September 09, 2004

The New "Rat Pack" - Stiller, Wilson, Wilson, Vaughn, Ferrell

Something has evolved over the last couple of years. It started with Owen Willson and Ben Stiller appearing in a couple of films together. Zoolander (which I still think is damn funny even though most of you seems to think it sucks), Meet the Parents, and The Royal Tenenbaums (as well as becoming annual presenters together as the Oscars). Then this bubble started to expand to include Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn appearing in each others films. This is just a quick list off the top of my head:

Zoolander (Stiller, O.Wilson, Ferrell)
Meet The Parents (Stiller, O. Wilson)
The Royal Tenebaums (Stiller, O.Wilson, L. Wilson)
Old School (Vaughn, Ferrell, L.Wilson)
Starsky & Hutch (Stiller, O.Wilson, Vaughn, Ferrell)
Dodgeball (Stiller, Vaughn)
Anchorman (ALL of them)
Anyway, these are just a few that I've pulled off the top of my head. Now I'll come out and say that I've pretty much enjoyed all the films on that list. There's something novel about a group of actors that all work together in their projects... kinda making them a new Rat Pack of Hollywood. But now with the announcement of Outsourced (with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn), the question has arisen in our Comments Section if this is getting to be a bit too much... at least so regualrly. One reader, thesecretcafe, suggested the problem isn't that their stuff isn't good... it's just that we're getting oversaturated with their movies too fast. It seems like every 6 months a new Rat Pack film is coming out... and they all seem to have the same style of comedy to them (with the exception of Meet The Parents or Tenebaums). I mean let's face it, Ben Stiller's character in Dodgeball was basically the same guy as Zoolander with a bit of a mean streak (he even had one or two of the same lines).

The bottom line is this: I love all these guys, and to this point I've REALLY enjoyed all the films they've worked on together... but guys... SLOW DOWN. Maybe give us one film a year with 2 or more of you in it. Because at this rate, even though you're not getting old, your material is going to be... and I don't want to see that happen.

By the way folks... did I miss any of the movies they've been together in?

Posted by John Campea at September 9, 2004 06:50 AM


The Wilsons were in Bottle Rocket together.

Also, Stiller and Owen Wilson collaborated on Cable Guy. Stiller directed it and Owen Wilson had a small part in it.

Posted by: Steve at September 9, 2004 07:51 AM

Oooo... good stuff Steve!

Posted by: John Campea at September 9, 2004 07:54 AM

more power to them, they are funniest guys in hollywood right now. or at least they have the same sense of humor i do, as long as they keep working together, i am happy.

Posted by: miles at September 9, 2004 08:16 AM

Yeah, I agree with you Miles... I just want to make sure we don't get sick of them. Or maybe we wouldn't even if they put out a movie a week. Meh.

Posted by: John Campea at September 9, 2004 08:23 AM

Ok, there is some kind of mindjacking thing going on up in here. I have been planning a similar post for about a week, even been putting together a spreadsheet to see just how many movies they have been in together. Oh well, at least I can stop that friggin spreadsheet. By the way you can add Jack Black to that list. He has cameoed in a few movies and Ferrell is going to be in the new Tenacious D movie. Also a couple smaller actors you will see pop up in their moives are Alan McKay and Missi Pyle.

Posted by: Bombadil at September 9, 2004 08:48 AM

Stiller & O.Wilson were together in the drama, Permanant Midnight, Vaughn was in Zoolander as one of Zoolander's brothers & Stiller & Vaughn were in a skit at the MTV Movie Awards pitching film ideas to Peter Jackson. And I think these guys can still continue to do more movies without wearing out there welcome, because they're all good at improv.

Posted by: Rawhead at September 9, 2004 10:32 AM

yeah, and Jeremy Piven is popping up occasioanly, he is the guy who played dean pritchard and also played brick (who probably had the bets lines in the film)

and i guess john is right and i hope i odn;t get sick of them, like i got sick of family guy after i watched every episode 10 times, but with such a large group, it will probably keep evolving with so many influences.

Posted by: miles at September 9, 2004 12:29 PM

If you're going to add Jack Black to the list, like Bombadil suggested, then you can throw Orange County in to the mix which has Jack Black, with an amazing cameo by Stiller.

Posted by: twitch at September 9, 2004 09:21 PM

TV star [Valerie/ Hogan Family] Jason Bateman has also begun to joning their ranks; from Starsky and Hutch, and Dodgeball.

Posted by: Splot at September 12, 2004 01:34 AM

I'm loving every movie these guys have brought out, how ever i think the role that vaughn played in dodgeball would have been more suitable for luke wilson!!! i was rather disapointed with vaughn's roll, i thought he was excellent in starsky and hutch, very funny.i havent yet seen all the movies they star in together but i'm very keen to so if anyone knows anymore could you say so. thanx.
my favorite movie of theres would have to be zoolander!!!! i could watch that movie over and over and still laugh at every joke.
cool site mwa mwa luv char

Posted by: charlotte at September 15, 2004 07:21 AM

I was only just saying that i thought these guys were gonna be the new rat pack of our age, and then i come across this site....strange. Love 'em. Looking forward to many more laughs.

Posted by: Rachael at September 15, 2004 07:26 AM

You could also add jack black to the rat pack, he was in anchorman and ben stiller was in orange country and he was with ben stiller in envy and there are probably more that im forgetting.

Posted by: Gedalia Goomber at October 19, 2004 02:02 AM

You could also add jack black to the rat pack, he was in anchorman and ben stiller was in orange country and he was with ben stiller in envy and there are probably more that im forgetting. i did however like the old rat pack (adam sandler, rob schnider, norm macdonald chris farley etc)but this one is good too

ps zoolander is my favorite movie

Posted by: gedalia at October 19, 2004 02:04 AM

Funny guys. Funny noses.

Posted by: Crystal at October 22, 2004 10:24 PM

Its crazy...I loved Will Ferrell like 4 or 5 years ago on SNL when he was a mere cheerleader. I became a HUGE owen Wilson fan when I saw bottle rocket, which if you havent seen it, TRUST ME, it should be the first thing you put effort towards after reading this post. I have never laughed at so many parts in a movie. Keep in mind, its dead pan, a lof of it is dry and subtle, but boy is it there. Then 2 years ago in college I discovered Vince Vaugn in Swingers and Made baby, and it was money. Not to mention Ben Stiller stealing us in Meet the Parents, Zoolander, and originally Something about Mary. All 3 GREAT MOVIES. People say Stiller is overated, no way, those 3 movies alone, awesome. Not to mention the eventual Dodgeball hit. I am on the fence about Jack Black in the frat pack, dont get me wrong,I love him, and hes been in a few with the boys, if it were up to me, id include him, but a few more movies would solidify it for certain. Also with him, Orange County was one of those flicks, got the dvd and watched a bunch of times...Now all of a sudden, these guys come together and are like a group...needless to say im pumped, I love all these guys seperately, really enjoy their work, and boom they start working together more and more, I love it, and hope they keep it up. All of these gentlemen are hilarious. Keep up the good work!

Posted by: Bob at November 2, 2004 11:51 AM

Its crazy...I loved Will Ferrell like 4 or 5 years ago on SNL when he was a mere cheerleader. I became a HUGE owen Wilson fan when I saw bottle rocket, which if you havent seen it, TRUST ME, it should be the first thing you put effort towards after reading this post. I have never laughed at so many parts in a movie. Keep in mind, its dead pan, a lof of it is dry and subtle, but boy is it there. Then 2 years ago in college I discovered Vince Vaugn in Swingers and Made baby, and it was money. Not to mention Ben Stiller stealing us in Meet the Parents, Zoolander, and originally Something about Mary. All 3 GREAT MOVIES. People say Stiller is overated, no way, those 3 movies alone, awesome. Not to mention the eventual Dodgeball hit. I am on the fence about Jack Black in the frat pack, dont get me wrong,I love him, and hes been in a few with the boys, if it were up to me, id include him, but a few more movies would solidify it for certain. Also with him, Orange County was one of those flicks, got the dvd and watched a bunch of times...Now all of a sudden, these guys come together and are like a group...needless to say im pumped, I love all these guys seperately, really enjoy their work, and boom they start working together more and more, I love it, and hope they keep it up. All of these gentlemen are hilarious. Keep up the good work!

Posted by: Bob at November 2, 2004 11:51 AM

If you include Jack Black, which you should, add Bong Water to the movie list. That had Jack Black and Luke Wilson in it.

Posted by: Eric at December 7, 2004 06:05 AM

I love these guys!

Posted by: jay at December 8, 2004 03:43 PM

You have to include Jack Black! From The Cable Guy to Anchorman he has been right there along with these guys.
I hate to admit it, because I love these films and I love the fact that there is a dynasty building with these guys, but I am afraid that, and I'm quoting someone ele, we may become over saturated.
However, I would rather them keep making movies together until I got sick of seeing them rather then quit now.

Posted by: jay at December 8, 2004 03:48 PM

Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn are going to be in a movie called Outsourced next year.

Also, Will Farrell will have a small roll in the wedding crashers

Posted by: andy at January 3, 2005 01:34 PM

I would love to see a movie where they all star equally in it. Not just one where one or two of them are the big star and the rest make small cameos.

Posted by: Brandon at January 15, 2005 07:20 PM visit here all stuff on all5

Posted by: emma at January 18, 2005 08:46 AM

Owen Wilson isn't in the anchorman

Posted by: lucy at March 11, 2005 08:15 AM

jack black doesnt belong in the frat pack
just as jerry lewis didn't belong in the rat pack

Posted by: Dutty at April 4, 2005 06:14 PM

guys guys please your forgetting someone who is just as good and probably in some cases better than these guys, mr bill murray. he has a small role in the royal tennenbaums with these guys and also in rushmore with luke wilson playing a small part and owen wilson co writing with director wes anderson. and if you havent seen the life aquatic with steve zissou you really need to. both murray and wilson are dynamite in it. i know hes not considered one of that younger generations group but i wish he was. hes a genius and i hope to see him making more films with wes anderson and the rest of those guys

Posted by: matt at April 22, 2005 06:52 PM

Ben Stiller's character Tony Perkis in Heavyweights is more similar to his character White Goodman in Dodgeball rather than Zoolander(not even in the same ball park)...all i keep hearing is that his roles are all the same ...try watching the movie first before the quick judgement.

Posted by: dan at July 14, 2005 07:45 PM

Jeremy Piven was in Old School, but he did not play Brick in Anchorman, as claimed earlier by someone.

Posted by: Nate at July 17, 2005 07:40 AM

Great work mate! However, I don't think Anchorman featured Owen Wilson.

I make it (not all of these are out yet):

Outsourced (VV, OW)
Danny Roane (BS, OW)
The Mirror (BS, OW)
Wedding Crashers (VV, OW, WF)
Wendell Baker Story (WF, OW, LW)
Meet the Fockers (BS, OW)
Anchorman (BS, WF, VV, LW)
Starsky & Hutch (BS, WF, VV, OW)
Around the World in 80 Days (OW, LW)
Dodgeball (BS, VV)
Old School (VV, WF, LW)
Zoolander (BS, WF, VV, OW)
The Royal Tenenbaums (BS, OW, LW)
Meet the Parents (BS, OW)
The Surburbans (BS, WF)
Rushmore (OW, LW)
Permanent Midnight (BS, OW)
The Cable Guy (BS, OW)
Bottle Rocket (OW, LW)

So a total of 19 films, with Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson popping up the most often. None of them have yet featured all 5 but three of the films have featured 4.

Posted by: Dunnie Boy at September 1, 2005 09:58 AM

Wedding Crashers is the best. Will Ferrell Kicks butt in it.
Jack Black is part of the pack he has been involved in 4 or 5 thats almost luke wilson maybe he is the sixth men . If i had to pu them in order.

O. Wilson
L. Wilson

Posted by: Oli at September 5, 2005 12:06 AM

I was wondering how many people had thought the same as me - these movies are all hilarious, and the actors work so well together and it would be interesting to actually compile a list of the group and their films. I'm certainly nowhere near sick of them, but maybe they should slow down a tad, and I know I'll be able to watch anchorman another million times and it'll still be funny anyway. Good work people.

Posted by: Lyndonkey at October 2, 2005 12:32 AM