September 07, 2004

Underworld Producer Tom Rosenberg Talks New Title for Underworld 2

Found this Tom Rosenberg quote via the good folks at FilmRot.Com:

"I think the real intense followers of the whole saga will really, really love the second one. It�s very intricate. It gives Selene�s history, Viktor�s history and then of course now Marcus is going to come out of the crypt. So it�s really cool. I�m excited about it. It�s much bigger action but still, we have to keep the coolness of it and not let the action overwhelm it. I like the whole world that�s created and you have to stay within that world. I don�t want to jam mindless nonstop action at the audience and this is going to still be story driven. But we�re going to have cool sequences and some bigger action, but if you do that on a sequel, and that�s what often happens, what�s the point? This story is better. This story is more intricate and more interesting. That�s what I really like about it".
As I mentioned back in September of 2003, Underworld was a bit of a let down for me... but... there was enough there in that world that would interest me in a sequel. I like what I'm hearing from Rosenberg so far. The problems with Underworld weren't the story, or the concept or even the characters. The problem with that film (in retrospect) was the execution. It could have been a better film. I SHOULD have been a better film. I'm curious to see if they can take all the great potential they have in place and generate something kinda special with it.

Posted by John Campea at September 7, 2004 07:27 AM


See I dug it throughout. I really did. And then after seeing Van Helsing, well good god, what an utterly brilliant movie Underworld became in my book!

At the moment, the only really negative thing I can think of is at the very end when we have the whole diagonal head slicing bit. God, I hate that one. It's been done to death (no pun intended) and just puerile and implausible.

Posted by: Rob at September 7, 2004 12:01 PM

Great, thanks

Posted by: Paul at September 7, 2004 03:56 PM

Underworld looks beautiful but ultimately in term of plot and the mythology, it was a very frustrating film for me. Most importantly the story was unconvincing to me. On the other hand, there is Blade 2. Now Blade 2 had lots of holes, but compare to Underworld, Blade 2 had better pacing and focus. By the end of it, it manages to take your mind of the hole and makes your mind hooked on the actions in motion.
What Underworld needs is a better director who really knows how to pace an action film.

Posted by: Aswad at September 7, 2004 09:27 PM

I totally enjoyed Underworld and I'm anticipating the Underworld II. When will it be released?

Posted by: Robin Burns at May 15, 2005 09:05 PM