September 28, 2004

The Movie Blog Passes 1000 Posts - No One Cares But Me

JohnHey everyone, John here. I don't know how I let this one slip under my nose (especially since I was keeping an eye on it earlier this month), but early last week The Movie Blog passed the 1000 post marker. It's good to celebrate little milestones. So today, to celebrate, I shall put on some brand spanking new underwear and perhaps even shave! LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!

I've had such a blast with this little website I started just over a year ago. I've met some very cool people, it's got me on TV, Radio, and it even gets me into my movies for free... something that could otherwise cost me millions of dollars a month (Thank you SOOOO much Cineplex Odeon!!!). A whole lot of those 1000+ posts were done by other people along the way. Bubba (now Master Sensi over at Twitch FIlm), Day-Vuh, Rod, Brad, Dave and a few others. But this isn't about them. THIS IS ABOUT ME DAMNIT! So all Hail me! Cheers.

Posted by John Campea at September 28, 2004 07:36 AM



Posted by: miles at September 28, 2004 08:17 AM

Congratulations! You've done a nice job und earned your "all movies for free"-ticket. ;) Keep on rollin ...

Posted by: Igor at September 28, 2004 08:29 AM

Congrats, man! Keep posting and let IMDB be with you. :)

Posted by: Leonid at September 28, 2004 09:09 AM

Congrats indeed. I've only been reading for a few months, but I like this blog a lot. (And you're hot to boot.)

Posted by: C at September 28, 2004 09:19 AM

thanks for the site. i started reading about 6 months ago. started supplying bubba with info and he invited me to write at ... but i still pop in here...!

Posted by: logboy at September 28, 2004 01:19 PM

I've only been around for a week or so, but this seems like a great place to catch up on my entertainment news and post my 2 cents. Thanks for all of the effort that you put into this place, John, and keep up the great work!


Posted by: Marc at September 28, 2004 02:23 PM

Awww... thanks guys! You're making me feel all warm in the tender places.

Posted by: John Campea at September 28, 2004 04:54 PM

Hello John

I am not impressed with your comments towards your old friends and colleagues who have worked with you so tirelessly for so long. Such a callous remark for such long term dedication to you and this project is not appropriate -- badly done John, badly done!
aka Mom

Posted by: Christine at September 28, 2004 07:23 PM

democracy is so dull and lifeless.
why not vote for a dictatorship and authoritarian rule!
hmmm i wonder if wong kar wai is going to make a movie about my life and my small penis.

Posted by: monk at September 28, 2004 07:34 PM


Congrats! I'm at a measly 176 entries at Screen Rant. :-)

But seriously, can you give me some tips on the free movie thing? I write plenty of reviews that get cross posted to IMDB, and I'd like to know how to get into screenings or at least get passes.



Posted by: Screen Rant at September 28, 2004 09:39 PM

Well done you. Excellent site with some great info. Just been popping in a for about a month, and I got so excited when I managed to give you some info before you had it! :)

Great idea for the site and I'm just so jealous someone got it running and manages to get free passes.

If you need anymore reviewing done! ;)

Posted by: Richardb at September 29, 2004 02:07 AM

Great job! I only discovered your site a couple months ago but try to visit at least once a day to get the latest on what's going on with movies.

Here's to another 1000!

Posted by: Fred at September 29, 2004 06:19 AM

Piffle! Twitch is at 200 in just over three weeks ... I think I need a social life ...

Posted by: Bubba at September 29, 2004 10:29 PM

Great site! Just discovered it, keep up the good work!

Posted by: AceyJ at October 5, 2004 07:32 AM

Great site! Just discovered it, keep up the good work!

Posted by: AceyJ at October 5, 2004 07:33 AM