September 14, 2004

Trailer Park Boys The Movie!!!

Some people may think this a bit of an exaggeration, but this has to potential to be the best Canadian based film news of all time. It looks like Ivan Reitman is about to put his weight behind getting a film version of The Trailer Parks Boys to the big screen. For those of you who have never heard of it, it's a Canadian show that has developed a huge following and is just hilarious. Cinescape gives us the following:

GHOSTBUSTERS director Ivan Reitman is working on a deal that will see him executive produce a TRAILER PARK BOYS feature film. The movie is based on a four-year-old hit TV series that airs in Canada about a trio of borderline criminals that grow dope and who live in a trailer park. The show has begun airing on BBC America. The movie version of the series will be directed by the show's creator, Mike Clattenburg. Reitman, who is a Canadian by birth, will also help provide financing for the movie. It's likely that the series stars will reprise their roles for the film.
If this really does get made, and they do it right... wow this could be good.

Posted by John Campea at September 14, 2004 07:22 AM


"drunk on swish, eating pizza crusts off the gorund and dancing with a dirty old dog"

/a dope trailer is no place for a kitty

Posted by: miles at September 14, 2004 09:24 AM

The funny thing is most of us act like this too! But these guys are getting rich.


Posted by: Bart at September 16, 2004 12:45 AM


Posted by: pistol pete at October 17, 2004 08:06 PM

"Fuck Off I Got Work To Do"

Posted by: kenosha wis. brian at November 9, 2004 09:41 PM

Yah uh.. hi there.. i haul shopping carts out of ponds and sell them back to the store for a living.. i've been doing it for 18 years so give me a fukin pay check

Posted by: Bubbles at November 14, 2004 01:47 AM

Randy: I can't get stoned Ricky!
Ricky: What do you mean, it's shitty work, everybody does it alright, carpenters, electrians, dishwashers, floor cleaners, lawyers, doctors, fucking polictians, cbc empolyees, prinicples and people who fucking paint the lines on roads!
Get stoned and get to work

Posted by: William at November 23, 2004 03:16 PM

Gettin drunk tonight Randy.
BIG time.

Posted by: Brent at December 14, 2004 12:14 AM

Fuck community college lets get drunk and eat chicken fingers

Posted by: ricky at December 14, 2004 01:37 PM

why dont u make like a tree and fuck off

Posted by: ricky at December 14, 2004 01:38 PM

I'm outa hear like shit to the wind.

Posted by: Jeff at December 24, 2004 09:16 PM

yo my mom met the guy who manages mike smiths(bubbles') band, sandbox, and he told her that ivan reitman will do the holy fuck im so hyper right now im takin a sleeping pill...he also said it should air around spring or summer and as i type this its january 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck by the way does anyone know where to get the beats from trailer park boys cuz them shits is dope......i jsut hope the scrilla that the boys make doesnt change the show cuz that would suck balls...fuckin right canada up in the heezee...and if you havent noticed....J-ROC AND THE ROCKPILE ARE THE DOPES MA'S UP IN DIS...nome sayyyyin

Posted by: Scott Holmes at January 18, 2005 10:33 PM

-Who's there??

Posted by: Lets go, 2 smokes. at January 24, 2005 05:17 AM

Bible Pimp: "Can you read my son?"
Bubbles: "That depends. Can you go fuck yourself?"

Posted by: Bible Pimp at January 27, 2005 05:04 AM

there already was a movie. It was on showcase years ago. bubbles and mr lahey weren't in it. It was about ricky and julian going around and killing dogs and cats for a living.

Posted by: z at February 6, 2005 08:52 PM

that's one fucking nice kitty!!!

shiiittt rock, where'd ya go?

Posted by: jessa at February 6, 2005 09:47 PM

thats hot jessa

Posted by: ryan at February 7, 2005 08:40 PM

yo bubbles u should of bitch slapped that mutha fucka and go smooth sailin

Posted by: chick magnet at February 15, 2005 04:27 PM

I just found out about the Trailer Park Boys movie. I can't F#@(*& believe it!!! I hope it's true. That would be "Da bomb"!!!

Posted by: Jason at February 16, 2005 10:32 PM

Trailer Park Boys, is the shit!!!!!!!!! I have never seen a show as funny as this one. Keep it up boys. CANADA ROCKS nome Sayyin!!!1!

Posted by: Kevin at March 1, 2005 11:15 PM

What ya doin, a noem sences, counting my noem sayyinz??????????

Posted by: Kev at March 1, 2005 11:18 PM

DO NOT MAKE A TRAILER PARK BOYS MOVIE. It will ruin the show for good. Making a movie would be an insult to anybody like me who started watching from the beginning not most of the people posting here would have seen 5-6 episode and don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

Posted by: REAL FAN at March 5, 2005 02:32 AM

DO NOT MAKE A TRAILER PARK BOYS MOVIE. It will ruin the show for good. Making a movie would be an insult to anybody like me who started watching from the beginning not most of the people posting here would have seen 5-6 episode and don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

Posted by: Real Fan at March 5, 2005 02:32 AM

they should only make a movie if they have a super small budget like the first season, then it would be good

Posted by: realer fan at March 7, 2005 06:55 PM

Trailer park boys is filmed in nova scotia..and thats cool..the 1st season was filmed in timerlea and now it filmed in Dartmouth?..maybe i dunno..bubbles and j-roc are the best characters..noma sayyin?
ma'fackas dont know J to tha R O C

rockpile we all up in this ma fuck..we hard as fuck

Posted by: Jake-101 at March 13, 2005 04:36 PM

I hear all this stuff about a trailer park boys movie that was played on IFC tv...has there already been a movie...i was watchin a taped episode from season 4 that a friend braught up and one of the commercials said "trailer park boys; the movie" tonight at 9 on ifc. WTF? is there already a movie?

Posted by: Nick at March 27, 2005 12:26 AM

The Roadies took the case away when we went to go get Hot Dogs.

Posted by: Trevor at March 27, 2005 10:00 PM

you show is fucking great and who doesent like it there fucking stupid and ricky keep on doign all thats fuckign bad shit dont take shot from thos fuck ups randy and that dick head so peace out rivky i love your eyes bubbels and julin fucking right you pim

Posted by: mathew at March 31, 2005 04:31 PM

Best fockin' shoe on the tee vee

Posted by: steve at April 17, 2005 06:35 PM

Best fockin' show on the tee vee

Posted by: steve at April 17, 2005 06:36 PM

omgomgomg! BUBBLES ROCKS...and Julians soooooo f**kin hott!!noma sayin?

Posted by: mizz.bubbles at April 19, 2005 08:27 PM

There has been a movie that was made before the whole show started out, it was about Ricky And Julian and did not include Bubbles, the reason was that Bubbles did not join the TPB cast only after the moive. Mike Smith "Bubbles" was creating the theme song for TPB the movie when they discovered his talen in acting while he was pretending to be Bubbles, a character he created since his childhood. So yes there has been a movie involving Ricky and Julian, where Ricky killed puppies for living, it was great but no as good as the three of them put toghether.

Posted by: Hussain Alkawi at April 23, 2005 03:08 PM

Ricky, you know who you are? Your Dope man......he can smoke a pound in a single bound

Season five episode two Julian,Cory,and Trevor steal Terry Dennis and Cyrus's hash then Ricky follows them and Bubbles follows Ricky in his go cart then Terry Dennis and Cyrus see Bubbles so they go and get in a big shoot out and they get busted but Ricky Julian and Bubbles don't go to jail. Now the boys have 100 kilograms of hash. I've seen all these episodes and have them on dvd so pay me $10.00 and I'll give you season 5 on [email protected]

Posted by: Mike Clattenburg at April 23, 2005 06:30 PM

man..season 5 is so good so far...better than i thought it would be

Posted by: Jake-101 at April 26, 2005 06:12 PM

grr..i cant believe you watch the show so much but have never seen the first was on the showcase review fer god sakes..
anyways..the movie is friggen sweet..go rent't you gone yet?

Posted by: Jake-101 at April 26, 2005 06:19 PM

hi man ur show is asome i wach almost evey show

Posted by: jason at April 27, 2005 12:05 PM

im also a real fan, ive been watching it since it came on and have all the episodes, know all the characters names and the actors who play them and i think it'd be a great thing to make a moive. Who cares if there are new fans. the lord of the rings books were out 60 years before the movie and look how many more fans the movie made.

Posted by: Another real fan at April 28, 2005 06:18 PM

im also a real fan, ive been watching it since it came on and have all the episodes, know all the characters names and the actors who play them and i think it'd be a great thing to make a moive. Who cares if there are new fans. the lord of the rings books were out 60 years before the movie and look how many more fans the movie made.amd ove seen the originaly movie and own it.

Posted by: Another real fan at April 28, 2005 06:19 PM

"J ROC you better straighten Panama Jack the fu*k out right now." - Bubbles

I love this show, unfortunatly I can only watch it on BBC America on Direct TV. Is Show Case a network available in the U.S.? Or is it only available in Canada. I guess im just gonna have to buy the DVD's.

"We'll get you some shroom's naw wat im sayin?"

Posted by: Big Fan In Alabam at May 1, 2005 08:37 PM

You idiots have loaded up a hair trigger double barrel shit machinegun and the barrel is pointed straight at you!!!

Posted by: Jim Lahey at May 2, 2005 03:01 AM

Check out for the best info on TPB!!

Posted by: melba at May 2, 2005 10:46 PM

can i get 15 half-eaten cheese burgers to go please.

Posted by: meowensteen at May 4, 2005 08:44 AM


Posted by: Justin at May 4, 2005 03:43 PM

get an irc client come to Efnet on irc and join #trailerparkboys

we'll hook yous up

Posted by: Smish at May 5, 2005 12:25 AM

that was ripped off one of the latest episodes.

Posted by: Smish at May 5, 2005 12:28 AM

that's pretty fucked that your trying to sell the trailer park boys season 5 episodes for money...
have you no respect...

download them for free via bit torrent at

and buy the real dvd set when it comes out!!!

Posted by: Pete at May 5, 2005 10:08 AM


christ, digitaldistractions sucks. we got all the eps ripped in High-Def.

digitaldisctractions is run by 12 year olds

Posted by: Smish at May 5, 2005 12:19 PM

you rule

Posted by: not tell at May 7, 2005 07:47 PM

yuo rock fuck you bitch

Posted by: not tellin at May 7, 2005 07:49 PM


Posted by: bubbles at May 7, 2005 07:51 PM

this show is the fuckin best show i ever seen. i have season 4 on dvd but have watched it from season 2.

Posted by: mr. lahey at May 9, 2005 06:08 PM

Are you people retarded? Trailer Park Boys was originally a movie. A little indie film, but still a movie. Haven't any of you ever seen it? The black and white scene at the beginning of the first episode of the first season is taken from it. There was no Bubbles, no Lahey, no J-ROC, the guy who played Randy played a completely different character (who wore a shirt). Those characters were all added for the show. Sam was there for a moment though, and Lucy, Ricky and Trinity lived in a house outside of the trailer park. Julian and Ricky were cokeheads who killed pets for a living. Other than giving up the coke their characters remained essentially the same. Corey and Trevor were in the original movie, they were the only real side characters from the show who were in the movie.

Once a trailer park boy, always a trailer park boy.

Posted by: TPB fan at May 11, 2005 12:00 AM

GO a head take me to jail! good people good friends good weed and its a wearm place to live! So FUCK OFF AND TAKE ME! NOW!!

Posted by: Adrian C at May 11, 2005 06:14 AM

trailer park boys rule... make the movie

from London,ON

Posted by: get r done at May 12, 2005 11:24 PM

his old man spanked him right on his bare ass in front of everyone.... skagnita, rogerita, .. all the ladies were there

Posted by: rock pile up in this ma at May 13, 2005 12:50 AM

i was just wondering if anyone knew if there is a relation between mr lahey and sarah (john dunsworth and sarah dunsworth)

Posted by: rock pile up in this ma at May 16, 2005 05:58 PM

2 Smokes Lets Go

Posted by: dan at May 19, 2005 09:03 AM

hey i wanted to know where to get the first TPB movie(black &white; format). I know its not available in stores but mabye thru bittorrent or emule. Mabye someone has it vid taped? anyway get back to me at my email, even if u dont have it, put me on ur email list, i will have it soon, i might even post it on my web site.

[email protected]

Posted by: Donnie at May 19, 2005 11:32 PM


Posted by: bubs at May 21, 2005 09:47 PM

hey does anyone know where i can find the soud bite for the guy that screams "what in the fuck" ?

Posted by: rock pile up in this ma at May 23, 2005 02:22 PM

Drunk As Fuck!!

Posted by: BaIn at May 24, 2005 01:59 PM

I got my copy of the movie from iMesh, actually, but it pretty much sucks so you might want to try something else, just look for it on whatever program you use you'll be able to find the original movie somewhere, it is out there.

Posted by: TPB Fan at May 24, 2005 11:37 PM

Sarah Dunsworth is John's daughter. They came here to Fredericton and answered a bunch of questions. We watched a couple of the episodes and then went to the bar. Unfortunately, Julian, Ricky and Bubbles didn't show up, but Randy was there with no shirt. They had free pizza and chicken fingers. It was a good time.

Posted by: Ray Oliver at May 25, 2005 07:34 AM

that fur on your face makes you look french
so i'll call you steve french


Posted by: cody e at May 25, 2005 07:07 PM

can smoke a pound in a single bound

Posted by: cody e at May 25, 2005 07:14 PM

Gowno wiecie!

Posted by: Randy at May 25, 2005 09:17 PM

Ricky- Who can go fuck who's self? NO YOU FUCK OFF YOU LITTLE FUCKER!!

Julian- Rick who the hell you talkin to?

Ricky- Fuckin squrral on my shoulder told me to fuck off

Posted by: Reeveen at May 29, 2005 05:46 PM

Now that it's all out and doesn't matter, in case no one here has heard, they start shooting June 20. So spring/summer airing is not gonna happen.

Posted by: i'll crank anyone of yas at May 29, 2005 09:29 PM

I'm not one to say I toad-a-so

but I toad-a-so, I fuc*in toad-a-so.


Posted by: Big Fan in Alabam at May 30, 2005 03:24 PM

The Trailer Park Boys come to the big screen!




HALIFAX, April 28 /CNW/ - Motion Picture Distribution LP is pleased to
announce that the hotly anticipated TRAILER PARK BOYS - THE MOVIE will
commence principal photography in Halifax in Summer 2005. TRAILER PARK BOYS -
THE MOVIE will team up series director, head writer and creator Mike
Clattenburg and the original cast with executive producer Ivan Reitman, the
creative force behind some of Hollywood's best-loved and successful comedies.
Mike Clattenburg, Barrie Dunn and Mike Volpe, the producers of the hit series
will produce the feature film along with Joe Medjuck and Jackie Marcus from
Montecito Pictures, Ivan Reitman's production company. Tom Pollock of
Montecito will also executive produce. Motion Picture Distribution LP will
release the film across Canada in Summer 2006.
The feature film will be bigger, better, stronger, and longer than
anything seen on television! With crazier antics, better dope, stronger
language (yes, it is possible) and the mother of all scams, will Ricky,
Julian, Bubbles and the rest of the Sunnyvale crew finally achieve Freedom-35?
Will Mr. Lahey and Randy be able to foil their plans? The answers to these
exciting questions and more will all be revealed.
The Trailer Park Boys began their rise to national and international fame
when producer Barrie Dunn convinced writer/director Mike Clattenburg to turn
an award-winning short film into the basis for a television series and in
2001, "Trailer Park Boys" debuted on Showcase Television. The series follows
the antics of Ricky (Robb Wells), Julian (John Paul Tremblay) and Bubbles
(Mike Smith) - three guys whose view of the world has been shaped by their
experience growing up in Sunnyvale Trailer Park. "Trailer Park Boys" quickly
grew in popularity and is now the highest-rated Canadian series on specialty
television(*) and has won a Gemini Award for Best Comedy Series. Now launching
its fifth season on Showcase, the show is also carried in the UK on the
Paramount Comedy Channel.
Ivan Reitman serves as Executive Producer on TRAILER PARK BOYS - THE
MOVIE. Reitman is best known for directing such classic comedies as Stripes,
Ghostbusters, Twins, Dave and Canada's beloved Meatballs. Reitman's producing
credits are just as extensive, including Animal House, Howard Stern's Private
Parts, Road Trip and Old School. Born in Czechoslovakia, raised in Canada and
living in Santa Barbara, Reitman continues to be a mentor to the Canadian film
community, helping bring to life popular Canadian projects such as TRAILER
In Halifax to attend a press conference today, Reitman commented on his
decision to become involved with the project. "TRAILER PARK BOYS represents a
fresh voice in contemporary comedy: well-defined characters with emotional
depth and hilarious writing. What might seem like effortless improvisation is
actually the product of Mike Clattenburg's focused vision and the talented
creative team that supports him."
Motion Picture Distribution LP plans to release the film across Canada in
Summer of 2006. "We are thrilled to work with such an amazing brand as TRAILER
PARK BOYS", says Patrice Théroux, President and COO, Motion Picture
Distribution LP. "And we couldn't have asked for a better mentor for this
project than Ivan Reitman."
"It was without a doubt the most irreverent and funny pitch our office
had ever seen," said Ralph Holt, National Feature Film Head, Telefilm Canada
on the pitch for the original series. "This team is experienced and was
determined to make this happen and the outcome has exceeded everyone's
expectations. Telefilm is thrilled to see this group hit the big screen."
Motion Picture Distribution's commitment to Canadian film continues with
It's All Gone Pete Tong, directed by Michael Dowse (FUBAR), starring Paul Kaye
and Mike Wilmot. Already well received in the US and scheduled for a UK
premiere on May 27, Motion Picture Distribution LP will release in Canada
starting June 10th.
TRAILER PARK BOYS - THE MOVIE is an Alliance Atlantis(*)(*) and Ivan
Reitman Presentation of a Trailer Park Production/Topsail Production and a
Mike Clattenburg Film. It is produced with the participation of Telefilm
Canada and the Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation in association with
Showcase Television with assistance from the Canadian Film and Video Tax
Credit and Nova Scotia Tax Credit.

Motion Picture Distribution LP is the largest distributor of motion
pictures in Canada, with a growing presence in motion picture distribution in
the United Kingdom and Spain, and a 24-screen chain of upscale cinemas in
Canada in partnership with Famous Players, a subsidiary of Viacom Inc. The
Company distributes filmed entertainment to theatres, on video and DVD, and to
television broadcasters. Unitholders of Movie Distribution Income Fund
(TSX: FLM.UN) hold a minority interest in Motion Picture Distribution LP.

(*) Source: Nielsen Media Research (NMR) (08/31/98-05/30/04) AMA Mo-Su
6a-6a. Analysis includes all non-news, non-sports programming based
on a single airing.

(*)(*) Alliance Atlantis with the stylized "A" design is licensed from
Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc., an indirect limited partner of
Motion Picture Distribution LP, not a general partner.

For further information: CONTACT: Dana Fields, Publicity Manager, Odeon
Films, Motion Picture Distribution LP, (416) 934-6961,
[email protected]

Posted by: Gilad at May 31, 2005 11:23 AM

thanks ray
"we can get two birds stoned at once"

Posted by: rock pile up in this ma at June 1, 2005 09:17 PM

Knock Knock,

Whos There,

Fuck of!

i been watchin trailer park boys loads lately, just go into it but had to watch all eps almost back to back i loved it so mush!

i think the movie will be good if they keep it like the episodes.. but it could easily be lame like the jackass movie..

i liked the 1st pilot movie allot i thought that was very cool!

also does anyone know howmany eps there are in season 5 i keep checking but i don't think they know and also but i thought there was 7 but there seems to have been an 8th added to the site?

any ideas anyone!?

Posted by: Goldi_Lox at June 3, 2005 10:43 AM

you guys fcking rock i am your biggest fan ever if if any of you wanabe fans think you know more than me than email me and well see [email protected]

Posted by: chris at June 7, 2005 03:15 PM

The best show created by canadians in the world, oh yeah. I love everthing about this show. It makes me laugh so much and very trippy when on drugs, lol.It will never get old to me. Fuck of Rickey, smokes, smokes lol. These of my favourite sayings from the characters trailer parkboys.

Posted by: Chaos at June 10, 2005 11:19 AM

Ok what's with all these dudes sayin' Ricky has beautiful eyes and Julian is soooo hot? Keep that fag shit to yourselves. Nobody wants to hear that shit. Anyway I live right over in New Brunswick and this show is definitely the shit. I'm glad it's airing now in the U.S. because they're television is so shitty it's pathetic. Everything is censored and just plain lame. I asked a few Americans if they've heard of Trailer Park Boys and they said no. I couldn't believe it. They were like "I think Canada's cool because they have South Park.". South Park? Oh my god if they think that's funny they have definitely gotta' watch this.

And about the movie... I don't know it would be cool but like someone said earlier it very well might ruin the show. I sure as hell hope not.

Keep up the good work guys, your show is my #1 show ever. You guys are geniuses and wicked ass actors too. Now the Americans can see that we're not a bunch of farmin' hicks like they all seem to think.

Posted by: Sleeping Peace at June 13, 2005 12:05 AM

great show, it has only just been shown in england where i live, keep it up, its the best show i have ever seen!!

Posted by: shit rock at June 13, 2005 03:23 PM

great show, it has only just been shown in england where i live, keep it up, its the best show i have ever seen!!

Posted by: shit rock at June 13, 2005 03:24 PM

hey! probably best thing to come out of Canada so keep it going boys. Mr Lahey rules!

Posted by: Mr Laheys Son at June 15, 2005 03:32 AM

There's no fool like an old fool, Leshitavus

Posted by: S.A. at June 16, 2005 01:55 AM

He can smoke a pound in a single bound


Posted by: S.A. at June 16, 2005 01:59 AM

There's no fool like an old fool, Leshitavus

Posted by: S.A. at June 16, 2005 02:04 AM

fuck off with the guns

Posted by: bradley savage at June 17, 2005 08:15 PM

fuck off with the guns

Posted by: danglyparts at June 17, 2005 08:18 PM

Shit apples don't fall far from the shit tree.

Posted by: chris at June 19, 2005 12:32 PM

this isnt rocket appliances

Posted by: rock pile up in this ma at June 19, 2005 03:25 PM

Got the dope operation up and going, but this time its gonna be fu**ing peach cake. Trevor chips, cory smokes.... fast, dicks!!!

Posted by: ihsan at June 19, 2005 08:57 PM

Raveen looking mutha #@$%@#

Posted by: Freak at June 21, 2005 04:21 AM

My cousin is friends with the fella who gets all the vehicles and shit for the trailer park boys and he got my cousin to fix up and rebuild a 69 snowmobile which is gonna be on the movie.i'm not 100% but i think there gonna put Hammer on the side of it and some wheels on it.if your wondering hammer is my cousins nickname because he used to box.


Posted by: Shitrock at June 21, 2005 12:44 PM

My cousin is friends with the fella who gets all the vehicles and shit for the trailer park boys and he got my cousin to fix up and rebuild a extremely bright 69 snowmobile which is gonna be on the movie.i'm not 100% but i think there gonna put Hammer on the side of it and some wheels on it.if your wondering hammer is my cousins nickname because he used to box.


Posted by: Shitrock at June 21, 2005 12:45 PM

sounds like another gay movie wat a surprise. i think lilly sould star in it

Posted by: snake at June 21, 2005 12:50 PM

Trailer Park Boys is the fucking funniest shit i've seen in along time... They are exactly like my friends lmao!!! Bubbles is the fucking BEST!!! Im getting a big kitty and naming it Steve French in honour of that show!!! haha!!! I just wish that i had that much Hash and Dope to smoke... That would be REAL Fucking nice!!

Posted by: Kristen at June 24, 2005 01:54 AM

the whole series started with a movie. dumb ma fuckas

Posted by: jfksjlf at June 26, 2005 03:52 PM

You know what a shit perometer is bubs?-no-mesures the shit pressure in the air. You can feel it-no i don't-oh but you will my sorry little friend when the old shit perometer rises and you'll feel it too, your ears will implode from the shit pressure. Hear dat bubs that's the sounds of the whispering winds of shit, you where warned my friend but ya picked the wrong side,beware shit winds are a comin. -Lahey-

Posted by: Vinny at July 14, 2005 02:14 AM

I don't care this show is unbeatable i could watch it whenever and it's hilarious-hears a double whammy but only give this out on special occasions.-Ricky-

Posted by: Vinny at July 14, 2005 02:23 AM

any real fan knows they already made a movie wich was pretty good. black and white but still good. it started the whole trailer park boys thing.

Posted by: Divine_Sage at July 15, 2005 12:26 AM

wow you should all read the previous posts before making your own, everything said in this page could be done in 3 messages. and your thanking who on this site? the cast? they didnt start, or read these forums,

Posted by: guh at July 16, 2005 12:40 PM

"It looks like a tropic earthquake tore through here.

Posted by: Dartmouthrox at July 18, 2005 11:53 PM

Boys, Did we tell you to stop and fuckin talk to us right now? No we didn't, so get the fuck out of here! (nerds)

Posted by: Proffesor at July 19, 2005 12:23 AM

u looking at my gut i know u werent looking at my gut fuck everyones looking at ur gut its fucking huge everyone take a good luck whats ur problem anyway u got a gut big fucking deal why do have a problem with that its not me that has a problem its u guys who keep looking at it ok ur fucked lol ricky the shit reminds me of my best friend to the T lol fucking keep it up guys tpb the best

Posted by: alvin at July 19, 2005 09:42 PM

Trailer Park Boys is the funniest program ive ever seen, i think its brillant that its from Canada. im from Ireland its only started here recently on TV! cant wait for season 5 guys and the film! keep up the good work! now fuck off i got work to do!

Posted by: mark at July 25, 2005 11:06 AM

You all are crazy. I am from the home town/trailer park of the original and you know what. It will always be a sucess. You all should just be happy you never met the real Ricky. And who the fuck is Julien anyways. Nice fictional character to off balance Rick's real ghetto ways

Posted by: The real trailer park trash-Patrick at July 25, 2005 01:41 PM

come on bubs you already took the blame come on thats what friends do."oh that doesnt make any fucking sense ricky maybe in your head it does"


Posted by: tyler at July 25, 2005 09:31 PM

im gonna get my grade 10, n everyone else can just catch a boat to fuck off land


Great show, make a movie

Posted by: Jared at July 26, 2005 07:04 AM

hahah that REAL FAN person who posted "DONT MAKE A TPB MOVIE" over and over isnt a fan at all. If they were a real fan, they would be happy for it.

So go eat some homemade fuckoffs.

Posted by: True Fan at July 27, 2005 12:13 PM

Hey lahey why the FUCK are u dressed as INDIANAPOLIS JONES?

Posted by: steven dope at July 29, 2005 03:00 PM

This movie is gonna be fuckin slammin, a'ight, so sit fuckin tight and hold the fuck on...Know what I'm s s s s s s ssaaaaayinnnnn?!?!!?

Posted by: ShitMobile at July 30, 2005 08:47 PM

Listen Steve Dope, Lahey dresses like mother fuckin Lahey, and nobody fuckin else, a'ight, so go fuck yourself and leave the man alone, mother fucker.

Posted by: ShitMobile at July 30, 2005 08:50 PM

that movie great whens it coming

Posted by: beeeeeeop at August 10, 2005 08:13 AM

fuck everyone im related to bubbles.

Posted by: dano at August 11, 2005 12:08 AM

sup ma fackas? im a huge fuckin trailer park boys fan. mike smith is the fuckin shit. robb wells and j.p. are fuckin awsome to. but even tho i love trailer park boys so fuckin much...does anyone know when season 5 will be out on dvd? its driving me fuckin nuts!!! please e-mail me or add me on [email protected] and when i sign in on msn,or if you add me, tell me or e-mail immdeiatly. thanks. oh and mike clattenburg is a smart fuckin man.
- I fuckin toad-a-so (lol,ricky)
- Im gonna open some semi-legit buisnesses (lol,julian)
- Holy FUCK! julian he has fireoworks,can we at least stay and watch those? (LOL,BUBBLES...MIKE SMITH ROCKS)

Posted by: andy adams at August 18, 2005 08:38 PM

Does anyone know any up-to-date info on the movie?

My Fav Ricky saying:
Ricky: knock knock
Randy: who's there Ricky
Ricky: Fuck off!!

Posted by: Robbie D at August 22, 2005 05:33 AM

You know what Randy? You're totally right. You know what I'm gonna do for you?



Posted by: Julian at August 22, 2005 09:09 AM

Trailer park boys are the shit. I love that fuckin show. I have every epesode on tape, including the movie and the christmas special. I can watch it over and over again, I watch it religiously, it's like a drug. I like the fact that it's a mockumentry, the way they talk and explain things into the camera. I't makes it feel like you know them personaly, like your one of them. I can really relate to these guys.I always smoke a big doobie and drink some beers while I watch it. I know every epesode like the back of my hand, I ace every quiz on line.

The big guy, that's God Ricky.
Ya god that's what I said, Santa.
Ricky, you know Santa and God are'nt the same guy, right?
Dad, you didn't know that, I mean think about it, how would he get around the world in one night, course it's the same person, right Bub's?

Grab a tree, nerds, let's go.
You can't get the tree out cause your a nerd. Why is there 2 nerds carrying one tree? One tree per nerd. God damn fuckin' nerds.

Now you got soup dummies making up fancy word papers about me being a bad father.

Jim, what are you doing drinking Rum in your underwear with a male prostitute?

I would like to make a request under the peoples choices and voices act that I be allowed to smoke and swear in your courtroom. Cause if I can't smoke and swear I am fucked and so are all of these guys. It's not fair and if you ask me it's a fuckin' mistrial.
Your honor, this man can't represnt anybody, he's a complete and total idiot.

Cubic Zarcarbian
Worst case Ontario
A tode a so
brain copartments
Child reports
Search warranty
Turtle cock
For ta say
Indianapilis Jones
Cahakee pants

Posted by: ladykiller at September 5, 2005 01:45 AM

They are making it, ive been on the set myself. It looks pretty funny! (i live in nova scotia)

Posted by: Dallin at September 5, 2005 04:13 PM

"What in the Fuck?!" are you dressed up like a bumblebee for? and why do you look like Indianapolis jones

Posted by: daveo at September 7, 2005 09:22 PM

well ive seen season five. anyone know when season 6 is comin out

Posted by: tpb fan at September 7, 2005 09:25 PM

Hey george c'mere, c'mere I gotta tell ya a secret c'mere (grabs radio) THIS IS GEORGE GREEN, FUCK OFF!!!


Posted by: Stevo at September 8, 2005 11:01 PM

Love the show. Anyways i've always wondered:

Can someone tell how they get away with it, all the stuff they do on this show?

-Do they need permission from police when they are filming the scenes that involve driving around in that piece of shit car?

-Is Mr Lahey really drunk during his drunk scenes? Some of his stumbles and slurs are so realistic, plus his eyes are glazed over. It doesn't seem like acting...

-The weed plants in season 4. Thats a whole field or real looking plants. How did they grow it? Did they grow that other type of plant that has no tch or whatever its called? Is it real marijuana? What is it? It looks real and there's alot of it...

-Is the show scripted or ad libbed? Or a combination of both? The acting seems so silly that its realistic. It's exactly what you'd really be watching if you walked into a trailer park with a handy cam and were allowed to film people's everyday lives.

-How on earth did they get Rita McNeil to do a scene where she harvest weed plants? I'm from Nova scotia too and she's a well respected longtime singer/local treasure here. It didn't offend me or anything but man, it didn't seem to offend anyone. How did they get away with that?

-Where can you find answers to these types of questions? There's hardly any good info on the net other than reviews and the stuff on official sites.

Posted by: Ricky pwns j00 at September 14, 2005 02:29 AM

i don't think i'll check through all these comments to see if this has already been mentioned, but...

the trailer park boys television series was based on a movie. so in effect this would be a second movie. and damn, how is this thread still going?

Posted by: bigwig at September 15, 2005 03:37 AM

The writer is simply amazing. I wonder if he's a big pot head himself? Anyhow, they need to make an episode with these fools gone fishin. I mean, the gun pit where julian and ricky rendezvous is ok. But they need to seriously leave the trailer ppl alone one day, and just chill the f$%! out. Someone's gonna lose an eye or a life if they keep poppin off those guns! But for real, I think a fishin episode would be classic..they would have the beer, the bunn and well continuous comedy as usual. So the characters would be perfect!!

Posted by: at September 20, 2005 05:00 PM

Most of the beats on Trailer Park Boys are made by Buck 65.

Posted by: Fabio at September 23, 2005 03:47 PM

Hey Fuck off, i cant roll my dope when your talking, fuckin Mr. Lahee, i cant wait for the movie YEAH, do you think people that do live in a trailer park enjoy the show? NO of coarse not they dont even have TV's

Posted by: Ricky at September 25, 2005 11:34 PM

I’ve just recently found out about trailer park boys. And every time there show ends i can’t weight for the next one. There show kicks ass and I think it would be really cool if they were to make a movie out of it, it would defenently boost the existence of the show and make a lot more fans thus it would make higher television ratings. Once they have increased the television ratings they get more funding that means they make more of the series and hopefully get it to something like scinfeld’s ratings. I’ve got to say that has very big potential.

Posted by: Nathan Corry at October 3, 2005 01:38 PM

Funny funny shit, Green Bastard where Bubbles announces Trevor v Jacob is hilarious. And the rap concert where Bubbles gets up and raps about kittys. :)

Posted by: N to the ICK at October 4, 2005 06:28 PM

first and foremost, I LOVE RICKY!!!!, im like a ricky-ette

but um, who knows when season 6 would start for TPB?, ive been wondering that for awhile now, ive got all the other seasons on DVD, besides season 5 , but, i need to know when season 6 is comin out!!!, add me to msn if u love TPB as much as i do!!!!

[email protected]

Peace and Love TPB lovers ;)

Posted by: Taidz (Ricky Lover) at October 5, 2005 01:53 PM

im from scotland and ther just finished showing tpb series 5 can any one tell me if series 6 is on in canada yet?????tpb is the funniest show in the whole world nothing beats settling down to tpb with a nice 6 paper joint lolol any one likes tpb as much as me add me to ur yahoo messenger [email protected] no m sayin!!!!

Posted by: shoutin n bawlin at October 9, 2005 11:04 PM

TPB - scotland salutes you - youd have 2 b shit-stupid not 2 luv it

anyone bored fancy chat ('spec re tpb!) add me 2 msn: [email protected]

lucy would well get it and bubbles is best character from any show, ever!

cant wait 4 the film...

Posted by: dan at October 13, 2005 04:09 PM

i think it is fuckin fabulous n i think tht bubbles is the best :( i fell for him loosing his shed n bubble maker

Posted by: luvin bubbles at October 14, 2005 06:49 PM


Posted by: smish at October 16, 2005 03:22 PM

Bubbles: You guys want to stay and watch? Do you want to see a rocket go Randy?
Randy: Does it really launch Bubbles?
Bubbles: Does it really launch? Does the tinman have a sheetmetal cock?
Hi Im from Canada and I have every single episode of Trailer Park Boys on my computer. My msn address is [email protected] add me if you want to chat. I can also help you with getting any episode you want including the original movie before the series began...

Posted by: SleepyMoney at October 18, 2005 12:14 AM

just so you guys no i maet Ricky and he dis not smoke dope.But he drank a beer with me and my dad plus a got the new poster with his
autogaraph on it.It sucks that i dided get to meat them all but ohwell.The first time i saw Ricky i dided no it was hime.
Do you guys no that Saras dad is mr Lahe lol.The first time Ricky toled me that.I allmost shit myslf.
but anyway if you want to no more just come to my site at or if you have ares go to smokers chatroom come in and smoke up the place.

Posted by: J rock at October 18, 2005 01:23 PM

When the pants come off , look the fuck out

Posted by: laker at October 18, 2005 09:18 PM

Ricky to Mr.Lahey: "And you can teach how 2 get drunk, get fired from the police force, become a lousy trailer park supervisor that sucks, hangs around with a fuckin' idiot that doesn't wear a shirt and looks like a dick but thinks he looks good 101..."

Posted by: Rusty Shackelford at October 21, 2005 01:56 AM

cyric is da biggest queer in history

Posted by: bubbles at October 26, 2005 02:04 PM