September 28, 2004

The Re-Introduction of Michael Keaton in White Noise

Keaton8.jpgEver walk through the video store and accidentally comes across an old movie that you haven't seen in YEARS and suddenly have flash backs of certain scenes that just absolutely made you HOWL? Yeah, well Johnny Dangerously is one of those flicks for me (and probably the ONLY half decent movie Joe Piscopo ever appeared in). For some reason, as a young kid, it just made me laugh my fool head off. The best part about it was the fact that it introduced me to one of the more interesting players in Hollywood: Michael Keaton.

Yes, before Dangerously there was the huge hit Mr. Mom and even the moderately successful Night Shift, but it was Dangerously that stuck in my head.

From there Keaton went on to do what even some of the best actors of all time haven't done... gone on to appear in solid comedy AND dramatic roles. For a short kinda awkward looking guy he managed to show amazing versatility. From Pacific Heights, Clean and Sober, One Good Cop, My Life, and the ENORMOUSLY underrated Desperate Measures to lighter comedy/fantasy/thriller stuff like Batman, Beetle Juice, Gung Ho (which I loved as a kid) and The Dream Team Keaton could take just about any genre, any film and just make them work. How many other actors can you say that about? Answer: Not Many.

However, Keaton started making some bad decisions about which films he appeared in. Multiplicity and Jack Frost are just a couple that come to mind. Then for the longest time Michael Keaton just sorta quietly dropped off the radar. Popping up once in a while in small cameo roles in a couple of films (like Out of Sight), but that was about it. Now, slowly, Keaton is starting to appear again and has a darn good looking horror on the horizons that marks his first serious leading role in a while... White Noise.

From what I can piece together, Keaton plays a guy who is desperate to make contact with his dead wife, but in doing so opens the door for something far more sinister to come through and start doing naughty things. Yes, the premise does sound a little like Stir of Echoes, but take my word for it... the trailer looks pretty darn snappy.

So it looks like Keaton may finally be back. I for one am glad to see it.

Posted by John Campea at September 28, 2004 06:52 AM


Dead scary, especially the build up before the film.

Johnny Dangerously! I forgot about that, that film is a real howler! I must see if it's on DVD.

"My mother called me that once...once!"

Posted by: Richard B at September 28, 2004 07:06 AM

That part at the beginning of Gung Ho where he is lost in the Japanese training center and walks in during the screaming session.......makes me laugh me rear off...." THOSE ARE RIBBONS OF SHAME!".....You might want to wear them on the inside!

Posted by: jay at September 28, 2004 08:31 AM

White Noise looks like it'll be an excellent thriller. In fact, it just may be too scary for me to see in the theater :)

Nice to see Keaton back in a leading role.


Posted by: Marc at September 28, 2004 02:15 PM

Finally, Mr. Keaton is BACK! I agree that Desperate Measures was underrated - it's a great thriller! Anyway, can't wait to see White Noise next year!

Posted by: trysop at September 29, 2004 11:39 AM

For me it was Night Shift that sold me on Keaton and I am JAZZED that he is coming back to the big screen! He has been missed!!

Posted by: mercer at October 1, 2004 03:07 PM

glad to see mk back. i look forward to see him in white noise.

Posted by: marco at December 17, 2004 12:48 AM