while. At least they are keeping Nightcrawler, my fav XMan of all time.

Posted by: Rodney at October 3, 2004 07:40 PM

Look, It can go past a trilogy, if Rocky was successful and it had 5 and now a 6th coming, X-Men can make at least that many. I think X3 should have Dark Pheonix w/o Jean Grey. If you remember from the comics, Jean Grey was trapped in a cocoon at the bottom of the lake by Pheonix and Jean Grey came back a couple years later when she was rescued. She later married cyclops. More movies can be made about Cyclops too, especially since Apocalypse absorbs him (presumably killing him). and to answer your question before, that is why they can't come out with apocalypse yet, because he absorbs cyclops and cyclops can't disappear until much later when Jean Grey is rescued. I think that making a movie about Dark Pheonix as long as they finish up with Apocalypse. I think they should continue the X-Men stories all the way until Legion accidentally kills his father (Professor X). Even though as the comics are concerned its not over, for Movies it would be a fantastic Series! Let me know what you think!
Oh yeah, and it would definitely be kick ass to see Gambit!!

Posted by: Frank at October 14, 2004 02:23 PM

Look, It can go past a trilogy, if Rocky was successful and it had 5 and now a 6th coming, X-Men can make at least that many. I think X3 should have Dark Pheonix w/o Jean Grey. If you remember from the comics, Jean Grey was trapped in a cocoon at the bottom of the lake by Pheonix and Jean Grey came back a couple years later when she was rescued. She later married cyclops. More movies can be made about Cyclops too, especially since Apocalypse absorbs him (presumably killing him). and to answer your question before, that is why they can't come out with apocalypse yet, because he absorbs cyclops and cyclops can't disappear until much later when Jean Grey is rescued. I think that making a movie about Dark Pheonix is great as long as they finish up with Apocalypse. I think they should continue the X-Men stories all the way until Legion accidentally kills his father (Professor X). Even though as the comics are concerned its not over, for Movies it would be a fantastic Series! Let me know what you think!
Oh yeah, and it would definitely be kick ass to see Gambit!!

Posted by: Frank at October 14, 2004 02:25 PM

The problem with a Gambit character (as Rodney has often pointed out) is that he's too similar to the screen version of Wolverine. It is too bad... but it's probably better at this point to explore a wider range of characters... LIKE COLOSSUS!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: John Campea at October 14, 2004 04:20 PM

Very true campea it is good to explore a wider range of characters, but the comic gets to other characters through dark pheonix as the ultimate evil mutant, and its not until this time when we get to explore the other characters that fight against dark pheonix to free Jean Grey from the cocoon! Its absolutely necessary and any true Comic collector or just comic reader would know that! But Colossus is definitely cool, but for some reason Jean Grey is my favorite so i want this movie to be as accurate as possible, plus Fahmkee Jahnsen or however its spelled is really hott!!

Posted by: Frank at October 14, 2004 09:24 PM

I really can't wait for x3 but it's too bad that Gambit wont be on it, i really liked his character in the comics. I also loved Rogue, i hate the fact that they made her a teenager in the movies, she was sassy, fiesty, and raunchy. Now she's some scaredy cat teen who shows her side once in a while. When will she absorb the life of that other mutant and she's able to fly and kick ass like in the comics. SO far the movie version is ok. Halle Berry sucks ass if you ask me, she makes storm seem like a typical character with not too many lines. They should cast a tougher storm with more raw emotions and anger not like this pretty girl with nothing but lighting every once in a while. Give us a break with her PLEASE!

Posted by: malaika at October 22, 2004 08:34 PM

I hope they have the beast and angel in this one. I dont' really care for berry's storm.

Posted by: jdragon at December 20, 2004 11:37 AM

YEah, halle berry's storm isn't that good. But Gambit is definetly going to be in the x3, cos SHuler-Donner (the producer) loves him! But the argument is if he will actually get to be a character or a cameo. They have sooo much ground to cover from x2, I don't know if another director can handle all this material without drowning the story. Singer was just such a good director! The Spiderman 2 movie was bogged down with sappy crap, and I don't want to see that happen with x3.

Posted by: sue at December 27, 2004 03:57 PM
that's the link if u wanna see what he looks like plus he added the part to his resume. Anyways he is a stunt actor works for Stunts Canada and he will only be in the film for 20 secs. There ya go Gambit fans!

Found posted on so I thought peeps here might be interested in this news.

Posted by: Sonja at December 28, 2004 02:36 PM

i think the morlocks should be in

Posted by: dark cat at January 3, 2005 08:34 PM

you think so

Posted by: dark cat at January 3, 2005 08:35 PM

If you like Storm, then you have to put in a good Forge-Storm story and I am in!

Arent there plans for Wolverine's Japan sojourn with lady love Mariko? Now that will be a brilliant backdrop, or a totally separate film. Logan in Japan.

I also think the Morlocks will be kewl to be seen in any X-Men film.

But give us Dark Phoenix, please, please, please!!!

Posted by: Simone at January 10, 2005 05:35 PM

I'm confused on whether Gambit will be in X-3, but i sure hope he is. I do know that while Mystique (while in the shape as Lady Deathstrike [so hope she's in it too]) was looking for the information on cerebro 2, about two to three names above cerebro was Remy LeBeau!!! Go kick some ass Gambit!

I know many people think that Gambit won't be cast because his similarity with Wolverine, but i don't think this has to be true. Gambit is a kick butt character with a much more team player aspect to him. something not yet developed in the current wolverine. I just hope they don't throw out Gambits stick fighting!

Posted by: Joseph at January 24, 2005 09:47 PM

I think that Halle Berry was a GREAT Storm! She should totally take the role again. I agree with her. She should have a bigger role. Storm doesn't just sit around. She works her butt off and fights like crazy!!! I should know! I have read many X-Men comic books before. She is the best and I think Halle Berry should stay as Storm. No one can replace her. NO ONE!!!!

Posted by: Sophia at February 5, 2005 11:46 PM

Any Rogue in X3? I've looked around and can't find no info! Get Gambit in there! I want to see what Rogue looks like when she first sees 'im...

Posted by: Frank Blosttmor at February 20, 2005 10:31 PM

I'm all foe Halle Berry as Storm in X3. Just give her more lines! And typhoons against Pheonix! Now that would rock!(Is it Pheonix or Dark Pheonix?)

Posted by: Can't tell... at February 20, 2005 10:34 PM

Please,please,please,filmakers. Just break one rule! Put Ms. Marvel in X3! Rogue needs her super-strength and flight! Get her as the 'knock out people with one punch' girl she's always been!

Posted by: Can't tell... at February 20, 2005 10:41 PM

i hope you put white queen,jublee,havoc,angle,or bishop because i think that would be totally cool i also will be interested if the sentinals would be on dark
phinox`s side for some more action.

Posted by: alexis at April 22, 2005 09:53 AM

I think that they will put Gambit in X-3. But i heard on an iterview that they were choosing between Beast or Gambit. Apparently Angel is going to be the main part in X-3.
They will hopefully put Gambit in as Rogue and Gambit go together. But another rumour i heard was that Rogue is going to stay with Bobby becuase there to far into their relationship. But so what, i say putgambit in, make Rogue like him and Bobby, get swept off her feet by the cajun and decide that she's not right for Bobby.
I don't think Gambit would be very hard to put in the movie. He doesn't need a majour part really, he can just have a few scenes to himdself and perhaps with Rogue.
The Dark phoenix saga is going to be hard to put in. I think it will be really good, i'm not intrested in Jean but i do like the dark phoenix. I reckon that they will just make her survive and jean doesn't know how and in X-3 she discovers she has fire powers. I think that they should do X-4 on the dark phoenix saga.
Storm, well i'm not as intrested in her, but i can see where most of you are coming from when you say her character isn't as tough as she is in the comic. I think that the script writer has really made a few mistakes in his personality of the characters.
Rogue for exapmle. Her personality is feisty, kick ass and not afraid. Now as one of you pointed out she is scared, lonely and all that junk. Sure, she should of been scared in the first movie, i mean she had just dicovered her powers and she had been kidnapped, sure, but now she has a boyfriend and she doesn't seem depressed. Ms Marvel...hmm...i think they should of put her in the last one, but i doubt htey'd put her in this movie as it's going to be too full. I hope they make a good job on it.
And as one of you pointed out about when mystique when on the computer and Remy's name was on it. That means he was imprisioned, so our little Remy LeBeau is a very bad boy lol.

Posted by: Rogue 'N' Remy 4ev@ at May 31, 2005 02:12 PM

I think that they will put Gambit in X-3. But i heard on an iterview that they were choosing between Beast or Gambit. Apparently Angel is going to be the main part in X-3.
They will hopefully put Gambit in as Rogue and Gambit go together. But another rumour i heard was that Rogue is going to stay with Bobby becuase there to far into their relationship. But so what, i say putgambit in, make Rogue like him and Bobby, get swept off her feet by the cajun and decide that she's not right for Bobby.
I don't think Gambit would be very hard to put in the movie. He doesn't need a majour part really, he can just have a few scenes to himdself and perhaps with Rogue.

Posted by: Rogue 'N' Remy 4ev@ at May 31, 2005 02:13 PM

I think that they will put Gambit in X-3. But i heard on an iterview that they were choosing between Beast or Gambit. Apparently Angel is going to be the main part in X-3.
They will hopefully put Gambit in as Rogue and Gambit go together. But another rumour i heard was that Rogue is going to stay with Bobby becuase there to far into their relationship. But so what, i say putgambit in, make Rogue like him and Bobby, get swept off her feet by the cajun and decide that she's not right for Bobby.
I don't think Gambit would be very hard to put in the movie. He doesn't need a majour part really, he can just have a few scenes to himdself and perhaps with Rogue.

Posted by: Remy 'N' Rogue at May 31, 2005 02:15 PM

The Dark phoenix saga is going to be hard to put in. I think it will be really good, i'm not intrested in Jean but i do like the dark phoenix. I reckon that they will just make her survive and jean doesn't know how and in X-3 she discovers she has fire powers. I think that they should do X-4 on the dark phoenix saga.
Storm, well i'm not as intrested in her, but i can see where most of you are coming from when you say her character isn't as tough as she is in the comic. I think that the script writer has really made a few mistakes in his personality of the characters.
Rogue for exapmle. Her personality is feisty, kick ass and not afraid. Now as one of you pointed out she is scared, lonely and all that junk. Sure, she should of been scared in the first movie, i mean she had just dicovered her powers and she had been kidnapped, sure, but now she has a boyfriend and she doesn't seem depressed. Ms Marvel...hmm...i think they should of put her in the last one, but i doubt htey'd put her in this movie as it's going to be too full. I hope they make a good job on it.
And as one of you pointed out about when mystique when on the computer and Remy's name was on it. That means he was imprisioned, so our little Remy LeBeau is a very bad boy lol.

Posted by: Remy 'N' Rogue at May 31, 2005 02:17 PM

I know that Rogue seems much less feisty, but she doesn't have all the powers she had in the comics yet, she gets them from another girl (I can't remember what the character's name is) that puts her into a coma. That should happen, as Rogue is badass later on, but she's so young now...

and The pheonix story is great, and I want to see Gambit, but there are so many things that go on... I wish Singer was directing, as I agree that he did a simply fantastic job with X2, but I am an ever bigger fan of Supes, and would rather him do as good of a job with Superman Returns than on x3.

For sure though, with Spiderman 3 coming out about the same time, it's gonna be a great great great summer!!

Posted by: Mike Parks at August 13, 2005 12:16 AM

its not berry faught how the character turned out its the writters, she is just an actress doing what she is told, im sure if they wrote storm to be tuff, she could pull it off.

Posted by: ken at September 15, 2005 12:23 AM